import { mock } from 'jest-mock-extended'; import { NodeConnectionType } from '@/Interfaces'; import type { IConnection } from '@/Interfaces'; import type { IBinaryKeyData, IConnections, IDataObject, IExecuteData, INode, INodeExecuteFunctions, INodeExecutionData, INodeParameters, INodeType, INodeTypeDescription, INodeTypes, IRunExecutionData, ITriggerFunctions, ITriggerResponse, IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, NodeParameterValueType, } from '@/Interfaces'; import * as NodeHelpers from '@/NodeHelpers'; import { Workflow, type WorkflowParameters } from '@/Workflow'; process.env.TEST_VARIABLE_1 = 'valueEnvVariable1'; import * as Helpers from './Helpers'; interface StubNode { name: string; parameters: INodeParameters; } describe('Workflow', () => { describe('checkIfWorkflowCanBeActivated', () => { const disabledNode = mock<INode>({ type: 'triggerNode', disabled: true }); const unknownNode = mock<INode>({ type: 'unknownNode' }); const noTriggersNode = mock<INode>({ type: 'noTriggersNode' }); const pollNode = mock<INode>({ type: 'pollNode' }); const triggerNode = mock<INode>({ type: 'triggerNode' }); const webhookNode = mock<INode>({ type: 'webhookNode' }); const nodeTypes = mock<INodeTypes>(); nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion.mockImplementation((type) => { // TODO: getByNameAndVersion signature needs to be updated to allow returning undefined if (type === 'unknownNode') return undefined as unknown as INodeType; const partial: Partial<INodeType> = { poll: undefined, trigger: undefined, webhook: undefined, description: mock<INodeTypeDescription>({ properties: [], }), }; if (type === 'pollNode') partial.poll = jest.fn(); if (type === 'triggerNode') partial.trigger = jest.fn(); if (type === 'webhookNode') partial.webhook = jest.fn(); return mock(partial); }); test.each([ ['should skip disabled nodes', disabledNode, [], false], ['should skip nodes marked as ignored', triggerNode, ['triggerNode'], false], ['should skip unknown nodes', unknownNode, [], false], ['should skip nodes with no trigger method', noTriggersNode, [], false], ['should activate if poll method exists', pollNode, [], true], ['should activate if trigger method exists', triggerNode, [], true], ['should activate if webhook method exists', webhookNode, [], true], ])('%s', async (_, node, ignoredNodes, expected) => { const params = mock<WorkflowParameters>({ nodeTypes }); params.nodes = [node]; const workflow = new Workflow(params); expect(workflow.checkIfWorkflowCanBeActivated(ignoredNodes)).toBe(expected); }); }); describe('checkReadyForExecution', () => { const disabledNode = mock<INode>({ name: 'Disabled Node', disabled: true }); const startNode = mock<INode>({ name: 'Start Node' }); const unknownNode = mock<INode>({ name: 'Unknown Node', type: 'unknownNode' }); const nodeParamIssuesSpy = jest.spyOn(NodeHelpers, 'getNodeParametersIssues'); const nodeTypes = mock<INodeTypes>(); nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion.mockImplementation((type) => { // TODO: getByNameAndVersion signature needs to be updated to allow returning undefined if (type === 'unknownNode') return undefined as unknown as INodeType; return mock<INodeType>({ description: { properties: [], }, }); }); beforeEach(() => jest.clearAllMocks()); it('should return null if there are no nodes', () => { const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes: [], connections: {}, active: false, nodeTypes, }); const issues = workflow.checkReadyForExecution(); expect(issues).toBe(null); expect(nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(nodeParamIssuesSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should return null if there are no enabled nodes', () => { const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes: [disabledNode], connections: {}, active: false, nodeTypes, }); const issues = workflow.checkReadyForExecution({ startNode: }); expect(issues).toBe(null); expect(nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(nodeParamIssuesSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should return typeUnknown for unknown nodes', () => { const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes: [unknownNode], connections: {}, active: false, nodeTypes, }); const issues = workflow.checkReadyForExecution({ startNode: }); expect(issues).toEqual({ []: { typeUnknown: true } }); expect(nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(nodeParamIssuesSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should return issues for regular nodes', () => { const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes: [startNode], connections: {}, active: false, nodeTypes, }); nodeParamIssuesSpy.mockReturnValue({ execution: false }); const issues = workflow.checkReadyForExecution({ startNode: }); expect(issues).toEqual({ []: { execution: false } }); expect(nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(nodeParamIssuesSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('renameNodeInParameterValue', () => { describe('for