import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';
import { ApplicationError, type IWebhookFunctions } from 'n8n-workflow';
import type { WebhookParameters } from '../utils';
import {
} from '../utils';

jest.mock('jsonwebtoken', () => ({
	verify: jest.fn(),

describe('Webhook Utils', () => {
	describe('getResponseCode', () => {
		it('should return the response code if it exists', () => {
			const parameters: WebhookParameters = {
				responseCode: 404,
				httpMethod: '',
				responseMode: '',
				responseData: '',
			const responseCode = getResponseCode(parameters);

		it('should return the custom response code if it exists', () => {
			const parameters: WebhookParameters = {
				options: {
					responseCode: {
						values: {
							responseCode: 200,
							customCode: 201,
				httpMethod: '',
				responseMode: '',
				responseData: '',
			const responseCode = getResponseCode(parameters);

		it('should return the default response code if no response code is provided', () => {
			const parameters: WebhookParameters = {
				httpMethod: '',
				responseMode: '',
				responseData: '',
			const responseCode = getResponseCode(parameters);

	describe('getResponseData', () => {
		it('should return the response data if it exists', () => {
			const parameters: WebhookParameters = {
				responseData: 'Hello World',
				httpMethod: '',
				responseMode: '',
			const responseData = getResponseData(parameters);
			expect(responseData).toBe('Hello World');

		it('should return the options response data if response mode is "onReceived"', () => {
			const parameters: WebhookParameters = {
				responseMode: 'onReceived',
				options: {
					responseData: 'Hello World',
				httpMethod: '',
				responseData: '',
			const responseData = getResponseData(parameters);
			expect(responseData).toBe('Hello World');

		it('should return "noData" if options noResponseBody is true', () => {
			const parameters: WebhookParameters = {
				responseMode: 'onReceived',
				options: {
					noResponseBody: true,
				httpMethod: '',
				responseData: '',
			const responseData = getResponseData(parameters);

		it('should return undefined if no response data is provided', () => {
			const parameters: WebhookParameters = {
				responseMode: 'onReceived',
				httpMethod: '',
				responseData: '',
			const responseData = getResponseData(parameters);

	describe('configuredOutputs', () => {
		it('should return an array with a single output if httpMethod is not an array', () => {
			const parameters: WebhookParameters = {
				httpMethod: 'GET',
				responseMode: '',
				responseData: '',
			const outputs = configuredOutputs(parameters);
					type: 'main',
					displayName: 'GET',

		it('should return an array of outputs if httpMethod is an array', () => {
			const parameters: WebhookParameters = {
				httpMethod: ['GET', 'POST'],
				responseMode: '',
				responseData: '',
			const outputs = configuredOutputs(parameters);
					type: 'main',
					displayName: 'GET',
					type: 'main',
					displayName: 'POST',

	describe('setupOutputConnection', () => {
		it('should return a function that sets the webhookUrl and executionMode in the output data', () => {
			const ctx: Partial<IWebhookFunctions> = {
				getNodeParameter: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('GET'),
				getNodeWebhookUrl: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(''),
				getMode: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('manual'),
			const method = 'GET';
			const additionalData = {
				jwtPayload: {
					userId: '123',
			const outputData = {
				json: {},
			const setupOutput = setupOutputConnection(ctx as IWebhookFunctions, method, additionalData);
			const result = setupOutput(outputData);
						json: {
							webhookUrl: '',
							executionMode: 'test',
							jwtPayload: { userId: '123' },

		it('should return a function that sets the webhookUrl and executionMode in the output data for multiple methods', () => {
			const ctx: Partial<IWebhookFunctions> = {
				getNodeParameter: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(['GET', 'POST']),
				getNodeWebhookUrl: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(''),
				getMode: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('manual'),
			const method = 'POST';
			const additionalData = {
				jwtPayload: {
					userId: '123',
			const outputData = {
				json: {},
			const setupOutput = setupOutputConnection(ctx as IWebhookFunctions, method, additionalData);
			const result = setupOutput(outputData);
						json: {
							webhookUrl: '',
							executionMode: 'test',
							jwtPayload: { userId: '123' },

