/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */ /* eslint-disable import/no-cycle */ import express, { Router } from 'express'; import fs from 'fs/promises'; import path from 'path'; import * as OpenApiValidator from 'express-openapi-validator'; import { HttpError } from 'express-openapi-validator/dist/framework/types'; import { OpenAPIV3 } from 'openapi-types'; import swaggerUi from 'swagger-ui-express'; import validator from 'validator'; import YAML from 'yamljs'; import config from '../../config'; import { Db, InternalHooksManager } from '..'; import { getInstanceBaseUrl } from '../UserManagement/UserManagementHelper'; function createApiRouter( version: string, openApiSpecPath: string, handlersDirectory: string, swaggerThemeCss: string, publicApiEndpoint: string, ): Router { const n8nPath = config.getEnv('path'); const swaggerDocument = YAML.load(openApiSpecPath) as swaggerUi.JsonObject; // add the server depeding on the config so the user can interact with the API // from the Swagger UI swaggerDocument.server = [ { url: `${getInstanceBaseUrl()}/${publicApiEndpoint}/${version}}`, }, ]; const apiController = express.Router(); apiController.use( `/${publicApiEndpoint}/${version}/docs`, swaggerUi.serveFiles(swaggerDocument), swaggerUi.setup(swaggerDocument, { customCss: swaggerThemeCss, customSiteTitle: 'n8n Public API UI', customfavIcon: `${n8nPath}favicon.ico`, }), ); apiController.use(`/${publicApiEndpoint}/${version}`, express.json()); apiController.use( `/${publicApiEndpoint}/${version}`, OpenApiValidator.middleware({ apiSpec: openApiSpecPath, operationHandlers: handlersDirectory, validateRequests: true, validateApiSpec: true, formats: [ { name: 'email', type: 'string', validate: (email: string) => validator.isEmail(email), }, { name: 'identifier', type: 'string', validate: (identifier: string) => validator.isUUID(identifier) || validator.isEmail(identifier), }, ], validateSecurity: { handlers: { ApiKeyAuth: async ( req: express.Request, _scopes: unknown, schema: OpenAPIV3.ApiKeySecurityScheme, ): Promise => { const apiKey = req.headers[schema.name.toLowerCase()]; const user = await Db.collections.User.findOne({ where: { apiKey }, relations: ['globalRole'], }); if (!user) return false; void InternalHooksManager.getInstance().onUserInvokedApi({ user_id: user.id, path: req.path, method: req.method, api_version: version, }); req.user = user; return true; }, }, }, }), ); apiController.use( ( error: HttpError, _req: express.Request, res: express.Response, _next: express.NextFunction, ) => { return res.status(error.status || 400).json({ message: error.message, }); }, ); return apiController; } export const loadPublicApiVersions = async ( publicApiEndpoint: string, ): Promise<{ apiRouters: express.Router[]; apiLatestVersion: number }> => { const swaggerThemePath = path.join(__dirname, 'swaggerTheme.css'); const folders = await fs.readdir(__dirname); const css = (await fs.readFile(swaggerThemePath)).toString(); const versions = folders.filter((folderName) => folderName.startsWith('v')); const apiRouters = versions.map((version) => { const openApiPath = path.join(__dirname, version, 'openapi.yml'); return createApiRouter(version, openApiPath, __dirname, css, publicApiEndpoint); }); return { apiRouters, apiLatestVersion: Number(versions.pop()?.charAt(1)) ?? 1, }; };