import Container, { Service } from 'typedi'; import { ApplicationError, BINARY_ENCODING, sleep, jsonStringify } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { ActiveExecutions } from '@/active-executions'; import config from '@/config'; import { Logger } from '@/logger'; import { MaxStalledCountError } from '@/errors/max-stalled-count.error'; import { HIGHEST_SHUTDOWN_PRIORITY, Time } from '@/constants'; import { OnShutdown } from '@/decorators/on-shutdown'; import { JOB_TYPE_NAME, QUEUE_NAME } from './constants'; import { JobProcessor } from './job-processor'; import type { JobQueue, Job, JobData, JobOptions, JobMessage, JobStatus, JobId, QueueRecoveryContext, } from './types'; import type { IExecuteResponsePromiseData } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { GlobalConfig } from '@n8n/config'; import { ExecutionRepository } from '@/databases/repositories/execution.repository'; import { InstanceSettings } from 'n8n-core'; import { OrchestrationService } from '@/services/orchestration.service'; @Service() export class ScalingService { private queue: JobQueue; private readonly instanceType = config.getEnv('generic.instanceType'); constructor( private readonly logger: Logger, private readonly activeExecutions: ActiveExecutions, private readonly jobProcessor: JobProcessor, private readonly globalConfig: GlobalConfig, private readonly executionRepository: ExecutionRepository, private readonly instanceSettings: InstanceSettings, private readonly orchestrationService: OrchestrationService, ) {} // #region Lifecycle async setupQueue() { const { default: BullQueue } = await import('bull'); const { RedisClientService } = await import('@/services/redis/redis-client.service'); const service = Container.get(RedisClientService); const bullPrefix = this.globalConfig.queue.bull.prefix; const prefix = service.toValidPrefix(bullPrefix); this.queue = new BullQueue(QUEUE_NAME, { prefix, settings: this.globalConfig.queue.bull.settings, createClient: (type) => service.createClient({ type: `${type}(bull)` }), }); this.registerListeners(); if (this.instanceSettings.isLeader) this.scheduleQueueRecovery(); if (this.orchestrationService.isMultiMainSetupEnabled) { this.orchestrationService.multiMainSetup .on('leader-takeover', () => this.scheduleQueueRecovery()) .on('leader-stepdown', () => this.stopQueueRecovery()); } this.logger.debug('[ScalingService] Queue setup completed'); } setupWorker(concurrency: number) { this.assertWorker(); void this.queue.process( JOB_TYPE_NAME, concurrency, async (job: Job) => await this.jobProcessor.processJob(job), ); this.logger.debug('[ScalingService] Worker setup completed'); } @OnShutdown(HIGHEST_SHUTDOWN_PRIORITY) async stop() { await this.queue.pause(true, true); this.logger.debug('[ScalingService] Queue paused'); this.stopQueueRecovery(); this.logger.debug('[ScalingService] Queue recovery stopped'); let count = 0; while (this.getRunningJobsCount() !== 0) { if (count++ % 4 === 0) { `Waiting for ${this.getRunningJobsCount()} active executions to finish...`, ); } await sleep(500); } } async pingQueue() { await; } // #endregion // #region Jobs async addJob(jobData: JobData, jobOptions: JobOptions) { const { executionId } = jobData; const job = await this.queue.add(JOB_TYPE_NAME, jobData, jobOptions);`[ScalingService] Added job ${} (execution ${executionId})`); return job; } async getJob(jobId: JobId) { return await this.queue.getJob(jobId); } async findJobsByStatus(statuses: JobStatus[]) { const jobs = await this.queue.getJobs(statuses); return jobs.filter((job) => job !== null); } async stopJob(job: Job) { const props = { jobId:, executionId: }; try { if (await job.isActive()) { await job.progress({ kind: 'abort-job' }); // being processed by worker this.logger.debug('[ScalingService] Stopped active job', props); return true; } await job.remove(); // not yet picked up, or waiting for next pickup (stalled) this.logger.debug('[ScalingService] Stopped inactive job', props); return true; } catch (error: unknown) { await job.progress({ kind: 'abort-job' }); this.logger.error('[ScalingService] Failed to stop job', { ...props, error }); return false; } } getRunningJobsCount() { return this.jobProcessor.getRunningJobIds().length; } // #endregion // #region Listeners private registerListeners() { this.queue.on('global:progress', (_jobId: JobId, msg: JobMessage) => { if (msg.kind === 'respond-to-webhook') { const { executionId, response } = msg; this.activeExecutions.resolveResponsePromise( executionId, this.decodeWebhookResponse(response), ); } }); this.queue.on('global:progress', (jobId: JobId, msg: JobMessage) => { if (msg.kind === 