import { NodeOperationError, NodeConnectionType } from 'n8n-workflow'; import type { ConnectionTypes, IExecuteFunctions, INodeExecutionData } from 'n8n-workflow'; import type { Tool } from '@langchain/core/tools'; import type { BaseMessage } from '@langchain/core/messages'; import type { InputValues, MemoryVariables, OutputValues } from '@langchain/core/memory'; import { BaseChatMessageHistory } from '@langchain/core/chat_history'; import type { BaseCallbackConfig, Callbacks } from '@langchain/core/callbacks/manager'; import { Embeddings } from '@langchain/core/embeddings'; import { VectorStore } from '@langchain/core/vectorstores'; import type { Document } from '@langchain/core/documents'; import { TextSplitter } from '@langchain/textsplitters'; import { BaseChatMemory } from '@langchain/community/memory/chat_memory'; import { BaseRetriever } from '@langchain/core/retrievers'; import { BaseOutputParser, OutputParserException } from '@langchain/core/output_parsers'; import { isObject } from 'lodash'; import type { BaseDocumentLoader } from 'langchain/dist/document_loaders/base'; import { N8nJsonLoader } from './N8nJsonLoader'; import { N8nBinaryLoader } from './N8nBinaryLoader'; import { logAiEvent, isToolsInstance } from './helpers'; const errorsMap: { [key: string]: { message: string; description: string } } = { 'You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.': { message: 'OpenAI quota exceeded', description: 'You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.', }, }; export async function callMethodAsync( this: T, parameters: { executeFunctions: IExecuteFunctions; connectionType: ConnectionTypes; currentNodeRunIndex: number; method: (...args: any[]) => Promise; arguments: unknown[]; }, ): Promise { try { return await, ...parameters.arguments); } catch (e) { // Langchain checks for OutputParserException to run retry chain // for auto-fixing the output so skip wrapping in this case if (e instanceof OutputParserException) throw e; // Propagate errors from sub-nodes if (e.functionality === 'configuration-node') throw e; const connectedNode = parameters.executeFunctions.getNode(); const error = new NodeOperationError(connectedNode, e, { functionality: 'configuration-node', }); if (errorsMap[error.message]) { error.description = errorsMap[error.message].description; error.message = errorsMap[error.message].message; } parameters.executeFunctions.addOutputData( parameters.connectionType, parameters.currentNodeRunIndex, error, ); if (error.message) { error.description = error.message; throw error; } throw new NodeOperationError( connectedNode, `Error on node "${}" which is connected via input "${parameters.connectionType}"`, { functionality: 'configuration-node' }, ); } } export function callMethodSync( this: T, parameters: { executeFunctions: IExecuteFunctions; connectionType: ConnectionTypes; currentNodeRunIndex: number; method: (...args: any[]) => T; arguments: unknown[]; }, ): unknown { try { return, ...parameters.arguments); } catch (e) { // Propagate errors from sub-nodes if (e.functionality === 'configuration-node') throw e; const connectedNode = parameters.executeFunctions.getNode(); const error = new NodeOperationError(connectedNode, e); parameters.executeFunctions.addOutputData( parameters.connectionType, parameters.currentNodeRunIndex, error, ); throw new NodeOperationError( connectedNode, `Error on node "${}" which is connected via input "${parameters.connectionType}"`, { functionality: 'configuration-node' }, ); } } export function logWrapper( originalInstance: | Tool | BaseChatMemory | BaseChatMessageHistory | BaseOutputParser | BaseRetriever | Embeddings | Document[] | Document | BaseDocumentLoader | TextSplitter | VectorStore | N8nBinaryLoader | N8nJsonLoader, executeFunctions: IExecuteFunctions, ) { return new Proxy(originalInstance, { get: (target, prop) => { let connectionType: ConnectionTypes | undefined; // ========== BaseChatMemory ========== if (originalInstance instanceof BaseChatMemory) { if (prop === 'loadMemoryVariables' && 'loadMemoryVariables' in target) { return async (values: InputValues): Promise => { connectionType = NodeConnectionType.AiMemory; const { index } = executeFunctions.addInputData(connectionType, [ [{ json: { action: 'loadMemoryVariables', values } }], ]); const response = (await, { executeFunctions, connectionType, currentNodeRunIndex: index, method: target[prop], arguments: [values], })) as MemoryVariables; const chatHistory = (response?.chat_history as BaseMessage[]) ?? response; executeFunctions.addOutputData(connectionType, index, [ [{ json: { action: 'loadMemoryVariables', chatHistory } }], ]); return response; }; } else if (prop === 'saveContext' && 'saveContext' in target) { return async (input: InputValues, output: OutputValues): Promise => { connectionType = NodeConnectionType.AiMemory; const { index } = executeFunctions.addInputData(connectionType, [ [{ json: { action: 'saveContext', input, output } }], ]); const response = (await, { executeFunctions, connectionType, currentNodeRunIndex: index, method: target[prop], arguments: [input, output], })) as MemoryVariables; const chatHistory = await target.chatHistory.getMessages(); executeFunctions.addOutputData(connectionType, index, [ [{ json: { action: 'saveContext', chatHistory } }], ]); return response; }; } } // ========== BaseChatMessageHistory ========== if (originalInstance instanceof BaseChatMessageHistory) { if (prop === 'getMessages' && 'getMessages' in target) { return async (): Promise => { connectionType = NodeConnectionType.AiMemory; const { index } = executeFunctions.addInputData(connectionType, [ [{ json: { action: 'getMessages' } }], ]); const response = (await, { executeFunctions, connectionType, currentNodeRunIndex: index, method: target[prop], arguments: [], })) as BaseMessage[]; const payload = { action: 'getMessages', response }; executeFunctions.addOutputData(connectionType, index, [[{ json: payload }]]); void logAiEvent(executeFunctions, '', { response }); return response; }; } else if (prop === 'addMessage' && 'addMessage' in target) { return async (message: BaseMessage): Promise => { connectionType = NodeConnectionType.AiMemory; const payload = { action: 'addMessage', message }; const { index } = executeFunctions.addInputData(connectionType, [[{ json: payload }]]); await, { executeFunctions, connectionType, currentNodeRunIndex: index, method: target[prop], arguments: [message], }); void logAiEvent(executeFunctions, '', { message }); executeFunctions.addOutputData(connectionType, index, [[{ json: payload }]]); }; } } // ========== BaseOutputParser ========== if (originalInstance instanceof BaseOutputParser) { if (prop === 'parse' && 'parse' in target) { return async (text: string | Record): Promise => { connectionType = NodeConnectionType.AiOutputParser; const stringifiedText = isObject(text) ? JSON.stringify(text) : text; const { index } = executeFunctions.addInputData(connectionType, [ [{ json: { action: 'parse', text: stringifiedText } }], ]); try { const response = (await, { executeFunctions, connectionType, currentNodeRunIndex: index, method: target[prop], arguments: [stringifiedText], })) as object; void logAiEvent(executeFunctions, '', { text, response }); executeFunctions.addOutputData(connectionType, index, [ [{ json: { action: 'parse', response } }], ]); return response; } catch (error) { void logAiEvent(executeFunctions, '', { text, response: error.message ?? error, }); executeFunctions.addOutputData(connectionType, index, [ [{ json: { action: 'parse', response: error.message ?? error } }], ]); throw error; } }; } } // ========== BaseRetriever ========== if (originalInstance instanceof BaseRetriever) { if (prop === 'getRelevantDocuments' && 'getRelevantDocuments' in target) { return async ( query: string, config?: Callbacks | BaseCallbackConfig, ): Promise => { connectionType = NodeConnectionType.AiRetriever; const { index } = executeFunctions.addInputData(connectionType, [ [{ json: { query, config } }], ]); const response = (await, { executeFunctions, connectionType, currentNodeRunIndex: index, method: target[prop], arguments: [query, config], })) as Array>>; void logAiEvent(executeFunctions, '', { query }); executeFunctions.addOutputData(connectionType, index, [[{ json: { response } }]]); return response; }; } } // ========== Embeddings ========== if (originalInstance instanceof Embeddings) { // Docs -> Embeddings if (prop === 'embedDocuments' && 'embedDocuments' in target) { return async (documents: string[]): Promise => { connectionType = NodeConnectionType.AiEmbedding; const { index } = executeFunctions.addInputData(connectionType, [ [{ json: { documents } }], ]); const response = (await, { executeFunctions, connectionType, currentNodeRunIndex: index, method: target[prop], arguments: [documents], })) as number[][]; void logAiEvent(executeFunctions, ''); executeFunctions.addOutputData(connectionType, index, [[{ json: { response } }]]); return response; }; } // Query -> Embeddings if (prop === 'embedQuery' && 'embedQuery' in target) { return async (query: string): Promise => { connectionType = NodeConnectionType.AiEmbedding; const { index } = executeFunctions.addInputData(connectionType, [ [{ json: { query } }], ]); const response = (await, { executeFunctions, connectionType, currentNodeRunIndex: index, method: target[prop], arguments: [query], })) as number[]; void logAiEvent(executeFunctions, ''); executeFunctions.addOutputData(connectionType, index, [[{ json: { response } }]]); return response; }; } } // ========== N8n Loaders Process All ========== if ( originalInstance instanceof N8nJsonLoader || originalInstance instanceof N8nBinaryLoader ) { // Process All if (prop === 'processAll' && 'processAll' in target) { return async (items: INodeExecutionData[]): Promise => { connectionType = NodeConnectionType.AiDocument; const { index } = executeFunctions.addInputData(connectionType, [items]); const response = (await, { executeFunctions, connectionType, currentNodeRunIndex: index, method: target[prop], arguments: [items], })) as number[]; executeFunctions.addOutputData(connectionType, index, [[{ json: { response } }]]); return response; }; } // Process Each if (prop === 'processItem' && 'processItem' in target) { return async (item: INodeExecutionData, itemIndex: number): Promise => { connectionType = NodeConnectionType.AiDocument; const { index } = executeFunctions.addInputData(connectionType, [[item]]); const response = (await, { executeFunctions, connectionType, currentNodeRunIndex: index, method: target[prop], arguments: [item, itemIndex], })) as number[]; void logAiEvent(executeFunctions, ''); executeFunctions.addOutputData(connectionType, index, [ [{ json: { response }, pairedItem: { item: itemIndex } }], ]); return response; }; } } // ========== TextSplitter ========== if (originalInstance instanceof TextSplitter) { if (prop === 'splitText' && 'splitText' in target) { return async (text: string): Promise => { connectionType = NodeConnectionType.AiTextSplitter; const { index } = executeFunctions.addInputData(connectionType, [ [{ json: { textSplitter: text } }], ]); const response = (await, { executeFunctions, connectionType, currentNodeRunIndex: index, method: target[prop], arguments: [text], })) as string[]; void logAiEvent(executeFunctions, ''); executeFunctions.addOutputData(connectionType, index, [[{ json: { response } }]]); return response; }; } } // ========== Tool ========== if (isToolsInstance(originalInstance)) { if (prop === '_call' && '_call' in target) { return async (query: string): Promise => { connectionType = NodeConnectionType.AiTool; const { index } = executeFunctions.addInputData(connectionType, [ [{ json: { query } }], ]); const response = (await, { executeFunctions, connectionType, currentNodeRunIndex: index, method: target[prop], arguments: [query], })) as string; void logAiEvent(executeFunctions, '', { query, response }); executeFunctions.addOutputData(connectionType, index, [[{ json: { response } }]]); return response; }; } } // ========== VectorStore ========== if (originalInstance instanceof VectorStore) { if (prop === 'similaritySearch' && 'similaritySearch' in target) { return async ( query: string, k?: number, // @ts-ignore filter?: BiquadFilterType | undefined, _callbacks?: Callbacks | undefined, ): Promise => { connectionType = NodeConnectionType.AiVectorStore; const { index } = executeFunctions.addInputData(connectionType, [ [{ json: { query, k, filter } }], ]); const response = (await, { executeFunctions, connectionType, currentNodeRunIndex: index, method: target[prop], arguments: [query, k, filter, _callbacks], })) as Array>>; void logAiEvent(executeFunctions, '', { query }); executeFunctions.addOutputData(connectionType, index, [[{ json: { response } }]]); return response; }; } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return return (target as any)[prop]; }, }); }