import { copyInputItems, getBinaryDataBuffer, parseIncomingMessage, proxyRequestToAxios, setBinaryDataBuffer, } from '@/NodeExecuteFunctions'; import { mkdtempSync, readFileSync } from 'fs'; import type { IncomingMessage } from 'http'; import { mock } from 'jest-mock-extended'; import type { IBinaryData, INode, ITaskDataConnections, IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, Workflow, WorkflowHooks, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { BinaryDataService } from '@/BinaryData/BinaryData.service'; import nock from 'nock'; import { tmpdir } from 'os'; import { join } from 'path'; import Container from 'typedi'; const temporaryDir = mkdtempSync(join(tmpdir(), 'n8n')); describe('NodeExecuteFunctions', () => { describe('test binary data helper methods', () => { test("test getBinaryDataBuffer(...) & setBinaryDataBuffer(...) methods in 'default' mode", async () => { // Setup a 'default' binary data manager instance Container.set(BinaryDataService, new BinaryDataService()); await Container.get(BinaryDataService).init({ mode: 'default', availableModes: ['default'], localStoragePath: temporaryDir, }); // Set our binary data buffer const inputData: Buffer = Buffer.from('This is some binary data', 'utf8'); const setBinaryDataBufferResponse: IBinaryData = await setBinaryDataBuffer( { mimeType: 'txt', data: 'This should be overwritten by the actual payload in the response', }, inputData, 'workflowId', 'executionId', ); // Expect our return object to contain the base64 encoding of the input data, as it should be stored in memory. expect('base64')); // Now, re-fetch our data. // An ITaskDataConnections object is used to share data between nodes. The top level property, 'main', represents the successful output object from a previous node. const taskDataConnectionsInput: ITaskDataConnections = { main: [], }; // We add an input set, with one item at index 0, to this input. It contains an empty json payload and our binary data. taskDataConnectionsInput.main.push([ { json: {}, binary: { data: setBinaryDataBufferResponse, }, }, ]); // Now, lets fetch our data! The item will be item index 0. const getBinaryDataBufferResponse: Buffer = await getBinaryDataBuffer( taskDataConnectionsInput, 0, 'data', 0, ); expect(getBinaryDataBufferResponse).toEqual(inputData); }); test("test getBinaryDataBuffer(...) & setBinaryDataBuffer(...) methods in 'filesystem' mode", async () => { Container.set(BinaryDataService, new BinaryDataService()); // Setup a 'filesystem' binary data manager instance await Container.get(BinaryDataService).init({ mode: 'filesystem', availableModes: ['filesystem'], localStoragePath: temporaryDir, }); // Set our binary data buffer const inputData: Buffer = Buffer.from('This is some binary data', 'utf8'); const setBinaryDataBufferResponse: IBinaryData = await setBinaryDataBuffer( { mimeType: 'txt', data: 'This should be overwritten with the name of the configured data manager', }, inputData, 'workflowId', 'executionId', ); // Expect our return object to contain the name of the configured data manager. expect('filesystem-v2'); // Ensure that the input data was successfully persisted to disk. expect( readFileSync( `${temporaryDir}/${'filesystem-v2:', '')}`, ), ).toEqual(inputData); // Now, re-fetch our data. // An ITaskDataConnections object is used to share data between nodes. The top level property, 'main', represents the successful output object from a previous node. const taskDataConnectionsInput: ITaskDataConnections = { main: [], }; // We add an input set, with one item at index 0, to this input. It contains an empty json payload and our binary data. taskDataConnectionsInput.main.push([ { json: {}, binary: { data: setBinaryDataBufferResponse, }, }, ]); // Now, lets fetch our data! The item will be item index 0. const getBinaryDataBufferResponse: Buffer = await getBinaryDataBuffer( taskDataConnectionsInput, 0, 'data', 0, ); expect(getBinaryDataBufferResponse).toEqual(inputData); }); }); describe('parseIncomingMessage', () => { it('parses valid content-type header', () => { const message = mock({ headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', 'content-disposition': undefined }, }); parseIncomingMessage(message); expect(message.contentType).toEqual('application/json'); }); it('parses valid content-type header with parameters', () => { const message = mock({ headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'content-disposition': undefined, }, }); parseIncomingMessage(message); expect(message.contentType).toEqual('application/json'); }); it('parses valid content-disposition header with filename*', () => { const message = mock({ headers: { 'content-type': undefined, 'content-disposition': 'attachment; filename="screenshot%20(1).png"; filename*=UTF-8\'\'screenshot%20(1).png', }, }); parseIncomingMessage(message); expect(message.contentDisposition).toEqual({ filename: 'screenshot (1).png', type: 'attachment', }); }); it('parses valid content-disposition header with filename* (quoted)', () => { const message = mock({ headers: { 'content-type': undefined, 'content-disposition': ' attachment;filename*="utf-8\' \'test-unsplash.jpg"', }, }); parseIncomingMessage(message); expect(message.contentDisposition).toEqual({ filename: 'test-unsplash.jpg', type: 'attachment', }); }); it('parses valid content-disposition header with filename and trailing ";"', () => { const message = mock({ headers: { 'content-type': undefined, 'content-disposition': 'inline; filename="screenshot%20(1).png";', }, }); parseIncomingMessage(message); expect(message.contentDisposition).toEqual({ filename: 'screenshot (1).png', type: 'inline', }); }); it('parses non standard content-disposition with missing type', () => { const message = mock({ headers: { 'content-type': undefined, 'content-disposition': 'filename="screenshot%20(1).png";', }, }); parseIncomingMessage(message); expect(message.contentDisposition).toEqual({ filename: 'screenshot (1).png', type: 'attachment', }); }); }); describe('proxyRequestToAxios', () => { const baseUrl = ''; const workflow = mock(); const hooks = mock(); const additionalData = mock({ hooks }); const node = mock(); beforeEach(() => { hooks.executeHookFunctions.mockClear(); }); test('should not throw if the response status is 200', async () => { nock(baseUrl).get('/test').reply(200); await proxyRequestToAxios(workflow, additionalData, node, `${baseUrl}/test`); expect(hooks.executeHookFunctions).toHaveBeenCalledWith('nodeFetchedData', [, node, ]); }); test('should throw if the response status is 403', async () => { const headers = { 'content-type': 'text/plain' }; nock(baseUrl).get('/test').reply(403, 'Forbidden', headers); try { await proxyRequestToAxios(workflow, additionalData, node, `${baseUrl}/test`); } catch (error) { expect(error.statusCode).toEqual(403); expect(error.request).toBeUndefined(); expect(error.response).toMatchObject({ headers, status: 403 }); expect(error.options).toMatchObject({ headers: { Accept: '*/*' }, method: 'get', url: '', }); expect(error.config).toBeUndefined(); expect(error.message).toEqual('403 - "Forbidden"'); } expect(hooks.executeHookFunctions).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); test('should not throw if the response status is 404, but `simple` option is set to `false`', async () => { nock(baseUrl).get('/test').reply(404, 'Not Found'); const response = await proxyRequestToAxios(workflow, additionalData, node, { url: `${baseUrl}/test`, simple: false, }); expect(response).toEqual('Not Found'); expect(hooks.executeHookFunctions).toHaveBeenCalledWith('nodeFetchedData', [, node, ]); }); test('should return full response when `resolveWithFullResponse` is set to true', async () => { nock(baseUrl).get('/test').reply(404, 'Not Found'); const response = await proxyRequestToAxios(workflow, additionalData, node, { url: `${baseUrl}/test`, resolveWithFullResponse: true, simple: false, }); expect(response).toMatchObject({ body: 'Not Found', headers: {}, statusCode: 404, statusMessage: null, }); expect(hooks.executeHookFunctions).toHaveBeenCalledWith('nodeFetchedData', [, node, ]); }); }); describe('copyInputItems', () => { it('should pick only selected properties', () => { const output = copyInputItems( [ { json: { a: 1, b: true, c: {}, }, }, ], ['a'], ); expect(output).toEqual([{ a: 1 }]); }); it('should convert undefined to null', () => { const output = copyInputItems( [ { json: { a: undefined, }, }, ], ['a'], ); expect(output).toEqual([{ a: null }]); }); it('should clone objects', () => { const input = { a: { b: 5 }, }; const output = copyInputItems( [ { json: input, }, ], ['a'], ); expect(output[0].a).toEqual(input.a); expect(output[0].a === input.a).toEqual(false); }); }); });