/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-for-in-array */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing */ import type { IConnections, IExecuteResponsePromiseData, IGetExecuteTriggerFunctions, INode, INodeExecuteFunctions, INodeExecutionData, INodeIssues, INodeParameters, INodes, INodeType, INodeTypes, IPinData, IPollFunctions, IRunExecutionData, ITaskDataConnections, ITriggerResponse, IWebhookData, IWebhookResponseData, IWorkflowIssues, IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, IWorkflowSettings, WebhookSetupMethodNames, WorkflowActivateMode, WorkflowExecuteMode, IConnection, IConnectedNode, IDataObject, IExecuteData, INodeConnection, IObservableObject, IRun, IRunNodeResponse, NodeParameterValueType, ConnectionTypes, } from './Interfaces'; import { Node } from './Interfaces'; import type { IDeferredPromise } from './DeferredPromise'; import * as NodeHelpers from './NodeHelpers'; import * as ObservableObject from './ObservableObject'; import { RoutingNode } from './RoutingNode'; import { Expression } from './Expression'; import { NODES_WITH_RENAMABLE_CONTENT } from './Constants'; function dedupe(arr: T[]): T[] { return [...new Set(arr)]; } export class Workflow { id: string; name: string | undefined; nodes: INodes = {}; connectionsBySourceNode: IConnections; connectionsByDestinationNode: IConnections; nodeTypes: INodeTypes; expression: Expression; active: boolean; settings: IWorkflowSettings; // To save workflow specific static data like for example // ids of registered webhooks of nodes staticData: IDataObject; pinData?: IPinData; // constructor(id: string | undefined, nodes: INode[], connections: IConnections, active: boolean, nodeTypes: INodeTypes, staticData?: IDataObject, settings?: IWorkflowSettings) { constructor(parameters: { id?: string; name?: string; nodes: INode[]; connections: IConnections; active: boolean; nodeTypes: INodeTypes; staticData?: IDataObject; settings?: IWorkflowSettings; pinData?: IPinData; }) { this.id = parameters.id as string; this.name = parameters.name; this.nodeTypes = parameters.nodeTypes; this.pinData = parameters.pinData; // Save nodes in workflow as object to be able to get the // nodes easily by its name. // Also directly add the default values of the node type. let nodeType: INodeType | undefined; for (const node of parameters.nodes) { this.nodes[node.name] = node; nodeType = this.nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion(node.type, node.typeVersion); if (nodeType === undefined) { // Go on to next node when its type is not known. // For now do not error because that causes problems with // expression resolution also then when the unknown node // does not get used. continue; // throw new Error(`The node type "${node.type}" of node "${node.name}" is not known.`); } // Add default values const nodeParameters = NodeHelpers.getNodeParameters( nodeType.description.properties, node.parameters, true, false, node, ); node.parameters = nodeParameters !== null ? nodeParameters : {}; } this.connectionsBySourceNode = parameters.connections; // Save also the connections by the destination nodes this.connectionsByDestinationNode = this.__getConnectionsByDestination(parameters.connections); this.active = parameters.active || false; this.staticData = ObservableObject.create(parameters.staticData || {}, undefined, { ignoreEmptyOnFirstChild: true, }); this.settings = parameters.settings || {}; this.expression = new Expression(this); } /** * The default connections are by source node. This function rewrites them by destination nodes * to easily find parent nodes. * */ __getConnectionsByDestination(connections: IConnections): IConnections { const returnConnection: IConnections = {}; let connectionInfo; let maxIndex: number; for (const sourceNode in connections) { if (!connections.hasOwnProperty(sourceNode)) { continue; } for (const type in connections[sourceNode]) { if (!connections[sourceNode].hasOwnProperty(type)) { continue; } for (const inputIndex in connections[sourceNode][type]) { if (!connections[sourceNode][type].hasOwnProperty(inputIndex)) { continue; } for (connectionInfo of connections[sourceNode][type][inputIndex]) { if (!returnConnection.hasOwnProperty(connectionInfo.node)) { returnConnection[connectionInfo.node] = {}; } if (!returnConnection[connectionInfo.node].hasOwnProperty(connectionInfo.type)) { returnConnection[connectionInfo.node][connectionInfo.type] = []; } maxIndex = returnConnection[connectionInfo.node][connectionInfo.type].length - 1; for (let j = maxIndex; j < connectionInfo.index; j++) { returnConnection[connectionInfo.node][connectionInfo.type].push([]); } returnConnection[connectionInfo.node][connectionInfo.type][connectionInfo.index].push({ node: sourceNode, type, index: parseInt(inputIndex, 10), }); } } } } return returnConnection; } /** * A workflow can only be activated if it has a node which has either triggers * or webhooks defined. * * @param {string[]} [ignoreNodeTypes] Node-types to ignore in the check */ checkIfWorkflowCanBeActivated(ignoreNodeTypes?: string[]): boolean { let node: INode; let nodeType: INodeType | undefined; for (const nodeName of Object.keys(this.nodes)) { node = this.nodes[nodeName]; if (node.disabled === true) { // Deactivated nodes can not trigger a run so ignore continue; } if (ignoreNodeTypes !== undefined && ignoreNodeTypes.includes(node.type)) { continue; } nodeType = this.nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion(node.type, node.typeVersion); if (nodeType === undefined) { // Type is not known so check is not possible continue; } if ( nodeType.poll !== undefined || nodeType.trigger !== undefined || nodeType.webhook !== undefined ) { // Is a trigger node. So workflow can be activated. return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks if everything in the workflow is complete * and ready to be executed. If it returns null everything * is fine. If there are issues it returns the issues * which have been found for the different nodes. * TODO: Does currently not check for credential issues! * */ checkReadyForExecution(inputData: { startNode?: string; destinationNode?: string; pinDataNodeNames?: string[]; }): IWorkflowIssues | null { let node: INode; let nodeType: INodeType | undefined; let nodeIssues: INodeIssues | null = null; const workflowIssues: IWorkflowIssues = {}; let checkNodes: string[] = []; if (inputData.destinationNode) { // If a destination node is given we have to check all the nodes // leading up to it checkNodes = this.getParentNodes(inputData.destinationNode); checkNodes.push(inputData.destinationNode); } else if (inputData.startNode) { // If a start node is given we have to check all nodes which // come after it checkNodes = this.getChildNodes(inputData.startNode); checkNodes.push(inputData.startNode); } for (const nodeName of checkNodes) { nodeIssues = null; node = this.nodes[nodeName]; if (node.disabled === true) { continue; } nodeType = this.nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion(node.type, node.typeVersion); if (nodeType === undefined) { // Node type is not known nodeIssues = { typeUnknown: true, }; } else { nodeIssues = NodeHelpers.getNodeParametersIssues( nodeType.description.properties, node, inputData.pinDataNodeNames, ); } if (nodeIssues !== null) { workflowIssues[node.name] = nodeIssues; } } if (Object.keys(workflowIssues).length === 0) { return null; } return workflowIssues; } /** * Returns the static data of the workflow. * It gets saved with the workflow and will be the same for * all workflow-executions. * * @param {string} type The type of data to return ("global"|"node") * @param {INode} [node] If type is set to "node" then the node has to be provided */ getStaticData(type: string, node?: INode): IDataObject { let key: string; if (type === 'global') { key = 'global'; } else if (type === 'node') { if (node === undefined) { throw new Error( 'The request data of context type "node" the node parameter has to be set!', ); } key = `node:${node.name}`; } else { throw new Error( `The context type "${type}" is not know. Only "global" and node" are supported!`, ); } if (this.staticData[key] === undefined) { // Create it as ObservableObject that we can easily check if the data changed // to know if the workflow with its data has to be saved afterwards or not. this.staticData[key] = ObservableObject.create({}, this.staticData as IObservableObject); } return this.staticData[key] as IDataObject; } /** * Returns all the trigger nodes in the workflow. * */ getTriggerNodes(): INode[] { return this.queryNodes((nodeType: INodeType) => !!nodeType.trigger); } /** * Returns all the poll nodes in the workflow * */ getPollNodes(): INode[] { return this.queryNodes((nodeType: INodeType) => !!nodeType.poll); } /** * Returns all the nodes in the workflow for which the given * checkFunction return true * * @param {(nodeType: INodeType) => boolean} checkFunction */ queryNodes(checkFunction: (nodeType: INodeType) => boolean): INode[] { const returnNodes: INode[] = []; // Check if it has any of them let node: INode; let nodeType: INodeType | undefined; for (const nodeName of Object.keys(this.nodes)) { node = this.nodes[nodeName]; if (node.disabled === true) { continue; } nodeType = this.nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion(node.type, node.typeVersion); if (nodeType !