import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'; import { resolve } from 'path'; import { defineConfig, mergeConfig } from 'vite'; import { defineConfig as defineVitestConfig } from 'vitest/config'; import { sentryVitePlugin } from '@sentry/vite-plugin'; import packageJSON from './package.json'; const { coverageReporters } = require('../../jest.config.js'); const vendorChunks = ['vue', 'vue-router']; const n8nChunks = ['n8n-workflow', 'n8n-design-system']; const ignoreChunks = [ '@fontsource/open-sans', 'normalize-wheel', '@vueuse/components', // TODO: remove this. It's currently required by xml2js in NodeErrors 'stream-browserify', ]; const isScopedPackageToIgnore = (str: string) => /@codemirror\//.test(str); function renderChunks() { const { dependencies } = packageJSON; const chunks: Record = {}; Object.keys(dependencies).forEach((key) => { if ([...vendorChunks, ...n8nChunks, ...ignoreChunks].includes(key)) { return; } if (isScopedPackageToIgnore(key)) return; chunks[key] = [key]; }); return chunks; } const publicPath = process.env.VUE_APP_PUBLIC_PATH || '/'; const { NODE_ENV } = process.env; const alias = [ { find: '@', replacement: resolve(__dirname, 'src') }, { find: 'stream', replacement: 'stream-browserify' }, { find: /^n8n-design-system\//, replacement: resolve(__dirname, '..', 'design-system', 'src') + '/', }, ...['orderBy', 'camelCase', 'cloneDeep', 'startCase'].map((name) => ({ find: new RegExp(`^lodash.${name}$`, 'i'), replacement: require.resolve(`lodash-es/${name}`), })), { find: /^lodash\.(.+)$/, replacement: 'lodash-es/$1', }, { find: /^element-plus\/(es|lib)\/components\/button\/src\/button2\.m?js$/, replacement: resolve( __dirname, '..', 'design-system/src/components/N8nButton/overrides/ElButton.ts', ), }, ]; const plugins = [vue()]; const { SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN: authToken, RELEASE: release } = process.env; if (release && authToken) { plugins.push( sentryVitePlugin({ org: 'n8nio', project: 'instance-frontend', // Specify the directory containing build artifacts include: './dist', // Auth tokens can be obtained from // and needs the `project:releases` and `org:read` scopes authToken, telemetry: false, release, }), ); } export default mergeConfig( defineConfig({ define: { // This causes test to fail but is required for actually running it // ...(NODE_ENV !== 'test' ? { 'global': 'globalThis' } : {}), ...(NODE_ENV === 'development' ? { 'process.env': {} } : {}), BASE_PATH: `'${publicPath}'`, }, plugins, resolve: { alias }, base: publicPath, envPrefix: 'VUE_APP', css: { preprocessorOptions: { scss: { additionalData: '\n@use "@/n8n-theme-variables.scss" as *;\n', }, }, }, build: { assetsInlineLimit: 0, minify: !!release, sourcemap: !!release, rollupOptions: { treeshake: !!release, output: { manualChunks: { vendor: vendorChunks, n8n: n8nChunks, ...renderChunks(), }, }, }, }, }), defineVitestConfig({ test: { globals: true, environment: 'jsdom', setupFiles: ['./src/__tests__/setup.ts'], coverage: { provider: 'c8', reporter: coverageReporters, all: true, }, css: { modules: { classNameStrategy: 'non-scoped', }, }, }, }), );