import moment from 'moment-timezone'; import type { ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, ICredentialTestFunctions, IDataObject, IExecuteFunctions, IHookFunctions, IHttpRequestMethods, ILoadOptionsFunctions, IRequestOptions, JsonObject, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { NodeApiError } from 'n8n-workflow'; export async function hubspotApiRequest( this: IHookFunctions | IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions, method: IHttpRequestMethods, endpoint: string, // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any body: any = {}, query: IDataObject = {}, uri?: string, // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any ): Promise { let authenticationMethod = this.getNodeParameter('authentication', 0); if (this.getNode().type.includes('Trigger')) { authenticationMethod = 'developerApi'; } const options = { method, qs: query, headers: {} as IDataObject, uri: uri || `${endpoint}`, body, json: true, useQuerystring: true, } satisfies IRequestOptions; try { if (authenticationMethod === 'apiKey') { const credentials = await this.getCredentials('hubspotApi'); options.qs.hapikey = credentials.apiKey as string; return await this.helpers.request(options); } else if (authenticationMethod === 'appToken') { const credentials = await this.getCredentials('hubspotAppToken'); options.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${credentials.appToken}`; return await this.helpers.request(options); } else if (authenticationMethod === 'developerApi') { if (endpoint.includes('webhooks')) { const credentials = await this.getCredentials('hubspotDeveloperApi'); options.qs.hapikey = credentials.apiKey as string; return await this.helpers.request(options); } else { return await, 'hubspotDeveloperApi', options, { tokenType: 'Bearer', includeCredentialsOnRefreshOnBody: true, }); } } else { return await, 'hubspotOAuth2Api', options, { tokenType: 'Bearer', includeCredentialsOnRefreshOnBody: true, }); } } catch (error) { throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), error as JsonObject); } } /** * Make an API request to paginated hubspot endpoint * and return all results */ export async function hubspotApiRequestAllItems( this: IHookFunctions | IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions, _propertyName: string, method: IHttpRequestMethods, endpoint: string, // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any body: any = {}, query: IDataObject = {}, // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any ): Promise { const returnData: IDataObject[] = []; let responseData; query.limit = (query.limit as number) || 250; query.count = 100; body.limit = body.limit || 100; do { responseData = await, method, endpoint, body, query); query.offset = responseData.offset; query.vidOffset = responseData['vid-offset']; //Used by Search endpoints if (responseData.paging) { body.after =; } returnData.push.apply(returnData, responseData.propertyName as IDataObject[]); //ticket:getAll endpoint does not support setting a limit, so return once the limit is reached if (query.limit && query.limit <= returnData.length && endpoint.includes('/tickets/paged')) { return returnData; } } while (responseData.hasMore || responseData['has-more'] || responseData.paging); return returnData; } // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any export function validateJSON(json: string | undefined): any { let result; try { result = JSON.parse(json!); } catch (exception) { result = ''; } return result; } // tslint:disable-next-line: no-any export function clean(obj: any) { for (const propName in obj) { if (obj[propName] === null || obj[propName] === undefined || obj[propName] === '') { delete obj[propName]; } } return obj; } export const propertyEvents = [ 'contact.propertyChange', 'company.propertyChange', 'deal.propertyChange', ]; export const contactFields = [ { id: 'company_size', label: 'testingricardo', }, { id: 'date', label: 'Date', }, { id: 'date_of_birth', label: 'Date of birth', }, { id: 'days_to_close', label: 'Days To Close', }, { id: 'degree', label: 'Degree', }, { id: 'field_of_study', label: 'Field of study', }, { id: 'first_conversion_date', label: 'First Conversion Date', }, { id: 'first_conversion_event_name', label: 'First Conversion', }, { id: 'first_deal_created_date', label: 'First Deal Created Date', }, { id: 'gender', label: 'Gender', }, { id: 'graduation_date', label: 'Graduation date', }, { id: 'hs_additional_emails', label: 'Additional email addresses', }, { id: 'hs_all_contact_vids', label: 'All vids for a contact', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_first_touch_converting_campaign', label: 'First Touch Converting Campaign', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_last_touch_converting_campaign', label: 'Last Touch Converting Campaign', }, { id: 'hs_avatar_filemanager_key', label: 'Avatar FileManager key', }, { id: 'hs_buying_role', label: 'Buying Role', }, { id: 'hs_calculated_form_submissions', label: 'All form submissions for a