# Keyboard Shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts can currently be used:

## General

 - **Ctrl + Left Mouse Button**: Move/Pan Node View
 - **Ctrl + a**: Select all nodes
 - **Ctrl + Alt + n**: Create new workflow
 - **Ctrl + o**: Open workflow
 - **Ctrl + s**: Save the current workflow
 - **Ctrl + v**: Paste nodes
 - **Tab**: Open "Node Creator". Type to filter and navigate with arrow keys. To create press "enter"

## With node/s selected

 - **ArrowDown**: Select sibling node bellow the current one
 - **ArrowLeft**: Select node left of the current one
 - **ArrowRight**: Select node right of the current one
 - **ArrowUp**: Select sibling node above the current one
 - **Ctrl + c**: Copy nodes
 - **Ctrl + x**: Cut nodes
 - **d**: Deactivate nodes
 - **Delete**: Delete nodes
 - **F2**: Rename node
 - **Shift + ArrowLeft**: Select all nodes left of the current one
 - **Shift + ArrowRight**: Select all nodes right of the current one