{ "_reusableBaseText": { "cancel": "Cancel", "codeNodeEditor": { "linter": { "useJson": "Access the properties of an item under `.json`, e.g. `item.json`" }, "completer": { "all": "Returns an array of the node's output items", "first": "Returns the first item output by the node", "last": "Returns the last item output by the node", "itemMatching": "Returns the matching item, i.e. the one used to produce the item in the current node at the specified index." } }, "name": "Name", "save": "Save", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "unlimited": "Unlimited", "activate": "Activate", "error": "Error" }, "_reusableDynamicText": { "readMore": "Read more", "learnMore": "Learn more", "moreInfo": "More info", "oauth2": { "clientId": "Client ID", "clientSecret": "Client Secret" } }, "generic.annotations": "Annotations", "generic.annotationData": "Highlighted data", "generic.any": "Any", "generic.cancel": "Cancel", "generic.close": "Close", "generic.confirm": "Confirm", "generic.deleteWorkflowError": "Problem deleting workflow", "generic.filtersApplied": "Filters are currently applied.", "generic.field": "field", "generic.fields": "fields", "generic.learnMore": "Learn more", "generic.reset": "Reset", "generic.resetAllFilters": "Reset all filters", "generic.communityNode": "Community Node", "generic.communityNode.tooltip": "This is a node from our community. It's part of the {packageName} package. Learn more", "generic.copy": "Copy", "generic.delete": "Delete", "generic.dontShowAgain": "Don't show again", "generic.enterprise": "Enterprise", "generic.executions": "Executions", "generic.tag_plural": "Tags", "generic.tag": "Tag | {count} Tags", "generic.tests": "Tests", "generic.or": "or", "generic.clickToCopy": "Click to copy", "generic.copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard", "generic.beta": "beta", "generic.yes": "Yes", "generic.no": "No", "generic.rating": "Rating", "generic.refresh": "Refresh", "generic.retry": "Retry", "generic.error": "Something went wrong", "generic.settings": "Settings", "generic.service": "the service", "generic.tryNow": "Try now", "generic.dismiss": "Dismiss", "generic.unsavedWork.confirmMessage.headline": "Save changes before leaving?", "generic.unsavedWork.confirmMessage.message": "If you don't save, you will lose your changes.", "generic.unsavedWork.confirmMessage.confirmButtonText": "Save", "generic.unsavedWork.confirmMessage.cancelButtonText": "Leave without saving", "generic.upgrade": "Upgrade", "generic.upgradeNow": "Upgrade now", "generic.credential": "Credential | {count} Credential | {count} Credentials", "generic.workflow": "Workflow | {count} Workflow | {count} Workflows", "generic.workflowSaved": "Workflow changes saved", "generic.editor": "Editor", "generic.seePlans": "See plans", "generic.loading": "Loading", "generic.and": "and", "generic.ownedByMe": "(You)", "generic.moreInfo": "More info", "generic.next": "Next", "generic.pro": "Pro", "generic.variable_plural": "Variables", "generic.variable": "Variable | {count} Variables", "generic.viewDocs": "View docs", "about.aboutN8n": "About n8n", "about.close": "Close", "about.license": "License", "about.n8nLicense": "Sustainable Use License + n8n Enterprise License", "about.n8nVersion": "n8n Version", "about.sourceCode": "Source Code", "about.instanceID": "Instance ID", "about.debug.title": "Debug", "about.debug.message": "Copy debug information", "about.debug.toast.title": "Debug info", "about.debug.toast.message": "Copied debug info to clipboard", "askAi.dialog.title": "'Ask AI' is almost ready", "askAi.dialog.body": "We’re still applying the finishing touches. Soon, you will be able to automatically generate code from simple text prompts. Join the waitlist to get early access to this feature.", "askAi.dialog.signup": "Join Waitlist", "activationModal.butYouCanSeeThem": "but you can see them in the", "activationModal.executionList": "execution list", "activationModal.gotIt": "Got it", "activationModal.ifYouChooseTo": "if you choose to", "activationModal.saveExecutions": "save executions.", "activationModal.theseExecutionsWillNotShowUp": "These executions will not show up immediately in the editor,", "activationModal.workflowActivated": "Workflow activated", "activationModal.yourTriggerWillNowFire": "Your trigger will now fire production executions automatically.", "activationModal.yourTriggersWillNowFire": "Your triggers will now fire production executions automatically.", "activationModal.yourWorkflowWillNowListenForEvents": "Your workflow will now listen for events from {serviceName} and trigger executions.", "activationModal.yourWorkflowWillNowRegularlyCheck": "Your workflow will now regularly check {serviceName} for events and trigger executions for them.", "annotationTagsManager.manageTags": "Manage execution tags", "annotationTagsView.usage": "Usage (all workflows)", "annotationTagsView.inUse": "{count} execution | {count} executions", "auth.changePassword": "Change password", "auth.changePassword.currentPassword": "Current password", "auth.changePassword.mfaCode": "Two-factor code", "auth.changePassword.error": "Problem changing the password", "auth.changePassword.missingTokenError": "Missing token", "auth.changePassword.missingUserIdError": "Missing user ID", "auth.changePassword.passwordUpdated": "Password updated", "auth.changePassword.passwordUpdatedMessage": "You can now sign in with your new password", "auth.changePassword.passwordsMustMatchError": "Passwords must match", "auth.changePassword.reenterNewPassword": "Re-enter new password", "auth.changePassword.tokenValidationError": "Invalid password-reset token", "auth.defaultPasswordRequirements": "8+ characters, at least 1 number and 1 capital letter", "auth.validation.missingParameters": "Missing token or user id", "auth.email": "Email", "auth.firstName": "First Name", "auth.lastName": "Last Name", "auth.newPassword": "New password", "auth.password": "Password", "auth.role": "Role", "auth.roles.member": "Member", "auth.roles.admin": "Admin", "auth.roles.owner": "Owner", "auth.agreement.label": "I want to receive security and product updates", "auth.setup.next": "Next", "auth.setup.settingUpOwnerError": "Problem setting up owner", "auth.setup.setupOwner": "Set up owner account", "auth.signin": "Sign in", "auth.signin.error": "Problem logging in", "auth.signout": "Sign out", "auth.signout.error": "Could not sign out", "auth.signup.finishAccountSetup": "Finish account setup", "auth.signup.missingTokenError": "Missing token", "auth.signup.setupYourAccount": "Set up your account", "auth.signup.setupYourAccountError": "Problem setting up your account", "auth.signup.tokenValidationError": "Issue validating invite token", "aiAssistant.name": "Assistant", "aiAssistant.assistant": "AI Assistant", "aiAssistant.newSessionModal.title.part1": "Start new", "aiAssistant.newSessionModal.title.part2": "session", "aiAssistant.newSessionModal.message": "You already have an active AI Assistant session. Starting a new session will clear your current conversation history.", "aiAssistant.newSessionModal.question": "Are you sure you want to start a new session?", "aiAssistant.newSessionModal.confirm": "Start new session", "aiAssistant.serviceError.message": "Unable to connect to n8n's AI service", "aiAssistant.codeUpdated.message.title": "Assistant modified workflow", "aiAssistant.codeUpdated.message.body1": "Open the", "aiAssistant.codeUpdated.message.body2": "node to see the changes", "aiAssistant.thinkingSteps.analyzingError": "Analyzing the error...", "aiAssistant.thinkingSteps.thinking": "Thinking...", "aiAssistant.prompts.currentView.workflowList": "The user is currently looking at the list of workflows.", "aiAssistant.prompts.currentView.credentialsList": "The user is currently looking at the list of credentials.", "aiAssistant.prompts.currentView.executionsView": "The user is currently looking at the list of executions for the currently open workflow.", "aiAssistant.prompts.currentView.workflowEditor": "The user is currently looking at the current workflow in n8n editor, without any specific node selected.", "banners.confirmEmail.message.1": "To secure your account and prevent future access issues, please confirm your", "banners.confirmEmail.message.2": "email address.", "banners.confirmEmail.button": "Confirm email", "banners.confirmEmail.toast.success.heading": "Confirmation email sent", "banners.confirmEmail.toast.success.message": "Please check your inbox and