import { ContainerOptions, Delivery } from 'rhea'; import { IExecuteSingleFunctions } from 'n8n-core'; import { INodeExecutionData, INodeType, INodeTypeDescription, } from 'n8n-workflow'; export class Amqp implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'AMQP Sender', name: 'amqp', icon: 'file:amqp.png', group: ['transform'], version: 1, description: 'Sends a raw-message via AMQP 1.0, executed once per item', defaults: { name: 'AMQP Sender', color: '#00FF00', }, inputs: ['main'], outputs: ['main'], credentials: [{ name: 'amqp', required: true, }], properties: [ { displayName: 'Queue / Topic', name: 'sink', type: 'string', default: '', placeholder: 'topic://sourcename.something', description: 'name of the queue of topic to publish to', }, // Header Parameters { displayName: 'Headers', name: 'headerParametersJson', type: 'json', default: '', description: 'Header parameters as JSON (flat object). Sent as application_properties in amqp-message meta info.', } ] }; async executeSingle(this: IExecuteSingleFunctions): Promise { const item = this.getInputData(); const credentials = this.getCredentials('amqp'); if (!credentials) { throw new Error('Credentials are mandatory!'); } const sink = this.getNodeParameter('sink', '') as string; const applicationProperties = this.getNodeParameter('headerParametersJson', {}) as string | object; let headerProperties = applicationProperties; if(typeof applicationProperties === 'string' && applicationProperties !== '') { headerProperties = JSON.parse(applicationProperties); } if (sink === '') { throw new Error('Queue or Topic required!'); } const container = require('rhea'); const connectOptions: ContainerOptions = { host: credentials.hostname, port: credentials.port, reconnect: true, // this id the default anyway reconnect_limit: 50, // try for max 50 times, based on a back-off algorithm }; if (credentials.username || credentials.password) { container.options.username = credentials.username; container.options.password = credentials.password; } const allSent = new Promise(( resolve ) => { container.on('sendable', (context: any) => { // tslint:disable-line:no-any const message = { application_properties: headerProperties, body: JSON.stringify(item) }; const sendResult = context.sender.send(message); resolve(sendResult); }); }); container.connect(connectOptions).open_sender(sink); const sendResult: Delivery = await allSent as Delivery; // sendResult has a a property that causes circular reference if returned return { json: { id: } } as INodeExecutionData; } }