== undefined && checkFunction(nodeType)) { returnNodes.push(node); } } return returnNodes; } /** * Returns the node with the given name if it exists else null * * @param {string} nodeName Name of the node to return */ getNode(nodeName: string): INode | null { if (this.nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeName)) { return this.nodes[nodeName]; } return null; } /** * Returns the pinData of the node with the given name if it exists * * @param {string} nodeName Name of the node to return the pinData of */ getPinDataOfNode(nodeName: string): IDataObject[] | undefined { return this.pinData ? this.pinData[nodeName] : undefined; } renameNodeInParameterValue( parameterValue: NodeParameterValueType, currentName: string, newName: string, { hasRenamableContent } = { hasRenamableContent: false }, ): NodeParameterValueType { if (typeof parameterValue !== 'object') { // Reached the actual value if ( typeof parameterValue === 'string' && (parameterValue.charAt(0) === '=' || hasRenamableContent) ) { // Is expression so has to be rewritten // To not run the "expensive" regex stuff when it is not needed // make a simple check first if it really contains the the node-name if (parameterValue.includes(currentName)) { // Really contains node-name (even though we do not know yet if really as $node-expression) const escapedOldName = backslashEscape(currentName); // for match const escapedNewName = dollarEscape(newName); // for replacement const setNewName = (expression: string, oldPattern: string) => expression.replace(new RegExp(oldPattern, 'g'), `$1${escapedNewName}$2`); if (parameterValue.includes('$(')) { const oldPattern = String.raw`(\$\(['"])${escapedOldName}(['"]\))`; parameterValue = setNewName(parameterValue, oldPattern); } if (parameterValue.includes('$node[')) { const oldPattern = String.raw`(\$node\[['"])${escapedOldName}(['"]\])`; parameterValue = setNewName(parameterValue, oldPattern); } if (parameterValue.includes('$node.')) { const oldPattern = String.raw`(\$node\.)${escapedOldName}(\.?)`; parameterValue = setNewName(parameterValue, oldPattern); if (hasDotNotationBannedChar(newName)) { const regex = new RegExp(`.${backslashEscape(newName)}( |\\.)`, 'g'); parameterValue = parameterValue.replace(regex, `["${escapedNewName}"]$1`); } } if (parameterValue.includes('$items(')) { const oldPattern = String.raw`(\$items\(['"])${escapedOldName}(['"],|['"]\))`; parameterValue = setNewName(parameterValue, oldPattern); } } } return parameterValue; } if (Array.isArray(parameterValue)) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const returnArray: any[] = []; for (const currentValue of parameterValue) { returnArray.push( this.renameNodeInParameterValue( currentValue as NodeParameterValueType, currentName, newName, ), ); } return returnArray; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const returnData: any = {}; for (const parameterName of Object.keys(parameterValue || {})) { returnData[parameterName] = this.renameNodeInParameterValue( parameterValue![parameterName as keyof typeof parameterValue], currentName, newName, { hasRenamableContent }, ); } return returnData; } /** * Rename a node in the workflow * * @param {string} currentName The current name of the node * @param {string} newName The new name */ renameNode(currentName: string, newName: string) { // Rename the node itself if (this.nodes[currentName] !