import { CliWorkflowOperationError, SubworkflowOperationError } from 'n8n-workflow';
import type { INode } from 'n8n-workflow';

import { STARTING_NODES } from '@/constants';

 * Returns if the given id is a valid workflow id
export function isWorkflowIdValid(id: string | null | undefined): boolean {
	// TODO: could also check if id only contains nanoId characters
	return typeof id === 'string' && id?.length <= 16;

function findWorkflowStart(executionMode: 'integrated' | 'cli') {
	return function (nodes: INode[]) {
		const executeWorkflowTriggerNode = nodes.find(
			(node) => node.type === 'n8n-nodes-base.executeWorkflowTrigger',

		if (executeWorkflowTriggerNode) return executeWorkflowTriggerNode;

		const startNode = nodes.find((node) => STARTING_NODES.includes(node.type));

		if (startNode) return startNode;

		const title = 'Missing node to start execution';
		const description =
			"Please make sure the workflow you're calling contains an Execute Workflow Trigger node";

		if (executionMode === 'integrated') {
			throw new SubworkflowOperationError(title, description);

		throw new CliWorkflowOperationError(title, description);

export const findSubworkflowStart = findWorkflowStart('integrated');

export const findCliWorkflowStart = findWorkflowStart('cli');

export const separate = <T>(array: T[], test: (element: T) => boolean) => {
	const pass: T[] = [];
	const fail: T[] = [];

	array.forEach((i) => (test(i) ? pass : fail).push(i));

	return [pass, fail];

export const toError = (maybeError: unknown) =>
	// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions
	maybeError instanceof Error ? maybeError : new Error(`${maybeError}`);

export function isStringArray(value: unknown): value is string[] {
	return Array.isArray(value) && value.every((item) => typeof item === 'string');

export const isIntegerString = (value: string) => /^\d+$/.test(value);

export function isObjectLiteral(item: unknown): item is { [key: string]: string } {
	return typeof item === 'object' && item !== null && !Array.isArray(item);

export function removeTrailingSlash(path: string) {
	return path.endsWith('/') ? path.slice(0, -1) : path;

// return the difference between two arrays
export function rightDiff<T1, T2>(
	[arr1, keyExtractor1]: [T1[], (item: T1) => string],
	[arr2, keyExtractor2]: [T2[], (item: T2) => string],
): T2[] {
	// create map { itemKey => true } for fast lookup for diff
	const keyMap = arr1.reduce<{ [key: string]: true }>((map, item) => {
		map[keyExtractor1(item)] = true;
		return map;
	}, {});

	// diff against map
	return arr2.reduce<T2[]>((acc, item) => {
		if (!keyMap[keyExtractor2(item)]) {
		return acc;
	}, []);

 * Asserts that the passed in type is never.
 * Can be used to make sure the type is exhausted
 * in switch statements or if/else chains.
export const assertNever = (_value: never) => {};

export const isPositiveInteger = (maybeInt: string) => /^[1-9]\d*$/.test(maybeInt);