import { AGENT_LANGCHAIN_NODE_TYPE, AI_TRANSFORM_NODE_TYPE, CHAIN_LLM_LANGCHAIN_NODE_TYPE, CHAIN_SUMMARIZATION_LANGCHAIN_NODE_TYPE, EXECUTE_WORKFLOW_NODE_TYPE, HTTP_REQUEST_NODE_TYPE, HTTP_REQUEST_TOOL_LANGCHAIN_NODE_TYPE, LANGCHAIN_CUSTOM_TOOLS, MERGE_NODE_TYPE, OPENAI_LANGCHAIN_NODE_TYPE, STICKY_NODE_TYPE, WEBHOOK_NODE_TYPE, WORKFLOW_TOOL_LANGCHAIN_NODE_TYPE, } from './Constants'; import { ApplicationError } from './errors/application.error'; import type { IConnection, INode, INodeNameIndex, INodesGraph, INodeGraphItem, INodesGraphResult, IWorkflowBase, INodeTypes, IDataObject, IRunData, ITaskData, } from './Interfaces'; import { getNodeParameters } from './NodeHelpers'; export function getNodeTypeForName(workflow: IWorkflowBase, nodeName: string): INode | undefined { return workflow.nodes.find((node) => === nodeName); } export function isNumber(value: unknown): value is number { return typeof value === 'number'; } const countPlaceholders = (text: string) => { const placeholder = /(\{[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\})/g; let returnData = 0; try { const matches = text.matchAll(placeholder); for (const _ of matches) returnData++; } catch (error) {} return returnData; }; const countPlaceholdersInParameters = (parameters: IDataObject[]) => { let returnData = 0; for (const parameter of parameters) { if (!parameter.value) { //count parameters provided by model returnData++; } else { //check if any placeholders in user provided value returnData += countPlaceholders(String(parameter.value)); } } return returnData; }; type XYPosition = [number, number]; function areOverlapping( topLeft: XYPosition, bottomRight: XYPosition, targetPos: XYPosition, ): boolean { return ( targetPos[0] > topLeft[0] && targetPos[1] > topLeft[1] && targetPos[0] < bottomRight[0] && targetPos[1] < bottomRight[1] ); } const URL_PARTS_REGEX = /(?.*?\..*?)(?\/.*)/; export function getDomainBase(raw: string, urlParts = URL_PARTS_REGEX): string { try { const url = new URL(raw); return [url.protocol, url.hostname].join('//'); } catch { const match = urlParts.exec(raw); if (!match?.groups?.protocolPlusDomain) return ''; return match.groups.protocolPlusDomain; } } function isSensitive(segment: string) { if (/^v\d+$/.test(segment)) return false; return /%40/.test(segment) || /\d/.test(segment) || /^[0-9A-F]{8}/i.test(segment); } export const ANONYMIZATION_CHARACTER = '*'; function sanitizeRoute(raw: string, check = isSensitive, char = ANONYMIZATION_CHARACTER) { return raw .split('/') .map((segment) => (check(segment) ? char.repeat(segment.length) : segment)) .join('/'); } /** * Return pathname plus query string from URL, anonymizing IDs in route and query params. */ export function getDomainPath(raw: string, urlParts = URL_PARTS_REGEX): string { try { const url = new URL(raw); if (!url.hostname) throw new ApplicationError('Malformed URL'); return sanitizeRoute(url.pathname); } catch { const match = urlParts.exec(raw); if (!match?.groups?.pathname) return ''; // discard query string const route = match.groups.pathname.split('?').shift() as string; return sanitizeRoute(route); } } function getNumberOfItemsInRuns(runs: ITaskData[]): number { return runs.reduce((total, run) => { const data = ?? {}; let count = 0; Object.keys(data).forEach((type) => { const conn = data[type] ?? []; conn.forEach((branch) => { count += (branch ?? []).length; }); }); return total + count; }, 0); } export function generateNodesGraph( workflow: Partial, nodeTypes: INodeTypes, options?: { sourceInstanceId?: string; nodeIdMap?: { [curr: string]: string }; isCloudDeployment?: boolean; runData?: IRunData; }, ): INodesGraphResult { const { runData } = options ?? {}; const nodeGraph: INodesGraph = { node_types: [], node_connections: [], nodes: {}, notes: {}, is_pinned: Object.keys(workflow.pinData ?? {}).length > 0, }; const nameIndices: INodeNameIndex = {}; const webhookNodeNames: string[] = []; const notes = (workflow.nodes ?? []).filter((node) => node.type === STICKY_NODE_TYPE); const otherNodes = (workflow.nodes ?? []).filter((node) => node.type !