== undefined) { this.nodes[newName] = this.nodes[currentName]; this.nodes[newName].name = newName; delete this.nodes[currentName]; } // Update the expressions which reference the node // with its old name for (const node of Object.values(this.nodes)) { node.parameters = this.renameNodeInParameterValue( node.parameters, currentName, newName, ) as INodeParameters; if (NODES_WITH_RENAMABLE_CONTENT.has(node.type)) { node.parameters.jsCode = this.renameNodeInParameterValue( node.parameters.jsCode, currentName, newName, { hasRenamableContent: true }, ); } } // Change all source connections if (this.connectionsBySourceNode.hasOwnProperty(currentName)) { this.connectionsBySourceNode[newName] = this.connectionsBySourceNode[currentName]; delete this.connectionsBySourceNode[currentName]; } // Change all destination connections let sourceNode: string; let type: string; let sourceIndex: string; let connectionIndex: string; let connectionData: IConnection; for (sourceNode of Object.keys(this.connectionsBySourceNode)) { for (type of Object.keys(this.connectionsBySourceNode[sourceNode])) { for (sourceIndex of Object.keys(this.connectionsBySourceNode[sourceNode][type])) { for (connectionIndex of Object.keys( this.connectionsBySourceNode[sourceNode][type][parseInt(sourceIndex, 10)], )) { connectionData = this.connectionsBySourceNode[sourceNode][type][parseInt(sourceIndex, 10)][ parseInt(connectionIndex, 10) ]; if (connectionData.node === currentName) { connectionData.node = newName; } } } } } // Use the updated connections to create updated connections by destination nodes this.connectionsByDestinationNode = this.__getConnectionsByDestination( this.connectionsBySourceNode, ); } /** * Finds the highest parent nodes of the node with the given name * * @param {ConnectionTypes} [type='main'] */ getHighestNode( nodeName: string, type: ConnectionTypes = 'main', nodeConnectionIndex?: number, checkedNodes?: string[], ): string[] { const currentHighest: string[] = []; if (this.nodes[nodeName].disabled === false) { // If the current node is not disabled itself is the highest currentHighest.push(nodeName); } if (!this.connectionsByDestinationNode.hasOwnProperty(nodeName)) { // Node does not have incoming connections return currentHighest; } if (!this.connectionsByDestinationNode[nodeName].hasOwnProperty(type)) { // Node does not have incoming connections of given type return currentHighest; } checkedNodes = checkedNodes || []; if (checkedNodes.includes(nodeName)) { // Node got checked already before return currentHighest; } checkedNodes.push(nodeName); const returnNodes: string[] = []; let addNodes: string[]; let connectionsByIndex: IConnection[]; for ( let connectionIndex = 0; connectionIndex < this.connectionsByDestinationNode[nodeName][type].length; connectionIndex++ ) { if (nodeConnectionIndex !== undefined && nodeConnectionIndex !== connectionIndex) { // If a connection-index is given ignore all other ones continue; } connectionsByIndex = this.connectionsByDestinationNode[nodeName][type][connectionIndex]; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-loop-func connectionsByIndex.forEach((connection) => { if (checkedNodes!.includes(connection.node)) { // Node got checked already before return; } addNodes = this.getHighestNode(connection.node, type, undefined, checkedNodes); if (addNodes.length === 0) { // The checked node does not have any further parents so add it // if it is not disabled if (this.nodes[connection.node].disabled !== true) { addNodes = [connection.node]; } } addNodes.forEach((name) => { // Only add if node is not on the list already anyway if (returnNodes.indexOf(name) === -1) { returnNodes.push(name); } }); }); } return returnNodes; } /** * Returns all the after the given one * * @param {string} [type='main'] * @param {*} [depth=-1] */ getChildNodes( nodeName: string, type: ConnectionTypes | 'ALL' | 'ALL_NON_MAIN' = 'main', depth = -1, ): string[] { return this.getConnectedNodes(this.connectionsBySourceNode, nodeName, type, depth); } /** * Returns all the nodes before the given one * * @param {ConnectionTypes} [type='main'] * @param {*} [depth=-1] */ getParentNodes( nodeName: string, type: ConnectionTypes | 'ALL' | 'ALL_NON_MAIN' = 'main', depth = -1, ): string[] { return this.getConnectedNodes(this.connectionsByDestinationNode, nodeName, type, depth); } /** * Gets all the nodes which are connected nodes starting from * the given one * * @param {ConnectionTypes} [type='main'] * @param {*} [depth=-1] */ getConnectedNodes( connections: IConnections, nodeName: string, connectionType: ConnectionTypes | 'ALL' | 'ALL_NON_MAIN' = 'main', depth = -1, checkedNodesIncoming?: string[], ): string[] { depth = depth === -1 ? -1 : depth; const newDepth = depth === -1 ? depth : depth - 1; if (depth === 0) { // Reached max depth return []; } if (!connections.hasOwnProperty(nodeName)) { // Node does not have incoming connections return []; } let types: ConnectionTypes[]; if (connectionType === 'ALL') { types = Object.keys(connections[nodeName]) as ConnectionTypes[]; } else if (connectionType === 'ALL_NON_MAIN') { types = Object.keys(connections[nodeName]).filter( (type) => type !