import type { IExecuteFunctions, IDataObject, ILoadOptionsFunctions, INodeExecutionData, INodePropertyOptions, INodeType, INodeTypeDescription, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { NodeOperationError } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { awsApiRequestSOAP, awsApiRequestSOAPAllItems } from './GenericFunctions'; function setParameter(params: string[], base: string, values: string[]) { for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { params.push(`${base}.${i + 1}=${values[i]}`); } } export class AwsSes implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'AWS SES', name: 'awsSes', icon: 'file:ses.svg', group: ['output'], version: 1, subtitle: '={{$parameter["operation"] + ": " + $parameter["resource"]}}', description: 'Sends data to AWS SES', defaults: { name: 'AWS SES', }, inputs: ['main'], outputs: ['main'], credentials: [ { name: 'aws', required: true, }, ], properties: [ { displayName: 'Resource', name: 'resource', type: 'options', noDataExpression: true, options: [ { name: 'Custom Verification Email', value: 'customVerificationEmail', }, { name: 'Email', value: 'email', }, { name: 'Template', value: 'template', }, ], default: 'email', }, { displayName: 'Operation', name: 'operation', type: 'options', noDataExpression: true, displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['customVerificationEmail'], }, }, options: [ { name: 'Create', value: 'create', description: 'Create a new custom verification email template', action: 'Create a custom verification email', }, { name: 'Delete', value: 'delete', description: 'Delete an existing custom verification email template', action: 'Delete a custom verification email', }, { name: 'Get', value: 'get', description: 'Get the custom email verification template', action: 'Get a custom verification email', }, { name: 'Get Many', value: 'getAll', description: 'Get many of the existing custom verification email templates for your account', action: 'Get many custom verifications', }, { name: 'Send', value: 'send', description: 'Add an email address to the list of identities', action: 'Send a custom verification email', }, { name: 'Update', value: 'update', description: 'Update an existing custom verification email template', action: 'Update a custom verification email', }, ], default: 'create', }, { displayName: 'From Email', name: 'fromEmailAddress', type: 'string', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['customVerificationEmail'], operation: ['create'], }, }, required: true, description: 'The email address that the custom verification email is sent from', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Template Name', name: 'templateName', type: 'string', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['customVerificationEmail'], operation: ['create'], }, }, default: '', description: 'The name of the custom verification email template', }, { displayName: 'Template Content', name: 'templateContent', type: 'string', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['customVerificationEmail'], operation: ['create'], }, }, description: 'The content of the custom verification email. The total size of the email must be less than 10 MB. The message body may contain HTML', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Template Subject', name: 'templateSubject', type: 'string', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['customVerificationEmail'], operation: ['create'], }, }, default: '', required: true, description: 'The subject line of the custom verification email', }, { displayName: 'Success Redirection URL', name: 'successRedirectionURL', type: 'string', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['customVerificationEmail'], operation: ['create'], }, }, required: true, description: 'The URL that the recipient of the verification email is sent to if his or her address is successfully verified', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Failure Redirection URL', name: 'failureRedirectionURL', type: 'string', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['customVerificationEmail'], operation: ['create'], }, }, required: true, description: 'The URL that the recipient of the verification email is sent to if his or her address is not successfully verified', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Email', name: 'email', type: 'string', placeholder: '', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['customVerificationEmail'], operation: ['send'], }, }, default: '', required: true, description: 