import type { OptionsWithUri } from 'request'; import type { IExecuteFunctions, ILoadOptionsFunctions } from 'n8n-core'; import type { IDataObject, INodePropertyOptions, JsonObject } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { NodeApiError } from 'n8n-workflow'; export async function homeAssistantApiRequest( this: IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions, method: string, resource: string, body: IDataObject = {}, qs: IDataObject = {}, uri?: string, option: IDataObject = {}, ) { const credentials = await this.getCredentials('homeAssistantApi'); let options: OptionsWithUri = { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${credentials.accessToken}`, }, method, qs, body, uri: uri ?? `${credentials.ssl === true ? 'https' : 'http'}://${}:${ credentials.port }/api${resource}`, json: true, }; options = Object.assign({}, options, option); if (Object.keys(options.body as IDataObject).length === 0) { delete options.body; } try { if (this.helpers.request) { return await this.helpers.request(options); } } catch (error) { throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), error as JsonObject); } } export async function getHomeAssistantEntities( this: IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions, domain = '', ) { const returnData: INodePropertyOptions[] = []; const entities = await, 'GET', '/states'); for (const entity of entities) { const entityId = entity.entity_id as string; if (domain === '' || (domain && entityId.startsWith(domain))) { const entityName = (entity.attributes.friendly_name as string) || entityId; returnData.push({ name: entityName, value: entityId, }); } } return returnData; } export async function getHomeAssistantServices( this: IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions, domain = '', ) { const returnData: INodePropertyOptions[] = []; const services = await, 'GET', '/services'); if (domain === '') { // If no domain specified return domains const domains ={ domain: service }: IDataObject) => service as string).sort(); returnData.push( ...( string) => ({ name: service, value: service, })) as INodePropertyOptions[]), ); return returnData; } else { // If we have a domain, return all relevant services const domainServices = services.filter((service: IDataObject) => service.domain === domain); for (const domainService of domainServices) { for (const [serviceID, value] of Object.entries( as IDataObject)) { const serviceProperties = value as IDataObject; const serviceName = serviceProperties.description || serviceID; returnData.push({ name: serviceName as string, value: serviceID, }); } } } return returnData; }