click the confirmation link.", "banners.confirmEmail.toast.error.heading": "Problem sending confirmation email", "banners.confirmEmail.toast.error.message": "Please try again later.", "banners.nonProductionLicense.message": "This n8n instance is not licensed for production purposes.", "banners.trial.message": "1 day left in your n8n trial | {count} days left in your n8n trial", "banners.trialOver.message": "Your trial is over. Upgrade now to keep automating.", "banners.v1.message": "n8n has been updated to version 1, introducing some breaking changes. Please consult the migration guide for more information.", "binaryDataDisplay.backToList": "Back to list", "binaryDataDisplay.backToOverviewPage": "Back to overview page", "binaryDataDisplay.noDataFoundToDisplay": "No data found to display", "binaryDataDisplay.yourBrowserDoesNotSupport": "Your browser does not support the video element. Kindly update it to latest version.", "chat.hide": "Hide chat", "chat.window.title": "Chat", "chat.window.logs": "Latest Logs", "chat.window.logsFromNode": "from {nodeName} node", "chat.window.noChatNode": "No Chat Node", "chat.window.noExecution": "Nothing got executed yet", "chat.window.chat.placeholder": "Type a message, or press ‘up’ arrow for previous one", "chat.window.chat.placeholderPristine": "Type a message", "chat.window.chat.sendButtonText": "Send", "chat.window.chat.provideMessage": "Please provide a message", "chat.window.chat.emptyChatMessage": "Empty chat message", "chat.window.chat.chatMessageOptions.reuseMessage": "Reuse Message", "chat.window.chat.chatMessageOptions.repostMessage": "Repost Message", "chat.window.chat.chatMessageOptions.executionId": "Execution ID", "chat.window.chat.unpinAndExecute.description": "Sending the message overwrites the pinned chat node data.", "chat.window.chat.unpinAndExecute.title": "Unpin chat output data?", "chat.window.chat.unpinAndExecute.confirm": "Unpin and send", "chat.window.chat.unpinAndExecute.cancel": "Cancel", "chat.window.chat.response.empty": "[No response. Make sure the last executed node outputs the content to display here]", "chat.window.session.title": "Session", "chat.window.session.reset.title": "Reset session?", "chat.window.session.reset.warning": "This will clear all chat messages and the current execution data", "chat.window.session.reset.confirm": "Reset", "chatEmbed.infoTip.description": "Add chat to external applications using the n8n chat package.", "chatEmbed.infoTip.link": "More info", "chatEmbed.title": "Embed Chat in your website", "chatEmbed.close": "Close", "chatEmbed.install": "First, install the n8n chat package:", "chatEmbed.paste.cdn": "Paste the following code anywhere in the {code} tag of your HTML file.", "chatEmbed.paste.cdn.file": "
", "chatEmbed.paste.vue": "Next, paste the following code in your {code} file.", "chatEmbed.paste.vue.file": "App.vue", "chatEmbed.paste.react": "Next, paste the following code in your {code} file.", "chatEmbed.paste.react.file": "App.ts", "chatEmbed.paste.other": "Next, paste the following code in your {code} file.", "chatEmbed.paste.other.file": "main.ts", "chatEmbed.packageInfo.description": "The n8n Chat widget can be easily customized to fit your needs.", "chatEmbed.packageInfo.link": "Read the full documentation", "chatEmbed.chatTriggerNode": "You can use a Chat Trigger Node to embed the chat widget directly into n8n.", "chatEmbed.url": "https://www.npmjs.com/package/{'@'}n8n/chat", "codeEdit.edit": "Edit", "codeNodeEditor.askAi": "✨ Ask AI", "codeNodeEditor.completer.$()": "Output data of the {nodeName} node", "codeNodeEditor.completer.$execution": "Retrieve or set metadata for the current execution", "codeNodeEditor.completer.$execution.id": "The ID of the current workflow execution", "codeNodeEditor.completer.$execution.mode": "Returns eithertest
(meaning the execution was triggered by clicking a button in n8n) or production
(meaning the execution was triggered automatically)",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$execution.resumeUrl": "The webhook URL to call to resume a workflow waiting at a 'Wait' node.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$execution.resumeFormUrl": "The URL to access a form generated by the 'Wait' node.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$execution.customData": "Set and get custom execution data (e.g. to filter executions by). You can also do this with the 'Execution Data' node.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$execution.customData.set": "Stores custom execution data under the key specified. Use this to easily filter executions by this data.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$execution.customData.set.args.key": "The key (identifier) under which the data is stored",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$execution.customData.set.args.value": "The data to store",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$execution.customData.set.examples.1": "Store the user's email, to easily retrieve all execs related to that user later",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$execution.customData.get": "Returns the custom execution data stored under the given key.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$execution.customData.get.args.key": "The key (identifier) under which the data is stored",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$execution.customData.get.examples.1": "Get the user's email (which was previously stored)",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$execution.customData.setAll": "Sets multiple key-value pairs of custom data for the execution. Use this to easily filter executions by this data.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$execution.customData.setAll.args.obj": "A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs of the data to set",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$execution.customData.getAll": "Returns all the key-value pairs of custom data that have been set in the current execution.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$ifEmpty": "Returns the first parameter if it isn't empty, otherwise returns the second parameter. The following count as empty: \"
, []
, {'{}'}
, null
, undefined
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$ifEmpty.args.value": "The value to return, provided it isn't empty",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$ifEmpty.args.valueIfEmpty": "What to return if value
is empty",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$input": "The input data of the current node",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$input.all": "@:_reusableBaseText.codeNodeEditor.completer.all",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$input.first": "@:_reusableBaseText.codeNodeEditor.completer.first",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$input.item": "The item that generated the current one",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$input.itemMatching": "@:_reusableBaseText.codeNodeEditor.completer.itemMatching",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$input.last": "@:_reusableBaseText.codeNodeEditor.completer.last",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$itemIndex": "The position of the item currently being processed in the list of input items",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$jmespath": "Extracts data from an object (or array of objects) using a JMESPath expression. Useful for querying complex, nested objects. Returns undefined
if the expression is invalid.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$jmespath.args.obj": "The Object or array of Objects to retrieve data from",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$jmespath.args.expression": "A JMESPath expression defining the data to retrieve from the object",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$jmespath.examples.1": "Get all names, in an array",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$jmespath.examples.2": "Get the names and ages of everyone under 20",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$jmespath.examples.3": "Get the name of the first person under 20",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$jmespath.examples.4": "Get the names of all the guests in each reservation that require a double room",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$if": "Returns one of two values depending on the condition
. Similar to the ?
