import { IExecuteSingleFunctions, IHookFunctions, IHttpRequestOptions, IWebhookFunctions, JsonObject, NodeOperationError, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { OptionsWithUri } from 'request'; import MailComposer from 'nodemailer/lib/mail-composer'; export namespace SendInBlueNode { type ValidEmailFields = { to: string } | { sender: string } | { cc: string } | { bcc: string }; type Address = { address: string; name?: string }; type Email = { email: string; name?: string }; type ToEmail = { to: Email[] }; type SenderEmail = { sender: Email }; type CCEmail = { cc: Email[] }; type BBCEmail = { bbc: Email[] }; type ValidatedEmail = ToEmail | SenderEmail | CCEmail | BBCEmail; enum OVERRIDE_MAP_VALUES { 'CATEGORY' = 'category', 'NORMAL' = 'boolean', 'TRANSACTIONAL' = 'id', } enum OVERRIDE_MAP_TYPE { 'CATEGORY' = 'category', 'NORMAL' = 'normal', 'TRANSACTIONAL' = 'transactional', } export const INTERCEPTORS = new Map void>([ [ OVERRIDE_MAP_TYPE.CATEGORY, (body: JsonObject) => { body!.type = OVERRIDE_MAP_VALUES.CATEGORY; }, ], [ OVERRIDE_MAP_TYPE.NORMAL, (body: JsonObject) => { body!.type = OVERRIDE_MAP_VALUES.NORMAL; }, ], [ OVERRIDE_MAP_TYPE.TRANSACTIONAL, (body: JsonObject) => { body!.type = OVERRIDE_MAP_VALUES.TRANSACTIONAL; }, ], ]); export namespace Validators { export async function validateAndCompileAttachmentsData( this: IExecuteSingleFunctions, requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions, ): Promise { const dataPropertyList = this.getNodeParameter( 'additionalFields.emailAttachments.attachment', ) as JsonObject; const { body } = requestOptions; const { attachment = [] } = body as { attachment: Array<{ content: string; name: string }> }; try { const { binaryPropertyName } = dataPropertyList; const dataMappingList = (binaryPropertyName as string).split(','); for (const attachmentDataName of dataMappingList) { const binaryPropertyName = attachmentDataName; const item = this.getInputData(); if (item.binary![binaryPropertyName as string] === undefined) { throw new NodeOperationError( this.getNode(), `No binary data property “${binaryPropertyName}” exists on item!`, ); } const bufferFromIncomingData = (await this.helpers.getBinaryDataBuffer( binaryPropertyName, )) as Buffer; const { data: content, mimeType, fileName, fileExtension, } = await this.helpers.prepareBinaryData(bufferFromIncomingData); const itemIndex = this.getItemIndex(); const name = getFileName( itemIndex, mimeType, fileExtension, fileName || item.binary!.data.fileName, ); attachment.push({ content, name }); } Object.assign(body!, { attachment }); return requestOptions; } catch (err) { throw new NodeOperationError(this.getNode(), `${err}`); } } export async function validateAndCompileTags( this: IExecuteSingleFunctions, requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions, ): Promise { const { tag } = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields.emailTags.tags') as JsonObject; const tags = (tag as string) .split(',') .map((tag) => tag.trim()) .filter((tag) => { return tag !== ''; }); const { body } = requestOptions; Object.assign(body!, { tags }); return requestOptions; } export async function validateAndCompileCCEmails( this: IExecuteSingleFunctions, requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions, ): Promise { const ccData = this.getNodeParameter( 'additionalFields.receipientsCC.receipientCc', ) as JsonObject; const { cc } = ccData; const { body } = requestOptions; const data = validateEmailStrings({ cc: cc as string }); Object.assign(body!, data); return requestOptions; } export async function validateAndCompileBCCEmails( this: IExecuteSingleFunctions, requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions, ): Promise { const bccData = this.getNodeParameter( 'additionalFields.receipientsBCC.receipientBcc', ) as JsonObject; const { bcc } = bccData; const { body } = requestOptions; const data = validateEmailStrings({ bcc: bcc as string }); Object.assign(body!, data); return requestOptions; } export async function validateAndCompileReceipientEmails( this: IExecuteSingleFunctions, requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions, ): Promise { const to = this.getNodeParameter('receipients') as string; const { body } = requestOptions; const data = validateEmailStrings({ to }); Object.assign(body!, data); return