expressions', () => { const tests = [ { description: 'do nothing if there is no expression', input: { currentName: 'Node1', newName: 'Node1New', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node1', value2: 'value2Node1', }, }, output: { value1: 'value1Node1', value2: 'value2Node1', }, }, { description: 'should work with dot notation', input: { currentName: 'Node1', newName: 'NewName', parameters: { value1: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", value2: "={{$ + ' - ' + $}}", }, }, output: { value1: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", value2: "={{$ + ' - ' + $}}", }, }, { description: 'should work with ["nodeName"]', input: { currentName: 'Node1', newName: 'NewName', parameters: { value1: '={{$node["Node1"]["data"]["value1"] + \'Node1\'}}', value2: '={{$node["Node1"]["data"]["value2"] + \' - \' + $node["Node1"]["data"]["value2"]}}', }, }, output: { value1: '={{$node["NewName"]["data"]["value1"] + \'Node1\'}}', value2: '={{$node["NewName"]["data"]["value2"] + \' - \' + $node["NewName"]["data"]["value2"]}}', }, }, { description: 'should work with $("Node1")', input: { currentName: 'Node1', newName: 'NewName', parameters: { value1: '={{$("Node1")["data"]["value1"] + \'Node1\'}}', value2: '={{$("Node1")["data"]["value2"] + \' - \' + $("Node1")["data"]["value2"]}}', }, }, output: { value1: '={{$("NewName")["data"]["value1"] + \'Node1\'}}', value2: '={{$("NewName")["data"]["value2"] + \' - \' + $("NewName")["data"]["value2"]}}', }, }, { description: 'should work with $items("Node1")', input: { currentName: 'Node1', newName: 'NewName', parameters: { value1: '={{$items("Node1")["data"]["value1"] + \'Node1\'}}', value2: '={{$items("Node1")["data"]["value2"] + \' - \' + $items("Node1")["data"]["value2"]}}', }, }, output: { value1: '={{$items("NewName")["data"]["value1"] + \'Node1\'}}', value2: '={{$items("NewName")["data"]["value2"] + \' - \' + $items("NewName")["data"]["value2"]}}', }, }, { description: 'should work with $items("Node1", 0, 1)', input: { currentName: 'Node1', newName: 'NewName', parameters: { value1: '={{$items("Node1", 0, 1)["data"]["value1"] + \'Node1\'}}', value2: '={{$items("Node1", 0, 1)["data"]["value2"] + \' - \' + $items("Node1", 0, 1)["data"]["value2"]}}', }, }, output: { value1: '={{$items("NewName", 0, 1)["data"]["value1"] + \'Node1\'}}', value2: '={{$items("NewName", 0, 1)["data"]["value2"] + \' - \' + $items("NewName", 0, 1)["data"]["value2"]}}', }, }, { description: 'should work with dot notation that contains space and special character', input: { currentName: 'Node1', newName: 'New $ Name', parameters: { value1: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", value2: "={{$ + ' - ' + $}}", }, }, output: { value1: '={{$node["New $ Name"].data.value1 + \'Node1\'}}', value2: '={{$node["New $ Name"].data.value2 + \' - \' + $node["New $ Name"].data.value2}}', }, }, { description: 'should work with dot notation that contains space and trailing $', input: { currentName: 'Node1', newName: 'NewName$', parameters: { value1: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", value2: "={{$ + ' - ' + $}}", }, }, output: { value1: '={{$node["NewName$"].data.value1 + \'Node1\'}}', value2: '={{$node["NewName$"].data.value2 + \' - \' + $node["NewName$"].data.value2}}', }, }, { description: 'should work with dot notation that contains space and special character', input: { currentName: 'Node1', newName: 'NewName $ $& $` $$$', parameters: { value1: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", value2: "={{$ + ' - ' + $}}", }, }, output: { value1: '={{$node["NewName $ $& $` $$$"].data.value1 + \'Node1\'}}', value2: '={{$node["NewName $ $& $` $$$"].data.value2 + \' - \' + $node["NewName $ $& $` $$$"].data.value2}}', }, }, { description: 'should work with dot notation without trailing dot', input: { currentName: 'Node1', newName: 'NewName', parameters: { value1: "={{$node.Node1 + 'Node1'}}", value2: "={{$node.Node1 + ' - ' + $node.Node1}}", }, }, output: { value1: "={{$node.NewName + 'Node1'}}", value2: "={{$node.NewName + ' - ' + $node.NewName}}", }, }, { description: "should work with ['nodeName']", input: { currentName: 'Node1', newName: 'NewName', parameters: { value1: "={{$node['Node1']['data']['value1'] + 'Node1'}}", value2: "={{$node['Node1']['data']['value2'] + ' - ' + $node['Node1']['data']['value2']}}", }, }, output: { value1: "={{$node['NewName']['data']['value1'] + 'Node1'}}", value2: "={{$node['NewName']['data']['value2'] + ' - ' + $node['NewName']['data']['value2']}}", }, }, { description: 'should work on lower levels', input: { currentName: 'Node1', newName: 'NewName', parameters: { level1a: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", level1b: [ { value2a: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", value2b: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", }, ], level1c: { value2a: { value3a: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", value3b: [ { value4a: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", value4b: { value5a: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", value5b: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", }, }, ], }, }, } as INodeParameters, }, output: { level1a: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", level1b: [ { value2a: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", value2b: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", }, ], level1c: { value2a: { value3a: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", value3b: [ { value4a: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", value4b: { value5a: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", value5b: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", }, }, ], }, }, }, }, ]; const nodeTypes = Helpers.NodeTypes(); const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes: [], connections: {}, active: false, nodeTypes }); for (const testData of tests) { test(testData.description, () => { const result = workflow.renameNodeInParameterValue( testData.input.parameters, testData.input.currentName, testData.input.newName, ); expect(result).toEqual(testData.output); }); } }); describe('for node with renamable content', () => { const tests = [ { description: "should work with $('name')", input: { currentName: 'Old', newName: 'New', parameters: { jsCode: "$('Old').first();" }, }, output: { jsCode: "$('New').first();" }, }, { description: "should work with $node['name'] and $", input: { currentName: 'Old', newName: 'New', parameters: { jsCode: "$node['Old'].first(); $node.Old.first();" }, }, output: { jsCode: "$node['New'].first(); $node.New.first();" }, }, { description: 'should work with $items()', input: { currentName: 'Old', newName: 'New', parameters: { jsCode: "$items('Old').first();" }, }, output: { jsCode: "$items('New').first();" }, }, ]; const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes: [], connections: {}, active: false, nodeTypes: Helpers.NodeTypes(), }); for (const t of tests) { test(t.description, () => { expect( workflow.renameNodeInParameterValue( t.input.parameters, t.input.currentName, t.input.newName, { hasRenamableContent: true }, ), ).toEqual(t.output); }); } }); }); describe('renameNode', () => { const tests = [ { description: 'rename node without connections', input: { currentName: 'Node1', newName: 'Node1New', nodes: [ { name: 'Node1', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node1', value2: 'value2Node1', }, }, ], connections: {}, }, output: { nodes: [ { name: 'Node1New', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node1', value2: 'value2Node1', }, }, ], connections: {}, }, }, { description: 'rename node with one output connection', input: { currentName: 'Node1', newName: 'Node1New', nodes: [ { name: 'Node1', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node1', value2: 'value2Node1', }, }, { name: 'Node2', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node2', value2: 'value2Node2', }, }, ], connections: { Node1: { main: [ [ { node: 'Node2', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, }, }, output: { nodes: [ { name: 'Node1New', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node1', value2: 'value2Node1', }, }, { name: 'Node2', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node2', value2: 'value2Node2', }, }, ], connections: { Node1New: { main: [ [ { node: 'Node2', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, }, }, }, { description: 'rename node with one input connection', input: { currentName: 'Node2', newName: 'Node2New', nodes: [ { name: 'Node1', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node1', value2: 'value2Node1', }, }, { name: 'Node2', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node2', value2: 'value2Node2', }, }, ], connections: { Node1: { main: [ [ { node: 'Node2', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, }, }, output: { nodes: [ { name: 'Node1', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node1', value2: 'value2Node1', }, }, { name: 'Node2New', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node2', value2: 'value2Node2', }, }, ], connections: { Node1: { main: [ [ { node: 'Node2New', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, }, }, }, { description: 'rename node with multiple input and output connection', input: { currentName: 'Node3', newName: 'Node3New', nodes: [ { name: 'Node1', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node1', value2: 'value2Node1', }, }, { name: 'Node2', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node2', value2: 'value2Node2', }, }, { name: 'Node3', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node3', value2: 'value2Node3', }, }, { name: 'Node4', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node4', value2: 'value2Node4', }, }, { name: 'Node5', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node5', value2: 'value2Node5', }, }, ], connections: { Node1: { main: [ [ { node: 'Node3', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, Node2: { main: [ [ { node: 'Node3', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, { node: 'Node5', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, Node3: { main: [ [ { node: 'Node4', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, { node: 'Node5', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, }, }, output: { nodes: [ { name: 'Node1', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node1', value2: 'value2Node1', }, }, { name: 'Node2', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node2', value2: 'value2Node2', }, }, { name: 'Node3New', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node3', value2: 'value2Node3', }, }, { name: 'Node4', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node4', value2: 'value2Node4', }, }, { name: 'Node5', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node5', value2: 'value2Node5', }, }, ], connections: { Node1: { main: [ [ { node: 'Node3New', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, Node2: { main: [ [ { node: 'Node3New', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, { node: 'Node5', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, Node3New: { main: [ [ { node: 'Node4', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, { node: 'Node5', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, }, }, }, // This does just a basic test if "renameNodeInParameterValue" gets used. More complex // tests with different formats and levels are in the separate tests for the function // "renameNodeInParameterValue" { description: 'change name also in expressions which use node-name (dot notation)', input: { currentName: 'Node1', newName: 'Node1New', nodes: [ { name: 'Node1', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node1', value2: 'value2Node1', }, }, { name: 'Node2', parameters: { value1: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", value2: "={{$ + ' - ' + $}}", }, }, ], connections: {}, }, output: { nodes: [ { name: 'Node1New', parameters: { value1: 'value1Node1', value2: 'value2Node1', }, }, { name: 'Node2', parameters: { value1: "={{$ + 'Node1'}}", value2: "={{$ + ' - ' + $}}", }, }, ], connections: {}, }, }, ]; const nodeTypes = Helpers.NodeTypes(); let workflow: Workflow; function createNodeData(stubData: StubNode): INode { return { name:, parameters: stubData.parameters, type: 'test.set', typeVersion: 1, id: 'uuid-1234', position: [100, 100], }; } let executeNodes: INode[]; let resultNodes: { [key: string]: INode; }; for (const testData of tests) { test(testData.description, () => { executeNodes = []; for (const node of testData.input.nodes) { executeNodes.push(createNodeData(node)); } workflow = new Workflow({ nodes: executeNodes, connections: testData.input.connections as IConnections, active: false, nodeTypes, }); workflow.renameNode(testData.input.currentName, testData.input.newName); resultNodes = {}; for (const node of testData.output.nodes) { resultNodes[] = createNodeData(node); } expect(workflow.nodes).toEqual(resultNodes); expect(workflow.connectionsBySourceNode).toEqual(testData.output.connections); }); } }); describe('getParameterValue', () => { const tests: Array<{ description: string; input: { [nodeName: string]: { parameters: Record<string, NodeParameterValueType>; outputJson?: IDataObject; outputBinary?: IBinaryKeyData; }; }; output: Record<string, unknown>; }> = [ { description: 'read simple not expression value', input: { Node1: { parameters: { value1: 'valueNode1', }, }, Node2: { parameters: { value1: 'valueNode2', }, }, }, output: { value1: 'valueNode2', }, }, { description: 'read simple math expression', input: { Node1: { parameters: { value1: '', }, }, Node2: { parameters: { value1: '={{1+2}}', }, }, }, output: { value1: 3, }, }, { description: 'read data from node-output-data with with long "$node.{NODE}.data" syntax', input: { Node1: { parameters: { value1: 'valueNode1', }, }, Node2: { parameters: { value1: '={{$}}', }, }, }, output: { value1: 'valueNode1', }, }, { description: 'read data from node-output-data with with long "$node.{NODE}.data" syntax add value and append text', input: { Node1: { parameters: { value1: 1, }, }, Node2: { parameters: { value1: '={{$ + 2}} asdf', }, }, }, output: { value1: '3 asdf', }, }, { description: 'read deep-data from node-output-data with with long "$node.{NODE}.data" syntax with JavaScript Code', input: { Node1: { parameters: { value1: 'whatever', }, // Overwrite the output data outputJson: { value1: { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, }, }, }, Node2: { parameters: { value1: '={{Object.keys($", ")}}', }, }, }, output: { value1: 'a, b, c', }, }, { description: 'read data from incoming-node-data with with short "data" syntax', input: { Node1: { parameters: { value1: 'valueNode1', }, }, Node2: { parameters: { value1: '={{$data.value1}}', }, }, }, output: { value1: 'valueNode1', }, }, { description: 'read deep-data from incoming-node-data with with short "data" syntax', input: { Node1: { parameters: { value1: 'whatever', }, // Overwrite the output data outputJson: { value1: { a: { b: 'deepDataNode1', }, }, }, }, Node2: { parameters: { value1: '={{$data.value1.a.b}}', }, }, }, output: { value1: 'deepDataNode1', }, }, { description: 'read deep-data from node-output-data with with long "$node.