contact', }, { id: 'hs_calculated_merged_vids', label: 'Merged vids with timestamps of a contact', }, { id: 'hs_calculated_mobile_number', label: 'Calculated Mobile Number in International Format', }, { id: 'hs_calculated_phone_number', label: 'Calculated Phone Number in International Format', }, { id: 'hs_calculated_phone_number_area_code', label: 'Calculated Phone Number Area Code', }, { id: 'hs_calculated_phone_number_country_code', label: 'Calculated Phone Number Country Code', }, { id: 'hs_calculated_phone_number_region_code', label: 'Calculated Phone Number Region', }, { id: 'hs_content_membership_email_confirmed', label: 'Email Confirmed', }, { id: 'hs_content_membership_notes', label: 'Membership Notes', }, { id: 'hs_content_membership_registered_at', label: 'Registered At', }, { id: 'hs_content_membership_registration_domain_sent_to', label: 'Domain to which registration email was sent', }, { id: 'hs_content_membership_registration_email_sent_at', label: 'Time registration email was sent', }, { id: 'hs_content_membership_status', label: 'Status', }, { id: 'hs_conversations_visitor_email', label: 'Conversations visitor email', }, { id: 'hs_count_is_unworked', label: 'Count of unengaged contacts', }, { id: 'hs_count_is_worked', label: 'Count of engaged contacts', }, { id: 'hs_created_by_conversations', label: 'Created By Conversations', }, { id: 'hs_created_by_user_id', label: 'Created by user ID', }, { id: 'hs_createdate', label: 'Object create date/time', }, { id: 'hs_document_last_revisited', label: 'Recent Document Revisit Date', }, { id: 'hs_email_bad_address', label: 'Invalid email address', }, { id: 'hs_email_customer_quarantined_reason', label: 'Email address quarantine reason', }, { id: 'hs_email_domain', label: 'Email Domain', }, { id: 'hs_email_hard_bounce_reason', label: 'Email hard bounce reason', }, { id: 'hs_email_hard_bounce_reason_enum', label: 'Email hard bounce reason', }, { id: 'hs_email_quarantined', label: 'Email Address Quarantined', }, { id: 'hs_email_quarantined_reason', label: 'Email address internal quarantine reason', }, { id: 'hs_email_recipient_fatigue_recovery_time', label: 'Email Address Recipient Fatigue Next Available Sending Time', }, { id: 'hs_email_sends_since_last_engagement', label: 'Sends Since Last Engagement', }, { id: 'hs_emailconfirmationstatus', label: 'Marketing email confirmation status', }, { id: 'hs_facebook_ad_clicked', label: 'Clicked Facebook ad', }, { id: 'hs_facebook_click_id', label: 'Facebook click id', }, { id: 'hs_facebookid', label: 'Facebook ID', }, { id: 'hs_feedback_last_nps_follow_up', label: 'Last NPS survey comment', }, { id: 'hs_feedback_last_nps_rating', label: 'Last NPS survey rating', }, { id: 'hs_feedback_last_survey_date', label: 'Last NPS survey date', }, { id: 'hs_feedback_show_nps_web_survey', label: 'Should be shown an NPS web survey', }, { id: 'hs_first_engagement_object_id', label: 'ID of first engagement', }, { id: 'hs_google_click_id', label: 'Google ad click id', }, { id: 'hs_googleplusid', label: 'googleplus ID', }, { id: 'hs_ip_timezone', label: 'IP Timezone', }, { id: 'hs_is_contact', label: 'Is a contact', }, { id: 'hs_is_unworked', label: 'Contact unworked', }, { id: 'hs_last_sales_activity_date', label: 'last sales activity date old', }, { id: 'hs_last_sales_activity_timestamp', label: 'Last Engagement Date', }, { id: 'hs_lastmodifieddate', label: 'Object last modified date/time', }, { id: 'hs_lead_status', label: 'Lead Status', }, { id: 'hs_legal_basis', label: "Legal basis for processing contact's data", }, { id: 'hs_linkedinid', label: 'Linkedin ID', }, { id: 'hs_marketable_reason_id', label: 'Marketing contact status source name', }, { id: 'hs_marketable_reason_type', label: 'Marketing contact status source type', }, { id: 'hs_marketable_status', label: 'Marketing contact status', }, { id: 'hs_marketable_until_renewal', label: 'Marketing contact until next update', }, { id: 'hs_merged_object_ids', label: 'Merged object IDs', }, { id: 'hs_object_id', label: 'Contact ID', }, { id: 'hs_predictivecontactscore_v2', label: 'Likelihood to close', }, { id: 'hs_predictivescoringtier', label: 'Contact priority', }, { id: 'hs_sa_first_engagement_date', label: 'Date of first engagement', }, { id: 'hs_sa_first_engagement_descr', label: 'Description of first engagement', }, { id: 'hs_sa_first_engagement_object_type', label: 'Type of first engagement', }, { id: 'hs_sales_email_last_clicked', label: 'Recent Sales Email Clicked Date', }, { id: 'hs_sales_email_last_opened', label: 'Recent Sales Email Opened Date', }, { id: 'hs_searchable_calculated_international_mobile_number', label: 'Calculated Mobile Number with country code', }, { id: 'hs_searchable_calculated_international_phone_number', label: 'Calculated Phone Number with country code', }, { id: 'hs_searchable_calculated_mobile_number', label: 'Calculated Mobile Number without country code', }, { id: 'hs_searchable_calculated_phone_number', label: 'Calculated Phone Number without country code', }, { id: 