'The email address to verify', }, { displayName: 'Template Name', name: 'templateName', type: 'string', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['customVerificationEmail'], operation: ['send'], }, }, default: '', required: true, description: 'The name of the custom verification email template to use when sending the verification email', }, { displayName: 'Additional Fields', name: 'additionalFields', type: 'collection', placeholder: 'Add Field', default: {}, displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['customVerificationEmail'], operation: ['send'], }, }, options: [ { displayName: 'Configuration Set Name', name: 'configurationSetName', type: 'string', description: 'Name of a configuration set to use when sending the verification email', default: '', }, ], }, { displayName: 'Template Name', name: 'templateName', type: 'string', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['customVerificationEmail'], operation: ['update', 'delete', 'get'], }, }, default: '', description: 'The name of the custom verification email template', }, { displayName: 'Update Fields', name: 'updateFields', type: 'collection', placeholder: 'Add Field', default: {}, displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['customVerificationEmail'], operation: ['update'], }, }, options: [ { displayName: 'Failure Redirection URL', name: 'failureRedirectionURL', type: 'string', description: 'The URL that the recipient of the verification email is sent to if his or her address is not successfully verified', default: '', }, { displayName: 'From Email', name: 'fromEmailAddress', type: 'string', description: 'The email address that the custom verification email is sent from', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Success Redirection URL', name: 'successRedirectionURL', type: 'string', description: 'The URL that the recipient of the verification email is sent to if his or her address is successfully verified', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Template Content', name: 'templateContent', type: 'string', description: 'The content of the custom verification email. The total size of the email must be less than 10 MB. The message body may contain HTML', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Template Subject', name: 'templateSubject', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'The subject line of the custom verification email', }, ], }, { displayName: 'Return All', name: 'returnAll', type: 'boolean', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['customVerificationEmail'], operation: ['getAll'], }, }, default: false, description: 'Whether to return all results or only up to a given limit', }, { displayName: 'Limit', name: 'limit', type: 'number', typeOptions: { minValue: 1, }, description: 'Max number of results to return', default: 20, displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['customVerificationEmail'], operation: ['getAll'], returnAll: [false], }, }, }, { displayName: 'Operation', name: 'operation', type: 'options', noDataExpression: true, displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['email'], }, }, options: [ { name: 'Send', value: 'send', action: 'Send an email', }, { name: 'Send Template', value: 'sendTemplate', action: 'Send an email based on a template', }, ], default: 'send', }, { displayName: 'Is Body HTML', name: 'isBodyHtml', type: 'boolean', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['email'], operation: ['send'], }, }, default: false, description: 'Whether body is HTML or simple text', }, { displayName: 'Subject', name: 'subject', type: 'string', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['email'], operation: ['send'], }, }, default: '', required: true, }, { displayName: 'Body', name: 'body', type: 'string', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['email'], operation: ['send'], }, }, default: '', description: 'The message to be sent', required: true, }, { displayName: 'From Email', name: 'fromEmail', type: 'string', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['email'], operation: ['send'], }, }, required: true, description: 'Email address of the sender', placeholder: '', default: '', }, { displayName: 'To Addresses', name: 'toAddresses', type: 'string', description: 'Email addresses of the recipients', typeOptions: { multipleValues: true, multipleValueButtonText: 'Add To Email', }, displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['email'], operation: ['send'], }, }, placeholder: '', default: [], }, { displayName: 'Template Name or ID', name: 'templateName', type: 'options', typeOptions: { loadOptionsMethod: 'getTemplates', }, displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['email'], operation: ['sendTemplate'], }, }, default: '', description: 'The ARN of the template to use when sending this email. Choose from the list, or specify an ID using an <a href="">expression</a>.', }, { displayName: 'From Email', name: 'fromEmail', type: 'string', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['email'], operation: ['sendTemplate'], }, }, required: true, description: 'Email address of the sender', placeholder: '', default: '', }, { displayName: 'To Addresses', name: 'toAddresses', type: 'string', description: 'Email addresses of the recipients', typeOptions: { multipleValues: true, multipleValueButtonText: 'Add To Email', }, displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['email'], operation: ['sendTemplate'], }, }, placeholder: '', default: [], }, { displayName: 'Template Data', name: 'templateDataUi', type: 'fixedCollection', placeholder: 'Add Data', typeOptions: { multipleValues: true, }, displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['email'], operation: ['sendTemplate'], }, }, default: {}, options: [ { displayName: 'Data', name: 'templateDataValues', values: [ { displayName: 'Key', name: 'key', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Value', name: 'value', type: 'string', default: '', }, ], }, ], }, { displayName: 'Additional Fields', name: 'additionalFields', type: 'collection', placeholder: 'Add Field', default: {}, displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['email'], operation: ['send', 'sendTemplate'], }, }, options: [ { displayName: 'Bcc Addresses', name: 'bccAddresses', type: 'string', typeOptions: { multipleValues: true, multipleValueButtonText: 'Add Bcc Email', }, description: 'Bcc Recipients of the email', default: [], }, { displayName: 'Cc Addresses', name: 'ccAddresses', type: 'string', typeOptions: { multipleValues: true, multipleValueButtonText: 'Add Cc Email', }, description: 'Cc recipients of the email', default: [], }, { displayName: 'Configuration Set Name', name: 'configurationSetName', type: 'string', description: 'Name of the configuration set to use when you send an email using send', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Reply To Addresses', name: 'replyToAddresses', type: 'string', typeOptions: { multipleValues: true, multipleValueButtonText: 'Add Reply To Email', }, placeholder: 'Add Reply Address', description: 'Reply-to email address(es) for the message', default: [], }, { displayName: 'Return Path', name: 'returnPath', type: 'string', description: 'Email address that bounces and complaints will be forwarded to when feedback forwarding is enabled', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Return Path ARN', name: 'returnPathArn', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'This parameter is used only for sending authorization', }, { displayName: 'Source ARN', name: 'sourceArn', type: 'string', description: 'This parameter is used only for sending authorization', default: '', }, ], }, { displayName: 'Operation', name: 'operation', type: 'options', noDataExpression: true, displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['template'], }, }, options: [ { name: 'Create', value: 'create', description: 'Create a template', action: 'Create a template', }, { name: 'Delete', value: 'delete', description: 'Delete a template', action: 'Delete a template', }, { name: 'Get', value: 'get', description: 'Get a template', action: 'Get a template', }, { name: 'Get Many', value: 'getAll', description: 'Get many templates', action: 'Get many templates', }, { name: 'Update', value: 'update', description: 'Update a template', action: 'Update a template', }, ], default: 'create', }, { displayName: 'Template Name', name: 'templateName', type: 'string', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['template'], operation: ['update', 'create', 'get', 'delete'], }, }, required: true, description: 'The name of the template', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Subject Part', name: 'subjectPart', type: 'string', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['template'], operation: ['create'], }, }, description: 'The subject line of the email', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Html Part', name: 'htmlPart', type: 'string', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['template'], operation: ['create'], }, }, description: 'The HTML body of the email', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Additional Fields', name: 'additionalFields', type: 'collection', placeholder: 'Add Field', default: {}, displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['template'], operation: ['create'], }, }, options: [ { displayName: 'Text Part', name: 'textPart', type: 'string', description: 'The email body that will be visible to recipients whose email clients do not display HTML', default: '', }, ], }, { displayName: 'Update Fields', name: 'updateFields', type: 'collection', placeholder: 'Add Field', default: {}, displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['template'], operation: ['update'], }, }, options: [ { displayName: 'Text Part', name: 'textPart', type: 'string', description: 'The email body that will be visible to recipients whose email clients do not display HTML', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Subject Part', name: 'subjectPart', type: 'string', description: 'The subject line of the email', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Html Part', name: 'htmlPart', type: 'string', description: 'The HTML body of the email', default: '', }, ], }, { displayName: 'Return All', name: 'returnAll', type: 'boolean', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['template'], operation: ['getAll'], }, }, default: false, description: 'Whether to return all results or only up to a given limit', }, { displayName: 'Limit', name: 'limit', type: 'number', typeOptions: { minValue: 1, }, description: 'Max number of results to return', default: 20, displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['template'], operation: ['getAll'], returnAll: [false], }, }, }, ], }; methods = { loadOptions: { // Get all the available templates to display them to user so that they can // select them easily async getTemplates(this: ILoadOptionsFunctions): Promise<INodePropertyOptions[]> { const returnData: INodePropertyOptions[] = []; const templates = await this, 'ListTemplatesResponse.ListTemplatesResult.TemplatesMetadata.member', 'email', 'POST', '/?Action=ListTemplates', ); for (const template of templates) { const templateName = template.Name; const templateId = template.Name; returnData.push({ name: templateName, value: templateId, }); } return returnData; }, }, }; async execute(this: IExecuteFunctions): Promise<INodeExecutionData[][]> { const items = this.getInputData(); const returnData: INodeExecutionData[] = []; let responseData; const resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource', 0); const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation', 0); for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { try { if (resource === 'customVerificationEmail') { if (operation === 'create') { const failureRedirectionURL = this.getNodeParameter( 'failureRedirectionURL', i, ) as string; const email = this.getNodeParameter('fromEmailAddress', i) as string; const successRedirectionURL = this.getNodeParameter( 'successRedirectionURL', i, ) as string; const templateContent = this.getNodeParameter('templateContent', i) as string; const templateName = this.getNodeParameter('templateName', i) as string; const templateSubject = this.getNodeParameter('templateSubject', i) as string; const params = [ 'Action=CreateCustomVerificationEmailTemplate', `FailureRedirectionURL=${failureRedirectionURL}`, `FromEmailAddress=${email}`, `SuccessRedirectionURL=${successRedirectionURL}`, `TemplateContent=${templateContent}`, `TemplateName=${templateName}`, `TemplateSubject=${templateSubject}`, ]; responseData = await this, 'email', 'POST', '', params.join('&'), ); responseData = responseData.CreateCustomVerificationEmailTemplateResponse; } if (operation === 'delete') { const templateName = this.getNodeParameter('templateName', i) as string; const params = [ 'Action=DeleteCustomVerificationEmailTemplate', `TemplateName=${templateName}`, ]; responseData = await this, 'email', 'POST', '', params.join('&'), ); responseData = responseData.DeleteCustomVerificationEmailTemplateResponse; } if (operation === 'get') { const templateName = this.getNodeParameter('templateName', i) as string; const params = [`TemplateName=${templateName}`]; responseData = await this, 'email', 'POST', '/?Action=GetCustomVerificationEmailTemplate&' + params.join('&'), ); responseData = responseData.GetCustomVerificationEmailTemplateResponse; } if (operation === 'getAll') { const returnAll = this.getNodeParameter('returnAll', i); if (returnAll) { responseData = await this, 'ListCustomVerificationEmailTemplatesResponse.ListCustomVerificationEmailTemplatesResult.CustomVerificationEmailTemplates.member', 'email', 'POST', '/?Action=ListCustomVerificationEmailTemplates', ); } else { const limit = this.getNodeParameter('limit', i); responseData = await this, 'email', 'GET', `/?Action=ListCustomVerificationEmailTemplates&MaxResults=${limit}`, ); responseData = responseData.ListCustomVerificationEmailTemplatesResponse .ListCustomVerificationEmailTemplatesResult.CustomVerificationEmailTemplates .member; } } if (operation === 'send') { const email = this.getNodeParameter('email', i) as string[]; const templateName = this.getNodeParameter('templateName', i) as string; const additionalFields = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields', i); const params = [ 'Action=SendCustomVerificationEmail', `TemplateName=${templateName}`, `EmailAddress=${email}`, ]; if (additionalFields.configurationSetName) { params.push(`ConfigurationSetName=${additionalFields.configurationSetName}`); } responseData = await this, 'email', 'POST', '', params.join('&'), ); responseData = responseData.SendCustomVerificationEmailResponse; } if (operation === 'update') { const templateName = this.getNodeParameter('templateName', i) as string; const updateFields = this.getNodeParameter('updateFields', i); const params = [ 'Action=UpdateCustomVerificationEmailTemplate', `TemplateName=${templateName}`, ]; if (updateFields.FailureRedirectionURL) { params.push(`FailureRedirectionURL=${updateFields.FailureRedirectionURL}`); } if ( { params.push(`FromEmailAddress=${}`); } if (updateFields.successRedirectionURL) { params.push(`SuccessRedirectionURL=${updateFields.successRedirectionURL}`); } if (updateFields.templateContent) { params.push(`TemplateContent=${updateFields.templateContent}`); } if (updateFields.templateSubject) { params.push(`TemplateSubject=${updateFields.templateSubject}`); } responseData = await this, 'email', 'POST', '', params.join('&'), ); responseData = responseData.UpdateCustomVerificationEmailTemplateResponse; } } if (resource === 'email') { if (operation === 'send') { const toAddresses = this.getNodeParameter('toAddresses', i) as string[]; const message = this.getNodeParameter('body', i) as string; const subject = this.getNodeParameter('subject', i) as string; const fromEmail = this.getNodeParameter('fromEmail', i) as string; const isBodyHtml = this.getNodeParameter('isBodyHtml', i) as boolean; const additionalFields = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields', i); const params = [ `Message.Subject.Data=${encodeURIComponent(subject)}`, `Source=${fromEmail}`, ]; if (isBodyHtml) { params.push(`Message.Body.Html.Data=${encodeURIComponent(message)}`); params.push('Message.Body.Html.Charset=UTF-8'); } else { params.push(`Message.Body.Text.Data=${encodeURIComponent(message)}`); } if (toAddresses.length) { setParameter(params, 'Destination.ToAddresses.member', toAddresses); } else { throw new NodeOperationError( this.getNode(), 'At least one "To Address" has to be added!', { itemIndex: i }, ); } if (additionalFields.configurationSetName) { params.push(`ConfigurationSetName=${additionalFields.configurationSetName}`); } if (additionalFields.returnPath) { params.push(`ReturnPath=${additionalFields.returnPath}`); } if (additionalFields.returnPathArn) { params.push(`ReturnPathArn=${additionalFields.returnPathArn}`); } if (additionalFields.sourceArn) { params.push(`SourceArn=${additionalFields.sourceArn}`); } if (additionalFields.replyToAddresses) { setParameter( params, 'ReplyToAddresses.member', additionalFields.replyToAddresses as string[], ); } if (additionalFields.bccAddresses) { setParameter( params, 'Destination.BccAddresses.member', additionalFields.bccAddresses as string[], ); } if (additionalFields.ccAddresses) { setParameter( params, 'Destination.CcAddresses.member', additionalFields.ccAddresses as string[], ); } responseData = await this, 'email', 'POST', '/?Action=SendEmail&' + params.join('&'), ); } if (operation === 'sendTemplate') { const toAddresses = this.getNodeParameter('toAddresses', i) as string[]; const template = this.getNodeParameter('templateName', i) as string; const fromEmail = this.getNodeParameter('fromEmail', i) as string; const additionalFields = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields', i); const templateDataUi = this.getNodeParameter('templateDataUi', i) as IDataObject; const params = [`Template=${template}`, `Source=${fromEmail}`]; if (toAddresses.length) { setParameter(params, 'Destination.ToAddresses.member', toAddresses); } else { throw new NodeOperationError( this.getNode(), 'At least one "To Address" has to be added!', { itemIndex: i }, ); } if (additionalFields.configurationSetName) { params.push(`ConfigurationSetName=${additionalFields.configurationSetName}`); } if (additionalFields.returnPath) { params.push(`ReturnPath=${additionalFields.returnPath}`); } if (additionalFields.returnPathArn) { params.push(`ReturnPathArn=${additionalFields.returnPathArn}`); } if (additionalFields.sourceArn) { params.push(`SourceArn=${additionalFields.sourceArn}`); } if (additionalFields.replyToAddresses) { setParameter( params, 'ReplyToAddresses.member', additionalFields.replyToAddresses as string[], ); } if (additionalFields.bccAddresses) { setParameter( params, 'Destination.BccAddresses.member', additionalFields.bccAddresses as string[], ); } if (additionalFields.ccAddresses) { setParameter( params, 'Destination.CcAddresses.member', additionalFields.ccAddresses as string[], ); } if (templateDataUi) { const templateDataValues = templateDataUi.templateDataValues as IDataObject[]; const templateData: IDataObject = {}; if (templateDataValues !== undefined) { for (const templateDataValue of templateDataValues) { //@ts-ignore templateData[templateDataValue.key] = templateDataValue.value; } params.push(`TemplateData=${JSON.stringify(templateData)}`); } } responseData = await this, 'email', 'POST', '/?Action=SendTemplatedEmail&' + params.join('&'), ); responseData = responseData.SendTemplatedEmailResponse; } } if (resource === 'template') { if (operation === 'create') { const templateName = this.getNodeParameter('templateName', i) as string; const subjectPart = this.getNodeParameter('subjectPart', i) as string; const htmlPart = this.getNodeParameter('htmlPart', i) as string; const additionalFields = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields', i); const params = [ `Template.TemplateName=${templateName}`, `Template.SubjectPart=${subjectPart}`, `Template.HtmlPart=<h1>${htmlPart}</h1>`, ]; if (additionalFields.textPart) { params.push(`Template.TextPart=${additionalFields.textPart}`); } responseData = await this, 'email', 'POST', '/?Action=CreateTemplate&' + params.join('&'), ); responseData = responseData.CreateTemplateResponse; } if (operation === 'delete') { const templateName = this.getNodeParameter('templateName', i) as string; const params = [`TemplateName=${templateName}`]; responseData = await this, 'email', 'POST', '/?Action=DeleteTemplate&' + params.join('&'), ); responseData = responseData.DeleteTemplateResponse; } if (operation === 'get') { const templateName = this.getNodeParameter('templateName', i) as string; const params = [`TemplateName=${templateName}`]; responseData = await this, 'email', 'POST', '/?Action=GetTemplate&' + params.join('&'), ); responseData = responseData.GetTemplateResponse; } if (operation === 'getAll') { const returnAll = this.getNodeParameter('returnAll', i); if (returnAll) { responseData = await this, 'ListTemplatesResponse.ListTemplatesResult.TemplatesMetadata.member', 'email', 'POST', '/?Action=ListTemplates', ); } else { const limit = this.getNodeParameter('limit', i); responseData = await this, 'email', 'GET', `/?Action=ListTemplates&MaxItems=${limit}`, ); responseData = responseData.ListTemplatesResponse.ListTemplatesResult.TemplatesMetadata.member; } } if (operation === 'update') { const templateName = this.getNodeParameter('templateName', i) as string; const updateFields = this.getNodeParameter('updateFields', i); const params = [`Template.TemplateName=${templateName}`]; if (updateFields.textPart) { params.push(`Template.TextPart=${updateFields.textPart}`); } if (updateFields.subjectPart) { params.push(`Template.SubjectPart=${updateFields.subjectPart}`); } if (updateFields.subjectPart) { params.push(`Template.HtmlPart=${updateFields.htmlPart}`); } responseData = await this, 'email', 'POST', '/?Action=UpdateTemplate&' + params.join('&'), ); responseData = responseData.UpdateTemplateResponse; } } const executionData = this.helpers.constructExecutionMetaData( this.helpers.returnJsonArray(responseData as IDataObject[]), { itemData: { item: i } }, ); returnData.push(...executionData); } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { const executionData = this.helpers.constructExecutionMetaData( this.helpers.returnJsonArray({ error: error.message }), { itemData: { item: i } }, ); returnData.push(...executionData); continue; } throw error; } } return [returnData]; } }