import { isEqual, isNull, merge, isObject, reduce, get } from 'lodash';
import type {
} from 'n8n-workflow';
import { ApplicationError, jsonParse, randomInt } from 'n8n-workflow';

 * Creates an array of elements split into groups the length of `size`.
 * If `array` can't be split evenly, the final chunk will be the remaining
 * elements.
 * @param {Array} array The array to process.
 * @param {number} [size=1] The length of each chunk
 * @example
 * chunk(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 2)
 * // => [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]
 * chunk(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 3)
 * // => [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d']]

export function chunk<T>(array: T[], size = 1) {
	const length = array === null ? 0 : array.length;
	if (!length || size < 1) {
		return [];
	let index = 0;
	let resIndex = 0;
	const result = new Array(Math.ceil(length / size));

	while (index < length) {
		result[resIndex++] = array.slice(index, (index += size));
	return result as T[][];

 * Shuffles an array in place using the Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm
 * @param {Array} array The array to shuffle.
export const shuffleArray = <T>(array: T[]): void => {
	for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
		const j = randomInt(i + 1);
		[array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];

 * Flattens an object with deep data
 * @param {IDataObject} data The object to flatten
 * @param {string[]} prefix The prefix to add to each key in the returned flat object
export const flattenKeys = (obj: IDataObject, prefix: string[] = []): IDataObject => {
	return !isObject(obj)
		? { [prefix.join('.')]: obj }
		: reduce(
				(cum, next, key) => merge(cum, flattenKeys(next as IDataObject, [...prefix, key])),

 * Takes a multidimensional array and converts it to a one-dimensional array.
 * @param {Array} nestedArray The array to be flattened.
 * @example
 * flatten([['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']])
 * // => ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

export function flatten<T>(nestedArray: T[][]) {
	const result = [];

	(function loop(array: T[] | T[][]) {
		for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
			if (Array.isArray(array[i])) {
				loop(array[i] as T[]);
			} else {

	//TODO: check logic in MicrosoftSql.node.ts

	return result as any;

 * Compares the values of specified keys in two objects.
 * @param {T} obj1 - The first object to compare.
 * @param {T} obj2 - The second object to compare.
 * @param {string[]} keys - An array of keys to compare.
 * @param {boolean} disableDotNotation - Whether to use dot notation to access nested properties.
 * @returns {boolean} - Whether the values of the specified keys are equal in both objects.
export const compareItems = <T extends { json: Record<string, unknown> }>(
	obj1: T,
	obj2: T,
	keys: string[],
	disableDotNotation: boolean = false,
): boolean => {
	let result = true;
	for (const key of keys) {
		if (!disableDotNotation) {
			if (!isEqual(get(obj1.json, key), get(obj2.json, key))) {
				result = false;
		} else {
			if (!isEqual(obj1.json[key], obj2.json[key])) {
				result = false;
	return result;

export function updateDisplayOptions(
	displayOptions: IDisplayOptions,
	properties: INodeProperties[],
) {
	return => {
		return {
			displayOptions: merge({}, nodeProperty.displayOptions, displayOptions),

export function processJsonInput<T>(jsonData: T, inputName?: string) {
	let values;
	const input = inputName ? `'${inputName}' ` : '';

	if (typeof jsonData === 'string') {
		try {
			values = jsonParse(jsonData);
		} catch (error) {
			throw new ApplicationError(`Input ${input} must contain a valid JSON`, { level: 'warning' });
	} else if (typeof jsonData === 'object') {
		values = jsonData;
	} else {
		throw new ApplicationError(`Input ${input} must contain a valid JSON`, { level: 'warning' });

	return values;

function isFalsy<T>(value: T) {
	if (isNull(value)) return true;
	if (typeof value === 'string' && value === '') return true;
	if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 0) return true;
	return false;

const parseStringAndCompareToObject = (str: string, arr: IDataObject) => {
	try {
		const parsedArray = jsonParse(str);
		return isEqual(parsedArray, arr);
	} catch (error) {
		return false;

