import { Db, IDatabaseCollections, IExternalHooks, } from "./"; import * as config from '../config'; // import { // access as fsAccess, // readdir as fsReaddir, // readFile as fsReadFile, // stat as fsStat, // } from 'fs'; // TODO: Give different name interface IHookData { DbCollections: IDatabaseCollections; } // export EXTERNAL_HOOK_FILES=/data/packages/cli/dist/src/externalHooksTemp/test-hooks.js class ExternalHooksClass implements IExternalHooks { externalHooks: { [key: string]: Array<() => {}> } = {}; async init(): Promise { console.log('ExternalHooks.init'); const externalHookFiles = config.get('externalHookFiles').split(','); console.log('externalHookFiles'); console.log(externalHookFiles); for (let hookFilePath of externalHookFiles) { hookFilePath = hookFilePath.trim(); if (hookFilePath !== '') { console.log(' --- load: ' + hookFilePath); const hookFile = require(hookFilePath); for (const resource of Object.keys(hookFile)) { // if (this.externalHooks[resource] === undefined) { // this.externalHooks[resource] = {}; // } for (const operation of Object.keys(hookFile[resource])) { const hookString = `${resource}.${operation}`; if (this.externalHooks[hookString] === undefined) { this.externalHooks[hookString] = []; } this.externalHooks[hookString].push.apply(this.externalHooks[hookString], hookFile[resource][operation]); } } } } } async run(hookName: string): Promise { console.log('RUN NOW: ' + hookName); const hookData: IHookData = { DbCollections: Db.collections, }; if (this.externalHooks[hookName] === undefined) { return; } for(const externalHookFunction of this.externalHooks[hookName]) {; } } } let externalHooksInstance: ExternalHooksClass | undefined; export function ExternalHooks(): ExternalHooksClass { if (externalHooksInstance === undefined) { externalHooksInstance = new ExternalHooksClass(); } return externalHooksInstance; }