operator in JavaScript.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$if.args.condition": "The check to make. Should evaluate to either true
or false
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$if.args.valueIfTrue": "The value to return if the condition is true",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$if.args.valueIfFalse": "The value to return if the condition is false",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$if.examples.1": "Return \"Good day\" if time is before 5pm, otherwise \"Good evening\"",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$if.examples.2": "$if() calls can be combined\nReturn \"Good morning\" if time is before 10am, \"Good day\" it's before 5pm, otherwise \"Good evening\"",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$max": "Returns the highest of the given numbers, or -Infinity if there are no parameters.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$max.args.numbers": "The numbers to compare",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$min": "Returns the lowest of the given numbers, or Infinity if there are no parameters.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$now": "A DateTime representing the current moment. \n\nUses the workflow's time zone (which can be changed in the workflow settings).",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$parameter": "The configuration settings of the current node. These are the parameters you fill out within the node's UI (e.g. its operation).",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$prevNode": "Information about the node that the current input came from. \n\nWhen in a 'Merge' node, always uses the first input connector.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$prevNode.name": "The name of the node that the current input came from. \n\nAlways uses the current node's first input connector if there is more than one (e.g. in the 'Merge' node).",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$prevNode.outputIndex": "The index of the output connector that the current input came from. Use this when the previous node had multiple outputs (such as an 'If' or 'Switch' node). \n\nAlways uses the current node's first input connector if there is more than one (e.g. in the 'Merge' node).",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$prevNode.runIndex": "The run of the previous node that generated the current input. \n\nAlways uses the current node's first input connector if there is more than one (e.g. in the 'Merge' node). ",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$runIndex": "The index of the current run of the current node execution. Starts at 0.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$nodeVersion": "The version of the current node (as displayed at the bottom of the nodes's settings pane)",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$today": "A DateTime representing midnight at the start of the current day. \n\nUses the instance's time zone (unless overridden in the workflow's settings).",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$vars": "The variables available to the workflow",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$vars.varName": "Variable set on this n8n instance. All variables evaluate to strings.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$secrets": "The secrets from an external secrets vault, if configured. Secret values are never displayed to the user. Only available in credential fields.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$secrets.provider": "External secrets providers connected to this n8n instance.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$secrets.provider.varName": "External secrets connected to this n8n instance. All secrets evaluate to strings.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$workflow": "Information about the current workflow",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$workflow.active": "Whether the workflow is active",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$workflow.id": "The workflow ID. Can also be found in the workflow's URL.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$workflow.name": "The name of the workflow, as shown at the top of the editor",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$response": "The response returned by the last HTTP call. Only available in the 'HTTP Request' node.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$response.headers": "The headers returned by the last HTTP call. Only available in the 'HTTP Request' node.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$response.statusCode": "The HTTP status code returned by the last HTTP call. Only available in the 'HTTP Request' node.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$response.statusMessage": "An optional message regarding the request status. Only available in the 'HTTP Request' node.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$response.body": "The body of the response object from the last HTTP call. Only available in the 'HTTP Request' node",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$request": "The request object sent during the last run of the node. Only available in the 'HTTP Request' node.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.$pageCount": "The number of results pages the node has fetched. Only available in the 'HTTP Request' node.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.dateTime": "Luxon DateTime. Use this object to parse, format and manipulate dates and times.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.binary": "Returns any binary input data to the current node, for the current item. Shorthand for $input.item.binary
"codeNodeEditor.completer.binary.mimeType": "A string representing the format of the file's contents, e.g. image/jpeg
"codeNodeEditor.completer.binary.fileSize": "A string representing the size of the file (e.g. 1 kB
"codeNodeEditor.completer.binary.fileName": "The name of the file, including extension",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.binary.fileExtension": "The suffix attached to the filename (e.g. txt
"codeNodeEditor.completer.binary.fileType": "A string representing the type of the file, e.g. image
. Corresponds to the first part of the MIME type.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.binary.id": "The unique ID of the file. Used to identify the file when it is stored on disk or in a storage service such as S3.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.binary.directory": "The path to the directory that the file is stored in. Useful for distinguishing between files with the same name in different directories. Not set if n8n is configured to store files in its database.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.item.binary": "Returns any binary data the item contains.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.item.json": "Returns the JSON data the item contains.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.math": "Mathematical utility methods",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.globalObject": "Methods to manipulate JavaScript Objects",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.globalObject.assign": "Merge all enumerable object properties into a target object. Returns the modified target object.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.globalObject.entries": "The object's keys and values",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.globalObject.keys": "The object's keys",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.globalObject.values": "The object's values",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.json": "Returns the JSON input data to the current node, for the current item. Shorthand for $input.item.json
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.expandFormat": "Produce the the fully expanded format token for the locale Does NOT quote characters, so quoted tokens will not round trip correctly.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.fromFormat": "Create a DateTime from an input string and format string.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.fromFormatExplain": "Explain how a string would be parsed by fromFormat().",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.fromHTTP": "Create a DateTime from an HTTP header date",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.fromISO": "Create a DateTime from an ISO 8601 string",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.fromISO.args.isoString": "ISO 8601 string to convert to a DateTime",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.fromISO.args.opts": "Configuration options. See See Luxon docs for more info.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.fromJSDate": "Create a DateTime from a JavaScript Date object. Uses the default zone",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.fromMillis": "Create a DateTime from a number of milliseconds since the epoch (meaning since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC). Uses the default zone",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.fromMillis.args.milliseconds": "Number of milliseconds since the epoch (meaning since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC)",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.fromMillis.args.opts": "Configuration options. See See Luxon docs for more info.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.fromObject": "Create a DateTime from a JavaScript object with keys like 'year' and 'hour' with reasonable defaults",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.fromRFC2822": "Create a DateTime from an RFC 2822 string",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.fromString": "Deprecated: use `fromFormat` instead.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.fromStringExplain": "Deprecated: use `fromFormatExplain` instead.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.fromSQL": "Create a DateTime from a SQL date, time, or datetime",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.fromSeconds": "Create a DateTime from a number of seconds since the epoch (meaning since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC). Uses the default zone",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.fromSeconds.args.seconds": "Number of seconds since the epoch (meaning since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC)",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.fromSeconds.args.opts": "Configuration options. See Luxon docs for more info.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.invalid": "Create an invalid DateTime.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.isDateTime": "Check if an object is a DateTime. Works across context boundaries",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.isDateTime.args.maybeDateTime": "Potential DateTime to check. Only instances of the Luxon DateTime class will return true
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.local": "Create a local DateTime",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.max": "Return the max of several date times.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.max.args.dateTimes": "DateTime objects to compare",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.min": "Return the min of several date times.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.min.args.dateTimes": "DateTime objects to compare",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.now": "Create a DateTime for the current instant, in the workflow's local time zone",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.parseFormatForOpts": "Produce the the fully expanded format token for the locale Does NOT quote characters, so quoted tokens will not round trip correctly.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.dateTimeStaticMethods.utc": "Create a DateTime in UTC",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.day": "The day of the month (1-31).",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.daysInMonth": "Returns the number of days in this DateTime's month.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.daysInYear": "Returns the number of days in this DateTime's year.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.diff": "Return the difference between two DateTimes as a Duration.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.diffNow": "Return the difference between this DateTime and right now.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.endOf": "Rounds the DateTime up to the end of one of its units, e.g. the end of the month",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.endOf.args.unit": "The unit to round to the end of. Can be year
, quarter
, month
, week
, day
, hour
, minute
, second
, or millisecond
