import type { INode, INodeType } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { ApplicationError, jsonParse, NodeOperationError } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { AIService } from '@/services/ai.service'; import config from '@/config'; import { debugErrorPromptTemplate } from '@/services/ai/prompts/debugError'; import { generateCurlCommandFallbackPromptTemplate, generateCurlCommandPromptTemplate, } from '@/services/ai/prompts/generateCurl'; import { PineconeStore } from '@langchain/pinecone'; jest.mock('@/config', () => { return { getEnv: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('openai'), }; }); jest.mock('langchain/output_parsers', () => { return { JsonOutputFunctionsParser: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { return { parse: jest.fn(), }; }), }; }); jest.mock('@langchain/pinecone', () => { const similaritySearch = jest.fn().mockImplementation(async () => []); return { PineconeStore: { similaritySearch, fromExistingIndex: jest.fn().mockImplementation(async () => ({ similaritySearch, })), }, }; }); jest.mock('@pinecone-database/pinecone', () => ({ Pinecone: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({ Index: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({})), })), })); jest.mock('@/services/ai/providers/openai', () => { const modelInvoke = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({ curl: 'curl -X GET' })); return { AIProviderOpenAI: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { return { mapResponse: jest.fn((v) => v), invoke: modelInvoke, model: { invoke: modelInvoke, }, modelWithOutputParser: () => ({ invoke: modelInvoke, }), }; }), }; }); afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); describe('AIService', () => { describe('constructor', () => { test('should not assign provider with unknown provider type', async () => { jest.mocked(config).getEnv.mockReturnValue('unknown'); const aiService = new AIService(); expect(aiService.provider).not.toBeDefined(); }); }); describe('prompt', () => { test('should throw if prompting with unknown provider type', async () => { jest.mocked(config).getEnv.mockReturnValue('unknown'); const aiService = new AIService(); await expect(async () => await aiService.prompt([])).rejects.toThrow(ApplicationError); }); test('should call provider.invoke', async () => { jest.mocked(config).getEnv.mockReturnValue('openai'); const service = new AIService(); await service.prompt(['message']); expect(service.provider.invoke).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('debugError', () => { test('should call prompt with error and nodeType', async () => { const service = new AIService(); const nodeType = { description: { displayName: 'Node Type', name: 'nodeType', properties: [], }, } as unknown as INodeType; const error = new NodeOperationError( { type: 'n8n-nodes-base.error', typeVersion: 1, } as INode, 'Error', ); await service.debugError(error, nodeType); const messages = await debugErrorPromptTemplate.formatMessages({ nodeType: nodeType.description.displayName, error: JSON.stringify(error), properties: JSON.stringify(, documentationUrl: '', }); expect(service.provider.model.invoke).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(service.provider.model.invoke.mock.calls[0][0].messages).toEqual(messages); }); }); describe('generateCurl', () => { test('should call generateCurl fallback if pinecone key is not defined', async () => { jest.mocked(config).getEnv.mockImplementation((key: string) => { if (key === 'ai.pinecone.apiKey') { return undefined; } return 'openai'; }); const service = new AIService(); const generateCurlGenericSpy = jest.spyOn(service, 'generateCurlGeneric'); service.validateCurl = (v) => v; const serviceName = 'Service Name'; const serviceRequest = 'Please make a request'; await service.generateCurl(serviceName, serviceRequest); expect(generateCurlGenericSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); test('should call generateCurl fallback if no matched service', async () => { jest.mocked(config).getEnv.mockReturnValue('openai'); const service = new AIService(); const generateCurlGenericSpy = jest.spyOn(service, 'generateCurlGeneric'); service.validateCurl = (v) => v; const serviceName = 'NoMatchedServiceName'; const serviceRequest = 'Please make a request'; await service.generateCurl(serviceName, serviceRequest); expect(generateCurlGenericSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); test('should call generateCurl fallback command if no matched vector store documents', async () => { jest.mocked(config).getEnv.mockReturnValue('openai'); const service = new AIService(); const generateCurlGenericSpy = jest.spyOn(service, 'generateCurlGeneric'); service.validateCurl = (v) => v; const serviceName = 'OpenAI'; const serviceRequest = 'Please make a request'; await service.generateCurl(serviceName, serviceRequest); expect(generateCurlGenericSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); test('should call generateCurl command with documents from vectorStore', async () => { const endpoints = [ { id: '1', title: 'OpenAI', pageContent: '{ "example": "value" }', }, ]; const serviceName = 'OpenAI'; const serviceRequest = 'Please make a request'; jest.mocked(config).getEnv.mockReturnValue('openai'); jest .mocked((PineconeStore as unknown as { similaritySearch: () => {} }).similaritySearch) .mockImplementation(async () => endpoints); const service = new AIService(); service.validateCurl = (v) => v; await service.generateCurl(serviceName, serviceRequest); const messages = await generateCurlCommandPromptTemplate.formatMessages({ serviceName, serviceRequest, endpoints: JSON.stringify( => jsonParse(document.pageContent))), }); expect(service.provider.model.invoke).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(service.provider.model.invoke.mock.calls[0][0].messages).toEqual(messages); }); }); describe('generateCurlGeneric', () => { test('should call prompt with serviceName and serviceRequest', async () => { const serviceName = 'Service Name'; const serviceRequest = 'Please make a request'; const service = new AIService(); service.validateCurl = (v) => v; await service.generateCurlGeneric(serviceName, serviceRequest); const messages = await generateCurlCommandFallbackPromptTemplate.formatMessages({ serviceName, serviceRequest, }); expect(service.provider.model.invoke).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(jest.mocked(service.provider.model.invoke).mock.calls[0][0].messages).toEqual( messages, ); }); }); describe('validateCurl', () => { it('should return the result if curl command starts with "curl"', () => { const aiService = new AIService(); const result = { curl: 'curl -X GET' }; const validatedResult = aiService.validateCurl(result); expect(validatedResult).toEqual(result); }); it('should replace boolean and number placeholders in the curl command', () => { const aiService = new AIService(); const result = { curl: 'curl -X GET -d "{ "key": {{value}} }"' }; const expected = { curl: 'curl -X GET -d "{ "key": "{{value}}" }"' }; const validatedResult = aiService.validateCurl(result); expect(validatedResult).toEqual(expected); }); it('should throw an error if curl command does not start with "curl"', () => { const aiService = new AIService(); const result = { curl: 'wget -O -' }; expect(() => aiService.validateCurl(result)).toThrow(ApplicationError); }); }); });