import { IActivationError, Db, NodeTypes, IResponseCallbackData, IWorkflowDb, IWorkflowExecutionDataProcess, ResponseHelper, WebhookHelpers, WorkflowCredentials, WorkflowHelpers, WorkflowRunner, WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, } from './'; import { ActiveWorkflows, ActiveWebhooks, NodeExecuteFunctions, WorkflowExecute, } from 'n8n-core'; import { IExecuteData, IGetExecuteTriggerFunctions, INode, INodeExecutionData, IRunExecutionData, IWebhookData, IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData as IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalDataWorkflow, WebhookHttpMethod, Workflow, WorkflowExecuteMode, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import * as express from 'express'; export class ActiveWorkflowRunner { private activeWorkflows: ActiveWorkflows | null = null; private activeWebhooks: ActiveWebhooks | null = null; private activationErrors: { [key: string]: IActivationError; } = {}; async init() { // Get the active workflows from database const workflowsData: IWorkflowDb[] = await Db.collections.Workflow!.find({ active: true }) as IWorkflowDb[]; this.activeWebhooks = new ActiveWebhooks(); // Add them as active workflows this.activeWorkflows = new ActiveWorkflows(); if (workflowsData.length !== 0) { console.log('\n ================================'); console.log(' Start Active Workflows:'); console.log(' ================================'); for (const workflowData of workflowsData) { console.log(` - ${}`); try { await this.add(, workflowData); console.log(` => Started`); } catch (error) { console.log(` => ERROR: Workflow could not be activated:`); console.log(` ${error.message}`); } } } } /** * Removes all the currently active workflows * * @returns {Promise} * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ async removeAll(): Promise { if (this.activeWorkflows === null) { return; } const activeWorkflows = this.activeWorkflows.allActiveWorkflows(); const removePromises = []; for (const workflowId of activeWorkflows) { removePromises.push(this.remove(workflowId)); } await Promise.all(removePromises); return; } /** * Checks if a webhook for the given method and path exists and executes the workflow. * * @param {WebhookHttpMethod} httpMethod * @param {string} path * @param {express.Request} req * @param {express.Response} res * @returns {Promise} * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ async executeWebhook(httpMethod: WebhookHttpMethod, path: string, req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise { if (this.activeWorkflows === null) { throw new ResponseHelper.ReponseError('The "activeWorkflows" instance did not get initialized yet.', 404, 404); } const webhookData: IWebhookData | undefined = this.activeWebhooks!.get(httpMethod, path); if (webhookData === undefined) { // The requested webhook is not registred throw new ResponseHelper.ReponseError('The requested webhook is not registred.', 404, 404); } // Get the node which has the webhook defined to know where to start from and to // get additional data const workflowStartNode = webhookData.workflow.getNode(webhookData.node); if (workflowStartNode === null) { throw new ResponseHelper.ReponseError('Could not find node to process webhook.', 404, 404); } const executionMode = 'webhook'; const workflowData = await Db.collections.Workflow!.findOne(!); if (workflowData === undefined) { throw new ResponseHelper.ReponseError(`Could not find workflow with id "${}"`, 404, 404); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { WebhookHelpers.executeWebhook(webhookData, workflowData, workflowStartNode, executionMode, undefined, req, res, (error: Error | null, data: object) => { if (error !== null) { return reject(error); } resolve(data); }); }); } /** * Returns the ids of the currently active workflows * * @returns {string[]} * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ getActiveWorkflows(): string[] { if (this.activeWorkflows === null) { return []; } return this.activeWorkflows.allActiveWorkflows(); } /** * Returns if the workflow is active * * @param {string} id The id of the workflow to check * @returns {boolean} * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ isActive(id: string): boolean { if (this.activeWorkflows !== null) { return this.activeWorkflows.isActive(id); } return false; } /** * Return error if there was a problem activating the workflow * * @param {string} id The id of the workflow to return the error of * @returns {(IActivationError | undefined)} * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ getActivationError(id: string): IActivationError | undefined { if (this.activationErrors[id] === undefined) { return undefined; } return this.activationErrors[id]; } /** * Adds all the webhooks of the workflow * * @param {Workflow} workflow * @param {IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalDataWorkflow} additionalData * @param {WorkflowExecuteMode} mode * @returns {Promise} * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ async addWorkflowWebhooks(workflow: Workflow, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalDataWorkflow, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode): Promise { const webhooks = WebhookHelpers.getWorkflowWebhooks(workflow, additionalData); for (const webhookData of webhooks) { await this.activeWebhooks!.add(webhookData, mode); } } /** * Remove all the webhooks of the workflow * * @param {string} workflowId * @returns * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ removeWorkflowWebhooks(workflowId: string): Promise { return this.activeWebhooks!.removeByWorkflowId(workflowId); } /** * Return trigger function which gets the global functions from n8n-core * and overwrites the emit to be able to start it in subprocess * * @param {IWorkflowDb} workflowData * @param {IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalDataWorkflow} additionalData * @param {WorkflowExecuteMode} mode * @returns {IGetExecuteTriggerFunctions} * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ getExecuteTriggerFunctions(workflowData: IWorkflowDb, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalDataWorkflow, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode): IGetExecuteTriggerFunctions{ return ((workflow: Workflow, node: INode) => { const returnFunctions = NodeExecuteFunctions.getExecuteTriggerFunctions(workflow, node, additionalData, mode); returnFunctions.emit = (data: INodeExecutionData[][]): void => { const nodeExecutionStack: IExecuteData[] = [ { node, data: { main: data, } } ]; const executionData: IRunExecutionData = { startData: {}, resultData: { runData: {}, }, executionData: { contextData: {}, nodeExecutionStack, waitingExecution: {}, }, }; // Start the workflow const runData: IWorkflowExecutionDataProcess = { credentials: additionalData.credentials, executionMode: mode, executionData, workflowData, }; const workflowRunner = new WorkflowRunner();; }; return returnFunctions; }); } /** * Makes a workflow active * * @param {string} workflowId The id of the workflow to activate * @param {IWorkflowDb} [workflowData] If workflowData is given it saves the DB query * @returns {Promise} * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ async add(workflowId: string, workflowData?: IWorkflowDb): Promise { if (this.activeWorkflows === null) { throw new Error(`The "activeWorkflows" instance did not get initialized yet.`); } let workflowInstance: Workflow; try { if (workflowData === undefined) { workflowData = await Db.collections.Workflow!.findOne(workflowId) as IWorkflowDb; } if (!workflowData) { throw new Error(`Could not find workflow with id "${workflowId}".`); } const nodeTypes = NodeTypes(); workflowInstance = new Workflow(workflowId, workflowData.nodes, workflowData.connections,, nodeTypes, workflowData.staticData, workflowData.settings); const canBeActivated = workflowInstance.checkIfWorkflowCanBeActivated(['n8n-nodes-base.start']); if (canBeActivated === false) { throw new Error(`The workflow can not be activated because it does not contain any nodes which could start the workflow. Only workflows which have trigger or webhook nodes can be activated.`); } const mode = 'trigger'; const credentials = await WorkflowCredentials(workflowData.nodes); const additionalData = await WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData.getBase(mode, credentials); const getTriggerFunctions = this.getExecuteTriggerFunctions(workflowData, additionalData, mode); // Add the workflows which have webhooks defined await this.addWorkflowWebhooks(workflowInstance, additionalData, mode); await this.activeWorkflows.add(workflowId, workflowInstance, additionalData, getTriggerFunctions); if (this.activationErrors[workflowId] !== undefined) { // If there were any activation errors delete them delete this.activationErrors[workflowId]; } } catch (error) { // There was a problem activating the workflow // Save the error this.activationErrors[workflowId] = { time: new Date().getTime(), error: { message: error.message, }, }; throw error; } // If for example webhooks get created it sometimes has to save the // id of them in the static data. So make sure that data gets persisted. await WorkflowHelpers.saveStaticData(workflowInstance!); } /** * Makes a workflow inactive * * @param {string} workflowId The id of the workflow to deactivate * @returns {Promise} * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ async remove(workflowId: string): Promise { if (this.activeWorkflows !== null) { const workflowData = this.activeWorkflows.get(workflowId); // Remove all the webhooks of the workflow await this.removeWorkflowWebhooks(workflowId); if (workflowData) { // Save the static workflow data if needed await WorkflowHelpers.saveStaticData(workflowData.workflow); } if (this.activationErrors[workflowId] !== undefined) { // If there were any activation errors delete them delete this.activationErrors[workflowId]; } // Remove the workflow from the "list" of active workflows return this.activeWorkflows.remove(workflowId); } throw new Error(`The "activeWorkflows" instance did not get initialized yet.`); } } let workflowRunnerInstance: ActiveWorkflowRunner | undefined; export function getInstance(): ActiveWorkflowRunner { if (workflowRunnerInstance === undefined) { workflowRunnerInstance = new ActiveWorkflowRunner(); } return workflowRunnerInstance; }