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.endOf.args.opts": "Object with options that affect the output. Possible properties:\nuseLocaleWeeks
(boolean): Whether to use the locale when calculating the start of the week. Defaults to false.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.equals": "Returns true
if the two DateTimes represent exactly the same moment and are in the same time zone. For a less strict comparison, use hasSame()
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.equals.args.other": "The other DateTime to compare",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.hasSame": "Returns true
if the two DateTimes are the same, down to the unit specified. Time zones are ignored (only local times are compared), so use toUTC()
first if needed.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.hasSame.args.other": "The other DateTime to compare",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.hasSame.args.unit": "The unit of time to check sameness down to. One of year
, quarter
, month
, week
, day
, hour
, minute
, second
, or millisecond
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.hour": "The hour of the day (0-23).",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.invalidExplanation": "Returns an explanation of why this DateTime became invalid, or null if the DateTime is valid.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.invalidReason": "Returns an error code if this DateTime is invalid, or null if the DateTime is valid.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.isInDST": "Whether the DateTime is in daylight saving time.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.isInLeapYear": "Whether the DateTime is in a leap year.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.isOffsetFixed": "Get whether this zone's offset ever changes, as in a DST.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.isValid": "Returns whether the DateTime is valid. Invalid DateTimes occur when The DateTime was created from invalid calendar information, such as the 13th month or February 30. The DateTime was created by an operation on another invalid date.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.locale": "The locale of a DateTime, such 'en-GB'. The locale is used when formatting the DateTime.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.max": "Return the max of several date times.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.millisecond": "The millisecond of the second (0-999).",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.min": "Return the min of several date times",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.minus": "Subtract hours, minutes, seconds, or milliseconds increases the timestamp by the right number of milliseconds.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.minute": "The minute of the hour (0-59).",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.month": "The month (1-12).",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.monthLong": "The textual long month name, e.g. 'October'. Defaults to the system's locale if unspecified.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.monthShort": "The textual abbreviated month name, e.g. 'Oct'. Defaults to the system's locale if unspecified.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.numberingSystem": "Get the numbering system of a DateTime, such 'beng'. The numbering system is used when formatting the DateTime.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.offset": "Get the UTC offset of this DateTime in minutes",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.offsetNameLong": "Get the long human name for the zone's current offset, for example \"Eastern Standard Time\" or \"Eastern Daylight Time\".",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.offsetNameShort": "Get the short human name for the zone's current offset, for example \"EST\" or \"EDT\".'",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.offsetNumber": "Get the short human name for the zone's current offset, for example \"EST\" or \"EDT\".'",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.ordinal": "Get the ordinal (meaning the day of the year).",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.outputCalendar": "Get the output calendar of a DateTime, such 'islamic'. The output calendar is used when formatting the DateTime.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.plus": "Add hours, minutes, seconds, or milliseconds increases the timestamp by the right number of milliseconds.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.quarter": "The quarter of the year (1-4).",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.reconfigure": "'Set' the locale, numberingSystem, or outputCalendar. Returns a newly-constructed DateTime.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.resolvedLocaleOptions": "Returns the resolved Intl options for this DateTime. This is useful in understanding the behavior of formatting methods.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.second": "The second of the minute (0-59).",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.set": "Assigns new values to specified units of the DateTime. To round a DateTime, see also startOf()
and endOf()
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.set.args.values": "An object containing the units to set and corresponding values to assign. Possible keys are year
, month
, day
, hour
, minute
, second
and millsecond
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.setLocale": "Sets the locale, which determines the language and formatting for the DateTime. Useful when generating a textual representation of the DateTime, e.g. with format()
or toLocaleString()
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.setLocale.args.locale": "The locale to set, e.g. 'en-GB' for British English or 'pt-BR' for Brazilian Portuguese. List (unofficial)",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.setZone": "Converts the DateTime to the given time zone. The DateTime still represents the same moment unless specified in the options. See also toLocal()
and toUTC()
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.setZone.args.zone": "A zone identifier, either in the format 'America/New_York'
, 'UTC+3'
, or the strings 'local'
or 'utc'
. 'local'
is the workflow's local time zone, this can be changed in workflow settings.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.setZone.args.opts": "Options that affect the output. Possible properties:\nkeepCalendarTime
(boolean): Whether to keep the time the same and only change the offset. Defaults to false.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.startOf": "Rounds the DateTime down to the beginning of one of its units, e.g. the start of the month",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.startOf.args.unit": "The unit to round to the beginning of. One of year
, quarter
, month
, week
, day
, hour
, minute
, second
, or millisecond
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.startOf.args.opts": "Object with options that affect the output. Possible properties:\nuseLocaleWeeks
(boolean): Whether to use the locale when calculating the start of the week. Defaults to false.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toBSON": "Returns a BSON serializable equivalent to this DateTime.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toFormat": "Returns a string representation of this DateTime formatted according to the specified format string.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toHTTP": "Returns a string representation of this DateTime appropriate for use in HTTP headers.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toISO": "Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of this DateTime.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toISO.args.opts": "Configuration options. See Luxon docs for more info.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toISODate": "Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of this DateTime's date component.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toISOTime": "Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of this DateTime's time component.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toISOWeekDate": "Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of this DateTime's week date.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toJSON": "Returns an ISO 8601 representation of this DateTime appropriate for use in JSON.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toJsDate": "Returns a JavaScript Date equivalent to this DateTime.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toLocal": "Converts a DateTime to the workflow's local time zone. The DateTime still represents the same moment unless specified in the parameters. The workflow's time zone can be set in the workflow settings.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toLocal.example": "if time zone is Europe/Berlin",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toLocaleParts": "Returns an array of format \"parts\", meaning individual tokens along with metadata.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toLocaleString": "Returns a localized string representing the DateTime, i.e. in the language and format corresponding to its locale. Defaults to the system's locale if none specified.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toLocaleString.args.opts": "Configuration options for the rendering. See Intl.DateTimeFormat for a full list. Defaults to rendering a short date.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toLocaleString.example": "Configuration options for the rendering. See Intl.DateTimeFormat for a full list. Defaults to rendering a short date.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toMillis": "Returns a Unix timestamp in milliseconds (the number elapsed since 1st Jan 1970)",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toObject": "Returns a JavaScript object with this DateTime's year, month, day, and so on.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toRFC2822": "Returns an RFC 2822-compatible string representation of this DateTime, always in UTC.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toRelative": "Returns a textual representation of the time relative to now, e.g. 'in two days'. Rounds down by default.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toRelative.args.opts": "Options that affect the output. Possible properties:\nunit
= the unit to default to (years
, months
, days
, etc.).\nlocale
= the language and formatting to use (e.g. de
, fr
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toRelativeCalendar": "Returns a string representation of this date relative to today, such as '\"'yesterday' or 'next month'.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toSQL": "Returns a string representation of this DateTime appropriate for use in SQL DateTime.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toSQLDate": "Returns a string representation of this DateTime appropriate for use in SQL Date.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toSQLTime": "Returns a string representation of this DateTime appropriate for use in SQL Time.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toSeconds": "Returns a Unix timestamp in seconds (the number elapsed since 1st Jan 1970)",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toString": "Returns a string representation of the DateTime. Similar to toISO()
. For more formatting options, see format()
or toLocaleString()
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toUTC": "Converts a DateTime to the UTC time zone. The DateTime still represents the same moment unless specified in the parameters. Use setZone()
to convert to other zones.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toUTC.args.offset": "An offset from UTC in minutes",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toUTC.args.opts": "Options that affect the output. Possible properties:\nkeepCalendarTime
