import { applyForOnboardingCall, fetchNextOnboardingPrompt, submitEmailOnSignup, } from '@/api/workflow-webhooks'; import { ABOUT_MODAL_KEY, CHAT_EMBED_MODAL_KEY, CHANGE_PASSWORD_MODAL_KEY, COMMUNITY_PACKAGE_CONFIRM_MODAL_KEY, COMMUNITY_PACKAGE_INSTALL_MODAL_KEY, COMMUNITY_PACKAGE_MANAGE_ACTIONS, CONTACT_PROMPT_MODAL_KEY, CREDENTIAL_EDIT_MODAL_KEY, CREDENTIAL_SELECT_MODAL_KEY, DELETE_USER_MODAL_KEY, DUPLICATE_MODAL_KEY, FAKE_DOOR_FEATURES, IMPORT_CURL_MODAL_KEY, INVITE_USER_MODAL_KEY, LOG_STREAM_MODAL_KEY, MFA_SETUP_MODAL_KEY, ONBOARDING_CALL_SIGNUP_MODAL_KEY, PERSONALIZATION_MODAL_KEY, STORES, TAGS_MANAGER_MODAL_KEY, VALUE_SURVEY_MODAL_KEY, VERSIONS_MODAL_KEY, VIEWS, WORKFLOW_ACTIVE_MODAL_KEY, WORKFLOW_LM_CHAT_MODAL_KEY, WORKFLOW_SETTINGS_MODAL_KEY, WORKFLOW_SHARE_MODAL_KEY, EXTERNAL_SECRETS_PROVIDER_MODAL_KEY, SOURCE_CONTROL_PUSH_MODAL_KEY, SOURCE_CONTROL_PULL_MODAL_KEY, DEBUG_PAYWALL_MODAL_KEY, N8N_PRICING_PAGE_URL, WORKFLOW_HISTORY_VERSION_RESTORE, SUGGESTED_TEMPLATES_PREVIEW_MODAL_KEY, SETUP_CREDENTIALS_MODAL_KEY, } from '@/constants'; import type { CloudUpdateLinkSourceType, CurlToJSONResponse, IFakeDoorLocation, IMenuItem, INodeUi, IOnboardingCallPrompt, IUser, UIState, UTMCampaign, XYPosition, Modals, NewCredentialsModal, ThemeOption, AppliedThemeOption, SuggestedTemplates, } from '@/Interface'; import { defineStore } from 'pinia'; import { useRootStore } from '@/stores/'; import { getCurlToJson } from '@/api/curlHelper'; import { useCloudPlanStore } from '@/stores/'; import { useWorkflowsStore } from '@/stores/'; import { useSettingsStore } from '@/stores/'; import { hasPermission } from '@/rbac/permissions'; import { useTelemetryStore } from '@/stores/'; import { dismissBannerPermanently } from '@/api/ui'; import type { BannerName } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { addThemeToBody, getPreferredTheme, getThemeOverride, isValidTheme, updateTheme, } from './ui.utils'; import { useUsersStore } from './'; let savedTheme: ThemeOption = 'system'; try { const value = getThemeOverride(); if (isValidTheme(value)) { savedTheme = value; addThemeToBody(value); } } catch (e) {} export type UiStore = ReturnType; export const useUIStore = defineStore(STORES.UI, { state: (): UIState => ({ activeActions: [], activeCredentialType: null, theme: savedTheme, modals: { ...Object.fromEntries( [ ABOUT_MODAL_KEY, CHAT_EMBED_MODAL_KEY, CHANGE_PASSWORD_MODAL_KEY, CONTACT_PROMPT_MODAL_KEY, CREDENTIAL_SELECT_MODAL_KEY, DUPLICATE_MODAL_KEY, ONBOARDING_CALL_SIGNUP_MODAL_KEY, PERSONALIZATION_MODAL_KEY, INVITE_USER_MODAL_KEY, TAGS_MANAGER_MODAL_KEY, VALUE_SURVEY_MODAL_KEY, VERSIONS_MODAL_KEY, WORKFLOW_LM_CHAT_MODAL_KEY, WORKFLOW_SETTINGS_MODAL_KEY, WORKFLOW_SHARE_MODAL_KEY, WORKFLOW_ACTIVE_MODAL_KEY, COMMUNITY_PACKAGE_INSTALL_MODAL_KEY, MFA_SETUP_MODAL_KEY, SOURCE_CONTROL_PUSH_MODAL_KEY, SOURCE_CONTROL_PULL_MODAL_KEY, EXTERNAL_SECRETS_PROVIDER_MODAL_KEY, DEBUG_PAYWALL_MODAL_KEY, WORKFLOW_HISTORY_VERSION_RESTORE, SUGGESTED_TEMPLATES_PREVIEW_MODAL_KEY, SETUP_CREDENTIALS_MODAL_KEY, ].map((modalKey) => [modalKey, { open: false }]), ), [DELETE_USER_MODAL_KEY]: { open: false, activeId: null, }, [COMMUNITY_PACKAGE_CONFIRM_MODAL_KEY]: { open: false, mode: '', activeId: null, }, [IMPORT_CURL_MODAL_KEY]: { open: false, curlCommand: '', httpNodeParameters: '', }, [LOG_STREAM_MODAL_KEY]: { open: false, data: undefined, }, [CREDENTIAL_EDIT_MODAL_KEY]: { open: false, mode: '', activeId: null, showAuthSelector: