let referencedMethods; let definedMethods; try { referencedMethods = require('../dist/methods/referenced.json'); definedMethods = require('../dist/methods/defined.json'); } catch (error) { console.error( 'Failed to find methods to validate. Please run `npm run n8n-generate-metadata` first.', ); process.exit(1); } const compareMethods = (base, other) => { const result = []; for (const [nodeName, methods] of Object.entries(base)) { if (nodeName in other) { const found = methods.filter((item) => !other[nodeName].includes(item)); if (found.length > 0) result.push({ [nodeName]: found }); } } return result; }; const referencedButUndefined = compareMethods(referencedMethods, definedMethods); if (referencedButUndefined.length > 0) { console.error('ERROR: The following load options methods are referenced but undefined.'); console.error('Please fix or remove the references or define the methods.'); console.error(referencedButUndefined); process.exit(1); } const definedButUnused = compareMethods(definedMethods, referencedMethods); if (definedButUnused.length > 0) { console.warn('Warning: The following load options methods are defined but unused.'); console.warn('Please consider using or removing the methods.'); console.warn(definedButUnused); }