== 'main', ) as ConnectionTypes[]; } else { types = [connectionType]; } let addNodes: string[]; let nodeIndex: number; let i: number; let parentNodeName: string; const returnNodes: string[] = []; types.forEach((type) => { if (!connections[nodeName].hasOwnProperty(type)) { // Node does not have incoming connections of given type return; } const checkedNodes = checkedNodesIncoming ? [...checkedNodesIncoming] : []; if (checkedNodes.includes(nodeName)) { // Node got checked already before return; } checkedNodes.push(nodeName); connections[nodeName][type].forEach((connectionsByIndex) => { connectionsByIndex.forEach((connection) => { if (checkedNodes.includes(connection.node)) { // Node got checked already before return; } returnNodes.unshift(connection.node); addNodes = this.getConnectedNodes( connections, connection.node, connectionType, newDepth, checkedNodes, ); for (i = addNodes.length; i--; i > 0) { // Because nodes can have multiple parents it is possible that // parts of the tree is parent of both and to not add nodes // twice check first if they already got added before. parentNodeName = addNodes[i]; nodeIndex = returnNodes.indexOf(parentNodeName); if (nodeIndex !== -1) { // Node got found before so remove it from current location // that node-order stays correct returnNodes.splice(nodeIndex, 1); } returnNodes.unshift(parentNodeName); } }); }); }); return returnNodes; } /** * Returns all the nodes before the given one * * @param {*} [maxDepth=-1] */ getParentNodesByDepth(nodeName: string, maxDepth = -1): IConnectedNode[] { return this.searchNodesBFS(this.connectionsByDestinationNode, nodeName, maxDepth); } /** * Gets all the nodes which are connected nodes starting from * the given one * Uses BFS traversal * * @param {*} [maxDepth=-1] */ searchNodesBFS(connections: IConnections, sourceNode: string, maxDepth = -1): IConnectedNode[] { const returnConns: IConnectedNode[] = []; const type: ConnectionTypes = 'main'; let queue: IConnectedNode[] = []; queue.push({ name: sourceNode, depth: 0, indicies: [], }); const visited: { [key: string]: IConnectedNode } = {}; let depth = 0; while (queue.length > 0) { if (maxDepth !== -1 && depth > maxDepth) { break; } depth++; const toAdd = [...queue]; queue = []; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-loop-func toAdd.forEach((curr) => { if (visited[curr.name]) { visited[curr.name].indicies = dedupe(visited[curr.name].indicies.concat(curr.indicies)); return; } visited[curr.name] = curr; if (curr.name !== sourceNode) { returnConns.push(curr); } if ( !connections.hasOwnProperty(curr.name) || !connections[curr.name].hasOwnProperty(type) ) { return; } connections[curr.name][type].forEach((connectionsByIndex) => { connectionsByIndex.forEach((connection) => { queue.push({ name: connection.node, indicies: [connection.index], depth, }); }); }); }); } return returnConns; } /** * Returns via which output of the parent-node and index the current node * they are connected * * @param {string} nodeName The node to check how it is connected with parent node * @param {string} parentNodeName The parent node to get the output index of * @param {string} [type='main'] * @param {*} [depth=-1] */ getNodeConnectionIndexes( nodeName: string, parentNodeName: string, type: ConnectionTypes = 'main', depth = -1, checkedNodes?: string[], ): INodeConnection | undefined { const node = this.getNode(parentNodeName); if (node === null) { return undefined; } depth = depth === -1 ? -1 : depth; const newDepth = depth === -1 ? depth : depth - 1; if (depth === 0) { // Reached max depth return undefined; } if (!this.connectionsByDestinationNode.hasOwnProperty(nodeName)) { // Node does not have incoming connections return undefined; } if (!this.connectionsByDestinationNode[nodeName].hasOwnProperty(type)) { // Node does not have incoming connections of given type return undefined; } checkedNodes = checkedNodes || []; if (checkedNodes.includes(nodeName)) { // Node got checked already before return undefined; } checkedNodes.push(nodeName); let outputIndex: INodeConnection | undefined; for (const connectionsByIndex of this.connectionsByDestinationNode[nodeName][type]) { for ( let destinationIndex = 0; destinationIndex < connectionsByIndex.length; destinationIndex++ ) { const connection = connectionsByIndex[destinationIndex]; if (parentNodeName === connection.node) { return { sourceIndex: connection.index, destinationIndex, }; } if (checkedNodes.includes(connection.node)) { // Node got checked already before so continue with the next one continue; } outputIndex = this.getNodeConnectionIndexes( connection.node, parentNodeName, type, newDepth, checkedNodes, ); if (outputIndex !