== STICKY_NODE_TYPE); notes.forEach((stickyNote: INode, index: number) => { const stickyType = nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion(STICKY_NODE_TYPE, stickyNote.typeVersion); if (!stickyType) { return; } let nodeParameters: IDataObject = {}; try { nodeParameters = getNodeParameters(, stickyNote.parameters, true, false, stickyNote, ) ?? {}; } catch { // prevent node param resolution from failing graph generation } const height: number = typeof nodeParameters.height === 'number' ? nodeParameters.height : 0; const width: number = typeof nodeParameters.width === 'number' ? nodeParameters.width : 0; const topLeft = stickyNote.position; const bottomRight: [number, number] = [topLeft[0] + width, topLeft[1] + height]; const overlapping = Boolean( otherNodes.find((node) => areOverlapping(topLeft, bottomRight, node.position)), ); nodeGraph.notes[index] = { overlapping, position: topLeft, height, width, }; }); // eslint-disable-next-line complexity otherNodes.forEach((node: INode, index: number) => { nodeGraph.node_types.push(node.type); const nodeItem: INodeGraphItem = { id:, type: node.type, version: node.typeVersion, position: node.position, }; if (runData?.[]) { const runs = runData[] ?? []; nodeItem.runs = runs.length; nodeItem.items_total = getNumberOfItemsInRuns(runs); } if (options?.sourceInstanceId) { nodeItem.src_instance_id = options.sourceInstanceId; } if ( && options?.nodeIdMap?.[]) { nodeItem.src_node_id = options.nodeIdMap[]; } if (node.type === AI_TRANSFORM_NODE_TYPE && options?.isCloudDeployment) { nodeItem.prompts = { instructions: node.parameters.instructions as string }; } else if (node.type === AGENT_LANGCHAIN_NODE_TYPE) { nodeItem.agent = (node.parameters.agent as string) ?? 'conversationalAgent'; } else if (node.type === MERGE_NODE_TYPE) { nodeItem.operation = node.parameters.mode as string; } else if (node.type === HTTP_REQUEST_NODE_TYPE && node.typeVersion === 1) { try { nodeItem.domain = new URL(node.parameters.url as string).hostname; } catch { nodeItem.domain = getDomainBase(node.parameters.url as string); } } else if (node.type === HTTP_REQUEST_NODE_TYPE && node.typeVersion > 1) { const { authentication } = node.parameters as { authentication: string }; nodeItem.credential_type = { none: 'none', genericCredentialType: node.parameters.genericAuthType as string, predefinedCredentialType: node.parameters.nodeCredentialType as string, }[authentication]; nodeItem.credential_set = node.credentials ? Object.keys(node.credentials).length > 0 : false; const { url } = node.parameters as { url: string }; nodeItem.domain_base = getDomainBase(url); nodeItem.domain_path = getDomainPath(url); nodeItem.method = node.parameters.requestMethod as string; } else if (HTTP_REQUEST_TOOL_LANGCHAIN_NODE_TYPE === node.type) { if (!nodeItem.toolSettings) nodeItem.toolSettings = {}; nodeItem.toolSettings.url_type = 'other'; nodeItem.toolSettings.uses_auth = false; nodeItem.toolSettings.placeholders = 0; nodeItem.toolSettings.query_from_model_only = false; nodeItem.toolSettings.headers_from_model_only = false; nodeItem.toolSettings.body_from_model_only = false; const toolUrl = (node.parameters?.url as string) ?? ''; nodeItem.toolSettings.placeholders += countPlaceholders(toolUrl); const authType = (node.parameters?.authentication as string) ?? ''; if (authType && authType !== 'none') { nodeItem.toolSettings.uses_auth = true; } if (toolUrl.startsWith('{') && toolUrl.endsWith('}')) { nodeItem.toolSettings.url_type = 'any'; } else if (toolUrl.includes('')) { nodeItem.toolSettings.url_type = 'google'; } if (node.parameters?.sendBody) { if (node.parameters?.specifyBody === 'model') { nodeItem.toolSettings.body_from_model_only = true; } if (node.parameters?.jsonBody) { nodeItem.toolSettings.placeholders += countPlaceholders( node.parameters?.jsonBody as string, ); } if (node.parameters?.parametersBody) { const parameters = (node.parameters?.parametersBody as IDataObject) .values as