'hs_sequences_is_enrolled', label: 'Currently in Sequence', }, { id: 'hs_testpurge', label: 'testpurge', }, { id: 'hs_testrollback', label: 'testrollback', }, { id: 'hs_time_between_contact_creation_and_deal_close', label: 'Time between contact creation and deal close', }, { id: 'hs_time_between_contact_creation_and_deal_creation', label: 'Time between contact creation and deal creation', }, { id: 'hs_time_to_first_engagement', label: 'Lead response time', }, { id: 'hs_time_to_move_from_lead_to_customer', label: 'Time to move from lead to customer', }, { id: 'hs_time_to_move_from_marketingqualifiedlead_to_customer', label: 'Time to move from marketing qualified lead to customer', }, { id: 'hs_time_to_move_from_opportunity_to_customer', label: 'Time to move from opportunity to customer', }, { id: 'hs_time_to_move_from_salesqualifiedlead_to_customer', label: 'Time to move from sales qualified lead to customer', }, { id: 'hs_time_to_move_from_subscriber_to_customer', label: 'Time to move from subscriber to customer', }, { id: 'hs_twitterid', label: 'Twitter ID', }, { id: 'hs_updated_by_user_id', label: 'Updated by user ID', }, { id: 'hs_user_ids_of_all_owners', label: 'User IDs of all owners', }, { id: 'hubspot_owner_assigneddate', label: 'Owner Assigned Date', }, { id: 'ip_city', label: 'IP City', }, { id: 'ip_country', label: 'IP Country', }, { id: 'ip_country_code', label: 'IP Country Code', }, { id: 'ip_latlon', label: 'IP Latitude & Longitude', }, { id: 'ip_state', label: 'IP State/Region', }, { id: 'ip_state_code', label: 'IP State Code/Region Code', }, { id: 'ip_zipcode', label: 'IP Zipcode', }, { id: 'job_function', label: 'Job function', }, { id: 'lastmodifieddate', label: 'Last Modified Date', }, { id: 'marital_status', label: 'Marital Status', }, { id: 'military_status', label: 'Military status', }, { id: 'num_associated_deals', label: 'Associated Deals', }, { id: 'num_conversion_events', label: 'Number of Form Submissions', }, { id: 'num_unique_conversion_events', label: 'Number of Unique Forms Submitted', }, { id: 'recent_conversion_date', label: 'Recent Conversion Date', }, { id: 'recent_conversion_event_name', label: 'Recent Conversion', }, { id: 'recent_deal_amount', label: 'Recent Deal Amount', }, { id: 'recent_deal_close_date', label: 'Recent Deal Close Date', }, { id: 'relationship_status', label: 'Relationship Status', }, { id: 'school', label: 'School', }, { id: 'seniority', label: 'Seniority', }, { id: 'start_date', label: 'Start date', }, { id: 'testing', label: 'testing', }, { id: 'total_revenue', label: 'Total Revenue', }, { id: 'work_email', label: 'Work email', }, { id: 'firstname', label: 'First Name', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_first_url', label: 'First Page Seen', }, { id: 'hs_email_delivered', label: 'Marketing emails delivered', }, { id: 'hs_email_optout_6871816', label: 'Opted out of email: Marketing Information', }, { id: 'hs_email_optout_8363428', label: 'Opted out of email: One to One', }, { id: 'twitterhandle', label: 'Twitter Username', }, { id: 'currentlyinworkflow', label: 'Currently in workflow', }, { id: 'followercount', label: 'Follower Count', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_last_url', label: 'Last Page Seen', }, { id: 'hs_email_open', label: 'Marketing emails opened', }, { id: 'lastname', label: 'Last Name', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_num_page_views', label: 'Number of Pageviews', }, { id: 'hs_email_click', label: 'Marketing emails clicked', }, { id: 'salutation', label: 'Salutation', }, { id: 'twitterprofilephoto', label: 'Twitter Profile Photo', }, { id: 'email', label: 'Email', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_num_visits', label: 'Number of Sessions', }, { id: 'hs_email_bounce', label: 'Marketing emails bounced', }, { id: 'hs_persona', label: 'Persona', }, { id: 'hs_social_last_engagement', label: 'Most Recent Social Click', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_num_event_completions', label: 'Number of event completions', }, { id: 'hs_email_optout', label: 'Unsubscribed from all email', }, { id: 'hs_social_twitter_clicks', label: 'Twitter Clicks', }, { id: 'mobilephone', label: 'Mobile Phone Number', }, { id: 'phone', label: 'Phone Number', }, { id: 'fax', label: 'Fax Number', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_first_timestamp', label: 'Time First Seen', }, { id: 'hs_email_last_email_name', label: 'Last marketing email name', }, { id: 'hs_email_last_send_date', label: 'Last marketing email send date', }, { id: 'hs_social_facebook_clicks', label: 'Facebook Clicks', }, { id: 'address', label: 'Street Address', }, { id: 'engagements_last_meeting_booked', label: 'Date of last meeting booked in meetings tool', }, { id: 'engagements_last_meeting_booked_campaign', label: 'Campaign of last booking in meetings tool', }, { id: 'engagements_last_meeting_booked_medium', label: 'Medium of last booking in meetings tool', }, { id: 'engagements_last_meeting_booked_source', label: 'Source of last