requestOptions; } export async function validateAndCompileSenderEmail( this: IExecuteSingleFunctions, requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions, ): Promise { const sender = this.getNodeParameter('sender') as string; const { body } = requestOptions; const data = validateEmailStrings({ sender }); Object.assign(body!, data); return requestOptions; } export async function validateAndCompileTemplateParameters( this: IExecuteSingleFunctions, requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions, ): Promise { const parameterData = this.getNodeParameter( 'additionalFields.templateParameters.parameterValues', ); const { body } = requestOptions; const { parmeters } = parameterData as JsonObject; const params = (parmeters as string) .split(',') .filter((parameter) => { return parameter.split('=').length === 2; }) .map((parameter) => { const [key, value] = parameter.split('='); return { [key]: value, }; }) .reduce((obj, cObj) => { Object.assign(obj, cObj); return obj; }, {}); Object.assign(body!, { params }); return requestOptions; } function validateEmailStrings(input: ValidEmailFields): ValidatedEmail { const composer = new MailComposer({ ...input }); const addressFields = composer.compile().getAddresses(); const fieldFetcher = new Map Email[] | Email>([ [ 'bcc', () => { return (addressFields.bcc as unknown as Address[])?.map(formatToEmailName); }, ], [ 'cc', () => { return ( as unknown as Address[])?.map(formatToEmailName); }, ], [ 'from', () => { return (addressFields.from as unknown as Address[])?.map(formatToEmailName); }, ], [ 'reply-to', () => { return (addressFields['reply-to'] as unknown as Address[])?.map(formatToEmailName); }, ], [ 'sender', () => { return (addressFields.sender as unknown as Address[])?.map(formatToEmailName)[0]; }, ], [ 'to', () => { return ( as unknown as Address[])?.map(formatToEmailName); }, ], ]); const result: { [key in keyof ValidatedEmail]: Email[] | Email } = {} as ValidatedEmail; Object.keys(input).reduce((obj: { [key: string]: Email[] | Email }, key: string) => { const getter = fieldFetcher.get(key); const value = getter!(); obj[key] = value; return obj; }, result); return result as ValidatedEmail; } } function getFileName( itemIndex: number, mimeType: string, fileExt: string, fileName: string, ): string { let ext = fileExt; if (fileExt === undefined) { ext = mimeType.split('/')[1]; } let name = `${fileName}.${ext}`; if (fileName === undefined) { name = `file-${itemIndex}.${ext}`; } return name; } function formatToEmailName(data: Address): Email { const { address: email, name } = data; const result = { email }; if (name !== undefined && name !== '') { Object.assign(result, { name }); } return { ...result }; } } export namespace SendInBlueWebhookApi { interface WebhookDetails { url: string; id: number; description: string; events: string[]; type: string; createdAt: string; modifiedAt: string; } interface WebhookId { id: string; } interface Webhooks { webhooks: WebhookDetails[]; } const credentialsName = 'sendinblueApi'; const baseURL = ''; export const supportedAuthMap = new Map Promise>([ [ 'apiKey', async (ref: IWebhookFunctions): Promise => { const credentials = await ref.getCredentials(credentialsName); return credentials.sharedSecret as string; }, ], ]); export const fetchWebhooks = async (ref: IHookFunctions, type: string): Promise => { const endpoint = `${baseURL}/webhooks?type=${type}`; const options: OptionsWithUri = { method: 'GET', headers: { Accept: 'application/json', }, uri: endpoint, }; const webhooks = (await ref, credentialsName, options, )) as string; return JSON.parse(webhooks) as Webhooks; }; export const createWebHook = async ( ref: IHookFunctions, type: string, events: string[], url: string, ): Promise => { const endpoint = `${baseURL}/webhooks`; const options: OptionsWithUri = { method: 'POST', headers: { Accept: 'application/json', }, uri: endpoint, body: { events, type, url, }, }; const webhookId = await ref, credentialsName, options, ); return JSON.parse(webhookId) as WebhookId; }; export const deleteWebhook = async (ref: IHookFunctions, webhookId: string) => { const endpoint = `${baseURL}/webhooks/${webhookId}`; const body = {}; const options: OptionsWithUri = { method: 'DELETE', headers: { Accept: 'application/json', }, uri: endpoint, body, }; return await, credentialsName, options); }; }