#!/usr/bin/env zx /** * Script to run benchmarks on the cloud benchmark environment. * This script will: * 1. Provision a benchmark environment using Terraform. * 2. Run the benchmarks on the VM. * 3. Destroy the cloud environment. * * NOTE: Must be run in the root of the package. * * Usage: * zx scripts/runBenchmarksOnCloud.mjs [--debug] * */ // @ts-check import fs from 'fs'; import minimist from 'minimist'; import { $, sleep, which } from 'zx'; import path from 'path'; import { SshClient } from './sshClient.mjs'; import { TerraformClient } from './terraformClient.mjs'; /** * @typedef {Object} BenchmarkEnv * @property {string} vmName */ const RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME = 'n8n-benchmarking'; const paths = { n8nSetupsDir: path.join(path.resolve('scripts'), 'runOnVm', 'n8nSetups'), }; async function main() { const config = await parseAndValidateConfig(); await ensureDependencies(); console.log('Using n8n tag', config.n8nTag); console.log('Using benchmark cli tag', config.benchmarkTag); const terraformClient = new TerraformClient({ privateKeyPath: paths.privateKeyPath, isVerbose: config.isVerbose, }); try { const benchmarkEnv = await terraformClient.provisionEnvironment(); await runBenchmarksOnVm(config, benchmarkEnv); } catch (error) { console.error('An error occurred while running the benchmarks:'); console.error(error); } finally { await terraformClient.destroyEnvironment(); } } async function ensureDependencies() { await which('terraform'); await which('az'); } /** * * @param {Config} config * @param {BenchmarkEnv} benchmarkEnv */ async function runBenchmarksOnVm(config, benchmarkEnv) { console.log(`Setting up the environment for ${config.n8nSetupToUse}...`); const sshClient = new SshClient({ vmName: benchmarkEnv.vmName, resourceGroupName: RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, verbose: config.isVerbose, }); await ensureVmIsReachable(sshClient); const scriptsDir = await transferScriptsToVm(sshClient); // Bootstrap the environment with dependencies console.log('Running bootstrap script...'); const bootstrapScriptPath = path.join(scriptsDir, 'bootstrap.sh'); await sshClient.ssh(`chmod a+x ${bootstrapScriptPath} && ${bootstrapScriptPath}`); // Give some time for the VM to be ready await sleep(1000); console.log('Running benchmarks...'); const runScriptPath = path.join(scriptsDir, 'runOnVm.mjs'); const flags = { n8nDockerTag: config.n8nTag, benchmarkDockerTag: config.benchmarkTag, k6ApiToken: config.k6ApiToken, }; const flagsString = Object.entries(flags) .filter(([, value]) => value !== undefined) .map(([key, value]) => `--${key}=${value}`) .join(' '); await sshClient.ssh(`npx zx ${runScriptPath} ${flagsString} ${config.n8nSetupToUse}`, { // Test run should always log its output verbose: true, }); } async function ensureVmIsReachable(sshClient) { await sshClient.ssh('echo "VM is reachable"'); } /** * @returns Path where the scripts are located on the VM */ async function transferScriptsToVm(sshClient) { await sshClient.ssh('rm -rf ~/n8n'); await sshClient.ssh('git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n.git'); return '~/n8n/packages/@n8n/benchmark/scripts/runOnVm'; } function readAvailableN8nSetups() { const setups = fs.readdirSync(paths.n8nSetupsDir); return setups; } /** * @typedef {Object} Config * @property {boolean} isVerbose * @property {string} n8nSetupToUse * @property {string} n8nTag * @property {string} benchmarkTag * @property {string} [k6ApiToken] * * @returns {Promise} */ async function parseAndValidateConfig() { const args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { boolean: ['debug'], }); const n8nSetupToUse = await getAndValidateN8nSetup(args); const isVerbose = args.debug || false; const n8nTag = args.n8nTag || process.env.N8N_DOCKER_TAG || 'latest'; const benchmarkTag = args.benchmarkTag || process.env.BENCHMARK_DOCKER_TAG || 'latest'; const k6ApiToken = args.k6ApiToken || process.env.K6_API_TOKEN || undefined; return { isVerbose, n8nSetupToUse, n8nTag, benchmarkTag, k6ApiToken, }; } /** * @param {minimist.ParsedArgs} args */ async function getAndValidateN8nSetup(args) { // Last parameter is the n8n setup to use const n8nSetupToUse = args._[args._.length - 1]; if (!n8nSetupToUse) { printUsage(); process.exit(1); } const availableSetups = readAvailableN8nSetups(); if (!availableSetups.includes(n8nSetupToUse)) { printUsage(); process.exit(1); } return n8nSetupToUse; } function printUsage() { const availableSetups = readAvailableN8nSetups(); console.log('Usage: zx scripts/runInCloud.mjs '); console.log(' eg: zx scripts/runInCloud.mjs sqlite'); console.log(''); console.log('Options:'); console.log(' --debug Enable verbose output'); console.log(' --n8nTag Docker tag for n8n image. Default is latest'); console.log(' --benchmarkTag Docker tag for benchmark cli image. Default is latest'); console.log( ' --k6ApiToken API token for k6 cloud. Default is read from K6_API_TOKEN env var. If omitted, k6 cloud will not be used.', ); console.log(''); console.log('Available setups:'); console.log(` ${availableSetups.join(', ')}`); } main().catch(console.error);