booking in meetings tool', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_first_visit_timestamp', label: 'Time of First Session', }, { id: 'hs_email_last_open_date', label: 'Last marketing email open date', }, { id: 'hs_latest_meeting_activity', label: 'Latest meeting activity', }, { id: 'hs_sales_email_last_replied', label: 'Recent Sales Email Replied Date', }, { id: 'hs_social_linkedin_clicks', label: 'LinkedIn Clicks', }, { id: 'hubspot_owner_id', label: 'Contact owner', }, { id: 'notes_last_contacted', label: 'Last Contacted', }, { id: 'notes_last_updated', label: 'Last Activity Date', }, { id: 'notes_next_activity_date', label: 'Next Activity Date', }, { id: 'num_contacted_notes', label: 'Number of times contacted', }, { id: 'num_notes', label: 'Number of Sales Activities', }, { id: 'owneremail', label: 'HubSpot Owner Email (legacy)', }, { id: 'ownername', label: 'HubSpot Owner Name (legacy)', }, { id: 'surveymonkeyeventlastupdated', label: 'SurveyMonkey Event Last Updated', }, { id: 'webinareventlastupdated', label: 'Webinar Event Last Updated', }, { id: 'city', label: 'City', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_last_timestamp', label: 'Time Last Seen', }, { id: 'hs_email_last_click_date', label: 'Last marketing email click date', }, { id: 'hs_social_google_plus_clicks', label: 'Google Plus Clicks', }, { id: 'hubspot_team_id', label: 'HubSpot Team', }, { id: 'linkedinbio', label: 'LinkedIn Bio', }, { id: 'twitterbio', label: 'Twitter Bio', }, { id: 'hs_all_owner_ids', label: 'All owner ids', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_last_visit_timestamp', label: 'Time of Last Session', }, { id: 'hs_email_first_send_date', label: 'First marketing email send date', }, { id: 'hs_social_num_broadcast_clicks', label: 'Broadcast Clicks', }, { id: 'state', label: 'State/Region', }, { id: 'hs_all_team_ids', label: 'All team ids', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_source', label: 'Original Source', }, { id: 'hs_email_first_open_date', label: 'First marketing email open date', }, { id: 'zip', label: 'Postal Code', }, { id: 'country', label: 'Country/Region', }, { id: 'hs_all_accessible_team_ids', label: 'All accessible team ids', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_source_data_1', label: 'Original Source Drill-Down 1', }, { id: 'hs_email_first_click_date', label: 'First marketing email click date', }, { id: 'linkedinconnections', label: 'LinkedIn Connections', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_source_data_2', label: 'Original Source Drill-Down 2', }, { id: 'hs_email_is_ineligible', label: 'Is globally ineligible', }, { id: 'hs_language', label: 'Preferred language', }, { id: 'kloutscoregeneral', label: 'Klout Score', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_first_referrer', label: 'First Referring Site', }, { id: 'hs_email_first_reply_date', label: 'First marketing email reply date', }, { id: 'jobtitle', label: 'Job Title', }, { id: 'photo', label: 'Photo', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_last_referrer', label: 'Last Referring Site', }, { id: 'hs_email_last_reply_date', label: 'Last marketing email reply date', }, { id: 'message', label: 'Message', }, { id: 'closedate', label: 'Close Date', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_average_page_views', label: 'Average Pageviews', }, { id: 'hs_email_replied', label: 'Marketing emails replied', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_revenue', label: 'Event Revenue', }, { id: 'hs_lifecyclestage_lead_date', label: 'Became a Lead Date', }, { id: 'hs_lifecyclestage_marketingqualifiedlead_date', label: 'Became a Marketing Qualified Lead Date', }, { id: 'hs_lifecyclestage_opportunity_date', label: 'Became an Opportunity Date', }, { id: 'lifecyclestage', label: 'Lifecycle Stage', }, { id: 'hs_lifecyclestage_salesqualifiedlead_date', label: 'Became a Sales Qualified Lead Date', }, { id: 'createdate', label: 'Create Date', }, { id: 'hs_lifecyclestage_evangelist_date', label: 'Became an Evangelist Date', }, { id: 'hs_lifecyclestage_customer_date', label: 'Became a Customer Date', }, { id: 'hubspotscore', label: 'HubSpot Score', }, { id: 'company', label: 'Company Name', }, { id: 'hs_lifecyclestage_subscriber_date', label: 'Became a Subscriber Date', }, { id: 'hs_lifecyclestage_other_date', label: 'Became an Other Lifecycle Date', }, { id: 'website', label: 'Website URL', }, { id: 'numemployees', label: 'Number of Employees', }, { id: 'annualrevenue', label: 'Annual Revenue', }, { id: 'industry', label: 'Industry', }, { id: 'associatedcompanyid', label: 'Associated Company ID', }, { id: 'associatedcompanylastupdated', label: 'Associated Company Last Updated', }, { id: 'hs_predictivecontactscorebucket', label: 'Lead Rating', }, { id: 'hs_predictivecontactscore', label: 'Predictive Lead Score', }, ]; export const companyFields = [ { id: 'about_us', label: 'About Us', }, { id: 'closedate_timestamp_earliest_value_a2a17e6e', label: 'closedate_timestamp_earliest_value_a2a17e6e', }, { id: 