export const fuzzyCompare = (useFuzzyCompare: boolean, compareVersion = 1) => {
	if (!useFuzzyCompare) {
		//Fuzzy compare is false we do strict comparison
		return <T, U>(item1: T, item2: U) => isEqual(item1, item2);

	return <T, U>(item1: T, item2: U) => {
		//Both types are the same, so we do strict comparison
		if (!isNull(item1) && !isNull(item2) && typeof item1 === typeof item2) {
			return isEqual(item1, item2);

		if (compareVersion >= 2) {
			//Null, 0 and "0" treated as equal
			if (isNull(item1) && (isNull(item2) || item2 === 0 || item2 === '0')) {
				return true;

			if (isNull(item2) && (isNull(item1) || item1 === 0 || item1 === '0')) {
				return true;

		//Null, empty strings, empty arrays all treated as the same
		if (isFalsy(item1) && isFalsy(item2)) return true;

		//When a field is missing in one branch and isFalsy() in another, treat them as matching
		if (isFalsy(item1) && item2 === undefined) return true;
		if (item1 === undefined && isFalsy(item2)) return true;

		//Compare numbers and strings representing that number
		if (typeof item1 === 'number' && typeof item2 === 'string') {
			return item1.toString() === item2;

		if (typeof item1 === 'string' && typeof item2 === 'number') {
			return item1 === item2.toString();

		//Compare objects/arrays and their stringified version
		if (!isNull(item1) && typeof item1 === 'object' && typeof item2 === 'string') {
			return parseStringAndCompareToObject(item2, item1 as IDataObject);

		if (!isNull(item2) && typeof item1 === 'string' && typeof item2 === 'object') {
			return parseStringAndCompareToObject(item1, item2 as IDataObject);

		//Compare booleans and strings representing the boolean (’true’, ‘True’, ‘TRUE’)
		if (typeof item1 === 'boolean' && typeof item2 === 'string') {
			if (item1 === true && item2.toLocaleLowerCase() === 'true') return true;
			if (item1 === false && item2.toLocaleLowerCase() === 'false') return true;

		if (typeof item2 === 'boolean' && typeof item1 === 'string') {
			if (item2 === true && item1.toLocaleLowerCase() === 'true') return true;
			if (item2 === false && item1.toLocaleLowerCase() === 'false') return true;

		//Compare booleans and the numbers/string 0 and 1
		if (typeof item1 === 'boolean' && typeof item2 === 'number') {
			if (item1 === true && item2 === 1) return true;
			if (item1 === false && item2 === 0) return true;

		if (typeof item2 === 'boolean' && typeof item1 === 'number') {
			if (item2 === true && item1 === 1) return true;
			if (item2 === false && item1 === 0) return true;

		if (typeof item1 === 'boolean' && typeof item2 === 'string') {
			if (item1 === true && item2 === '1') return true;
			if (item1 === false && item2 === '0') return true;

		if (typeof item2 === 'boolean' && typeof item1 === 'string') {
			if (item2 === true && item1 === '1') return true;
			if (item2 === false && item1 === '0') return true;

		return isEqual(item1, item2);

export function wrapData(data: IDataObject | IDataObject[]): INodeExecutionData[] {
	if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
		return [{ json: data }];
	return => ({
		json: item,

export const keysToLowercase = <T>(headers: T) => {
	if (typeof headers !== 'object' || Array.isArray(headers) || headers === null) return headers;
	return Object.entries(headers).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
		acc[key.toLowerCase()] = value as IDataObject;
		return acc;
	}, {} as IDataObject);

 * Formats a private key by removing unnecessary whitespace and adding line breaks.
 * @param privateKey - The private key to format.
 * @returns The formatted private key.
export function formatPrivateKey(privateKey: string, keyIsPublic = false): string {
	if (keyIsPublic) {
		regex = /(PUBLIC KEY)/;
	if (!privateKey || /\n/.test(privateKey)) {
		return privateKey;
	let formattedPrivateKey = '';
	const parts = privateKey.split('-----').filter((item) => item !== '');
	parts.forEach((part) => {
		if (regex.test(part)) {
			formattedPrivateKey += `-----${part}-----`;
		} else {
			const passRegex = /Proc-Type|DEK-Info/;
			if (passRegex.test(part)) {
				part = part.replace(/:\s+/g, ':');
				formattedPrivateKey += part.replace(/\\n/g, '\n').replace(/\s+/g, '\n');
			} else {
				formattedPrivateKey += part.replace(/\\n/g, '\n').replace(/\s+/g, '\n');
	return formattedPrivateKey;