(boolean): Whether to keep the time the same and only change the offset. Defaults to false.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.toUnixInteger": "Returns the epoch seconds (as a whole number) of this DateTime.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.until": "Return an Interval spanning between this DateTime and another DateTime.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.valueOf": "Returns the epoch milliseconds of this DateTime.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.weekNumber": "The week number of the year (1-52ish).",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.weekYear": "Get the week year.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.weekday": "The day of the week. 1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.weekdayLong": "The textual long weekday name, e.g. 'Wednesday'. Defaults to the system's locale if unspecified.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.weekdayShort": "The textual abbreviated weekday name, e.g. 'Wed'. Defaults to the system's locale if unspecified.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.weeksInWeekYear": "Returns the number of weeks in this DateTime's year.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.year": "The year.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.zone": "The time zone associated with the DateTime",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.luxon.instanceMethods.zoneName": "Get the name of the time zone.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.selector.all": "@:_reusableBaseText.codeNodeEditor.completer.all",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.selector.context": "Extra data about the node",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.selector.first": "@:_reusableBaseText.codeNodeEditor.completer.first",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.selector.item": "Returns the matching item, i.e. the one used to produce the current item in the current node.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.selector.args.branchIndex": "The output branch of the node to use. Defaults to the first branch (index 0)",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.selector.args.runIndex": "The run of the node to use. Defaults to the first run (index 0)",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.selector.itemMatching": "@:_reusableBaseText.codeNodeEditor.completer.itemMatching",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.selector.itemMatching.args.currentItemIndex": "The index of the item in the current node to be matched with.",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.selector.last": "@:_reusableBaseText.codeNodeEditor.completer.last",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.selector.params": "The configuration settings of the given node. These are the parameters you fill out within the node's UI (e.g. its operation).",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.selector.isExecuted": "Is true
if the node has executed, false
"codeNodeEditor.completer.section.input": "Input",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.section.prevNodes": "Earlier nodes",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.section.metadata": "Metadata",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.section.fields": "Fields",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.section.properties": "Properties",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.section.methods": "Methods",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.section.otherMethods": "Other methods",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.section.recommended": "Suggested",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.section.recommendedMethods": "Suggested methods",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.section.other": "Other",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.section.edit": "Edit",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.section.query": "Query",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.section.format": "Format",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.section.component": "Component",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.section.case": "Case",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.section.cast": "Cast",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.section.compare": "Compare",
"codeNodeEditor.completer.section.validation": "Validate",
"codeNodeEditor.linter.allItems.firstOrLastCalledWithArg": "expects no argument.",
"codeNodeEditor.linter.allItems.emptyReturn": "Code doesn't return items properly. Please return an array of objects, one for each item you would like to output.",
"codeNodeEditor.linter.allItems.itemCall": "`item` is a property to access, not a method to call. Did you mean `.item` without brackets?",
"codeNodeEditor.linter.allItems.itemMatchingNoArg": "`.itemMatching()` expects an item index to be passed in as its argument.",
"codeNodeEditor.linter.allItems.unavailableItem": "Legacy `item` is only available in the 'Run Once for Each Item' mode.",
"codeNodeEditor.linter.allItems.unavailableProperty": "`.item` is only available in the 'Run Once for Each Item' mode. Use `.first()` instead.",
"codeNodeEditor.linter.allItems.unavailableVar": "is only available in the 'Run Once for Each Item' mode.",
"codeNodeEditor.linter.bothModes.directAccess.firstOrLastCall": "@:_reusableBaseText.codeNodeEditor.linter.useJson",
"codeNodeEditor.linter.bothModes.directAccess.itemProperty": "@:_reusableBaseText.codeNodeEditor.linter.useJson",
"codeNodeEditor.linter.bothModes.varDeclaration.itemProperty": "@:_reusableBaseText.codeNodeEditor.linter.useJson",
"codeNodeEditor.linter.bothModes.varDeclaration.itemSubproperty": "@:_reusableBaseText.codeNodeEditor.linter.useJson",
"codeNodeEditor.linter.eachItem.emptyReturn": "Code doesn't return an object. Please return an object representing the output item",
"codeNodeEditor.linter.eachItem.legacyItemAccess": "`item` is a legacy var. Consider using `$input.item`",
"codeNodeEditor.linter.eachItem.returnArray": "Code doesn't return an object. Array found instead. Please return an object representing the output item",
"codeNodeEditor.linter.eachItem.unavailableItems": "Legacy `items` is only available in the 'Run Once for All Items' mode.",
"codeNodeEditor.linter.eachItem.unavailableMethod": "Method `$input.{method}()` is only available in the 'Run Once for All Items' mode.",
"codeNodeEditor.linter.eachItem.preferFirst": "Prefer `.first()` over `.item` so n8n can optimize execution",
"codeNodeEditor.linter.bothModes.syntaxError": "Syntax error",
"codeNodeEditor.linter.bothModes.dollarSignVariable": "Use a string literal instead of a variable so n8n can optimize execution.",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.placeholder": "Tell AI what you want the code to achieve. You can reference input data fields using dot notation (e.g. user.email)",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.intro": "Hey AI, generate JavaScript code that...",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.help": "Help",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.generateCode": "Generate Code",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.noInputData": "You can generate code once this node has incoming input data (from a node earlier in your workflow)",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.sureLeaveTab": "Are you sure you want to switch tab? The code generation will stop",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.areYouSure": "Are you sure?",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.switchTab": "Switch Tab",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.noPrompt": "First enter a prompt above before generating code",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.onlyAllItemsMode": "Ask AI generation works only in 'Run Once for All Items' mode",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.promptTooShort": "Enter a minimum of {minLength} characters before attempting to generate code",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.generateCodeAndReplace": "Generate and Replace Code",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.replaceCurrentCode": "Replace current code?",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.areYouSureToReplace": "Are you sure you want to generate new code? Your current code will be replaced.",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.loadingPhrase0": "AI cogs whirring, almost there…",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.loadingPhrase1": "up up down down left right b a start…",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.loadingPhrase2": "Consulting Jan Oberhauser…",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.loadingPhrase3": "Gathering bytes and pieces…",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.loadingPhrase4": "Checking if another AI knows the answer…",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.loadingPhrase5": "Checking on Stack Overflow…",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.loadingPhrase6": "Crunching data, AI-style…",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.loadingPhrase7": "Stand by, AI magic at work…",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.generationCompleted": "✨ Code generation completed",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.generationFailed": "Code generation failed",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.generationFailedUnknown": "Code generation failed due to an unknown reason. Try again in a few minutes.",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.generationFailedDown": "We're sorry, our AI service is currently unavailable. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact support.",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.generationFailedRate": "We've hit our rate limit with our AI partner (too many requests). Please wait a minute before trying again.",
"codeNodeEditor.askAi.generationFailedTooLarge": "Your workflow data is too large for AI to process. Simplify the data being sent into the Code node and retry.",
"codeNodeEditor.tabs.askAi": "✨ Ask AI",
"codeNodeEditor.tabs.code": "Code",
"codeNodeEditor.examples": "Examples",
"codeNodeEditor.parameters": "Parameters",
"codeNodeEditor.optional": "optional",
"codeNodeEditor.defaultsTo": "Defaults to {default}.",
"collectionParameter.choose": "Choose...",
"collectionParameter.noProperties": "No properties",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.accountConnected": "Account connected",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.clickToCopy": "Click To Copy",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.connectionTestedSuccessfully": "Connection tested successfully",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.couldntConnectWithTheseSettings": "Couldn’t connect with these settings",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.couldntConnectWithTheseSettings.sharee": "Problem with connection settings. {owner} may be able to fix this",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.needHelpFillingOutTheseFields": "Need help filling out these fields?",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.oAuthRedirectUrl": "OAuth Redirect URL",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.openDocs": "Open docs",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.pleaseCheckTheErrorsBelow": "Please check the errors below",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.pleaseCheckTheErrorsBelow.sharee": "Problem with connection settings. {owner} may be able to fix this",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.reconnect": "Reconnect",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.reconnectOAuth2Credential": "Reconnect OAuth2 Credential",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.redirectUrlCopiedToClipboard": "Redirect URL copied to clipboard",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.retry": "Retry",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.retryCredentialTest": "Retry credential test",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.retrying": "Retrying",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.subtitle": "In {appName}, use the URL above when prompted to enter an OAuth callback or redirect URL",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.theServiceYouReConnectingTo": "the service you're connecting to",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.missingCredentialType": "This credential's type isn't available. This usually happens when a previously installed community or custom node was uninstalled.",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.authTypeSelectorLabel": "Connect using",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.authTypeSelectorTooltip": "The authentication method to use for the connection",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.recommendedAuthTypeSuffix": "(recommended)",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.externalSecrets": "Enterprise plan users can pull in credentials from external vaults.",