'facebookfans', label: 'Facebook Fans', }, { id: 'first_contact_createdate_timestamp_earliest_value_78b50eea', label: 'first_contact_createdate_timestamp_earliest_value_78b50eea', }, { id: 'first_conversion_date', label: 'First Conversion Date', }, { id: 'first_conversion_date_timestamp_earliest_value_61f58f2c', label: 'first_conversion_date_timestamp_earliest_value_61f58f2c', }, { id: 'first_conversion_event_name', label: 'First Conversion', }, { id: 'first_conversion_event_name_timestamp_earliest_value_68ddae0a', label: 'first_conversion_event_name_timestamp_earliest_value_68ddae0a', }, { id: 'first_deal_created_date', label: 'First Deal Created Date', }, { id: 'founded_year', label: 'Year Founded', }, { id: 'hs_additional_domains', label: 'Additional Domains', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_first_timestamp', label: 'Time First Seen', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_first_timestamp_timestamp_earliest_value_11e3a63a', label: 'hs_analytics_first_timestamp_timestamp_earliest_value_11e3a63a', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_first_touch_converting_campaign', label: 'First Touch Converting Campaign', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_first_touch_converting_campaign_timestamp_earliest_value_4757fe10', label: 'hs_analytics_first_touch_converting_campaign_timestamp_earliest_value_4757fe10', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_first_visit_timestamp', label: 'Time of First Session', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_first_visit_timestamp_timestamp_earliest_value_accc17ae', label: 'hs_analytics_first_visit_timestamp_timestamp_earliest_value_accc17ae', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_last_timestamp', label: 'Time Last Seen', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_last_timestamp_timestamp_latest_value_4e16365a', label: 'hs_analytics_last_timestamp_timestamp_latest_value_4e16365a', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_last_touch_converting_campaign', label: 'Last Touch Converting Campaign', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_last_touch_converting_campaign_timestamp_latest_value_81a64e30', label: 'hs_analytics_last_touch_converting_campaign_timestamp_latest_value_81a64e30', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_last_visit_timestamp', label: 'Time of Last Session', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_last_visit_timestamp_timestamp_latest_value_999a0fce', label: 'hs_analytics_last_visit_timestamp_timestamp_latest_value_999a0fce', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_num_page_views', label: 'Number of Pageviews', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_num_page_views_cardinality_sum_e46e85b0', label: 'hs_analytics_num_page_views_cardinality_sum_e46e85b0', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_num_visits', label: 'Number of Sessions', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_num_visits_cardinality_sum_53d952a6', label: 'hs_analytics_num_visits_cardinality_sum_53d952a6', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_source', label: 'Original Source Type', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_source_data_1', label: 'Original Source Data 1', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_source_data_1_timestamp_earliest_value_9b2f1fa1', label: 'hs_analytics_source_data_1_timestamp_earliest_value_9b2f1fa1', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_source_data_2', label: 'Original Source Data 2', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_source_data_2_timestamp_earliest_value_9b2f9400', label: 'hs_analytics_source_data_2_timestamp_earliest_value_9b2f9400', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_source_timestamp_earliest_value_25a3a52c', label: 'hs_analytics_source_timestamp_earliest_value_25a3a52c', }, { id: 'hs_avatar_filemanager_key', label: 'Avatar FileManager key', }, { id: 'hs_created_by_user_id', label: 'Created by user ID', }, { id: 'hs_createdate', label: 'Object create date/time', }, { id: 'hs_ideal_customer_profile', label: 'Ideal Customer Profile Tier', }, { id: 'hs_is_target_account', label: 'Target Account', }, { id: 'hs_last_booked_meeting_date', label: 'Last Booked Meeting Date', }, { id: 'hs_last_logged_call_date', label: 'Last Logged Call Date', }, { id: 'hs_last_open_task_date', label: 'Last Open Task Date', }, { id: 'hs_last_sales_activity_date', label: 'last sales activity date old', }, { id: 'hs_last_sales_activity_timestamp', label: 'Last Engagement Date', }, { id: 'hs_lastmodifieddate', label: 'Last Modified Date', }, { id: 'hs_merged_object_ids', label: 'Merged object IDs', }, { id: 'hs_num_blockers', label: 'Number of blockers', }, { id: 'hs_num_contacts_with_buying_roles', label: 'Number of contacts with a buying role', }, { id: 'hs_num_decision_makers', label: 'Number of decision makers', }, { id: 'hs_num_open_deals', label: 'Number of open deals', }, { id: 'hs_object_id', label: 'Company