import { Container, Service } from 'typedi'; import { exec as callbackExec } from 'child_process'; import { access as fsAccess } from 'fs/promises'; import { promisify } from 'util'; import cookieParser from 'cookie-parser'; import express from 'express'; import helmet from 'helmet'; import { InstanceSettings } from 'n8n-core'; import type { IN8nUISettings } from 'n8n-workflow'; // @ts-expect-error missing types import timezones from 'google-timezones-json'; import config from '@/config'; import { EDITOR_UI_DIST_DIR, inDevelopment, inE2ETests, inProduction, N8N_VERSION, Time, } from '@/constants'; import type { APIRequest } from '@/requests'; import { ControllerRegistry } from '@/decorators'; import { isApiEnabled, loadPublicApiVersions } from '@/PublicApi'; import type { ICredentialsOverwrite } from '@/Interfaces'; import { CredentialsOverwrites } from '@/CredentialsOverwrites'; import { LoadNodesAndCredentials } from '@/LoadNodesAndCredentials'; import * as ResponseHelper from '@/ResponseHelper'; import { setupPushServer, setupPushHandler } from '@/push'; import { isLdapEnabled } from '@/Ldap/helpers'; import { AbstractServer } from '@/AbstractServer'; import { PostHogClient } from '@/posthog'; import { MessageEventBus } from '@/eventbus/MessageEventBus/MessageEventBus'; import { InternalHooks } from '@/InternalHooks'; import { handleMfaDisable, isMfaFeatureEnabled } from '@/Mfa/helpers'; import type { FrontendService } from '@/services/frontend.service'; import { OrchestrationService } from '@/services/orchestration.service'; import '@/controllers/activeWorkflows.controller'; import '@/controllers/ai.controller'; import '@/controllers/auth.controller'; import '@/controllers/binaryData.controller'; import '@/controllers/curl.controller'; import '@/controllers/dynamicNodeParameters.controller'; import '@/controllers/invitation.controller'; import '@/controllers/me.controller'; import '@/controllers/nodeTypes.controller'; import '@/controllers/oauth/oAuth1Credential.controller'; import '@/controllers/oauth/oAuth2Credential.controller'; import '@/controllers/orchestration.controller'; import '@/controllers/owner.controller'; import '@/controllers/passwordReset.controller'; import '@/controllers/project.controller'; import '@/controllers/role.controller'; import '@/controllers/tags.controller'; import '@/controllers/translation.controller'; import '@/controllers/users.controller'; import '@/controllers/userSettings.controller'; import '@/controllers/workflowStatistics.controller'; import '@/credentials/credentials.controller'; import '@/eventbus/eventBus.controller'; import '@/executions/executions.controller'; import '@/ExternalSecrets/'; import '@/license/license.controller'; import '@/workflows/workflowHistory/'; import '@/workflows/workflows.controller'; const exec = promisify(callbackExec); @Service() export class Server extends AbstractServer { private endpointPresetCredentials: string; private presetCredentialsLoaded: boolean; private frontendService?: FrontendService; constructor( private readonly loadNodesAndCredentials: LoadNodesAndCredentials, private readonly orchestrationService: OrchestrationService, private readonly postHogClient: PostHogClient, ) { super('main'); this.testWebhooksEnabled = true; this.webhooksEnabled = !config.getEnv('endpoints.disableProductionWebhooksOnMainProcess'); } async start() { if (!config.getEnv('endpoints.disableUi')) { const { FrontendService } = await import('@/services/frontend.service'); this.frontendService = Container.get(FrontendService); } this.presetCredentialsLoaded = false; this.endpointPresetCredentials = config.getEnv('credentials.overwrite.endpoint'); await super.start(); this.logger.debug(`Server ID: ${this.uniqueInstanceId}`); if (inDevelopment && process.env.N8N_DEV_RELOAD === 'true') { void this.loadNodesAndCredentials.setupHotReload(); } void Container.get(InternalHooks).onServerStarted(); } private async registerAdditionalControllers() { if (!inProduction && this.orchestrationService.isMultiMainSetupEnabled) { await import('@/controllers/debug.controller'); } if (isLdapEnabled()) { const { LdapService } = await import('@/Ldap/ldap.service'); await import('@/Ldap/ldap.controller'); await Container.get(LdapService).init(); } if (config.getEnv('nodes.communityPackages.enabled')) { await import('@/controllers/communityPackages.controller'); } if (inE2ETests) { await import('@/controllers/e2e.controller'); } if (isMfaFeatureEnabled()) { await import('@/controllers/mfa.controller'); } if (!config.getEnv('endpoints.disableUi')) { await import('@/controllers/cta.controller'); } // ---------------------------------------- // SAML // ---------------------------------------- // initialize SamlService if it is licensed, even if not enabled, to // set up the initial environment try { const { SamlService } = await import('@/sso/saml/'); await Container.get(SamlService).init(); await import('@/sso/saml/routes/'); } catch (error) { this.logger.warn(`SAML initialization failed: ${(error as Error).message}`); } // ---------------------------------------- // Source Control // ---------------------------------------- try { const { SourceControlService } = await import( '@/environments/sourceControl/' ); await Container.get(SourceControlService).init(); await import('@/environments/sourceControl/'); await import('@/environments/variables/'); } catch (error) { this.logger.warn(`Source Control initialization failed: ${(error as Error).message}`); } } async configure(): Promise { if (config.getEnv('endpoints.metrics.enable')) { const { MetricsService } = await import('@/services/metrics.service'); await Container.get(MetricsService).configureMetrics(; } const { frontendService } = this; if (frontendService) { frontendService.addToSettings({ isNpmAvailable: await exec('npm --version') .then(() => true) .catch(() => false), versionCli: N8N_VERSION, }); await'frontend.settings', [frontendService.getSettings()]); } await this.postHogClient.init(); const publicApiEndpoint = config.getEnv('publicApi.path'); // ---------------------------------------- // Public API // ---------------------------------------- if (isApiEnabled()) { const { apiRouters, apiLatestVersion } = await loadPublicApiVersions(publicApiEndpoint);; if (frontendService) { frontendService.settings.publicApi.latestVersion = apiLatestVersion; } } // Extract BrowserId from headers APIRequest, _, next) => { req.browserId = req.headers['browser-id'] as string; next(); }); // Parse cookies for easier access; const { restEndpoint, app } = this; setupPushHandler(restEndpoint, app); if (config.getEnv('executions.mode') === 'queue') { const { Queue } = await import('@/Queue'); await Container.get(Queue).init(); } await handleMfaDisable(); await this.registerAdditionalControllers(); // register all known controllers Container.get(ControllerRegistry).activate(app); // ---------------------------------------- // Options // ---------------------------------------- // Returns all the available timezones `/${this.restEndpoint}/options/timezones`, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return ResponseHelper.send(async () => timezones), ); // ---------------------------------------- // Settings // ---------------------------------------- if (frontendService) { // Returns the current settings for the UI `/${this.restEndpoint}/settings`, ResponseHelper.send( async (req: express.Request): Promise => frontendService.getSettings(req.headers['push-ref'] as string), ), ); } // ---------------------------------------- // EventBus Setup // ---------------------------------------- const eventBus = Container.get(MessageEventBus); await eventBus.initialize(); if (this.endpointPresetCredentials !== '') { // POST endpoint to set preset credentials `/${this.endpointPresetCredentials}`, async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => { if (!this.presetCredentialsLoaded) { const body = req.body as ICredentialsOverwrite; if (req.contentType !== 'application/json') { ResponseHelper.sendErrorResponse( res, new Error( 'Body must be a valid JSON, make sure the content-type is application/json', ), ); return; } Container.get(CredentialsOverwrites).setData(body); await frontendService?.generateTypes(); this.presetCredentialsLoaded = true; ResponseHelper.sendSuccessResponse(res, { success: true }, true, 200); } else { ResponseHelper.sendErrorResponse(res, new Error('Preset credentials can be set once')); } }, ); } const maxAge = Time.days.toMilliseconds; const cacheOptions = inE2ETests || inDevelopment ? {} : { maxAge }; const { staticCacheDir } = Container.get(InstanceSettings); if (frontendService) { const serveIcons: express.RequestHandler = async (req, res) => { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const let { scope, packageName } = req.params; if (scope) packageName = `@${scope}/${packageName}`; const filePath = this.loadNodesAndCredentials.resolveIcon(packageName, req.originalUrl); if (filePath) { try { await fsAccess(filePath); return res.sendFile(filePath, cacheOptions); } catch {} } res.sendStatus(404); };'/icons/@:scope/:packageName/*/*.(svg|png)', serveIcons);'/icons/:packageName/*/*.(svg|png)', serveIcons); const isTLSEnabled = this.protocol === 'https' && !!(this.sslKey && this.sslCert); const isPreviewMode = process.env.N8N_PREVIEW_MODE === 'true'; const securityHeadersMiddleware = helmet({ contentSecurityPolicy: false, xFrameOptions: isPreviewMode || inE2ETests || inDevelopment ? false : { action: 'sameorigin' }, dnsPrefetchControl: false, // This is only relevant for Internet-explorer, which we do not support ieNoOpen: false, // This is already disabled in AbstractServer xPoweredBy: false, // Enable HSTS headers only when n8n handles TLS. // if n8n is behind a reverse-proxy, then these headers needs to be configured there strictTransportSecurity: isTLSEnabled ? { maxAge: 180 * Time.days.toSeconds, includeSubDomains: false, preload: false, } : false, }); // Route all UI urls to index.html to support history-api const nonUIRoutes: Readonly = [ 'assets', 'types', 'healthz', 'metrics', 'e2e', this.restEndpoint, this.endpointPresetCredentials, isApiEnabled() ? '' : publicApiEndpoint, ...config.getEnv('endpoints.additionalNonUIRoutes').split(':'), ].filter((u) => !!u); const nonUIRoutesRegex = new RegExp(`^/(${nonUIRoutes.join('|')})/?.*$`); const historyApiHandler: express.RequestHandler = (req, res, next) => { const { method, headers: { accept }, } = req; if ( method === 'GET' && accept && (accept.includes('text/html') || accept.includes('*/*')) && !nonUIRoutesRegex.test(req.path) ) { res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'); securityHeadersMiddleware(req, res, () => { res.sendFile('index.html', { root: staticCacheDir, maxAge, lastModified: true }); }); } else { next(); } }; '/', express.static(staticCacheDir, cacheOptions), express.static(EDITOR_UI_DIST_DIR, cacheOptions), historyApiHandler, ); } else {'/', express.static(staticCacheDir, cacheOptions)); } } protected setupPushServer(): void { const { restEndpoint, server, app } = this; setupPushServer(restEndpoint, server, app); } }