import type { IDataObject } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { ApplicationError, jsonParse } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import type { Context } from '../GenericFunctions'; import { FormatDueDatetime, todoistApiRequest, todoistSyncRequest } from '../GenericFunctions'; import type { Section, TodoistResponse } from './Service'; export interface OperationHandler { handleOperation(ctx: Context, itemIndex: number): Promise<TodoistResponse>; } export interface CreateTaskRequest { content?: string; description?: string; project_id?: number; section_id?: number; parent_id?: string; order?: number; labels?: string[]; priority?: number; due_string?: string; due_datetime?: string; due_date?: string; due_lang?: string; } export interface SyncRequest { commands: Command[]; temp_id_mapping?: IDataObject; } export interface Command { type: CommandType; uuid: string; temp_id?: string; args: { parent_id?: string; id?: number; section_id?: number; project_id?: number | string; section?: string; content?: string; }; } export const enum CommandType { ITEM_MOVE = 'item_move', ITEM_ADD = 'item_add', ITEM_UPDATE = 'item_update', ITEM_REORDER = 'item_reorder', ITEM_DELETE = 'item_delete', ITEM_COMPLETE = 'item_complete', } export class CreateHandler implements OperationHandler { async handleOperation(ctx: Context, itemIndex: number): Promise<TodoistResponse> { // const content = ctx.getNodeParameter('content', itemIndex) as string; const projectId = ctx.getNodeParameter('project', itemIndex, undefined, { extractValue: true, }) as number; const labels = ctx.getNodeParameter('labels', itemIndex) as string[]; const options = ctx.getNodeParameter('options', itemIndex) as IDataObject; const body: CreateTaskRequest = { content, project_id: projectId, priority: options.priority! ? parseInt(options.priority as string, 10) : 1, }; if (options.description) { body.description = options.description as string; } if (options.dueDateTime) { body.due_datetime = FormatDueDatetime(options.dueDateTime as string); } if (options.dueString) { body.due_string = options.dueString as string; } if (labels !== undefined && labels.length !== 0) { body.labels = labels; } if (options.section) { body.section_id = options.section as number; } if (options.dueLang) { body.due_lang = options.dueLang as string; } if (options.parentId) { body.parent_id = options.parentId as string; } const data = await, 'POST', '/tasks', body as IDataObject); return { data, }; } } export class CloseHandler implements OperationHandler { async handleOperation(ctx: Context, itemIndex: number): Promise<TodoistResponse> { const id = ctx.getNodeParameter('taskId', itemIndex) as string; await, 'POST', `/tasks/${id}/close`); return { success: true, }; } } export class DeleteHandler implements OperationHandler { async handleOperation(ctx: Context, itemIndex: number): Promise<TodoistResponse> { const id = ctx.getNodeParameter('taskId', itemIndex) as string; await, 'DELETE', `/tasks/${id}`); return { success: true, }; } } export class GetHandler implements OperationHandler { async handleOperation(ctx: Context, itemIndex: number): Promise<TodoistResponse> { const id = ctx.getNodeParameter('taskId', itemIndex) as string; const responseData = await, 'GET', `/tasks/${id}`); return { data: responseData, }; } } export class GetAllHandler implements OperationHandler { async handleOperation(ctx: Context, itemIndex: number): Promise<TodoistResponse> { // const returnAll = ctx.getNodeParameter('returnAll', itemIndex) as boolean; const filters = ctx.getNodeParameter('filters', itemIndex) as IDataObject; const qs: IDataObject = {}; if (filters.projectId) { qs.project_id = filters.projectId as string; } if (filters.sectionId) { qs.section_id = filters.sectionId as string; } if (filters.labelId) { qs.label = filters.labelId as string; } if (filters.filter) { qs.filter = filters.filter as string; } if (filters.lang) { qs.lang = filters.lang as string; } if (filters.ids) { qs.ids = filters.ids as string; } let responseData = await, 'GET', '/tasks', {}, qs); if (!returnAll) { const limit = ctx.getNodeParameter('limit', itemIndex) as number; responseData = responseData.splice(0, limit); } return { data: responseData, }; } } async function getSectionIds(ctx: Context, projectId: number): Promise<Map<string, number>> { const sections: Section[] = await ctx, 'GET', '/sections', {}, { project_id: projectId }, ); return new Map( => [, as unknown as number])); } export class