ID', }, { id: 'hs_predictivecontactscore_v2', label: 'Likelihood to close', }, { id: 'hs_predictivecontactscore_v2_next_max_max_d4e58c1e', label: 'hs_predictivecontactscore_v2_next_max_max_d4e58c1e', }, { id: 'hs_target_account', label: 'Target Account', }, { id: 'hs_target_account_probability', label: 'Target Account Probability', }, { id: 'hs_target_account_recommendation_snooze_time', label: 'Target Account Recommendation Snooze Time', }, { id: 'hs_target_account_recommendation_state', label: 'Target Account Recommendation State', }, { id: 'hs_total_deal_value', label: 'Total open deal value', }, { id: 'hs_updated_by_user_id', label: 'Updated by user ID', }, { id: 'hs_user_ids_of_all_owners', label: 'User IDs of all owners', }, { id: 'hubspot_owner_assigneddate', label: 'Owner Assigned Date', }, { id: 'is_public', label: 'Is Public', }, { id: 'num_associated_contacts', label: 'Associated Contacts', }, { id: 'num_associated_deals', label: 'Associated Deals', }, { id: 'num_conversion_events', label: 'Number of Form Submissions', }, { id: 'num_conversion_events_cardinality_sum_d095f14b', label: 'num_conversion_events_cardinality_sum_d095f14b', }, { id: 'recent_conversion_date', label: 'Recent Conversion Date', }, { id: 'recent_conversion_date_timestamp_latest_value_72856da1', label: 'recent_conversion_date_timestamp_latest_value_72856da1', }, { id: 'recent_conversion_event_name', label: 'Recent Conversion', }, { id: 'recent_conversion_event_name_timestamp_latest_value_66c820bf', label: 'recent_conversion_event_name_timestamp_latest_value_66c820bf', }, { id: 'recent_deal_amount', label: 'Recent Deal Amount', }, { id: 'recent_deal_close_date', label: 'Recent Deal Close Date', }, { id: 'timezone', label: 'Time Zone', }, { id: 'total_money_raised', label: 'Total Money Raised', }, { id: 'total_revenue', label: 'Total Revenue', }, { id: 'name', label: 'Name', }, { id: 'owneremail', label: 'HubSpot Owner Email', }, { id: 'twitterhandle', label: 'Twitter Handle', }, { id: 'ownername', label: 'HubSpot Owner Name', }, { id: 'phone', label: 'Phone Number', }, { id: 'twitterbio', label: 'Twitter Bio', }, { id: 'twitterfollowers', label: 'Twitter Followers', }, { id: 'address', label: 'Street Address', }, { id: 'address2', label: 'Street Address 2', }, { id: 'facebook_company_page', label: 'Facebook Company Page', }, { id: 'city', label: 'City', }, { id: 'linkedin_company_page', label: 'LinkedIn Company Page', }, { id: 'linkedinbio', label: 'LinkedIn Bio', }, { id: 'state', label: 'State/Region', }, { id: 'googleplus_page', label: 'Google Plus Page', }, { id: 'engagements_last_meeting_booked', label: 'Date of last meeting booked in meetings tool', }, { id: 'engagements_last_meeting_booked_campaign', label: 'Campaign of last booking in meetings tool', }, { id: 'engagements_last_meeting_booked_medium', label: 'Medium of last booking in meetings tool', }, { id: 'engagements_last_meeting_booked_source', label: 'Source of last booking in meetings tool', }, { id: 'hs_latest_meeting_activity', label: 'Latest meeting activity', }, { id: 'hs_sales_email_last_replied', label: 'Recent Sales Email Replied Date', }, { id: 'hubspot_owner_id', label: 'Company owner', }, { id: 'notes_last_contacted', label: 'Last Contacted', }, { id: 'notes_last_updated', label: 'Last Activity Date', }, { id: 'notes_next_activity_date', label: 'Next Activity Date', }, { id: 'num_contacted_notes', label: 'Number of times contacted', }, { id: 'num_notes', label: 'Number of Sales Activities', }, { id: 'zip', label: 'Postal Code', }, { id: 'country', label: 'Country/Region', }, { id: 'hubspot_team_id', label: 'HubSpot Team', }, { id: 'hs_all_owner_ids', label: 'All owner ids', }, { id: 'website', label: 'Website URL', }, { id: 'domain', label: 'Company Domain Name', }, { id: 'hs_all_team_ids', label: 'All team ids', }, { id: 'hs_all_accessible_team_ids', label: 'All accessible team ids', }, { id: 'numberofemployees', label: 'Number of Employees', }, { id: 'industry', label: 'Industry', }, { id: 'annualrevenue', label: 'Annual Revenue', }, { id: 'lifecyclestage', label: 'Lifecycle Stage', }, { id: 'hs_lead_status', label: 'Lead Status', }, { id: 'hs_parent_company_id', label: 'Parent Company', }, { id: 'type', label: 'Type', }, { id: 'description', label: 'Description', }, { id: 'hs_num_child_companies', label: 'Number of child companies', }, { id: 'hubspotscore', label: 'HubSpot Score', }, { id: 'createdate', label: 'Create Date', }, { id: 'closedate', label: 'Close Date', }, { id: 'first_contact_createdate', label: 'First Contact Create Date', }, { id: 'days_to_close', label: 'Days to Close', }, { id: 'web_technologies', label: 'Web Technologies', }, ]; export const dealFields = [ { id: 'amount_in_home_currency', label: 'Amount in company currency', }, { id: 'days_to_close', label: 'Days to close', }, { id: 'deal_currency_code', label: 'Currency', }, { id: 'hs_acv', label: 'Annual contract value', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_source', label: 'Original Source