import { Container } from 'typedi'; import { BinaryDataService } from 'n8n-core'; import { type INode } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { GithubApi } from 'n8n-nodes-base/credentials/GithubApi.credentials'; import { Ftp } from 'n8n-nodes-base/credentials/Ftp.credentials'; import { Cron } from 'n8n-nodes-base/nodes/Cron/Cron.node'; import { Set } from 'n8n-nodes-base/nodes/Set/Set.node'; import { Start } from 'n8n-nodes-base/nodes/Start/Start.node'; import type request from 'supertest'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import config from '@/config'; import { WorkflowEntity } from '@db/entities/WorkflowEntity'; import { AUTH_COOKIE_NAME } from '@/constants'; import { LoadNodesAndCredentials } from '@/LoadNodesAndCredentials'; import { SettingsRepository } from '@db/repositories/settings.repository'; import { mockNodeTypesData } from '../../../unit/Helpers'; import { MultiMainSetup } from '@/services/orchestration/main/'; import { mockInstance } from '../../../shared/mocking'; import { ExecutionsService } from '@/executions/executions.service'; export { setupTestServer } from './testServer'; // ---------------------------------- // initializers // ---------------------------------- /** * Initialize node types. */ export async function initActiveWorkflowRunner() { mockInstance(MultiMainSetup); mockInstance(ExecutionsService); const { ActiveWorkflowRunner } = await import('@/ActiveWorkflowRunner'); const workflowRunner = Container.get(ActiveWorkflowRunner); await workflowRunner.init(); return workflowRunner; } /** * Initialize node types. */ export async function initCredentialsTypes(): Promise { Container.get(LoadNodesAndCredentials).loaded.credentials = { githubApi: { type: new GithubApi(), sourcePath: '', }, ftp: { type: new Ftp(), sourcePath: '', }, }; } /** * Initialize node types. */ export async function initNodeTypes() { Container.get(LoadNodesAndCredentials).loaded.nodes = { 'n8n-nodes-base.start': { type: new Start(), sourcePath: '', }, 'n8n-nodes-base.cron': { type: new Cron(), sourcePath: '', }, 'n8n-nodes-base.set': { type: new Set(), sourcePath: '', }, }; } /** * Initialize a BinaryDataService for test runs. */ export async function initBinaryDataService(mode: 'default' | 'filesystem' = 'default') { const binaryDataService = new BinaryDataService(); await binaryDataService.init({ mode, availableModes: [mode], localStoragePath: '', }); Container.set(BinaryDataService, binaryDataService); } /** * Extract the value (token) of the auth cookie in a response. */ export function getAuthToken(response: request.Response, authCookieName = AUTH_COOKIE_NAME) { const cookies: string[] = response.headers['set-cookie']; if (!cookies) return undefined; const authCookie = cookies.find((c) => c.startsWith(`${authCookieName}=`)); if (!authCookie) return undefined; const match = authCookie.match(new RegExp(`(^| )${authCookieName}=(?[^;]+)`)); if (!match || !match.groups) return undefined; return match.groups.token; } // ---------------------------------- // settings // ---------------------------------- export async function isInstanceOwnerSetUp() { const { value } = await Container.get(SettingsRepository).findOneByOrFail({ key: 'userManagement.isInstanceOwnerSetUp', }); return Boolean(value); } export const setInstanceOwnerSetUp = async (value: boolean) => { config.set('userManagement.isInstanceOwnerSetUp', value); await Container.get(SettingsRepository).update( { key: 'userManagement.isInstanceOwnerSetUp' }, { value: JSON.stringify(value) }, ); }; // ---------------------------------- // community nodes // ---------------------------------- export * from './communityNodes'; // ---------------------------------- // workflow // ---------------------------------- export function makeWorkflow(options?: { withPinData: boolean; withCredential?: { id: string; name: string }; }) { const workflow = new WorkflowEntity(); const node: INode = { id: uuid(), name: 'Cron', type: 'n8n-nodes-base.cron', parameters: {}, typeVersion: 1, position: [740, 240], }; if (options?.withCredential) { node.credentials = { spotifyApi: options.withCredential, }; } = 'My Workflow'; = false; workflow.connections = {}; workflow.nodes = [node]; if (options?.withPinData) { workflow.pinData = MOCK_PINDATA; } return workflow; } export const MOCK_PINDATA = { Spotify: [{ json: { myKey: 'myValue' } }] }; export function setSchedulerAsLoadedNode() { const nodesAndCredentials = mockInstance(LoadNodesAndCredentials); Object.assign(nodesAndCredentials, { loadedNodes: mockNodeTypesData(['scheduleTrigger'], { addTrigger: true, }), known: { nodes: {}, credentials: {} }, types: { nodes: [], credentials: [] }, }); }