'abort-job') { this.jobProcessor.stopJob(jobId); } }); let latestAttemptTs = 0; let cumulativeTimeoutMs = 0; const MAX_TIMEOUT_MS = this.globalConfig.queue.bull.redis.timeoutThreshold; const RESET_LENGTH_MS = 30_000; this.queue.on('error', (error: Error) => { this.logger.error('[ScalingService] Queue errored', { error }); /** * On Redis connection failure, try to reconnect. On every failed attempt, * increment a cumulative timeout - if this exceeds a limit, exit the * process. Reset the cumulative timeout if >30s between retries. */ if (error.message.includes('ECONNREFUSED')) { const nowTs =; if (nowTs - latestAttemptTs > RESET_LENGTH_MS) { latestAttemptTs = nowTs; cumulativeTimeoutMs = 0; } else { cumulativeTimeoutMs += nowTs - latestAttemptTs; latestAttemptTs = nowTs; if (cumulativeTimeoutMs > MAX_TIMEOUT_MS) { this.logger.error('[ScalingService] Redis unavailable after max timeout'); this.logger.error('[ScalingService] Exiting process...'); process.exit(1); } } this.logger.warn('[ScalingService] Redis unavailable - retrying to connect...'); return; } if ( this.instanceType === 'worker' && error.message.includes('job stalled more than maxStalledCount') ) { throw new MaxStalledCountError(error); } /** * Non-recoverable error on worker start with Redis unavailable. * Even if Redis recovers, worker will remain unable to process jobs. */ if ( this.instanceType === 'worker' && error.message.includes('Error initializing Lua scripts') ) { this.logger.error('[ScalingService] Fatal error initializing worker', { error }); this.logger.error('[ScalingService] Exiting process...'); process.exit(1); } throw error; }); } // #endregion private decodeWebhookResponse( response: IExecuteResponsePromiseData, ): IExecuteResponsePromiseData { if ( typeof response === 'object' && typeof response.body === 'object' && response.body !== null && '__@N8nEncodedBuffer@__' in response.body && typeof response.body['__@N8nEncodedBuffer@__'] === 'string' ) { response.body = Buffer.from(response.body['__@N8nEncodedBuffer@__'], BINARY_ENCODING); } return response; } private assertWorker() { if (this.instanceType === 'worker') return; throw new ApplicationError('This method must be called on a `worker` instance'); } // #region Queue recovery private readonly queueRecoveryContext: QueueRecoveryContext = { batchSize: config.getEnv('executions.queueRecovery.batchSize'), waitMs: config.getEnv('executions.queueRecovery.interval') * 60 * 1000, }; scheduleQueueRecovery(waitMs = this.queueRecoveryContext.waitMs) { this.queueRecoveryContext.timeout = setTimeout(async () => { try { const nextWaitMs = await this.recoverFromQueue(); this.scheduleQueueRecovery(nextWaitMs); } catch (error) { this.logger.error('[ScalingService] Failed to recover dangling executions from queue', { msg: this.toErrorMsg(error), }); this.logger.error('[ScalingService] Retrying...'); this.scheduleQueueRecovery(); } }, waitMs); const wait = [this.queueRecoveryContext.waitMs / Time.minutes.toMilliseconds, 'min'].join(' '); this.logger.debug(`[ScalingService] Scheduled queue recovery check for next ${wait}`); } stopQueueRecovery() { clearTimeout(this.queueRecoveryContext.timeout); } /** * Mark in-progress executions as `crashed` if stored in DB as `new` or `running` * but absent from the queue. Return time until next recovery cycle. */ private async recoverFromQueue() { const { waitMs, batchSize } = this.queueRecoveryContext; const storedIds = await this.executionRepository.getInProgressExecutionIds(batchSize); if (storedIds.length === 0) { this.logger.debug('[ScalingService] Completed queue recovery check, no dangling executions'); return waitMs; } const runningJobs = await this.findJobsByStatus(['active', 'waiting']); const queuedIds = new Set( =>; if (queuedIds.size === 0) { this.logger.debug('[ScalingService] Completed queue recovery check, no dangling executions'); return waitMs; } const danglingIds = storedIds.filter((id) => !queuedIds.has(id)); if (danglingIds.length === 0) { this.logger.debug('[ScalingService] Completed queue recovery check, no dangling executions'); return waitMs; } await this.executionRepository.markAsCrashed(danglingIds); '[ScalingService] Completed queue recovery check, recovered dangling executions', { danglingIds }, ); // if this cycle used up the whole batch size, it is possible for there to be // dangling executions outside this check, so speed up next cycle return storedIds.length >= this.queueRecoveryContext.batchSize ? waitMs / 2 : waitMs; } private toErrorMsg(error: unknown) { return error instanceof Error ? error.message : jsonStringify(error, { replaceCircularRefs: true }); } // #endregion }