 * @TECH_DEBT Explore replacing with handlebars
export function getResolvables(expression: string) {
	if (!expression) return [];

	const resolvables = [];
	const resolvableRegex = /({{[\s\S]*?}})/g;

	let match;

	while ((match = resolvableRegex.exec(expression)) !== null) {
		if (match[1]) {

	return resolvables;

 * Flattens an object with deep data
 * @param {IDataObject} data The object to flatten
export function flattenObject(data: IDataObject) {
	const returnData: IDataObject = {};
	for (const key1 of Object.keys(data)) {
		if (data[key1] !== null && typeof data[key1] === 'object') {
			if (data[key1] instanceof Date) {
				returnData[key1] = data[key1]?.toString();
			const flatObject = flattenObject(data[key1] as IDataObject);
			for (const key2 in flatObject) {
				if (flatObject[key2] === undefined) {
				returnData[`${key1}.${key2}`] = flatObject[key2];
		} else {
			returnData[key1] = data[key1];
	return returnData;

 * Capitalizes the first letter of a string
 * @param {string} string The string to capitalize
export function capitalize(str: string): string {
	if (!str) return str;

	const chars = str.split('');
	chars[0] = chars[0].toUpperCase();

	return chars.join('');

export function generatePairedItemData(length: number): IPairedItemData[] {
	return Array.from({ length }, (_, item) => ({

 * Output Paired Item Data Array
 * @param {number | IPairedItemData | IPairedItemData[] | undefined} pairedItem
export function preparePairedItemDataArray(
	pairedItem: number | IPairedItemData | IPairedItemData[] | undefined,
): IPairedItemData[] {
	if (pairedItem === undefined) return [];
	if (typeof pairedItem === 'number') return [{ item: pairedItem }];
	if (Array.isArray(pairedItem)) return pairedItem;
	return [pairedItem];

export const sanitizeDataPathKey = (item: IDataObject, key: string) => {
	if (item[key] !== undefined) {
		return key;

	if (
		(key.startsWith("['") && key.endsWith("']")) ||
		(key.startsWith('["') && key.endsWith('"]'))
	) {
		key = key.slice(2, -2);
		if (item[key] !== undefined) {
			return key;
	return key;

 * Escape HTML
 * @param {string} text The text to escape
export function escapeHtml(text: string): string {
	if (!text) return '';
	return text.replace(/&amp;|&lt;|&gt;|&#39;|&quot;/g, (match) => {
		switch (match) {
			case '&amp;':
				return '&';
			case '&lt;':
				return '<';
			case '&gt;':
				return '>';
			case '&#39;':
				return "'";
			case '&quot;':
				return '"';
				return match;

 * Sorts each item json's keys by a priority list
 * @param {INodeExecutionData[]} data The array of items which keys will be sorted
 * @param {string[]} priorityList The priority list, keys of item.json will be sorted in this order first then alphabetically
export function sortItemKeysByPriorityList(data: INodeExecutionData[], priorityList: string[]) {
	return => {
		const itemKeys = Object.keys(item.json);

		const updatedKeysOrder = itemKeys.sort((a, b) => {
			const indexA = priorityList.indexOf(a);
			const indexB = priorityList.indexOf(b);

			if (indexA !== -1 && indexB !== -1) {
				return indexA - indexB;
			} else if (indexA !== -1) {
				return -1;
			} else if (indexB !== -1) {
				return 1;
			return a.localeCompare(b);

		const updatedItem: IDataObject = {};
		for (const key of updatedKeysOrder) {
			updatedItem[key] = item.json[key];

		item.json = updatedItem;
		return item;