import 'reflect-metadata'; import { Container } from 'typedi'; import { Command } from '@oclif/core'; import { ExitError } from '@oclif/core/lib/errors'; import { ApplicationError, ErrorReporterProxy as ErrorReporter, sleep } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { BinaryDataService, InstanceSettings, ObjectStoreService } from 'n8n-core'; import type { AbstractServer } from '@/AbstractServer'; import { Logger } from '@/Logger'; import config from '@/config'; import * as Db from '@/Db'; import * as CrashJournal from '@/CrashJournal'; import { LICENSE_FEATURES, inDevelopment, inTest } from '@/constants'; import { initErrorHandling } from '@/ErrorReporting'; import { ExternalHooks } from '@/ExternalHooks'; import { NodeTypes } from '@/NodeTypes'; import { LoadNodesAndCredentials } from '@/LoadNodesAndCredentials'; import type { N8nInstanceType } from '@/Interfaces'; import { InternalHooks } from '@/InternalHooks'; import { PostHogClient } from '@/posthog'; import { License } from '@/License'; import { ExternalSecretsManager } from '@/ExternalSecrets/'; import { initExpressionEvaluator } from '@/ExpressionEvaluator'; import { generateHostInstanceId } from '@db/utils/generators'; import { WorkflowHistoryManager } from '@/workflows/workflowHistory/'; import { ShutdownService } from '@/shutdown/Shutdown.service'; export abstract class BaseCommand extends Command { protected logger = Container.get(Logger); protected externalHooks?: ExternalHooks; protected nodeTypes: NodeTypes; protected instanceSettings: InstanceSettings; private instanceType: N8nInstanceType = 'main'; queueModeId: string; protected server?: AbstractServer; protected shutdownService: ShutdownService = Container.get(ShutdownService); /** * How long to wait for graceful shutdown before force killing the process. */ protected gracefulShutdownTimeoutInS = config.getEnv('generic.gracefulShutdownTimeout'); async init(): Promise { await initErrorHandling(); initExpressionEvaluator(); process.once('SIGTERM', this.onTerminationSignal('SIGTERM')); process.once('SIGINT', this.onTerminationSignal('SIGINT')); // Make sure the settings exist this.instanceSettings = Container.get(InstanceSettings); this.nodeTypes = Container.get(NodeTypes); await Container.get(LoadNodesAndCredentials).init(); await Db.init().catch( async (error: Error) => await this.exitWithCrash('There was an error initializing DB', error), ); // This needs to happen after DB.init() or otherwise DB Connection is not // available via the dependency Container that services depend on. if (inDevelopment || inTest) { this.shutdownService.validate(); } await this.server?.init(); await Db.migrate().catch( async (error: Error) => await this.exitWithCrash('There was an error running database migrations', error), ); const dbType = config.getEnv('database.type'); if (['mysqldb', 'mariadb'].includes(dbType)) { this.logger.warn( 'Support for MySQL/MariaDB has been deprecated and will be removed with an upcoming version of n8n. Please migrate to PostgreSQL.', ); } if (process.env.N8N_SKIP_WEBHOOK_DEREGISTRATION_SHUTDOWN) { this.logger.warn( 'The flag to skip webhook deregistration N8N_SKIP_WEBHOOK_DEREGISTRATION_SHUTDOWN has been removed. n8n no longer deregisters webhooks at startup and shutdown, in main and queue mode.', ); } if (config.getEnv('executions.mode') === 'queue' && dbType === 'sqlite') { this.logger.warn( 'Queue mode is not officially supported with sqlite. Please switch to PostgreSQL.', ); } if ( process.env.N8N_BINARY_DATA_TTL ?? process.env.N8N_PERSISTED_BINARY_DATA_TTL ?? process.env.EXECUTIONS_DATA_PRUNE_TIMEOUT ) { this.logger.warn( 'The env vars N8N_BINARY_DATA_TTL and N8N_PERSISTED_BINARY_DATA_TTL and EXECUTIONS_DATA_PRUNE_TIMEOUT no longer have any effect and can be safely removed. Instead of relying on a TTL system for binary data, n8n currently cleans up binary data together with executions during pruning.', ); } await Container.get(PostHogClient).init(); await Container.get(InternalHooks).init(); } protected setInstanceType(instanceType: N8nInstanceType) { this.instanceType = instanceType; config.set('generic.instanceType', instanceType); } protected setInstanceQueueModeId() { if (config.get('redis.queueModeId')) { this.queueModeId = config.get('redis.queueModeId'); return; } this.queueModeId = generateHostInstanceId(this.instanceType); config.set('redis.queueModeId', this.queueModeId); } protected async stopProcess() { // This needs to be overridden } protected async initCrashJournal() { await CrashJournal.init(); } protected async exitSuccessFully() { try { await Promise.all([CrashJournal.cleanup(), Db.close()]); } finally { process.exit(); } } protected async exitWithCrash(message: string, error: unknown) { ErrorReporter.error(new Error(message, { cause: error }), { level: 'fatal' }); await sleep(2000); process.exit(1); } async initObjectStoreService() { const isSelected = config.getEnv('binaryDataManager.mode') === 's3'; const isAvailable = config.getEnv('binaryDataManager.availableModes').includes('s3'); if (!isSelected && !isAvailable) return; if (isSelected && !isAvailable) { throw new ApplicationError( 'External storage selected but unavailable. Please make external storage available by adding "s3" to `N8N_AVAILABLE_BINARY_DATA_MODES`.', ); } const isLicensed = Container.get(License).isFeatureEnabled(LICENSE_FEATURES.BINARY_DATA_S3); if (isSelected && isAvailable && isLicensed) { this.logger.debug( 'License found for external storage - object store to init in read-write mode', ); await this._initObjectStoreService(); return; } if (isSelected && isAvailable && !isLicensed) { this.logger.debug( 'No license found for external storage - object store to init with writes blocked. To enable writes, please upgrade to a license that supports this feature.', ); await this._initObjectStoreService({ isReadOnly: true }); return; } if (!isSelected && isAvailable) { this.logger.debug( 'External storage unselected but available - object store to init with writes unused', ); await this._initObjectStoreService(); return; } } private async _initObjectStoreService(options = { isReadOnly: false }) { const objectStoreService = Container.get(ObjectStoreService); const host = config.getEnv(''); if (host === '') { throw new ApplicationError( 'External storage host not configured. Please set `N8N_EXTERNAL_STORAGE_S3_HOST`.', ); } const bucket = { name: config.getEnv(''), region: config.getEnv('externalStorage.s3.bucket.region'), }; if ( === '') { throw new ApplicationError( 'External storage bucket name not configured. Please set `N8N_EXTERNAL_STORAGE_S3_BUCKET_NAME`.', ); } if (bucket.region === '') { throw new ApplicationError( 'External storage bucket region not configured. Please set `N8N_EXTERNAL_STORAGE_S3_BUCKET_REGION`.', ); } const credentials = { accessKey: config.getEnv('externalStorage.s3.credentials.accessKey'), accessSecret: config.getEnv('externalStorage.s3.credentials.accessSecret'), }; if (credentials.accessKey === '') { throw new ApplicationError( 'External storage access key not configured. Please set `N8N_EXTERNAL_STORAGE_S3_ACCESS_KEY`.', ); } if (credentials.accessSecret === '') { throw new ApplicationError( 'External storage access secret not configured. Please set `N8N_EXTERNAL_STORAGE_S3_ACCESS_SECRET`.', ); } this.logger.debug('Initializing object store service'); try { await objectStoreService.init(host, bucket, credentials); objectStoreService.setReadonly(options.isReadOnly); this.logger.debug('Object store init completed'); } catch (e) { const error = e instanceof Error ? e : new Error(`${e}`); this.logger.debug('Object store init failed', { error }); } } async initBinaryDataService() { try { await this.initObjectStoreService(); } catch (e) { const error = e instanceof Error ? e : new Error(`${e}`); this.logger.error(`Failed to init object store: ${error.message}`, { error }); process.exit(1); } const binaryDataConfig = config.getEnv('binaryDataManager'); await Container.get(BinaryDataService).init(binaryDataConfig); } async initExternalHooks() { this.externalHooks = Container.get(ExternalHooks); await this.externalHooks.init(); } async initLicense(): Promise { const license = Container.get(License); await license.init(this.instanceType ?? 'main'); const activationKey = config.getEnv('license.activationKey'); if (activationKey) { const hasCert = (await license.loadCertStr()).length > 0; if (hasCert) { return this.logger.debug('Skipping license activation'); } try { this.logger.debug('Attempting license activation'); await license.activate(activationKey); this.logger.debug('License init complete'); } catch (e) { this.logger.error('Could not activate license', e as Error); } } } async initExternalSecrets() { const secretsManager = Container.get(ExternalSecretsManager); await secretsManager.init(); } initWorkflowHistory() { Container.get(WorkflowHistoryManager).init(); } async finally(error: Error | undefined) { if (inTest || === 'start') return; if (Db.connectionState.connected) { await sleep(100); // give any in-flight query some time to finish await Db.close(); } const exitCode = error instanceof ExitError ? error.oclif.exit : error ? 1 : 0; this.exit(exitCode); } private onTerminationSignal(signal: string) { return async () => { if (this.shutdownService.isShuttingDown()) {`Received ${signal}. Already shutting down...`); return; } const forceShutdownTimer = setTimeout(async () => { // In case that something goes wrong with shutdown we // kill after timeout no matter what console.log(`process exited after ${this.gracefulShutdownTimeoutInS}s`); const errorMsg = `Shutdown timed out after ${this.gracefulShutdownTimeoutInS} seconds`; await this.exitWithCrash(errorMsg, new Error(errorMsg)); }, this.gracefulShutdownTimeoutInS * 1000);`Received ${signal}. Shutting down...`); this.shutdownService.shutdown(); await Promise.all([this.stopProcess(), this.shutdownService.waitForShutdown()]); clearTimeout(forceShutdownTimer); }; } }