import fsp from 'node:fs/promises'; import { Readable } from 'node:stream'; import { BinaryDataService, FileNotFoundError } from 'n8n-core'; import type { SuperAgentTest } from 'supertest'; import { mockInstance } from '../shared/mocking'; import { setupTestServer } from './shared/utils'; import { createOwner } from './shared/db/users'; jest.mock('fs/promises'); const throwFileNotFound = () => { throw new FileNotFoundError('non/existing/path'); }; const binaryDataService = mockInstance(BinaryDataService); let testServer = setupTestServer({ endpointGroups: ['binaryData'] }); let authOwnerAgent: SuperAgentTest; beforeAll(async () => { const owner = await createOwner(); authOwnerAgent = testServer.authAgentFor(owner); }); afterEach(() => { jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); describe('GET /binary-data', () => { const fileId = '599c5f84007-7d14-4b63-8f1e-d726098d0cc0'; const fsBinaryDataId = `filesystem:${fileId}`; const s3BinaryDataId = `s3:${fileId}`; const binaryFilePath = `/Users/john/.n8n/binaryData/${fileId}`; const mimeType = 'text/plain'; const fileName = 'test.txt'; const buffer = Buffer.from('content'); const mockStream = new Readable(); mockStream.push(buffer); mockStream.push(null); describe('should reject on missing or invalid binary data ID', () => { test.each([['view'], ['download']])('on request to %s', async (action) => { binaryDataService.getPath.mockReturnValue(binaryFilePath); fsp.readFile = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(buffer); await authOwnerAgent .get('/binary-data') .query({ fileName, mimeType, action, }) .expect(400); await authOwnerAgent .get('/binary-data') .query({ id: 'invalid', fileName, mimeType, action, }) .expect(400); }); }); describe('should return binary data [filesystem]', () => { test.each([['view'], ['download']])('on request to %s', async (action) => { binaryDataService.getAsStream.mockResolvedValue(mockStream); const res = await authOwnerAgent .get('/binary-data') .query({ id: fsBinaryDataId, fileName, mimeType, action, }) .expect(200); const contentDisposition = action === 'download' ? `attachment; filename="${fileName}"` : undefined; expect(binaryDataService.getAsStream).toHaveBeenCalledWith(fsBinaryDataId); expect(res.headers['content-type']).toBe(mimeType); expect(res.headers['content-disposition']).toBe(contentDisposition); }); }); describe('should return 404 on file not found [filesystem]', () => { test.each(['view', 'download'])('on request to %s', async (action) => { binaryDataService.getAsStream.mockImplementation(throwFileNotFound); await authOwnerAgent .get('/binary-data') .query({ id: fsBinaryDataId, fileName, mimeType, action, }) .expect(404); }); }); describe('should return binary data [s3]', () => { test.each([['view'], ['download']])('on request to %s', async (action) => { binaryDataService.getAsStream.mockResolvedValue(mockStream); const res = await authOwnerAgent .get('/binary-data') .query({ id: s3BinaryDataId, fileName, mimeType, action, }) .expect(200); expect(binaryDataService.getAsStream).toHaveBeenCalledWith(s3BinaryDataId); const contentDisposition = action === 'download' ? `attachment; filename="${fileName}"` : undefined; expect(res.headers['content-type']).toBe(mimeType); expect(res.headers['content-disposition']).toBe(contentDisposition); }); }); describe('should return 404 on file not found [s3]', () => { test.each(['view', 'download'])('on request to %s', async (action) => { binaryDataService.getAsStream.mockImplementation(throwFileNotFound); await authOwnerAgent .get('/binary-data') .query({ id: s3BinaryDataId, fileName, mimeType, action, }) .expect(404); }); }); });