import { Command } from '@oclif/command'; import { ExitError } from '@oclif/errors'; import { Container } from 'typedi'; import { LoggerProxy, ErrorReporterProxy as ErrorReporter, sleep } from 'n8n-workflow'; import type { IUserSettings } from 'n8n-core'; import { BinaryDataService, UserSettings } from 'n8n-core'; import type { AbstractServer } from '@/AbstractServer'; import { getLogger } from '@/Logger'; import config from '@/config'; import * as Db from '@/Db'; import * as CrashJournal from '@/CrashJournal'; import { inTest } from '@/constants'; import { CredentialTypes } from '@/CredentialTypes'; import { CredentialsOverwrites } from '@/CredentialsOverwrites'; import { initErrorHandling } from '@/ErrorReporting'; import { ExternalHooks } from '@/ExternalHooks'; import { NodeTypes } from '@/NodeTypes'; import { LoadNodesAndCredentials } from '@/LoadNodesAndCredentials'; import type { IExternalHooksClass, N8nInstanceType } from '@/Interfaces'; import { InternalHooks } from '@/InternalHooks'; import { PostHogClient } from '@/posthog'; import { License } from '@/License'; import { ExternalSecretsManager } from '@/ExternalSecrets/'; import { initExpressionEvaluator } from '@/ExpressionEvalator'; import { generateHostInstanceId } from '../databases/utils/generators'; export abstract class BaseCommand extends Command { protected logger = LoggerProxy.init(getLogger()); protected externalHooks: IExternalHooksClass; protected loadNodesAndCredentials: LoadNodesAndCredentials; protected nodeTypes: NodeTypes; protected userSettings: IUserSettings; protected instanceId: string; instanceType: N8nInstanceType = 'main'; queueModeId: string; protected server?: AbstractServer; async init(): Promise { await initErrorHandling(); initExpressionEvaluator(); process.once('SIGTERM', async () => this.stopProcess()); process.once('SIGINT', async () => this.stopProcess()); // Make sure the settings exist this.userSettings = await UserSettings.prepareUserSettings(); this.loadNodesAndCredentials = Container.get(LoadNodesAndCredentials); await this.loadNodesAndCredentials.init(); this.nodeTypes = Container.get(NodeTypes); this.nodeTypes.init(); const credentialTypes = Container.get(CredentialTypes); CredentialsOverwrites(credentialTypes); await Db.init().catch(async (error: Error) => this.exitWithCrash('There was an error initializing DB', error), ); await this.server?.init(); await Db.migrate().catch(async (error: Error) => this.exitWithCrash('There was an error running database migrations', error), ); const dbType = config.getEnv('database.type'); if (['mysqldb', 'mariadb'].includes(dbType)) { LoggerProxy.warn( 'Support for MySQL/MariaDB has been deprecated and will be removed with an upcoming version of n8n. Please migrate to PostgreSQL.', ); } if (process.env.EXECUTIONS_PROCESS === 'own') { LoggerProxy.warn( 'Own mode has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of n8n. If you need the isolation and performance gains, please consider using queue mode.', ); } this.instanceId = this.userSettings.instanceId ?? ''; await Container.get(PostHogClient).init(this.instanceId); await Container.get(InternalHooks).init(this.instanceId); } protected setInstanceType(instanceType: N8nInstanceType) { this.instanceType = instanceType; config.set('generic.instanceType', instanceType); } protected setInstanceQueueModeId() { if (config.getEnv('executions.mode') === 'queue') { if (config.get('redis.queueModeId')) { this.queueModeId = config.get('redis.queueModeId'); return; } this.queueModeId = generateHostInstanceId(this.instanceType); config.set('redis.queueModeId', this.queueModeId); } } protected async stopProcess() { // This needs to be overridden } protected async initCrashJournal() { await CrashJournal.init(); } protected async exitSuccessFully() { try { await CrashJournal.cleanup(); } finally { process.exit(); } } protected async exitWithCrash(message: string, error: unknown) { ErrorReporter.error(new Error(message, { cause: error }), { level: 'fatal' }); await sleep(2000); process.exit(1); } async initBinaryDataService() { const binaryDataConfig = config.getEnv('binaryDataManager'); await Container.get(BinaryDataService).init(binaryDataConfig); } async initExternalHooks() { this.externalHooks = Container.get(ExternalHooks); await this.externalHooks.init(); } async initLicense(): Promise { const license = Container.get(License); await license.init(this.instanceId, this.instanceType ?? 'main'); const activationKey = config.getEnv('license.activationKey'); if (activationKey) { const hasCert = (await license.loadCertStr()).length > 0; if (hasCert) { return LoggerProxy.debug('Skipping license activation'); } try { LoggerProxy.debug('Attempting license activation'); await license.activate(activationKey); } catch (e) { LoggerProxy.error('Could not activate license', e as Error); } } } async initExternalSecrets() { const secretsManager = Container.get(ExternalSecretsManager); await secretsManager.init(); } async finally(error: Error | undefined) { if (inTest || === 'start') return; if (Db.connectionState.connected) { await sleep(100); // give any in-flight query some time to finish await Db.close(); } const exitCode = error instanceof ExitError ? error.oclif.exit : error ? 1 : 0; this.exit(exitCode); } }