import { readFile } from 'fs/promises'; import type { Server } from 'http'; import type { Url } from 'url'; import express from 'express'; import bodyParser from 'body-parser'; import bodyParserXml from 'body-parser-xml'; import compression from 'compression'; import parseUrl from 'parseurl'; import type { RedisOptions } from 'ioredis'; import type { WebhookHttpMethod } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { ErrorReporterProxy as ErrorReporter, LoggerProxy as Logger } from 'n8n-workflow'; import config from '@/config'; import { N8N_VERSION, inDevelopment } from '@/constants'; import * as ActiveWorkflowRunner from '@/ActiveWorkflowRunner'; import * as Db from '@/Db'; import type { IExternalHooksClass } from '@/Interfaces'; import { ExternalHooks } from '@/ExternalHooks'; import { send, sendErrorResponse, sendSuccessResponse, ServiceUnavailableError, } from '@/ResponseHelper'; import { corsMiddleware } from '@/middlewares'; import * as TestWebhooks from '@/TestWebhooks'; import { WaitingWebhooks } from '@/WaitingWebhooks'; import { WEBHOOK_METHODS } from '@/WebhookHelpers'; const emptyBuffer = Buffer.alloc(0); export abstract class AbstractServer { protected server: Server; protected app: express.Application; protected externalHooks: IExternalHooksClass; protected activeWorkflowRunner: ActiveWorkflowRunner.ActiveWorkflowRunner; protected protocol: string; protected sslKey: string; protected sslCert: string; protected timezone: string; protected restEndpoint: string; protected endpointWebhook: string; protected endpointWebhookTest: string; protected endpointWebhookWaiting: string; abstract configure(): Promise; constructor() { = express();'x-powered-by'); this.protocol = config.getEnv('protocol'); this.sslKey = config.getEnv('ssl_key'); this.sslCert = config.getEnv('ssl_cert'); this.timezone = config.getEnv('generic.timezone'); this.restEndpoint = config.getEnv(''); this.endpointWebhook = config.getEnv('endpoints.webhook'); this.endpointWebhookTest = config.getEnv('endpoints.webhookTest'); this.endpointWebhookWaiting = config.getEnv('endpoints.webhookWaiting'); this.externalHooks = ExternalHooks(); this.activeWorkflowRunner = ActiveWorkflowRunner.getInstance(); } private async setupErrorHandlers() { const { app } = this; // Augment errors sent to Sentry const { Handlers: { requestHandler, errorHandler }, } = await import('@sentry/node'); app.use(requestHandler()); app.use(errorHandler()); } private async setupCommonMiddlewares() { const { app } = this; // Compress the response data app.use(compression()); // Make sure that each request has the "parsedUrl" parameter app.use((req, res, next) => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion req.parsedUrl = parseUrl(req)!; req.rawBody = emptyBuffer; next(); }); const payloadSizeMax = config.getEnv('endpoints.payloadSizeMax'); // Support application/json type post data app.use( bodyParser.json({ limit: `${payloadSizeMax}mb`, verify: (req, res, buf) => { req.rawBody = buf; }, }), ); // Support application/xml type post data bodyParserXml(bodyParser); app.use( bodyParser.xml({ limit: `${payloadSizeMax}mb`, xmlParseOptions: { normalize: true, // Trim whitespace inside text nodes normalizeTags: true, // Transform tags to lowercase explicitArray: false, // Only put properties in array if length > 1 }, verify: (req, res, buf) => { req.rawBody = buf; }, }), ); app.use( bodyParser.text({ limit: `${payloadSizeMax}mb`, verify: (req, res, buf) => { req.rawBody = buf; }, }), ); // support application/x-www-form-urlencoded post data app.use( bodyParser.urlencoded({ limit: `${payloadSizeMax}mb`, extended: false, verify: (req, res, buf) => { req.rawBody = buf; }, }), ); } private setupDevMiddlewares() {; } protected setupPushServer() {} private async setupHealthCheck() {, res, next) => { if (!Db.isInitialized) { sendErrorResponse(res, new ServiceUnavailableError('Database is not ready!')); } else next(); }); // Does very basic health check'/healthz', async (req, res) => { Logger.debug('Health check started!'); const connection = Db.getConnection(); try { if (!connection.isInitialized) { // Connection is not active throw new ServiceUnavailableError('No active database connection!'); } // DB ping await connection.query('SELECT 1'); } catch (error) { ErrorReporter.error(error); Logger.error('No Database connection!'); return sendErrorResponse(res, new ServiceUnavailableError('No Database connection!')); } Logger.debug('Health check completed successfully!'); sendSuccessResponse(res, { status: 'ok' }, true, 200); }); if (config.getEnv('executions.mode') === 'queue') { await this.setupRedisChecks(); } } // This connection is going to be our heartbeat // IORedis automatically pings redis and tries to reconnect // We will be using a retryStrategy to control how and when to exit. private async setupRedisChecks() { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention const { default: Redis } = await import('ioredis'); let lastTimer = 0; let cumulativeTimeout = 0; const { host, port, username, password, db }: RedisOptions = config.getEnv('queue.bull.redis'); const redisConnectionTimeoutLimit = config.getEnv('queue.bull.redis.timeoutThreshold'); const redis = new Redis({ host, port, db, username, password, retryStrategy: (): number | null => { const now =; if (now - lastTimer > 30000) { // Means we had no timeout at all or last timeout was temporary and we recovered lastTimer = now; cumulativeTimeout = 0; } else { cumulativeTimeout += now - lastTimer; lastTimer = now; if (cumulativeTimeout > redisConnectionTimeoutLimit) { Logger.error( `Unable to connect to Redis after ${redisConnectionTimeoutLimit}. Exiting process.