{ "node": "n8n-nodes-base.httpRequest", "nodeVersion": "1.0", "codexVersion": "1.0", "categories": [ "Development", "Core Nodes" ], "resources": { "primaryDocumentation": [ { "url": "https://docs.n8n.io/nodes/n8n-nodes-base.httpRequest/" } ], "generic": [ { "label": "2021: The Year to Automate the New You with n8n", "icon": "โ˜€๏ธ", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/2021-the-year-to-automate-the-new-you-with-n8n/" }, { "label": "Why business process automation with n8n can change your daily life", "icon": "๐Ÿงฌ", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/why-business-process-automation-with-n8n-can-change-your-daily-life/" }, { "label": "Automatically pulling and visualizing data with n8n", "icon": "๐Ÿ“ˆ", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/automatically-pulling-and-visualizing-data-with-n8n/" }, { "label": "Learn how to automatically cross-post your content with n8n", "icon": "โœ๏ธ", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/learn-how-to-automatically-cross-post-your-content-with-n8n/" }, { "label": "Automatically Adding Expense Receipts to Google Sheets with Telegram, Mindee, Twilio, and n8n", "icon": "๐Ÿงพ", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/automatically-adding-expense-receipts-to-google-sheets-with-telegram-mindee-twilio-and-n8n/" }, { "label": "Running n8n on ships: An interview with Maranics", "icon": "๐Ÿ›ณ", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/running-n8n-on-ships-an-interview-with-maranics/" }, { "label": "Celebrating World Poetry Day with a daily poem in Telegram", "icon": "๐Ÿ“œ", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/world-poetry-day-workflow/" }, { "label": "Automate Designs with Bannerbear and n8n", "icon": "๐ŸŽจ", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/automate-designs-with-bannerbear-and-n8n/" }, { "label": "Building an expense tracking app in 10 minutes", "icon": "๐Ÿ“ฑ", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/building-an-expense-tracking-app-in-10-minutes/" }, { "label": "How to use the HTTP Request Node - The Swiss Army Knife for Workflow Automation", "icon": "๐Ÿงฐ", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/how-to-use-the-http-request-node-the-swiss-army-knife-for-workflow-automation/" }, { "label": "Learn how to use webhooks with Mattermost slash commands", "icon": "๐Ÿฆ„", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/learn-how-to-use-webhooks-with-mattermost-slash-commands/" }, { "label": "A low-code bitcoin ticker built with QuestDB and n8n.io", "icon": "๐Ÿ“ˆ", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/a-low-code-bitcoin-ticker-built-with-questdb-and-n8n-io/" }, { "label": "Creating scheduled text affirmations with n8n", "icon": "๐ŸคŸ", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/creating-scheduled-text-affirmations-with-n8n/" }, { "label": "How Goomer automated their operations with over 200 n8n workflows", "icon": "๐Ÿ›ต", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/how-goomer-automated-their-operations-with-over-200-n8n-workflows/" } ] } }