	describe('isIpWhitelisted', () => {
		it('should return true if whitelist is undefined', () => {
			expect(isIpWhitelisted(undefined, [''], '')).toBe(true);

		it('should return true if whitelist is an empty string', () => {
			expect(isIpWhitelisted('', [''], '')).toBe(true);

		it('should return true if ip is in the whitelist', () => {
			expect(isIpWhitelisted('', [''], '')).toBe(true);

		it('should return true if any ip in ips is in the whitelist', () => {
			expect(isIpWhitelisted('', ['', ''])).toBe(true);

		it('should return false if ip and ips are not in the whitelist', () => {
			expect(isIpWhitelisted('', ['', ''], '')).toBe(

		it('should return true if any ip in ips matches any address in the whitelist array', () => {
			expect(isIpWhitelisted(['', ''], ['', ''])).toBe(

		it('should return true if ip matches any address in the whitelist array', () => {
			expect(isIpWhitelisted(['', ''], [''], '')).toBe(

		it('should return false if ip and ips do not match any address in the whitelist array', () => {
					['', ''],
					['', ''],

		it('should handle comma-separated whitelist string', () => {
			expect(isIpWhitelisted(',', [''], '')).toBe(

		it('should trim whitespace in comma-separated whitelist string', () => {
			expect(isIpWhitelisted(' , ', [''], '')).toBe(

	describe('checkResponseModeConfiguration', () => {
		it('should throw an error if response mode is "responseNode" but no Respond to Webhook node is found', () => {
			const context: Partial<IWebhookFunctions> = {
				getNodeParameter: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('responseNode'),
				getChildNodes: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([]),
				getNode: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ name: 'Webhook' }),
			expect(() => {
				checkResponseModeConfiguration(context as IWebhookFunctions);
			}).toThrowError('No Respond to Webhook node found in the workflow');

		it('should throw an error if response mode is not "responseNode" but a Respond to Webhook node is found', () => {
			const context: Partial<IWebhookFunctions> = {
				getNodeParameter: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('onReceived'),
				getChildNodes: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([{ type: 'n8n-nodes-base.respondToWebhook' }]),
				getNode: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ name: 'Webhook' }),
			expect(() => {
				checkResponseModeConfiguration(context as IWebhookFunctions);
			}).toThrowError('Webhook node not correctly configured');

	describe('validateWebhookAuthentication', () => {
		it('should return early if authentication is "none"', async () => {
			const ctx: Partial<IWebhookFunctions> = {
				getNodeParameter: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('none'),
			const authPropertyName = 'authentication';
			const result = await validateWebhookAuthentication(
				ctx as IWebhookFunctions,

		it('should throw an error if basicAuth is enabled but no authentication data is defined on the node', async () => {
			const headers = {
				authorization: 'Basic some-token',
			const ctx: Partial<IWebhookFunctions> = {
				getNodeParameter: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('basicAuth'),
				getCredentials: jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error()),
				getRequestObject: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
				getHeaderData: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(headers),
			const authPropertyName = 'authentication';
			await expect(
				validateWebhookAuthentication(ctx as IWebhookFunctions, authPropertyName),
			).rejects.toThrowError('No authentication data defined on node!');

		it('should throw an error if basicAuth is enabled but the provided authentication data is wrong', async () => {
			const headers = {
				authorization: 'Basic some-token',
			const ctx: Partial<IWebhookFunctions> = {
				getNodeParameter: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('basicAuth'),
				getCredentials: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({
					user: 'admin',
					password: 'password',
				getRequestObject: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
				getHeaderData: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(headers),
			const authPropertyName = 'authentication';
			await expect(
				validateWebhookAuthentication(ctx as IWebhookFunctions, authPropertyName),
			).rejects.toThrowError('Authorization is required!');