false, }, }, modalStack: [], sidebarMenuCollapsed: true, isPageLoading: true, currentView: '', mainPanelPosition: 0.5, fakeDoorFeatures: [ { id: FAKE_DOOR_FEATURES.SSO, featureName: '', icon: 'key', actionBoxTitle: 'fakeDoor.settings.sso.actionBox.title', actionBoxDescription: 'fakeDoor.settings.sso.actionBox.description', linkURL: '', uiLocations: ['settings/users'], }, ], draggable: { isDragging: false, type: '', data: '', canDrop: false, stickyPosition: null, }, stateIsDirty: false, lastSelectedNode: null, lastSelectedNodeOutputIndex: null, nodeViewOffsetPosition: [0, 0], nodeViewMoveInProgress: false, selectedNodes: [], sidebarMenuItems: [], nodeViewInitialized: false, addFirstStepOnLoad: false, executionSidebarAutoRefresh: true, bannersHeight: 0, bannerStack: [], suggestedTemplates: undefined, // Notifications that should show when a view is initialized // This enables us to set a queue of notifications form outside (another component) // and then show them when the view is initialized pendingNotificationsForViews: {}, }), getters: { appliedTheme(): AppliedThemeOption { return this.theme === 'system' ? getPreferredTheme() : this.theme; }, logo(): string { const { releaseChannel } = useSettingsStore().settings; const type = this.appliedTheme === 'dark' ? '-dark-mode.svg' : '.svg'; return releaseChannel === 'stable' ? `n8n-logo-expanded${type}` : `n8n-${releaseChannel}-logo${type}`; }, contextBasedTranslationKeys() { const settingsStore = useSettingsStore(); const deploymentType = settingsStore.deploymentType; let contextKey = ''; if (deploymentType === 'cloud') { contextKey = '.cloud'; } else if (deploymentType === 'desktop_mac' || deploymentType === 'desktop_win') { contextKey = '.desktop'; } return { feature: { unavailable: { title: `contextual.feature.unavailable.title${contextKey}`, }, }, credentials: { sharing: { unavailable: { title: `contextual.credentials.sharing.unavailable.title${contextKey}`, description: `contextual.credentials.sharing.unavailable.description${contextKey}`, action: `contextual.credentials.sharing.unavailable.action${contextKey}`, button: `contextual.credentials.sharing.unavailable.button${contextKey}`, }, }, }, workflows: { sharing: { title: 'contextual.workflows.sharing.title', unavailable: { title: `contextual.workflows.sharing.unavailable.title${contextKey}`, description: { modal: `contextual.workflows.sharing.unavailable.description.modal${contextKey}`, tooltip: `contextual.workflows.sharing.unavailable.description.tooltip${contextKey}`, }, action: `contextual.workflows.sharing.unavailable.action${contextKey}`, button: `contextual.workflows.sharing.unavailable.button${contextKey}`, }, }, }, variables: { unavailable: { title: `contextual.variables.unavailable.title${contextKey}`, description: 'contextual.variables.unavailable.description', action: `contextual.variables.unavailable.action${contextKey}`, button: `contextual.variables.unavailable.button${contextKey}`, }, }, users: { settings: { unavailable: { title: `contextual.users.settings.unavailable.title${contextKey}`, description: `contextual.users.settings.unavailable.description${contextKey}`, button: `contextual.users.settings.unavailable.button${contextKey}`, }, }, }, }; }, getLastSelectedNode(): INodeUi | null { const workflowsStore = useWorkflowsStore(); if (this.lastSelectedNode) { return workflowsStore.getNodeByName(this.lastSelectedNode); } return null; }, getCurlCommand(): string | undefined { return