`, ); process.exit(1); } } return 500; }, }); redis.on('close', () => { Logger.warn('Redis unavailable - trying to reconnect...'); }); redis.on('error', (error) => { if (!String(error).includes('ECONNREFUSED')) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument Logger.warn('Error with Redis: ', error); } }); } // ---------------------------------------- // Regular Webhooks // ---------------------------------------- protected setupWebhookEndpoint() { const endpoint = this.endpointWebhook; const activeWorkflowRunner = this.activeWorkflowRunner; // Register all webhook requests`/${endpoint}/*`, async (req, res) => { // Cut away the "/webhook/" to get the registered part of the url const requestUrl = req.parsedUrl.pathname!.slice(endpoint.length + 2); const method = req.method.toUpperCase() as WebhookHttpMethod; if (method === 'OPTIONS') { let allowedMethods: string[]; try { allowedMethods = await activeWorkflowRunner.getWebhookMethods(requestUrl); allowedMethods.push('OPTIONS'); // Add custom "Allow" header to satisfy OPTIONS response. res.append('Allow', allowedMethods); } catch (error) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument sendErrorResponse(res, error); return; } res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'); sendSuccessResponse(res, {}, true, 204); return; } if (!WEBHOOK_METHODS.includes(method)) { sendErrorResponse(res, new Error(`The method ${method} is not supported.`)); return; } let response; try { response = await activeWorkflowRunner.executeWebhook(method, requestUrl, req, res); } catch (error) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument sendErrorResponse(res, error); return; } if (response.noWebhookResponse === true) { // Nothing else to do as the response got already sent return; } sendSuccessResponse(res,, true, response.responseCode, response.headers); }); } // ---------------------------------------- // Waiting Webhooks // ---------------------------------------- protected setupWaitingWebhookEndpoint() { const endpoint = this.endpointWebhookWaiting; const waitingWebhooks = new WaitingWebhooks(); // Register all webhook-waiting requests`/${endpoint}/*`, async (req, res) => { // Cut away the "/webhook-waiting/" to get the registered part of the url const requestUrl = req.parsedUrl.pathname!.slice(endpoint.length + 2); const method = req.method.toUpperCase() as WebhookHttpMethod; if (!WEBHOOK_METHODS.includes(method)) { sendErrorResponse(res, new Error(`The method ${method} is not supported.`)); return; } let response; try { response = await waitingWebhooks.executeWebhook(method, requestUrl, req, res); } catch (error) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument sendErrorResponse(res, error); return; } if (response.noWebhookResponse === true) { // Nothing else to do as the response got already sent return; } sendSuccessResponse(res,, true, response.responseCode, response.headers); }); } // ---------------------------------------- // Testing Webhooks // ---------------------------------------- protected setupTestWebhookEndpoint() { const endpoint = this.endpointWebhookTest; const testWebhooks = TestWebhooks.getInstance(); // Register all test webhook requests (for testing via the UI)`/${endpoint}/*`, async (req, res) => { // Cut away the "/webhook-test/" to get the registered part of the url const requestUrl = req.parsedUrl.pathname!.slice(endpoint.length + 2); const method = req.method.toUpperCase() as WebhookHttpMethod; if (method === 'OPTIONS') { let allowedMethods: string[]; try { allowedMethods = await testWebhooks.getWebhookMethods(requestUrl); allowedMethods.push('OPTIONS'); // Add custom "Allow" header to satisfy OPTIONS response. res.append('Allow', allowedMethods); } catch (error) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument sendErrorResponse(res, error); return; } res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'); sendSuccessResponse(res, {}, true, 204); return; } if (!WEBHOOK_METHODS.includes(method)) { sendErrorResponse(res, new Error(`The method ${method} is not supported.`)); return; } let response; try { response = await testWebhooks.callTestWebhook(method, requestUrl, req, res); } catch (error) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument sendErrorResponse(res, error); return; } if (response.noWebhookResponse === true) { // Nothing else to do as the response got already sent return; } sendSuccessResponse(res,, true, response.responseCode, response.headers); }); // Removes a test webhook // TODO UM: check if this needs validation with user management. `/${this.restEndpoint}/test-webhook/:id`, send(async (req) => testWebhooks.cancelTestWebhook(, ); } async start(): Promise { const { app, externalHooks, protocol, sslKey, sslCert } = this; if (protocol === 'https' && sslKey && sslCert) { const https = await import('https'); this.server = https.createServer( { key: await readFile(this.sslKey, 'utf8'), cert: await readFile(this.sslCert, 'utf8'), }, app, ); } else { const http = await import('http'); this.server = http.createServer(app); } const PORT = config.getEnv('port'); const ADDRESS = config.getEnv('listen_address'); this.server.on('error', (error: Error & { code: string }) => { if (error.code === 'EADDRINUSE') { console.log( `n8n's port ${PORT} is already in use. Do you have another instance of n8n running already?`, ); process.exit(1); } }); await new Promise((resolve) => this.server.listen(PORT, ADDRESS, () => resolve())); await this.setupErrorHandlers(); this.setupPushServer(); await this.setupCommonMiddlewares(); if (inDevelopment) { this.setupDevMiddlewares(); } await this.setupHealthCheck(); await this.configure(); console.log(`n8n ready on ${ADDRESS}, port ${PORT}`); console.log(`Version: ${N8N_VERSION}`); const defaultLocale = config.getEnv('defaultLocale'); if (defaultLocale !== 'en') { console.log(`Locale: ${defaultLocale}`); } await'n8n.ready', [this, config]); } } declare module 'http' { export interface IncomingMessage { parsedUrl: Url; } }