== undefined) { return outputIndex; } } } return undefined; } /** * Returns from which of the given nodes the workflow should get started from * * @param {string[]} nodeNames The potential start nodes */ __getStartNode(nodeNames: string[]): INode | undefined { // Check if there are any trigger or poll nodes and then return the first one let node: INode; let nodeType: INodeType; for (const nodeName of nodeNames) { node = this.nodes[nodeName]; if (nodeNames.length === 1 && !node.disabled) { return node; } nodeType = this.nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion(node.type, node.typeVersion); if (nodeType && (nodeType.trigger !== undefined || nodeType.poll !== undefined)) { if (node.disabled === true) { continue; } return node; } } const startingNodeTypes = [ 'n8n-nodes-base.manualTrigger', 'n8n-nodes-base.executeWorkflowTrigger', 'n8n-nodes-base.errorTrigger', 'n8n-nodes-base.start', ]; const sortedNodeNames = Object.values(this.nodes) .sort((a, b) => startingNodeTypes.indexOf(a.type) - startingNodeTypes.indexOf(b.type)) .map((n) => n.name); for (const nodeName of sortedNodeNames) { node = this.nodes[nodeName]; if (startingNodeTypes.includes(node.type)) { if (node.disabled === true) { continue; } return node; } } return undefined; } /** * Returns the start node to start the workflow from * */ getStartNode(destinationNode?: string): INode | undefined { if (destinationNode) { // Find the highest parent nodes of the given one const nodeNames = this.getHighestNode(destinationNode); if (nodeNames.length === 0) { // If no parent nodes have been found then only the destination-node // is in the tree so add that one nodeNames.push(destinationNode); } // Check which node to return as start node const node = this.__getStartNode(nodeNames); if (node !== undefined) { return node; } // If none of the above did find anything simply return the // first parent node in the list return this.nodes[nodeNames[0]]; } return this.__getStartNode(Object.keys(this.nodes)); } async createWebhookIfNotExists( webhookData: IWebhookData, nodeExecuteFunctions: INodeExecuteFunctions, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, activation: WorkflowActivateMode, isTest?: boolean, ): Promise { const webhookExists = await this.runWebhookMethod( 'checkExists', webhookData, nodeExecuteFunctions, mode, activation, isTest, ); if (!webhookExists) { // If webhook does not exist yet create it await this.runWebhookMethod( 'create', webhookData, nodeExecuteFunctions, mode, activation, isTest, ); } } async deleteWebhook( webhookData: IWebhookData, nodeExecuteFunctions: INodeExecuteFunctions, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, activation: WorkflowActivateMode, isTest?: boolean, ) { await this.runWebhookMethod( 'delete', webhookData, nodeExecuteFunctions, mode, activation, isTest, ); } private async runWebhookMethod( method: WebhookSetupMethodNames, webhookData: IWebhookData, nodeExecuteFunctions: INodeExecuteFunctions, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, activation: WorkflowActivateMode, isTest?: boolean, ): Promise { const node = this.getNode(webhookData.node) as INode; const nodeType = this.nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion(node.type, node.typeVersion); const webhookFn = nodeType.webhookMethods?.[webhookData.webhookDescription.name]?.[method]; if (webhookFn === undefined) return; const thisArgs = nodeExecuteFunctions.getExecuteHookFunctions( this, node, webhookData.workflowExecuteAdditionalData, mode, activation, isTest, webhookData, ); return webhookFn.call(thisArgs); } /** * Runs the given trigger node so that it can trigger the workflow * when the node has data. * */ async runTrigger( node: INode, getTriggerFunctions: IGetExecuteTriggerFunctions, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, activation: WorkflowActivateMode, ): Promise { const triggerFunctions = getTriggerFunctions(this, node, additionalData, mode, activation); const nodeType = this.nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion(node.type, node.typeVersion); if (nodeType === undefined) { throw new Error(`The node type "${node.type}" of node "${node.name}" is not known.