this.modals[IMPORT_CURL_MODAL_KEY].curlCommand; }, getHttpNodeParameters(): string | undefined { return this.modals[IMPORT_CURL_MODAL_KEY].httpNodeParameters; }, areExpressionsDisabled(): boolean { return this.currentView === VIEWS.DEMO; }, isVersionsOpen(): boolean { return this.modals[VERSIONS_MODAL_KEY].open; }, isModalOpen() { return (name: string) => this.modals[name].open; }, isModalActive() { return (name: string) => this.modalStack.length > 0 && name === this.modalStack[0]; }, getModalActiveId() { return (name: string) => this.modals[name].activeId; }, getModalMode() { return (name: string) => this.modals[name].mode; }, getModalData() { return (name: string) => this.modals[name].data; }, getFakeDoorByLocation() { return (location: IFakeDoorLocation) => this.fakeDoorFeatures.filter((fakeDoor) => fakeDoor.uiLocations.includes(location)); }, getFakeDoorById() { return (id: string) => this.fakeDoorFeatures.find((fakeDoor) => === id); }, isReadOnlyView(): boolean { return ![VIEWS.WORKFLOW, VIEWS.NEW_WORKFLOW, VIEWS.EXECUTION_DEBUG].includes( this.currentView as VIEWS, ); }, isNodeView(): boolean { return [ VIEWS.NEW_WORKFLOW.toString(), VIEWS.WORKFLOW.toString(), VIEWS.WORKFLOW_EXECUTIONS.toString(), ].includes(this.currentView); }, isActionActive() { return (action: string) => this.activeActions.includes(action); }, getSelectedNodes(): INodeUi[] { const seen = new Set(); return this.selectedNodes.filter((node: INodeUi) => { // dedupe for instances when same node is selected in different ways if (!seen.has( { seen.add(; return true; } return false; }); }, isNodeSelected() { return (nodeName: string): boolean => { let index; for (index in this.selectedNodes) { if (this.selectedNodes[index].name === nodeName) { return true; } } return false; }; }, upgradeLinkUrl() { return async (source: string, utm_campaign: string, deploymentType: string) => { let linkUrl = ''; const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(); const { isInstanceOwner } = useUsersStore(); if (deploymentType === 'cloud' && hasPermission(['instanceOwner'])) { const adminPanelHost = new URL(window.location.href).host.split('.').slice(1).join('.'); const { code } = await useCloudPlanStore().getAutoLoginCode(); linkUrl = `https://${adminPanelHost}/login`; searchParams.set('code', code); searchParams.set('returnPath', '/account/change-plan'); } else { linkUrl = N8N_PRICING_PAGE_URL; } if (utm_campaign) { searchParams.set('utm_campaign', utm_campaign); } if (source) { searchParams.set('source', source); } return `${linkUrl}?${searchParams.toString()}`; }; }, headerHeight() { const style = getComputedStyle(document.body); return Number(style.getPropertyValue('--header-height')); }, isAnyModalOpen(): boolean { return this.modalStack.length > 0; }, }, actions: { setTheme(theme: ThemeOption): void { this.theme = theme; updateTheme(theme); }, setMode(name: keyof Modals, mode: string): void { this.modals[name] = { ...this.modals[name], mode, }; }, setActiveId(name: keyof Modals, activeId: string): void { this.modals[name] = { ...this.modals[name], activeId, }; }, setShowAuthSelector(name: keyof Modals, showAuthSelector: boolean) { this.modals[name] = { ...this.modals[name], showAuthSelector, } as NewCredentialsModal; }, setModalData(payload: { name: keyof Modals; data: Record }) { this.modals[] = { ...this.modals[], data:, }; }, openModal(name: keyof Modals): void { this.modals[name] = { ...this.modals[name], open: true, }; this.modalStack = [name].concat(this.modalStack) as string[]; }, openModalWithData(payload: { name: keyof Modals; data: Record }): void { this.setModalData(payload); this.openModal(; }, closeModal(name: keyof Modals): void { this.modals[name] = { ...this.modals[name], open: false, }; this.modalStack = this.modalStack.filter((openModalName: string) => { return name !