"credentialEdit.credentialConfig.externalSecrets.moreInfo": "More info",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.beforeClose1.cancelButtonText": "Close",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.beforeClose1.confirmButtonText": "Keep Editing",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.beforeClose1.headline": "Close without saving?",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.beforeClose1.message": "Are you sure you want to throw away the changes you made to the {credentialDisplayName} credential?",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.beforeClose2.cancelButtonText": "Close",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.beforeClose2.confirmButtonText": "Keep Editing",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.beforeClose2.headline": "Close without connecting?",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.beforeClose2.message": "You need to connect your credential for it to work",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.deleteCredential.cancelButtonText": "",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.deleteCredential.confirmButtonText": "Yes, delete",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.deleteCredential.headline": "Delete Credential?",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.deleteCredential.message": "Are you sure you want to delete \"{savedCredentialName}\"? This may break any workflows that use it.",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.connection": "Connection",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.sharing": "Sharing",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.couldNotFindCredentialOfType": "Could not find credential of type",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.couldNotFindCredentialWithId": "Could not find credential with ID",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.delete": "Delete",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.details": "Details",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.saving": "Saving",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.showError.createCredential.title": "Problem creating credential",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.showError.deleteCredential.title": "Problem deleting credential",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.showError.generateAuthorizationUrl.message": "There was a problem generating the authorization URL",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.showError.generateAuthorizationUrl.title": "OAuth Authorization Error",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.showError.loadCredential.title": "Problem loading credential",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.showError.updateCredential.title": "Problem updating credential",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.showMessage.title": "Credential deleted",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.testing": "Testing",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.info.sharee": "Only {credentialOwnerName} can edit this connection",
"credentialEdit.credentialInfo.allowUseBy": "Allow use by",
"credentialEdit.credentialInfo.created": "Created",
"credentialEdit.credentialInfo.id": "ID",
"credentialEdit.credentialInfo.lastModified": "Last modified",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.setupGuide": "Setup guide",
"credentialEdit.credentialEdit.docs": "Docs",
"credentialEdit.oAuthButton.connectMyAccount": "Connect my account",
"credentialEdit.oAuthButton.signInWithGoogle": "Sign in with Google",
"credentialEdit.credentialSharing.info.owner": "Sharing a credential allows people to use it in their workflows. They cannot access credential details.",
"credentialEdit.credentialSharing.info.sharee.team": "Only users with credential sharing permission can change who this credential is shared with",
"credentialEdit.credentialSharing.info.sharee.personal": "Only {credentialOwnerName} or users with credential sharing permission can change who this credential is shared with",
"credentialEdit.credentialSharing.info.sharee.fallback": "the owner",
"credentialEdit.credentialSharing.list.delete": "Remove",
"credentialEdit.credentialSharing.list.delete.confirm.title": "Remove access?",
"credentialEdit.credentialSharing.list.delete.confirm.message": "This may break any workflows in which {name} has used this credential",
"credentialEdit.credentialSharing.list.delete.confirm.confirmButtonText": "Remove",
"credentialEdit.credentialSharing.list.delete.confirm.cancelButtonText": "Cancel",
"credentialEdit.credentialSharing.role.user": "User",
"credentialEdit.docs.aws": "Configure this credential:\n\n- Select your AWS **Region**.\n- Log in to your AWS account.\n- Generate your access key pair:\n - Open the AWS IAM console and open your user menu.\n - Select **Security credentials**.\n - Create a new access key pair in the **Access Keys** section.\n - Reveal the **Access Key ID** and **Secret Access Key** and enter them in n8n.\n- To use a **temporary security credential**, turn this option on and add a **Session token**.\n- If you use Amazon Virtual Private Cloud VPC to host n8n, you can establish a connection between your VPC and some apps. Use **Custom Endpoints** to enter relevant custom endpoint(s) for this connection.\n\nClick the docs link above for more detailed instructions.",
"credentialEdit.docs.gmailOAuth2": "Configure this credential:\n\n- Log in to your Google Cloud account.\n- Go to Google Cloud Console / APIs and services and choose the project you want to use from the select at the top left (or create a new one and select it).\n- If you haven't used OAuth in this Google Cloud project before, configure the OAuth consent screen.\n- In Credentials, select **+ CREATE CREDENTIALS > OAuth client ID**.\n- In the **Application type** dropdown, select **Web application**.\n- Under **Authorized redirect URIs**, select **+ ADD URI**. Paste in the OAuth redirect URL from n8n.\n- Select **Create**.\n- In Enabled APIs and services, select **+ ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES**.\n- Select and enable the Gmail API.\n- Back to Credentials, click on the credential in OAuth 2.0 Client IDs, and on the credential page, you will find the Client ID and Client Secret.\n\nClick the docs link above for more detailed instructions.",
"credentialEdit.docs.openAiApi": "Configure this credential:\n\n- Log in to your OpenAI account.\n- Open your OpenAI API keys page to create an **API key**.\n- Enter an **Organization ID** if you belong to multiple organizations; otherwise, leave blank. Open your OpenAI Organization Settings page to get your Organization ID.\n\nClick the docs link above for more detailed instructions.",
"credentialSelectModal.addNewCredential": "Add new credential",
"credentialSelectModal.continue": "Continue",
"credentialSelectModal.searchForApp": "Search for app...",
"credentialSelectModal.selectAnAppOrServiceToConnectTo": "Select an app or service to connect to",
"credentialsList.addNew": "Add New",
"credentialsList.confirmMessage.cancelButtonText": "",
"credentialsList.confirmMessage.confirmButtonText": "Yes, delete",
"credentialsList.confirmMessage.headline": "Delete Credential?",
"credentialsList.confirmMessage.message": "Are you sure you want to delete {credentialName}?",
"credentialsList.created": "Created",
"credentialsList.credentials": "Credentials",
"credentialsList.deleteCredential": "Delete Credential",
"credentialsList.editCredential": "Edit Credential",
"credentialsList.errorLoadingCredentials": "Error loading credentials",
"credentialsList.name": "@:_reusableBaseText.name",
"credentialsList.operations": "Operations",
"credentialsList.showError.deleteCredential.title": "Problem deleting credential",
"credentialsList.showMessage.title": "Credential deleted",
"credentialsList.type": "Type",
"credentialsList.updated": "Updated",
"credentialsList.yourSavedCredentials": "Your saved credentials",
"credentials.heading": "Credentials",
"credentials.add": "Add credential",
"credentials.project.add": "Add credential to project",
"credentials.empty.heading": "{name}, let's set up a credential",
"credentials.empty.heading.userNotSetup": "Set up a credential",
"credentials.empty.description": "Credentials let workflows interact with your apps and services",
"credentials.empty.button": "Add first credential",
"credentials.empty.button.disabled.tooltip": "Your current role in the project does not allow you to create credentials",
"credentials.item.open": "Open",
"credentials.item.delete": "Delete",
"credentials.item.move": "Move",
"credentials.item.updated": "Last updated",
"credentials.item.created": "Created",
"credentials.item.owner": "Owner",
"credentials.item.readonly": "Read only",
"credentials.search.placeholder": "Search credentials...",
"credentials.filters.type": "Type",
"credentials.filters.active": "Some credentials may be hidden since filters are applied.",
"credentials.filters.active.reset": "Remove filters",
"credentials.sort.lastUpdated": "Sort by last updated",
"credentials.sort.lastCreated": "Sort by last created",
"credentials.sort.nameAsc": "Sort by name (A-Z)",
"credentials.sort.nameDesc": "Sort by name (Z-A)",
"credentials.noResults": "No credentials found",
"credentials.noResults.withSearch.switchToShared.preamble": "some credentials may be",
"credentials.noResults.withSearch.switchToShared.link": "hidden",
"credentials.create.personal.toast.title": "Credential successfully created",
"credentials.create.personal.toast.text": "This credential has been created inside your personal space.",
"credentials.create.project.toast.title": "Credential successfully created in {projectName}",
"credentials.create.project.toast.text": "All members from {projectName} will have access to this credential.",
"dataDisplay.needHelp": "Need help?",
"dataDisplay.nodeDocumentation": "Node Documentation",
"dataDisplay.openDocumentationFor": "Open {nodeTypeDisplayName} documentation",
"dataMapping.dragColumnToFieldHint": "Drag onto a field to map column to that field",
"dataMapping.dragFromPreviousHint": "Map data from previous nodes to {name} by first clicking this button",
"dataMapping.success.title": "You just mapped some data!",
"dataMapping.success.moreInfo": "Check out our docs for more details on mapping data in n8n",
"dataMapping.tableView.tableColumnsExceeded": "Some columns are hidden",
"dataMapping.tableView.tableColumnsExceeded.tooltip": "Your data has more than {columnLimit} columns so some are hidden. Switch to {link} to see all data.",
"dataMapping.tableView.tableColumnsExceeded.tooltip.link": "JSON view",
"dataMapping.schemaView.emptyData": "No fields - item(s) exist, but they're empty",
"dataMapping.schemaView.disabled": "This node is disabled and will just pass data through",
"dataMapping.schemaView.noMatches": "No results for '{search}'",
"displayWithChange.cancelEdit": "Cancel Edit",
"displayWithChange.clickToChange": "Click to Change",
"displayWithChange.setValue": "Set Value",
"duplicateWorkflowDialog.cancel": "@:_reusableBaseText.cancel",
"duplicateWorkflowDialog.chooseOrCreateATag": "Choose or create a tag",
"duplicateWorkflowDialog.duplicateWorkflow": "Duplicate Workflow",
"duplicateWorkflowDialog.enterWorkflowName": "Enter workflow name",
"duplicateWorkflowDialog.save": "Duplicate",
"duplicateWorkflowDialog.errors.missingName.title": "Name missing",
"duplicateWorkflowDialog.errors.missingName.message": "Please enter a name.",
"duplicateWorkflowDialog.errors.forbidden.title": "Duplicate workflow failed",
"duplicateWorkflowDialog.errors.forbidden.message": "This action is forbidden. Do you have the correct permissions?",
"duplicateWorkflowDialog.errors.generic.title": "Duplicate workflow failed",
"error": "Error",
"error.goBack": "Go back",
"error.pageNotFound": "Oops, couldn’t find that",
"executions.ExecutionStatus": "Execution status",
"executions.concurrency.docsLink": "https://docs.n8n.io/hosting/scaling/concurrency-control/",
"executionDetails.confirmMessage.confirmButtonText": "Yes, delete",
"executionDetails.confirmMessage.headline": "Delete Execution?",
"executionDetails.confirmMessage.message": "Are you sure that you want to delete the current execution?",
"executionDetails.confirmMessage.annotationsNote": "By deleting this you will also remove the associated annotation data.",
"executionDetails.deleteExecution": "Delete this execution",
"executionDetails.executionFailed": "Execution failed",
"executionDetails.executionFailed.recoveredNodeTitle": "Can’t show data",
"executionDetails.executionFailed.recoveredNodeMessage": "The execution was interrupted, so the data was not saved. Try fixing the workflow and re-executing.",
"executionDetails.executionId": "Execution ID",
"executionDetails.executionWaiting": "Execution waiting",
"executionDetails.executionWasSuccessful": "Execution was successful",
"executionDetails.of": "of",
"executionDetails.at": "at",
"executionDetails.newMessage": "Execution waiting in the queue.",
"executionDetails.openWorkflow": "Open Workflow",
"executionDetails.readOnly.readOnly": "Read only",
"executionDetails.readOnly.youreViewingTheLogOf": "You're viewing the log of a previous execution. You cannot.