{NODE}.data" syntax', input: { Node1: { parameters: { value1: 'whatever', }, // Overwrite the output data outputJson: { value1: { a: { b: 'deepDataNode1', }, }, }, }, Node2: { parameters: { value1: '={{$}}', }, }, }, output: { value1: 'deepDataNode1', }, }, { description: 'read binary-string-data from incoming-node-data with with short "$binary" syntax', input: { Node1: { parameters: { value1: 'whatever', }, // Overwrite the output data outputBinary: { binaryKey: { data: '', type: '', mimeType: 'test', fileName: 'test-file1.jpg', }, }, }, Node2: { parameters: { value1: '={{$binary.binaryKey.fileName}}', }, }, }, output: { value1: 'test-file1.jpg', }, }, { description: 'read binary-string-data from node-output-data with with long "$node.{NODE}.binary" syntax', input: { Node1: { parameters: { value1: 'whatever', }, // Overwrite the output data outputBinary: { binaryKey: { data: '', type: '', mimeType: 'test', fileName: 'test-file1.jpg', }, }, }, Node2: { parameters: { value1: '={{$node.Node1.binary.binaryKey.fileName}}', }, }, }, output: { value1: 'test-file1.jpg', }, }, { description: 'read parameter from other node with with long "$node.parameter" syntax', input: { Node1: { parameters: { value1: 'valueNode1', }, }, Node2: { parameters: { value1: '={{$node.Node1.parameter.value1}}', }, }, }, output: { value1: 'valueNode1', }, }, { description: 'read environment data "$env" syntax which exists', input: { Node1: { parameters: { value1: 'valueNode1', }, }, Node2: { parameters: { value1: '={{$env.TEST_VARIABLE_1}}', }, }, }, output: { value1: 'valueEnvVariable1', }, }, { description: 'read environment data "$env" syntax which does not exists', input: { Node1: { parameters: { value1: 'valueNode1', }, }, Node2: { parameters: { value1: '={{$env.DOES_NOT_EXIST}}', }, }, }, output: { value1: undefined, }, }, { description: 'read parameter from current node with short "$parameter" syntax', input: { Node1: { parameters: { value1: 'valueNode1', }, }, Node2: { parameters: { value1: 'valueNode2', value2: '={{$parameter.value1}}', }, }, }, output: { value1: 'valueNode2', value2: 'valueNode2', }, }, { description: 'return resolved value when referencing another property with expression (long "$node.{NODE}.data" syntax)', input: { Node1: { parameters: { value1: 'valueNode1', }, }, Node2: { parameters: { value1: '={{$}}', value2: '={{$parameter.value1}}', }, }, }, output: { value1: 'valueNode1', value2: 'valueNode1', }, }, { description: 'return resolved value when referencing another property with expression (short "data" syntax)', input: { Node1: { parameters: { value1: 'valueNode1', }, }, Node2: { parameters: { value1: '={{$data.value1}}', value2: '={{$parameter.value1}}', }, }, }, output: { value1: 'valueNode1', value2: 'valueNode1', }, }, { description: 'return resolved value when referencing another property with expression when a node has spaces (long "$node["{NODE}"].parameter" syntax)', input: { 'Node 4 with spaces': { parameters: { value1: '', }, }, Node1: { parameters: { value1: 'valueNode1', }, }, Node2: { parameters: { value1: '={{$node["Node 4 with spaces"].parameter.value1}}', }, }, }, output: { value1: 'default-value1', }, }, { description: 'return resolved value when referencing another property with expression on another node (long "$node["{NODE}"].parameter" syntax)', input: { Node1: { parameters: { value1: 'valueNode1', }, }, Node2: { parameters: { value1: '={{$node["Node1"].parameter.value1}}a', }, }, Node3: { parameters: { value1: '={{$node["Node2"].parameter.value1}}b', }, }, }, output: { value1: 'valueNode1ab', }, }, // TODO: Make that this test does not fail! // { // description: 'return resolved value when short "data" syntax got used in expression on parameter of not active node which got referenced by active one', // input: { // Node1: { // parameters: { // value1: 'valueNode1', // } // }, // Node2: { // parameters: { // value1: '={{$data.value1}}-Node2', // }, // }, // Node3: { // parameters: { // value1: '={{$data.value1}}-Node3+1', // value2: '={{}}-Node3+2', // }, // } // }, // output: { // value1: 'valueNode1-Node2-Node3+1', // value2: 'valueNode1-Node2-Node3+2', // }, // }, ]; const nodeTypes = Helpers.NodeTypes(); for (const testData of tests) { test(testData.description, () => { const nodes: INode[] = [ { name: 'Node1', parameters: testData.input.Node1.parameters, type: 'test.set', typeVersion: 1, id: 'uuid-1', position: [100, 100], }, { name: 'Node2', parameters: testData.input.Node2.parameters, type: 'test.set', typeVersion: 1, id: 'uuid-2', position: [100, 200], }, { name: 'Node3', parameters: testData.input.hasOwnProperty('Node3') ? testData.input.Node3?.parameters : {}, type: 'test.set', typeVersion: 1, id: 'uuid-3', position: [100, 300], }, { name: 'Node 4 with spaces', parameters: testData.input.hasOwnProperty('Node4') ? testData.input.Node4.parameters : {}, type: 'test.set', typeVersion: 1, id: 'uuid-4', position: [100, 400], }, ]; const connections: IConnections = { Node1: { main: [ [ { node: 'Node2', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, Node2: { main: [ [ { node: 'Node3', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, 'Node 4 with spaces': { main: [ [ { node: 'Node2', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, }; const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes, connections, active: false, nodeTypes }); const activeNodeName = testData.input.hasOwnProperty('Node3') ? 