== openModalName; }); }, draggableStartDragging(type: string, data: string): void { this.draggable = { isDragging: true, type, data, canDrop: false, stickyPosition: null, }; }, draggableStopDragging(): void { this.draggable = { isDragging: false, type: '', data: '', canDrop: false, stickyPosition: null, }; }, setDraggableStickyPos(position: XYPosition): void { this.draggable = { ...this.draggable, stickyPosition: position, }; }, setDraggableCanDrop(canDrop: boolean): void { this.draggable = { ...this.draggable, canDrop, }; }, openDeleteUserModal(id: string): void { this.setActiveId(DELETE_USER_MODAL_KEY, id); this.openModal(DELETE_USER_MODAL_KEY); }, openExistingCredential(id: string): void { this.setActiveId(CREDENTIAL_EDIT_MODAL_KEY, id); this.setMode(CREDENTIAL_EDIT_MODAL_KEY, 'edit'); this.openModal(CREDENTIAL_EDIT_MODAL_KEY); }, openNewCredential(type: string, showAuthOptions = false): void { this.setActiveId(CREDENTIAL_EDIT_MODAL_KEY, type); this.setShowAuthSelector(CREDENTIAL_EDIT_MODAL_KEY, showAuthOptions); this.setMode(CREDENTIAL_EDIT_MODAL_KEY, 'new'); this.openModal(CREDENTIAL_EDIT_MODAL_KEY); }, async getNextOnboardingPrompt(): Promise { const rootStore = useRootStore(); const instanceId = rootStore.instanceId; // TODO: current USER const currentUser = {} as IUser; return fetchNextOnboardingPrompt(instanceId, currentUser); }, async applyForOnboardingCall(email: string): Promise { const rootStore = useRootStore(); const instanceId = rootStore.instanceId; // TODO: current USER const currentUser = {} as IUser; return applyForOnboardingCall(instanceId, currentUser, email); }, async submitContactEmail(email: string, agree: boolean): Promise { const rootStore = useRootStore(); const instanceId = rootStore.instanceId; // TODO: current USER const currentUser = {} as IUser; return submitEmailOnSignup(instanceId, currentUser, email ||, agree); }, openCommunityPackageUninstallConfirmModal(packageName: string) { this.setActiveId(COMMUNITY_PACKAGE_CONFIRM_MODAL_KEY, packageName); this.setMode(COMMUNITY_PACKAGE_CONFIRM_MODAL_KEY, COMMUNITY_PACKAGE_MANAGE_ACTIONS.UNINSTALL); this.openModal(COMMUNITY_PACKAGE_CONFIRM_MODAL_KEY); }, openCommunityPackageUpdateConfirmModal(packageName: string) { this.setActiveId(COMMUNITY_PACKAGE_CONFIRM_MODAL_KEY, packageName); this.setMode(COMMUNITY_PACKAGE_CONFIRM_MODAL_KEY, COMMUNITY_PACKAGE_MANAGE_ACTIONS.UPDATE); this.openModal(COMMUNITY_PACKAGE_CONFIRM_MODAL_KEY); }, addActiveAction(action: string): void { if (!this.activeActions.includes(action)) { this.activeActions.push(action); } }, removeActiveAction(action: string): void { const actionIndex = this.activeActions.indexOf(action); if (actionIndex !