for data transformation options. Learn more",
"expressionTip.typeDotObject": "Type .
for data transformation options, or to access fields. Learn more",
"expressionTip.javascript": "Anything inside {'{{ }}'}
is JavaScript. Learn more",
"expressionModalInput.noExecutionData": "Execute previous nodes for preview",
"expressionModalInput.noNodeExecutionData": "Execute node ‘{node}’ for preview",
"expressionModalInput.noInputConnection": "No input connected",
"expressionModalInput.pairedItemConnectionError": "No path back to node",
"expressionModalInput.pairedItemInvalidPinnedError": "Unpin node ‘{node}’ and execute",
"expressionModalInput.pairedItemError": "Can’t determine which item to use",
"expressionModalInput.pairedItemError.noRunData": "Can't determine which item to use - execute node for more info",
"fixedCollectionParameter.choose": "Choose...",
"fixedCollectionParameter.currentlyNoItemsExist": "Currently no items exist",
"fixedCollectionParameter.deleteItem": "Delete item",
"fixedCollectionParameter.dragItem": "Drag item",
"fixedCollectionParameter.moveDown": "Move down",
"fixedCollectionParameter.moveUp": "Move up",
"forgotPassword": "Forgot my password",
"forgotPassword.emailSentIfExists": "We’ve emailed {email} (if there’s a matching account)",
"forgotPassword.getRecoveryLink": "Email me a recovery link",
"forgotPassword.noSMTPToSendEmailWarning": "Please contact your admin. n8n isn’t set up to send email right now.",
"forgotPassword.recoverPassword": "Recover password",
"forgotPassword.recoveryEmailSent": "Recovery email sent",
"forgotPassword.returnToSignIn": "Back to sign in",
"forgotPassword.sendingEmailError": "Problem sending email",
"forgotPassword.ldapUserPasswordResetUnavailable": "Please contact your LDAP administrator to reset your password",
"forgotPassword.smtpErrorContactAdministrator": "Please contact your administrator (problem with your SMTP setup)",
"forgotPassword.tooManyRequests": "You’ve reached the password reset limit. Please try again in a few minutes.",
"forms.resourceFiltersDropdown.filters": "Filters",
"forms.resourceFiltersDropdown.owner": "Owner",
"forms.resourceFiltersDropdown.owner.placeholder": "Filter by owner",
"forms.resourceFiltersDropdown.reset": "Reset all",
"generic.oauth1Api": "OAuth1 API",
"generic.oauth2Api": "OAuth2 API",
"genericHelpers.loading": "Loading",
"genericHelpers.min": "min",
"genericHelpers.minShort": "m",
"genericHelpers.sec": "sec",
"genericHelpers.secShort": "s",
"readOnly.showMessage.executions.message": "Executions are read-only. Make changes from the Workflow tab.",
"readOnly.showMessage.executions.title": "Cannot edit execution",
"readOnlyEnv.showMessage.executions.message": "Executions are read-only.",
"readOnlyEnv.showMessage.executions.title": "Cannot edit execution",
"readOnlyEnv.showMessage.workflows.message": "Workflows are read-only in protected instances.",
"readOnlyEnv.showMessage.workflows.title": "Cannot edit workflow",
"readOnlyEnv.tooltip": "This is a protected instance where modifications are restricted. {link}",
"readOnlyEnv.tooltip.link": "More info.",
"readOnlyEnv.cantAdd.workflow": "You can't add new workflows to a protected n8n instance",
"readOnlyEnv.cantAdd.credential": "You can't add new credentials to a protected n8n instance",
"readOnlyEnv.cantAdd.any": "You can't create new workflows or credentials on a protected n8n instance",
"readOnlyEnv.cantEditOrRun": "This workflow can't be edited or run manually because it's on a protected instance",
"mainSidebar.aboutN8n": "About n8n",
"mainSidebar.confirmMessage.workflowDelete.cancelButtonText": "",
"mainSidebar.confirmMessage.workflowDelete.confirmButtonText": "Yes, delete",
"mainSidebar.confirmMessage.workflowDelete.headline": "Delete Workflow?",
"mainSidebar.confirmMessage.workflowDelete.message": "Are you sure that you want to delete '{workflowName}'?",
"mainSidebar.credentials": "Credentials",
"mainSidebar.variables": "Variables",
"mainSidebar.help": "Help",
"mainSidebar.helpMenuItems.course": "Course",
"mainSidebar.helpMenuItems.documentation": "Documentation",
"mainSidebar.helpMenuItems.forum": "Forum",
"mainSidebar.helpMenuItems.quickstart": "Quickstart",
"mainSidebar.helpMenuItems.reportBug": "Report a bug",
"mainSidebar.new": "New",
"mainSidebar.newTemplate": "New from template",
"mainSidebar.open": "Open",
"mainSidebar.prompt.cancel": "@:_reusableBaseText.cancel",
"mainSidebar.prompt.import": "Import",
"mainSidebar.prompt.importWorkflowFromUrl": "Import Workflow from URL",
"mainSidebar.prompt.invalidUrl": "Invalid URL",
"mainSidebar.prompt.workflowUrl": "Workflow URL",
"mainSidebar.save": "@:_reusableBaseText.save",
"mainSidebar.showError.stopExecution.title": "Problem stopping execution",
"mainSidebar.showMessage.handleFileImport.message": "The file does not contain valid JSON data",
"mainSidebar.showMessage.handleFileImport.title": "Could not import file",
"mainSidebar.showMessage.handleSelect1.title": "Workflow deleted",
"mainSidebar.showMessage.handleSelect2.title": "Workflow created",
"mainSidebar.showMessage.handleSelect3.title": "Workflow created",
"mainSidebar.showMessage.stopExecution.title": "Execution stopped",
"mainSidebar.templates": "Templates",
"mainSidebar.workflows": "Workflows",
"mainSidebar.workflows.readOnlyEnv.tooltip": "Protected instances prevent editing workflows (recommended for production environments). {link}",
"mainSidebar.workflows.readOnlyEnv.tooltip.link": "More info",
"mainSidebar.executions": "Executions",
"mainSidebar.workersView": "Workers",
"menuActions.duplicate": "Duplicate",
"menuActions.download": "Download",
"menuActions.push": "Push to Git",
"menuActions.importFromUrl": "Import from URL...",
"menuActions.importFromFile": "Import from File...",
"menuActions.delete": "Delete",
"menuActions.switchToNewNodeViewVersion": "Switch to new canvas",
"menuActions.switchToOldNodeViewVersion": "Switch to old canvas",
"menuActions.badge.new": "NEW",
"menuActions.badge.alpha": "ALPHA",
"menuActions.badge.beta": "BETA",
"menuActions.nodeViewDiscovery.tooltip": "You're currently using our new, more performant canvas.",
"menuActions.nodeViewDiscovery.tooltip.switchBack": "You can switch back to the old version using this menu.",
"multipleParameter.addItem": "Add item",
"multipleParameter.currentlyNoItemsExist": "Currently no items exist",
"multipleParameter.deleteItem": "Delete item",
"multipleParameter.moveDown": "Move down",
"multipleParameter.moveUp": "Move up",
"ndv.backToCanvas": "Back to canvas",
"ndv.backToCanvas.waitingForTriggerWarning": "Waiting for a Trigger node to execute. Close this view to see the Workflow Canvas.",
"ndv.execute.testNode": "Test step",
"ndv.execute.testNode.description": "Runs the current node. Will also run previous nodes if they have not been run yet",
"ndv.execute.generateCodeAndTestNode.description": "Generates code and then runs the current node",
"ndv.execute.generateCode.message": "The instructions in '{nodeName}' have changed",
"ndv.execute.generateCode.title": "Generating transformation code",
"ndv.execute.executing": "Executing",
"ndv.execute.fetchEvent": "Fetch Test Event",
"ndv.execute.fixPrevious": "Fix previous node first",
"ndv.execute.generatingCode": "Genereting code from instructions",
