// Load type definitions that come with Cypress module /// interface SigninPayload { email: string; password: string; } interface SetupPayload { email: string; password: string; firstName: string; lastName: string; } declare global { namespace Cypress { interface Chainable { getByTestId( selector: string, ...args: (Partial | undefined)[] ): Chainable>; findChildByTestId(childTestId: string): Chainable>; createFixtureWorkflow(fixtureKey: string, workflowName: string): void; signin(payload: SigninPayload): void; setup(payload: SetupPayload): void; setupOwner(payload: SetupPayload): void; skipSetup(): void; resetAll(): void; enableFeature(feature: string): void; waitForLoad(): void; grantBrowserPermissions(...permissions: string[]): void; readClipboard(): Chainable; paste(pastePayload: string): void; drag(selector: string, xDiff: number, yDiff: number): void; } } } export {};