`); } if (!nodeType.trigger) { throw new Error( `The node type "${node.type}" of node "${node.name}" does not have a trigger function defined.`, ); } if (mode === 'manual') { // In manual mode we do not just start the trigger function we also // want to be able to get informed as soon as the first data got emitted const triggerResponse = await nodeType.trigger.call(triggerFunctions); // Add the manual trigger response which resolves when the first time data got emitted triggerResponse!.manualTriggerResponse = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { triggerFunctions.emit = ( (resolveEmit) => ( data: INodeExecutionData[][], responsePromise?: IDeferredPromise, donePromise?: IDeferredPromise, ) => { additionalData.hooks!.hookFunctions.sendResponse = [ async (response: IExecuteResponsePromiseData): Promise => { if (responsePromise) { responsePromise.resolve(response); } }, ]; if (donePromise) { additionalData.hooks!.hookFunctions.workflowExecuteAfter?.unshift( async (runData: IRun): Promise => { return donePromise.resolve(runData); }, ); } resolveEmit(data); } )(resolve); triggerFunctions.emitError = ( (rejectEmit) => (error: Error, responsePromise?: IDeferredPromise) => { additionalData.hooks!.hookFunctions.sendResponse = [ async (): Promise => { if (responsePromise) { responsePromise.reject(error); } }, ]; rejectEmit(error); } )(reject); }); return triggerResponse; } // In all other modes simply start the trigger return nodeType.trigger.call(triggerFunctions); } /** * Runs the given trigger node so that it can trigger the workflow * when the node has data. * */ async runPoll( node: INode, pollFunctions: IPollFunctions, ): Promise { const nodeType = this.nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion(node.type, node.typeVersion); if (nodeType === undefined) { throw new Error(`The node type "${node.type}" of node "${node.name}" is not known.`); } if (!nodeType.poll) { throw new Error( `The node type "${node.type}" of node "${node.name}" does not have a poll function defined.`, ); } return nodeType.poll.call(pollFunctions); } /** * Executes the webhook data to see what it should return and if the * workflow should be started or not * */ async runWebhook( webhookData: IWebhookData, node: INode, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, nodeExecuteFunctions: INodeExecuteFunctions, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, ): Promise { const nodeType = this.nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion(node.type, node.typeVersion); if (nodeType === undefined) { throw new Error(`The type of the webhook node "${node.name}" is not known.`); } else if (nodeType.webhook === undefined) { throw new Error(`The node "${node.name}" does not have any webhooks defined.`); } const context = nodeExecuteFunctions.getExecuteWebhookFunctions( this, node, additionalData, mode, webhookData, ); return nodeType instanceof Node ? nodeType.webhook(context) : nodeType.webhook.call(context); } /** * Executes the given node. * */ async runNode( executionData: IExecuteData, runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData, runIndex: number, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, nodeExecuteFunctions: INodeExecuteFunctions, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, ): Promise { const { node } = executionData; let inputData = executionData.data; if (node.disabled === true) { // If node is disabled simply pass the data through // return NodeRunHelpers. if (inputData.hasOwnProperty('main') && inputData.main.length > 0) { // If the node is disabled simply return the data from the first main input if (inputData.main[0] === null) { return { data: undefined }; } return { data: [inputData.main[0]] }; } return { data: undefined }; } const nodeType = this.nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion(node.type, node.typeVersion); if (nodeType === undefined) { throw new Error(`Node type "${node.type}" is not known so can not run it!`); } let connectionInputData: INodeExecutionData[] = []; if (nodeType.execute || (!nodeType.poll && !nodeType.trigger && !nodeType.webhook)) { // Only stop if first input is empty for execute runs. For all others run anyways // because then it is a trigger node. As they only pass data through and so the input-data // becomes output-data it has to be possible. if (inputData.main?.length > 0) { // We always use the data of main input and the first input for execute connectionInputData = inputData.main[0] as INodeExecutionData[]; } const forceInputNodeExecution = this.settings.executionOrder !