"ndv.execute.listenForTestEvent": "Listen for test event",
"ndv.execute.testChat": "Test chat",
"ndv.execute.testStep": "Test step",
"ndv.execute.stopListening": "Stop Listening",
"ndv.execute.nodeIsDisabled": "Enable node to execute",
"ndv.execute.requiredFieldsMissing": "Complete required fields first",
"ndv.execute.stopWaitingForWebhook.error": "Problem deleting test webhook",
"ndv.execute.workflowAlreadyRunning": "Workflow is already running",
"ndv.featureRequest": "I wish this node would...",
"ndv.input": "Input",
"ndv.input.nodeDistance": "{count} node back | {count} nodes back",
"ndv.input.noNodesFound": "No nodes found",
"ndv.input.mapping": "Mapping",
"ndv.input.debugging": "Debugging",
"ndv.input.parentNodes": "Parent nodes",
"ndv.input.tooMuchData.title": "Display data?",
"ndv.input.noOutputDataInBranch": "No input data in this branch",
"ndv.input.noOutputDataInNode": "Node did not output any data. n8n stops executing the workflow when a node has no output data.",
"ndv.input.noOutputData": "No data",
"ndv.input.noOutputData.executePrevious": "Execute previous nodes",
"ndv.input.noOutputData.title": "No input data yet",
"ndv.input.noOutputData.hint": "(From the earliest node that has no output data yet)",
"ndv.input.executingPrevious": "Executing previous nodes...",
"ndv.input.notConnected.title": "Wire me up",
"ndv.input.notConnected.message": "This node can only receive input data if you connect it to another node.",
"ndv.input.notConnected.learnMore": "Learn more",
"ndv.input.disabled": "The '{nodeName}' node is disabled and won’t execute.",
"ndv.input.disabled.cta": "Enable it",
"ndv.output": "Output",
"ndv.output.ai.empty": "👈 Use these logs to see information on how the {node} node completed processing. You can click on a node to see the input it received and data it output.",
"ndv.output.ai.waiting": "Waiting for message",
"ndv.output.outType.logs": "Logs",
"ndv.output.outType.regular": "Output",
"ndv.output.edit": "Edit Output",
"ndv.output.all": "all",
"ndv.output.branch": "Branch",
"ndv.output.executing": "Executing node...",
"ndv.output.items": "{count} item | {count} items",
"ndv.output.andSubExecutions": ", {count} sub-execution | , {count} sub-executions",
"ndv.output.noOutputData.message": "n8n stops executing the workflow when a node has no output data. You can change this default behaviour via",
"ndv.output.noOutputData.message.settings": "Settings",
"ndv.output.noOutputData.message.settingsOption": "> \"Always Output Data\".",
"ndv.output.noOutputData.title": "No output data returned",
"ndv.output.noOutputDataInBranch": "No output data in this branch",
"ndv.output.of": "{current} of {total}",
"ndv.output.pageSize": "Page Size",
"ndv.output.run": "Run",
"ndv.output.runNodeHint": "Execute this node to view data",
"ndv.output.runNodeHintSubNode": "Output will appear here once the parent node is run",
"ndv.output.waitNodeWaitingForWebhook": "Execution will continue when webhook is received on ",
"ndv.output.sendAndWaitWaitingApproval": "Execution will continue after the user's response",
"ndv.output.waitNodeWaitingForFormSubmission": "Execution will continue when form is submitted on ",
"ndv.output.waitNodeWaiting": "Execution will continue when wait time is over",
"ndv.output.insertTestData": "set mock data",
"ndv.output.staleDataWarning.regular": "Node parameters have changed..item
and n8n can't figure out the matching item. This is because the node '{nodeCause}' returned incorrect matching information (for item {itemIndex} of run {runIndex}). .first()
, .last()
or .all()[index]
instead of .item
"nodeErrorView.description.pairedItemNoInfo": "An expression here won't work because it uses .item
and n8n can't figure out the matching item. The node '{nodeCause}' didn't return enough information.",
"nodeErrorView.description.pairedItemNoInfoCodeNode": "An expression here won't work because it uses .item
and n8n can't figure out the matching item. You can either: .first()
, .last()
or .all()[index]
instead of .item
and n8n can't figure out the matching item. (There are multiple possible matches) .first()
, .last()
or .all()[index]
instead of .item
or reference a different node.",
"nodeErrorView.description.pairedItemMultipleMatchesCodeNode": "The code here won't work because it uses .item
and n8n can't figure out the matching item. (There are multiple possible matches) .first()
, .last()
or .all()[index]
instead of .item
or reference a different node.",
"nodeErrorView.description.pairedItemPinned": "The item-matching data in that node may be stale. It is needed by an expression in this node that uses .item
"nodeHelpers.credentialsUnset": "Credentials for '{credentialType}' are not set.",
"nodeSettings.alwaysOutputData.description": "If active, will output a single, empty item when the output would have been empty. Use to prevent the workflow finishing on this node.",
"nodeSettings.alwaysOutputData.displayName": "Always Output Data",
"nodeSettings.clickOnTheQuestionMarkIcon": "Click the '?' icon to open this node on n8n.io",
"nodeSettings.onError.description": "Action to take when the node execution fails",
"nodeSettings.onError.displayName": "On Error",
"nodeSettings.onError.options.continueRegularOutput.description": "Pass error message as item in regular output",
"nodeSettings.onError.options.continueRegularOutput.displayName": "Continue",
"nodeSettings.onError.options.continueErrorOutput.description": "Pass item to an extra `error` output",
"nodeSettings.onError.options.continueErrorOutput.displayName": "Continue (using error output)",
"nodeSettings.onError.options.stopWorkflow.description": "Halt execution and fail workflow",
"nodeSettings.onError.options.stopWorkflow.displayName": "Stop Workflow",
"nodeSettings.docs": "Docs",
"nodeSettings.executeButtonTooltip.times": "Will execute {inputSize} times, once for each input item",
"nodeSettings.executeOnce.description": "If active, the node executes only once, with data from the first item it receives",
"nodeSettings.executeOnce.displayName": "Execute Once",
"nodeSettings.maxTries.description": "Number of times to attempt to execute the node before failing the execution",
"nodeSettings.maxTries.displayName": "Max. Tries",
"nodeSettings.noDescriptionFound": "No description found",
"nodeSettings.nodeDescription": "Node Description",
"nodeSettings.notes.description": "Optional note to save with the node",
"nodeSettings.notes.displayName": "Notes",
"nodeSettings.notesInFlow.description": "If active, the note above will display in the flow as a subtitle",
"nodeSettings.notesInFlow.displayName": "Display Note in Flow?",
"nodeSettings.parameters": "Parameters",
"nodeSettings.settings": "Settings",
"nodeSettings.communityNodeTooltip": "This is a community node",
"nodeSettings.retryOnFail.description": "If active, the node tries to execute again when it fails",
"nodeSettings.retryOnFail.displayName": "Retry On Fail",
"nodeSettings.scopes.expandedNoticeWithScopes": "{count} scope available for {activeCredential} credentialsThis is the title of the package on npmjs.com
Install a specific version by adding it after {'@'}, e.g. package-name{'@'}0.15.0
(e.g. $vars.myVariable
). Variables are immutable and cannot be modified within your workflows.