Type', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_source_data_1', label: 'Original Source Data 1', }, { id: 'hs_analytics_source_data_2', label: 'Original Source Data 2', }, { id: 'hs_arr', label: 'Annual recurring revenue', }, { id: 'hs_campaign', label: 'HubSpot Campaign', }, { id: 'hs_closed_amount', label: 'Closed Deal Amount', }, { id: 'hs_closed_amount_in_home_currency', label: 'Closed Deal Amount In Home Currency', }, { id: 'hs_created_by_user_id', label: 'Created by user ID', }, { id: 'hs_date_entered_appointmentscheduled', label: "Date entered 'Appointment Scheduled (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_date_entered_closedlost', label: "Date entered 'Closed Lost (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_date_entered_closedwon', label: "Date entered 'Closed Won (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_date_entered_contractsent', label: "Date entered 'Contract Sent (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_date_entered_decisionmakerboughtin', label: "Date entered 'Decision Maker Bought-In (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_date_entered_presentationscheduled', label: "Date entered 'Presentation Scheduled (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_date_entered_qualifiedtobuy', label: "Date entered 'Qualified To Buy (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_date_exited_appointmentscheduled', label: "Date exited 'Appointment Scheduled (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_date_exited_closedlost', label: "Date exited 'Closed Lost (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_date_exited_closedwon', label: "Date exited 'Closed Won (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_date_exited_contractsent', label: "Date exited 'Contract Sent (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_date_exited_decisionmakerboughtin', label: "Date exited 'Decision Maker Bought-In (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_date_exited_presentationscheduled', label: "Date exited 'Presentation Scheduled (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_date_exited_qualifiedtobuy', label: "Date exited 'Qualified To Buy (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_deal_amount_calculation_preference', label: 'Deal amount calculation preference', }, { id: 'hs_deal_stage_probability', label: 'Deal Stage Probability', }, { id: 'hs_forecast_amount', label: 'Forecast Amount', }, { id: 'hs_forecast_probability', label: 'Forecast Probability', }, { id: 'hs_is_closed', label: 'Is Deal Closed?', }, { id: 'hs_lastmodifieddate', label: 'Last Modified Date', }, { id: 'hs_likelihood_to_close', label: 'Likelihood to close by the close date', }, { id: 'hs_line_item_global_term_hs_discount_percentage', label: 'Global Term Line Item Discount Percentage', }, { id: 'hs_line_item_global_term_hs_discount_percentage_enabled', label: 'Global Term Line Item Discount Percentage Enabled', }, { id: 'hs_line_item_global_term_hs_recurring_billing_period', label: 'Global Term Line Item Recurring Billing Period', }, { id: 'hs_line_item_global_term_hs_recurring_billing_period_enabled', label: 'Global Term Line Item Recurring Billing Period Enabled', }, { id: 'hs_line_item_global_term_hs_recurring_billing_start_date', label: 'Global Term Line Item Recurring Billing Start Date', }, { id: 'hs_line_item_global_term_hs_recurring_billing_start_date_enabled', label: 'Global Term Line Item Recurring Billing Start Date Enabled', }, { id: 'hs_line_item_global_term_recurringbillingfrequency', label: 'Global Term Line Item Recurring Billing Frequency', }, { id: 'hs_line_item_global_term_recurringbillingfrequency_enabled', label: 'Global Term Line Item Recurring Billing Frequency Enabled', }, { id: 'hs_manual_forecast_category', label: 'Forecast category', }, { id: 'hs_merged_object_ids', label: 'Merged object IDs', }, { id: 'hs_mrr', label: 'Monthly recurring revenue', }, { id: 'hs_next_step', label: 'Next step', }, { id: 'hs_object_id', label: 'Deal ID', }, { id: 'hs_predicted_amount', label: 'The predicted deal amount', }, { id: 'hs_predicted_amount_in_home_currency', label: "The predicted deal amount in your company's currency", }, { id: 'hs_projected_amount', label: 'Projected Deal Amount', }, { id: 'hs_projected_amount_in_home_currency', label: 'Projected Deal Amount in Home Currency', }, { id: 'hs_tcv', label: 'Total contract value', }, { id: 'hs_time_in_appointmentscheduled', label: "Time in 'Appointment Scheduled (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_time_in_closedlost', label: "Time in 'Closed Lost (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_time_in_closedwon', label: "Time in 'Closed Won (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_time_in_contractsent', label: "Time in 'Contract Sent (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_time_in_decisionmakerboughtin', label: "Time in 'Decision Maker Bought-In (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_time_in_presentationscheduled', label: "Time in 'Presentation Scheduled (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_time_in_qualifiedtobuy', label: "Time in 'Qualified To Buy (Sales Pipeline)'", }, { id: 'hs_updated_by_user_id', label: 'Updated by user ID', }, { id: 'hs_user_ids_of_all_owners', label: 'User IDs of all owners', }, { id: 'hubspot_owner_assigneddate', label: 'Owner Assigned Date', }, { id: 'testing', label: 'testing', }, { id: 'dealname', label: 'Deal Name', }, { id: 'amount', label: 'Amount', }, { id: 'dealstage', label: 'Deal Stage', }, { id: 'pipeline', label: 'Pipeline', }, { id: 'closedate', label: 'Close Date', }, { id: 'createdate', label: 'Create Date', }, { id: 'engagements_last_meeting_booked', label: 'Date of last meeting booked in meetings tool', }, { id: 'engagements_last_meeting_booked_campaign', label: 'Campaign of last booking in meetings tool', }, { id: 'engagements_last_meeting_booked_medium', label: 'Medium of last booking in meetings tool', }, { id: 'engagements_last_meeting_booked_source', label: 'Source of last booking in meetings tool', }, { id: 'hs_latest_meeting_activity', label: 'Latest meeting activity', }, { id: 'hs_sales_email_last_replied', label: 'Recent Sales Email Replied Date', }, { id: 'hubspot_owner_id', label: 'Deal owner', }, { id: 'notes_last_contacted', label: 'Last Contacted', }, { id: 'notes_last_updated', label: 'Last Activity Date', }, { id: 'notes_next_activity_date', label: 'Next Activity Date', }, { id: 'num_contacted_notes', label: 'Number of times contacted', }, { id: 'num_notes', label: 'Number of Sales Activities', }, { id: 'hs_createdate', label: 'HubSpot Create Date', }, { id: 'hubspot_team_id', label: 'HubSpot Team', }, { id: 'dealtype', label: 'Deal Type', }, { id: 'hs_all_owner_ids', label: 'All owner ids', }, { id: 'description', label: 'Deal Description', }, { id: 'hs_all_team_ids', label: 'All team ids', }, { id: 'hs_all_accessible_team_ids', label: 'All accessible team ids', }, { id: 'num_associated_contacts', label: 'Number of Contacts', }, { id: 'closed_lost_reason', label: 'Closed Lost Reason', }, { id: 'closed_won_reason', label: 'Closed Won Reason', }, ]; const reduceMetadatFields = (data: string[]) => { return data .reduce((a, v) => { //@ts-ignore a.push(...v.split(',')); return a; }, []) .map((email) => ({ email })); }; export const getEmailMetadata = (meta: IDataObject) => { return { from: { ...(meta.fromEmail && { email: meta.fromEmail }), ...(meta.firstName && { firstName: meta.firstName }), ...(meta.lastName && { lastName: meta.lastName }), }, cc: reduceMetadatFields(( as string[]) || []), bcc: reduceMetadatFields((meta.bcc as string[]) || []), ...(meta.subject && { subject: meta.subject }), ...(meta.html && { html: meta.html }), ...(meta.text && { text: meta.text }), }; }; export const getTaskMetadata = (meta: IDataObject) => { return { ...(meta.body && { body: meta.body }), ...(meta.subject && { subject: meta.subject }), ...(meta.status && { status: meta.status }), ...(meta.forObjectType && { forObjectType: meta.forObjectType }), }; }; export const getMeetingMetadata = (meta: IDataObject) => { return { ...(meta.body && { body: meta.body }), ...(meta.startTime && { startTime: moment(meta.startTime as string).unix() }), ...(meta.endTime && { endTime: moment(meta.endTime as string).unix() }), ...(meta.title && { title: meta.title }), ...(meta.internalMeetingNotes && { internalMeetingNotes: meta.internalMeetingNotes }), }; }; export const getCallMetadata = (meta: IDataObject) => { return { ...(meta.toNumber && { toNumber: meta.toNumber }), ...(meta.fromNumber && { fromNumber: meta.fromNumber }), ...(meta.status && { status: meta.status }), ...(meta.durationMilliseconds && { durationMilliseconds: meta.durationMilliseconds }), ...(meta.recordingUrl && { recordingUrl: meta.recordingUrl }), ...(meta.body && { body: meta.body }), }; }; export const getAssociations = (associations: { companyIds: string; dealIds: string; ownerIds: string; contactIds: string; ticketIds: string; }) => { return { ...(associations.companyIds && { companyIds: associations.companyIds.toString().split(',') }), ...(associations.contactIds && { contactIds: associations.contactIds.toString().split(',') }), ...(associations.dealIds && { dealIds: associations.dealIds.toString().split(',') }), ...(associations.ownerIds && { ownerIds: associations.ownerIds.toString().split(',') }), ...(associations.ticketIds && { ticketIds: associations.ticketIds.toString().split(',') }), }; }; export async function validateCredentials( this: ICredentialTestFunctions, decryptedCredentials: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any ): Promise { const credentials = decryptedCredentials; const { apiKey, appToken } = credentials as { appToken: string; apiKey: string; }; const options: IRequestOptions = { method: 'GET', headers: {}, uri: '', json: true, }; if (apiKey) { options.qs = { hapikey: apiKey }; } else { options.headers = { Authorization: `Bearer ${appToken}` }; } return await this.helpers.request(options); }