== 'v1'; if (!forceInputNodeExecution) { // If the nodes do not get force executed data of some inputs may be missing // for that reason do we use the data of the first one that contains any for (const mainData of inputData.main) { if (mainData?.length) { connectionInputData = mainData; break; } } } if (connectionInputData.length === 0) { // No data for node so return return { data: undefined }; } } if ( runExecutionData.resultData.lastNodeExecuted === node.name && runExecutionData.resultData.error !== undefined ) { // The node did already fail. So throw an error here that it displays and logs it correctly. // Does get used by webhook and trigger nodes in case they throw an error that it is possible // to log the error and display in Editor-UI. const error = new Error(runExecutionData.resultData.error.message); error.stack = runExecutionData.resultData.error.stack; throw error; } if (node.executeOnce === true) { // If node should be executed only once so use only the first input item const newInputData: ITaskDataConnections = {}; for (const inputName of Object.keys(inputData)) { newInputData[inputName] = inputData[inputName].map((input) => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-optional-chain return input && input.slice(0, 1); }); } inputData = newInputData; } if (nodeType.execute) { const context = nodeExecuteFunctions.getExecuteFunctions( this, runExecutionData, runIndex, connectionInputData, inputData, node, additionalData, executionData, mode, ); const data = nodeType instanceof Node ? await nodeType.execute(context) : await nodeType.execute.call(context); return { data }; } else if (nodeType.poll) { if (mode === 'manual') { // In manual mode run the poll function const thisArgs = nodeExecuteFunctions.getExecutePollFunctions( this, node, additionalData, mode, 'manual', ); return { data: await nodeType.poll.call(thisArgs) }; } // In any other mode pass data through as it already contains the result of the poll return { data: inputData.main as INodeExecutionData[][] }; } else if (nodeType.trigger) { if (mode === 'manual') { // In manual mode start the trigger const triggerResponse = await this.runTrigger( node, nodeExecuteFunctions.getExecuteTriggerFunctions, additionalData, mode, 'manual', ); if (triggerResponse === undefined) { return { data: null }; } if (triggerResponse.manualTriggerFunction !== undefined) { // If a manual trigger function is defined call it and wait till it did run await triggerResponse.manualTriggerFunction(); } const response = await triggerResponse.manualTriggerResponse!; let closeFunction; if (triggerResponse.closeFunction) { // In manual mode we return the trigger closeFunction. That allows it to be called directly // but we do not have to wait for it to finish. That is important for things like queue-nodes. // There the full close will may be delayed till a message gets acknowledged after the execution. // If we would not be able to wait for it to close would it cause problems with "own" mode as the // process would be killed directly after it and so the acknowledge would not have been finished yet. closeFunction = triggerResponse.closeFunction; } if (response.length === 0) { return { data: null, closeFunction }; } return { data: response, closeFunction }; } // For trigger nodes in any mode except "manual" do we simply pass the data through return { data: inputData.main as INodeExecutionData[][] }; } else if (nodeType.webhook) { // For webhook nodes always simply pass the data through return { data: inputData.main as INodeExecutionData[][] }; } else { // For nodes which have routing information on properties const routingNode = new RoutingNode( this, node, connectionInputData, runExecutionData ?? null, additionalData, mode, ); return { data: await routingNode.runNode( inputData, runIndex, nodeType, executionData, nodeExecuteFunctions, ), }; } } } function hasDotNotationBannedChar(nodeName: string) { const DOT_NOTATION_BANNED_CHARS = /^(\d)|[\\ `!@#$%^&*()_+\-=[\]{};':"\\|,.<>?~]/g; return DOT_NOTATION_BANNED_CHARS.test(nodeName); } function backslashEscape(nodeName: string) { const BACKSLASH_ESCAPABLE_CHARS = /[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g; return nodeName.replace(BACKSLASH_ESCAPABLE_CHARS, (char) => `\\${char}`); } function dollarEscape(nodeName: string) { return nodeName.replace(new RegExp('\\$', 'g'), '$$$$'); }