		it('should throw an error if headerAuth is enabled but no authentication data is defined on the node', async () => {
			const ctx: Partial<IWebhookFunctions> = {
				getNodeParameter: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('headerAuth'),
				getCredentials: jest
					.mockRejectedValue(new Error('No authentication data defined on node!')),
				getRequestObject: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
					headers: {},
				getHeaderData: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({}),
			const authPropertyName = 'authentication';
			await expect(
				validateWebhookAuthentication(ctx as IWebhookFunctions, authPropertyName),
			).rejects.toThrowError('No authentication data defined on node!');

		it('should throw an error if headerAuth is enabled but the provided authentication data is wrong', async () => {
			const headers = {
				authorization: 'Bearer invalid-token',
			const ctx: Partial<IWebhookFunctions> = {
				getNodeParameter: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('headerAuth'),
				getCredentials: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({
					name: 'Authorization',
					value: 'Bearer token',
				getRequestObject: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
				getHeaderData: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(headers),
			const authPropertyName = 'authentication';
			await expect(
				validateWebhookAuthentication(ctx as IWebhookFunctions, authPropertyName),
			).rejects.toThrowError('Authorization data is wrong!');

		it('should throw an error if jwtAuth is enabled but no authentication data is defined on the node', async () => {
			const ctx: Partial<IWebhookFunctions> = {
				getNodeParameter: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('jwtAuth'),
				getCredentials: jest
					.mockRejectedValue(new Error('No authentication data defined on node!')),
				getRequestObject: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({}),
				getHeaderData: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({}),
			const authPropertyName = 'authentication';
			await expect(
				validateWebhookAuthentication(ctx as IWebhookFunctions, authPropertyName),
			).rejects.toThrowError('No authentication data defined on node!');

		it('should throw an error if jwtAuth is enabled but no token is provided', async () => {
			const ctx: Partial<IWebhookFunctions> = {
				getNodeParameter: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('jwtAuth'),
				getCredentials: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({
					keyType: 'passphrase',
					publicKey: '',
					secret: 'secret',
					algorithm: 'HS256',
				getRequestObject: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
					headers: {},
				getHeaderData: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({}),
			const authPropertyName = 'authentication';
			await expect(
				validateWebhookAuthentication(ctx as IWebhookFunctions, authPropertyName),
			).rejects.toThrowError('No token provided');

		it('should throw an error if jwtAuth is enabled but the provided token is invalid', async () => {
			const headers = {
				authorization: 'Bearer invalid-token',
			const ctx: Partial<IWebhookFunctions> = {
				getNodeParameter: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('jwtAuth'),
				getCredentials: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({
					keyType: 'passphrase',
					publicKey: '',
					secret: 'secret',
					algorithm: 'HS256',
				getRequestObject: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
				getHeaderData: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(headers),
			(jwt.verify as jest.Mock).mockImplementationOnce(() => {
				throw new ApplicationError('jwt malformed');
			const authPropertyName = 'authentication';
			await expect(
				validateWebhookAuthentication(ctx as IWebhookFunctions, authPropertyName),
			).rejects.toThrowError('jwt malformed');

		it('should return the decoded JWT payload if jwtAuth is enabled and the token is valid', async () => {
			const decodedPayload = {
				sub: '1234567890',
				name: 'John Doe',
				iat: 1516239022,
			(jwt.verify as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(decodedPayload);
			const headers = {
					'Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c',
			const ctx: Partial<IWebhookFunctions> = {
				getNodeParameter: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('jwtAuth'),
				getCredentials: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({
					keyType: 'passphrase',
					publicKey: '',
					secret: 'secret',
					algorithm: 'HS256',
				getRequestObject: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
				getHeaderData: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(headers),
			const authPropertyName = 'authentication';

			const result = await validateWebhookAuthentication(
				ctx as IWebhookFunctions,