== -1) { this.activeActions.splice(actionIndex, 1); } }, addSelectedNode(node: INodeUi): void { const isAlreadySelected = this.selectedNodes.some((n) => ===; if (!isAlreadySelected) { this.selectedNodes.push(node); } }, removeNodeFromSelection(node: INodeUi): void { let index; for (index in this.selectedNodes) { if (this.selectedNodes[index].name === { this.selectedNodes.splice(parseInt(index, 10), 1); break; } } }, resetSelectedNodes(): void { this.selectedNodes = []; }, addSidebarMenuItems(menuItems: IMenuItem[]) { const updated = this.sidebarMenuItems.concat(menuItems); this.sidebarMenuItems = updated; }, setCurlCommand(payload: { name: string; command: string }): void { this.modals[] = { ...this.modals[], curlCommand: payload.command, }; }, setHttpNodeParameters(payload: { name: string; parameters: string }): void { this.modals[] = { ...this.modals[], httpNodeParameters: payload.parameters, }; }, toggleSidebarMenuCollapse(): void { this.sidebarMenuCollapsed = !this.sidebarMenuCollapsed; }, async getCurlToJson(curlCommand: string): Promise { const rootStore = useRootStore(); return getCurlToJson(rootStore.getRestApiContext, curlCommand); }, async goToUpgrade( source: CloudUpdateLinkSourceType, utm_campaign: UTMCampaign, mode: 'open' | 'redirect' = 'open', ): Promise { const { usageLeft, trialDaysLeft, userIsTrialing } = useCloudPlanStore(); const { executionsLeft, workflowsLeft } = usageLeft; const deploymentType = useSettingsStore().deploymentType; useTelemetryStore().track('User clicked upgrade CTA', { source, isTrial: userIsTrialing, deploymentType, trialDaysLeft, executionsLeft, workflowsLeft, }); const upgradeLink = await this.upgradeLinkUrl(source, utm_campaign, deploymentType); if (mode === 'open') {, '_blank'); } else { location.href = upgradeLink; } }, async dismissBanner( name: BannerName, type: 'temporary' | 'permanent' = 'temporary', ): Promise { if (type === 'permanent') { await dismissBannerPermanently(useRootStore().getRestApiContext, { bannerName: name, dismissedBanners: useSettingsStore().permanentlyDismissedBanners, }); this.removeBannerFromStack(name); return; } this.removeBannerFromStack(name); }, updateBannersHeight(newHeight: number): void { this.bannersHeight = newHeight; }, pushBannerToStack(name: BannerName) { if (this.bannerStack.includes(name)) return; this.bannerStack.push(name); }, removeBannerFromStack(name: BannerName) { this.bannerStack = this.bannerStack.filter((bannerName) => bannerName !== name); }, clearBannerStack() { this.bannerStack = []; }, setSuggestedTemplates(templates: SuggestedTemplates) { this.suggestedTemplates = templates; }, deleteSuggestedTemplates() { this.suggestedTemplates = undefined; }, getNotificationsForView(view: VIEWS): NotificationOptions[] { return this.pendingNotificationsForViews[view] ?? []; }, setNotificationsForView(view: VIEWS, notifications: NotificationOptions[]) { this.pendingNotificationsForViews[view] = notifications; }, deleteNotificationsForView(view: VIEWS) { delete this.pendingNotificationsForViews[view]; }, }, }); /** * Helper function for listening to credential changes in the store */ export const listenForModalChanges = (opts: { store: UiStore; onModalOpened?: (name: keyof Modals) => void; onModalClosed?: (name: keyof Modals) => void; }): void => { const { store, onModalClosed, onModalOpened } = opts; const listeningForActions = ['openModal', 'openModalWithData', 'closeModal']; store.$onAction((result) => { const { name, after, args } = result; after(async () => { if (!listeningForActions.includes(name)) { return; } switch (name) { case 'openModal': { const modalName = args[0]; onModalOpened?.(modalName); break; } case 'openModalWithData': { const { name: modalName } = args[0] ?? {}; onModalOpened?.(modalName); break; } case 'closeModal': { const modalName = args[0]; onModalClosed?.(modalName); break; } } }); }); };