'Node3' : 'Node2'; const runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData = { resultData: { runData: { Node1: [ { source: [ { previousNode: 'test', }, ], startTime: 1, executionTime: 1, data: { main: [ [ { json: testData.input.Node1.outputJson || testData.input.Node1.parameters, binary: testData.input.Node1.outputBinary, }, ], ], }, }, ], Node2: [], 'Node 4 with spaces': [], }, }, }; const itemIndex = 0; const runIndex = 0; const connectionInputData: INodeExecutionData[] = runExecutionData.resultData.runData.Node1[0].data!.main[0]!; for (const parameterName of Object.keys(testData.output)) { const parameterValue = nodes.find((node) => === activeNodeName)!.parameters[ parameterName ]; const result = workflow.expression.getParameterValue( parameterValue, runExecutionData, runIndex, itemIndex, activeNodeName, connectionInputData, 'manual', {}, ); expect(result).toEqual(testData.output[parameterName]); } }); } // test('should be able to set and read key data without initial data set', () => { // const nodes: Node[] = [ // { // "name": "Node1", // "parameters": { // "value": "outputSet1" // }, // "type": "test.set", // "typeVersion": 1, // "position": [ // 100, // 200 // ] // }, // { // "name": "Node2", // "parameters": { // "name": "=[data.propertyName]" // }, // "type": "test.set", // "typeVersion": 1, // "position": [ // 100, // 300 // ] // } // ]; // const connections: Connections = { // "Node1": { // "main": [ // [ // { // "node": "Node2", // "type": "main", // "index": 0 // } // ] // ] // } // }; // const nodeTypes = Helpers.NodeTypes(); // const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes, connections, active: false, nodeTypes }); // const activeNodeName = 'Node2'; // const parameterValue = nodes.find((node) => === activeNodeName); // // const parameterValue = '=[data.propertyName]'; // TODO: Make this dynamic from node-data via "activeNodeName"! // const runData: RunData = { // Node1: [ // { // startTime: 1, // executionTime: 1, // data: { // main: [ // [ // { // json: { // propertyName: 'outputSet1' // } // } // ] // ] // } // } // ] // }; // const itemIndex = 0; // const connectionInputData: NodeExecutionData[] = runData!['Node1']![0]!.data!.main[0]!; // const result = workflow.getParameterValue(parameterValue, runData, itemIndex, activeNodeName, connectionInputData); // expect(result).toEqual('outputSet1'); // }); test('should also resolve all child parameters when the parent get requested', () => { const nodeTypes = Helpers.NodeTypes(); const nodes: INode[] = [ { name: 'Node1', parameters: { values: { string: [ { name: 'name1', value: 'value1', }, { name: 'name2', value: '={{$parameter.values.string[0].value}}A', }, ], }, }, type: 'test.setMulti', typeVersion: 1, id: 'uuid-1234', position: [100, 100], }, ]; const connections: IConnections = {}; const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes, connections, active: false, nodeTypes }); const activeNodeName = 'Node1'; const runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData = { resultData: { runData: { Node1: [ { startTime: 1, executionTime: 1, data: { main: [ [ { json: {}, }, ], ], }, source: [], }, ], }, }, }; const itemIndex = 0; const runIndex = 0; const connectionInputData: INodeExecutionData[] = runExecutionData.resultData.runData.Node1[0].data!.main[0]!; const parameterName = 'values'; const parameterValue = nodes.find((node) => === activeNodeName)!.parameters[ parameterName ]; const result = workflow.expression.getParameterValue( parameterValue, runExecutionData, runIndex, itemIndex, activeNodeName, connectionInputData, 'manual', {}, ); expect(result).toEqual({ string: [ { name: 'name1', value: 'value1', }, { name: 'name2', value: 'value1A', }, ], }); }); }); describe('getParentNodesByDepth', () => { const nodeTypes = Helpers.NodeTypes(); const SIMPLE_WORKFLOW = new Workflow({ nodeTypes, nodes: [ { parameters: {}, name: 'Start', type: 'test.set', typeVersion: 1, id: 'uuid-1', position: [240, 300], }, { parameters: { options: {}, }, name: 'Set', type: 'test.set', typeVersion: 1, id: 'uuid-2', position: [460, 300], }, { parameters: { options: {}, }, name: 'Set1', type: 'test.set', typeVersion: 1, id: 'uuid-3', position: [680, 300], }, ], connections: { Start: { main: [ [ { node: 