ARG NODE_VERSION=18 # 1. Create an image to build n8n FROM n8nio/base:${NODE_VERSION} as builder RUN npm install -g run-script-os turbo@1.5.5 COPY turbo.json package.json package-lock.json tsconfig.json ./ COPY packages ./packages COPY patches ./patches RUN chown -R node:node . RUN npm config set legacy-peer-deps true USER node RUN \ npm install && \ npm run build && \ # TODO: removing dev dependecies is deleting `bn.js`, which breaks the Snowflake node npm prune --omit=dev && \ npm i --omit=dev bn.js && \ find . -type f -name "*.ts" -o -name "*" -o -name "*.vue" -o -name "tsconfig.json" | xargs rm &&\ rm -rf node_modules/.cache packages/*/node_modules/.cache packages/*/.turbo .config .npm /tmp/* # 2. Start with a new clean image with just the code that is needed to run n8n FROM n8nio/base:${NODE_VERSION} COPY --from=builder /home/node ./ COPY docker/images/n8n-custom/ ./ RUN \ mkdir .n8n && \ chown node:node .n8n USER node ENV NODE_ENV=production ENTRYPOINT ["tini", "--", "./"]