ReopenHandler implements OperationHandler { async handleOperation(ctx: Context, itemIndex: number): Promise<TodoistResponse> { // const id = ctx.getNodeParameter('taskId', itemIndex) as string; await, 'POST', `/tasks/${id}/reopen`); return { success: true, }; } } export class UpdateHandler implements OperationHandler { async handleOperation(ctx: Context, itemIndex: number): Promise<TodoistResponse> { // const id = ctx.getNodeParameter('taskId', itemIndex) as string; const updateFields = ctx.getNodeParameter('updateFields', itemIndex) as IDataObject; const body: CreateTaskRequest = {}; if (updateFields.content) { body.content = updateFields.content as string; } if (updateFields.priority) { body.priority = parseInt(updateFields.priority as string, 10); } if (updateFields.description) { body.description = updateFields.description as string; } if (updateFields.dueDateTime) { body.due_datetime = FormatDueDatetime(updateFields.dueDateTime as string); } if (updateFields.dueString) { body.due_string = updateFields.dueString as string; } if ( updateFields.labels !== undefined && Array.isArray(updateFields.labels) && updateFields.labels.length !== 0 ) { body.labels = updateFields.labels as string[]; } if (updateFields.dueLang) { body.due_lang = updateFields.dueLang as string; } await, 'POST', `/tasks/${id}`, body as IDataObject); return { success: true }; } } export class MoveHandler implements OperationHandler { async handleOperation(ctx: Context, itemIndex: number): Promise<TodoistResponse> { // const taskId = ctx.getNodeParameter('taskId', itemIndex) as number; const projectId = ctx.getNodeParameter('project', itemIndex, undefined, { extractValue: true, }) as number; const nodeVersion = ctx.getNode().typeVersion; const body: SyncRequest = { commands: [ { type: CommandType.ITEM_MOVE, uuid: uuid(), args: { id: taskId, // Set section_id only if node version is below 2.1 ...(nodeVersion < 2.1 ? { section_id: ctx.getNodeParameter('section', itemIndex) as number } : {}), }, }, ], }; if (nodeVersion >= 2.1) { const options = ctx.getNodeParameter('options', itemIndex, {}) as IDataObject; // Only one of parent_id, section_id, or project_id must be set to move the task if (options.parent) { body.commands[0].args.parent_id = options.parent as string; } else if (options.section) { body.commands[0].args.section_id = options.section as number; } else { body.commands[0].args.project_id = projectId; } } await, body); return { success: true }; } } export class SyncHandler implements OperationHandler { async handleOperation(ctx: Context, itemIndex: number): Promise<TodoistResponse> { const commandsJson = ctx.getNodeParameter('commands', itemIndex) as string; const projectId = ctx.getNodeParameter('project', itemIndex, undefined, { extractValue: true, }) as number; const sections = await getSectionIds(ctx, projectId); const commands: Command[] = jsonParse(commandsJson); const tempIdMapping = new Map<string, string>(); for (let i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) { const command = commands[i]; this.enrichUUID(command); this.enrichSection(command, sections); this.enrichProjectId(command, projectId); this.enrichTempId(command, tempIdMapping, projectId); } const body: SyncRequest = { commands, temp_id_mapping: this.convertToObject(tempIdMapping), }; await, body); return { success: true }; } private convertToObject(map: Map<string, string>) { return Array.from(map.entries()).reduce((o, [key, value]) => { o[key] = value; return o; }, {} as IDataObject); } private enrichUUID(command: Command) { command.uuid = uuid(); } private enrichSection(command: Command, sections: Map<string, number>) { if (command.args?.section !== undefined) { const sectionId = sections.get(command.args.section); if (sectionId) { command.args.section_id = sectionId; } else { throw new ApplicationError( 'Section ' + command.args.section + " doesn't exist on Todoist", { level: 'warning' }, ); } } } private enrichProjectId(command: Command, projectId: number) { if (this.requiresProjectId(command)) { command.args.project_id = projectId; } } private requiresProjectId(command: Command) { return command.type === CommandType.ITEM_ADD; } private enrichTempId(command: Command, tempIdMapping: Map<string, string>, projectId: number) { if (this.requiresTempId(command)) { command.temp_id = uuid(); tempIdMapping.set(command.temp_id, projectId as unknown as string); } } private requiresTempId(command: Command) { return command.type === CommandType.ITEM_ADD; } }