'Set', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, Set: { main: [ [ { node: 'Set1', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, }, active: false, }); const WORKFLOW_WITH_SWITCH = new Workflow({ active: false, nodeTypes, nodes: [ { parameters: {}, name: 'Switch', type: 'test.switch', typeVersion: 1, id: 'uuid-1', position: [460, 300], }, { parameters: { options: {}, }, name: 'Set', type: 'test.set', typeVersion: 1, id: 'uuid-2', position: [740, 300], }, { parameters: { options: {}, }, name: 'Set1', type: 'test.set', typeVersion: 1, id: 'uuid-3', position: [780, 100], }, { parameters: { options: {}, }, name: 'Set2', type: 'test.set', typeVersion: 1, id: 'uuid-4', position: [1040, 260], }, ], connections: { Switch: { main: [ [ { node: 'Set1', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], [ { node: 'Set', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], [ { node: 'Set', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, Set: { main: [ [ { node: 'Set2', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, Set1: { main: [ [ { node: 'Set2', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, }, }); const WORKFLOW_WITH_LOOPS = new Workflow({ nodeTypes, active: false, nodes: [ { parameters: {}, name: 'Switch', type: 'test.switch', typeVersion: 1, id: 'uuid-1', position: [920, 340], }, { parameters: {}, name: 'Start', type: 'test.set', typeVersion: 1, id: 'uuid-2', position: [240, 300], }, { parameters: { options: {}, }, name: 'Set1', type: 'test.set', typeVersion: 1, id: 'uuid-3', position: [700, 340], }, { parameters: { options: {}, }, name: 'Set', type: 'test.set', typeVersion: 1, id: 'uuid-4', position: [1220, 300], }, { parameters: {}, name: 'Switch', type: 'test.switch', typeVersion: 1, id: 'uuid-5', position: [920, 340], }, ], connections: { Switch: { main: [ [ { node: 'Set', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], [], // todo why is null not accepted [ { node: 'Switch', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, Start: { main: [ [ { node: 'Set1', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, Set1: { main: [ [ { node: 'Set1', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, { node: 'Switch', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, Set: { main: [ [ { node: 'Set1', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0, }, ], ], }, }, }); test('Should return parent nodes of nodes', () => { expect(SIMPLE_WORKFLOW.getParentNodesByDepth('Start')).toEqual([]); expect(SIMPLE_WORKFLOW.getParentNodesByDepth('Set')).toEqual([ { depth: 1, indicies: [0], name: 'Start', }, ]); expect(SIMPLE_WORKFLOW.getParentNodesByDepth('Set1')).toEqual([ { depth: 1, indicies: [0], name: 'Set', }, { depth: 2, indicies: [0], name: 'Start', }, ]); }); test('Should return parent up to depth', () => { expect(SIMPLE_WORKFLOW.getParentNodesByDepth('Set1', 0)).toEqual([]); expect(SIMPLE_WORKFLOW.getParentNodesByDepth('Set1', 1)).toEqual([ { depth: 1, indicies: [0], name: 'Set', }, ]); }); test('Should return all parents with depth of -1', () => { expect(SIMPLE_WORKFLOW.getParentNodesByDepth('Set1', -1)).toEqual([ { depth: 1, indicies: [0], name: 'Set', }, { depth: 2, indicies: [0], name: 'Start', }, ]); }); test('Should return parents of nodes with all connected output indicies', () => { expect(WORKFLOW_WITH_SWITCH.getParentNodesByDepth('Switch')).toEqual([]); expect(WORKFLOW_WITH_SWITCH.getParentNodesByDepth('Set1')).toEqual([ { depth: 1, indicies: [0], name: 'Switch', }, ]); expect(WORKFLOW_WITH_SWITCH.getParentNodesByDepth('Set')).toEqual([ { depth: 1, indicies: [1, 2], name: 'Switch', }, ]); expect(WORKFLOW_WITH_SWITCH.getParentNodesByDepth('Set2')).toEqual([ { depth: 1, indicies: [0], name: 'Set', }, { depth: 1, indicies: [0], name: 'Set1', }, { depth: 2, indicies: [1, 2, 0], name: 'Switch', }, ]); }); test('Should handle loops within workflows', () => { expect(WORKFLOW_WITH_LOOPS.getParentNodesByDepth('Start')).toEqual([]); expect(WORKFLOW_WITH_LOOPS.getParentNodesByDepth('Set')).toEqual([ { depth: 1, indicies: [0, 2], name: 'Switch', }, { depth: 2, indicies: [0], name: 'Set1', }, { depth: 3, indicies: [0], name: 'Start', }, ]); expect(WORKFLOW_WITH_LOOPS.getParentNodesByDepth('Switch')).toEqual([ { depth: 1, indicies: [0], name: 'Set1', }, { depth: 2, indicies: [0], name: 'Start', }, { depth: 2, indicies: [0], name: 'Set', }, ]); expect(WORKFLOW_WITH_LOOPS.getParentNodesByDepth('Set1')).toEqual([ { depth: 1, indicies: [0], name: 'Start', }, { depth: 1, indicies: [0], name: 'Set', }, { depth: 2, indicies: [0, 2], name: 'Switch', }, ]); }); }); describe('runNode', () => { const nodeTypes = mock<INodeTypes>(); const triggerNode = mock<INode>(); const triggerResponse = mock<ITriggerResponse>({ closeFunction: jest.fn(), // This node should never trigger, or return manualTriggerFunction: async () => await new Promise(() => {}), }); const triggerNodeType = mock<INodeType>({ description: { properties: [], }, execute: undefined, poll: undefined, webhook: undefined, async trigger(this: ITriggerFunctions) { return triggerResponse; }, }); nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion.mockReturnValue(triggerNodeType); const workflow = new Workflow({ nodeTypes, nodes: [triggerNode], connections: {}, active: false, }); const executionData = mock<IExecuteData>(); const runExecutionData = mock<IRunExecutionData>(); const additionalData = mock<IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData>(); const nodeExecuteFunctions = mock<INodeExecuteFunctions>(); const triggerFunctions = mock<ITriggerFunctions>(); nodeExecuteFunctions.getExecuteTriggerFunctions.mockReturnValue(triggerFunctions); const abortController = new AbortController(); test('should call closeFunction when manual trigger is aborted', async () => { const runPromise = workflow.runNode( executionData, runExecutionData, 0, additionalData, nodeExecuteFunctions, 'manual', abortController.signal, ); // Yield back to the event-loop to let async parts of `runNode` execute await new Promise((resolve) => setImmediate(resolve)); let isSettled = false; void runPromise.then(() => { isSettled = true; }); expect(isSettled).toBe(false); expect(abortController.signal.aborted).toBe(false); expect(triggerResponse.closeFunction).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); abortController.abort(); expect(triggerResponse.closeFunction).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('__getConnectionsByDestination', () => { it('should return empty object when there are no connections', () => { const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes: [], connections: {}, active: false, nodeTypes: mock<INodeTypes>(), }); const result = workflow.__getConnectionsByDestination({}); expect(result).toEqual({}); }); it('should return connections by destination node', () => { const connections: IConnections = { Node1: { [NodeConnectionType.Main]: [ [ { node: 'Node2', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0 }, { node: 'Node3', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 1 }, ], ], }, }; const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes: [], connections, active: false, nodeTypes: mock<INodeTypes>(), }); const result = workflow.__getConnectionsByDestination(connections); expect(result).toEqual({ Node2: { [NodeConnectionType.Main]: [[{ node: 'Node1', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0 }]], }, Node3: { [NodeConnectionType.Main]: [ [], [{ node: 'Node1', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0 }], ], }, }); }); it('should handle multiple connection types', () => { const connections: IConnections = { Node1: { [NodeConnectionType.Main]: [[{ node: 'Node2', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0 }]], [NodeConnectionType.AiAgent]: [ [{ node: 'Node3', type: NodeConnectionType.AiAgent, index: 0 }], ], }, }; const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes: [], connections, active: false, nodeTypes: mock<INodeTypes>(), }); const result = workflow.__getConnectionsByDestination(connections); expect(result).toEqual({ Node2: { [NodeConnectionType.Main]: [[{ node: 'Node1', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0 }]], }, Node3: { [NodeConnectionType.AiAgent]: [ [{ node: 'Node1', type: NodeConnectionType.AiAgent, index: 0 }], ], }, }); }); it('should handle nodes with no connections', () => { const connections: IConnections = { Node1: { [NodeConnectionType.Main]: [[]], }, }; const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes: [], connections, active: false, nodeTypes: mock<INodeTypes>(), }); const result = workflow.__getConnectionsByDestination(connections); expect(result).toEqual({}); }); // @issue it('should handle nodes with null connections', () => { const connections: IConnections = { Node1: { [NodeConnectionType.Main]: [ null as unknown as IConnection[], [{ node: 'Node2', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0 }], ], }, }; const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes: [], connections, active: false, nodeTypes: mock<INodeTypes>(), }); const result = workflow.__getConnectionsByDestination(connections); expect(result).toEqual({ Node2: { [NodeConnectionType.Main]: [[{ node: 'Node1', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 1 }]], }, }); }); it('should handle nodes with multiple input connections', () => { const connections: IConnections = { Node1: { [NodeConnectionType.Main]: [[{ node: 'Node2', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0 }]], }, Node3: { [NodeConnectionType.Main]: [[{ node: 'Node2', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0 }]], }, }; const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes: [], connections, active: false, nodeTypes: mock<INodeTypes>(), }); const result = workflow.__getConnectionsByDestination(connections); expect(result).toEqual({ Node2: { [NodeConnectionType.Main]: [ [ { node: 'Node1', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0 }, { node: 'Node3', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0 }, ], ], }, }); }); }); });