IDataObject[]; nodeItem.toolSettings.placeholders += countPlaceholdersInParameters(parameters); } } if (node.parameters?.sendHeaders) { if (node.parameters?.specifyHeaders === 'model') { nodeItem.toolSettings.headers_from_model_only = true; } if (node.parameters?.jsonHeaders) { nodeItem.toolSettings.placeholders += countPlaceholders( node.parameters?.jsonHeaders as string, ); } if (node.parameters?.parametersHeaders) { const parameters = (node.parameters?.parametersHeaders as IDataObject) .values as IDataObject[]; nodeItem.toolSettings.placeholders += countPlaceholdersInParameters(parameters); } } if (node.parameters?.sendQuery) { if (node.parameters?.specifyQuery === 'model') { nodeItem.toolSettings.query_from_model_only = true; } if (node.parameters?.jsonQuery) { nodeItem.toolSettings.placeholders += countPlaceholders( node.parameters?.jsonQuery as string, ); } if (node.parameters?.parametersQuery) { const parameters = (node.parameters?.parametersQuery as IDataObject) .values as IDataObject[]; nodeItem.toolSettings.placeholders += countPlaceholdersInParameters(parameters); } } } else if (node.type === WEBHOOK_NODE_TYPE) { webhookNodeNames.push(; } else if ( node.type === EXECUTE_WORKFLOW_NODE_TYPE || node.type === WORKFLOW_TOOL_LANGCHAIN_NODE_TYPE ) { if (node.parameters?.workflowId) { nodeItem.workflow_id = node.parameters?.workflowId as string; } } else { try { const nodeType = nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion(node.type, node.typeVersion); if (nodeType) { const nodeParameters = getNodeParameters(, node.parameters, true, false, node, ); if (nodeParameters) { const keys: Array<'operation' | 'resource' | 'mode'> = [ 'operation', 'resource', 'mode', ]; keys.forEach((key) => { if (nodeParameters.hasOwnProperty(key)) { nodeItem[key] = nodeParameters[key]?.toString(); } }); } } } catch (e: unknown) { if (!(e instanceof Error && e.message.includes('Unrecognized node type'))) { throw e; } } } if (options?.isCloudDeployment === true) { if (node.type === OPENAI_LANGCHAIN_NODE_TYPE) { nodeItem.prompts = (((node.parameters?.messages as IDataObject) ?? {}).values as IDataObject[]) ?? []; } if (node.type === AGENT_LANGCHAIN_NODE_TYPE) { const prompts: IDataObject = {}; if (node.parameters?.text) { prompts.text = node.parameters.text as string; } const nodeOptions = node.parameters?.options as IDataObject; if (nodeOptions) { const optionalMessagesKeys = [ 'humanMessage', 'systemMessage', 'humanMessageTemplate', 'prefix', 'suffixChat', 'suffix', 'prefixPrompt', 'suffixPrompt', ]; for (const key of optionalMessagesKeys) { if (nodeOptions[key]) { prompts[key] = nodeOptions[key] as string; } } } if (Object.keys(prompts).length) { nodeItem.prompts = prompts; } } if (node.type === CHAIN_SUMMARIZATION_LANGCHAIN_NODE_TYPE) { nodeItem.prompts = ( (((node.parameters?.options as IDataObject) ?? {}) .summarizationMethodAndPrompts as IDataObject) ?? {} ).values as IDataObject; } if (LANGCHAIN_CUSTOM_TOOLS.includes(node.type)) { nodeItem.prompts = { description: (node.parameters?.description as string) ?? '', }; } if (node.type === CHAIN_LLM_LANGCHAIN_NODE_TYPE) { nodeItem.prompts = (((node.parameters?.messages as IDataObject) ?? {}).messageValues as IDataObject[]) ?? []; } if (node.type === MERGE_NODE_TYPE && node.parameters?.operation === 'combineBySql') { nodeItem.sql = node.parameters?.query as string; } } nodeGraph.nodes[index.toString()] = nodeItem; nameIndices[] = index.toString(); }); const getGraphConnectionItem = (startNode: string, connectionItem: IConnection) => { return { start: nameIndices[startNode], end: nameIndices[connectionItem.node] }; }; Object.keys(workflow.connections ?? []).forEach((nodeName) => { const connections = workflow.connections?.[nodeName]; if (!connections) { return; } Object.keys(connections).forEach((key) => { connections[key].forEach((element) => { (element ?? []).forEach((element2) => { nodeGraph.node_connections.push(getGraphConnectionItem(nodeName, element2)); }); }); }); }); return { nodeGraph, nameIndices, webhookNodeNames }; }