import { NodeConnectionType, NodeExecutionOutput, NodeOperationError, tryToParseDateTime, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import type { INodeTypeBaseDescription, IExecuteFunctions, INodeExecutionData, INodeType, INodeTypeDescription, DeduplicationScope, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { removeDuplicatesNodeFields } from './RemoveDuplicatesV2.description'; import { removeDuplicateInputItems } from '../utils'; const versionDescription: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'Remove Duplicates', name: 'removeDuplicates', icon: 'file:removeDuplicates.svg', group: ['transform'], subtitle: '', version: [2], description: 'Delete items with matching field values', defaults: { name: 'Remove Duplicates', }, inputs: [NodeConnectionType.Main], outputs: [NodeConnectionType.Main], outputNames: ['Kept', 'Discarded'], hints: [ { message: 'The dedupe key set in “Value to Dedupe On” has no value', displayCondition: '={{ $parameter["operation"] === "removeItemsSeenInPreviousExecutions" && ($parameter["logic"] === "removeItemsWithAlreadySeenKeyValues" && $parameter["dedupeValue"] === undefined) || ($parameter["logic"] === "removeItemsUpToStoredIncrementalKey" && $parameter["incrementalDedupeValue"] === undefined) || ($parameter["logic"] === "removeItemsUpToStoredDate" && $parameter["dateDedupeValue"] === undefined) }}', whenToDisplay: 'beforeExecution', location: 'outputPane', }, ], properties: [...removeDuplicatesNodeFields], }; export class RemoveDuplicatesV2 implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription; constructor(baseDescription: INodeTypeBaseDescription) { this.description = { ...baseDescription, ...versionDescription, }; } async execute(this: IExecuteFunctions): Promise { const items = this.getInputData(); const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation', 0); const returnData: INodeExecutionData[][] = []; const DEFAULT_MAX_ENTRIES = 10000; try { switch (operation) { case 'removeDuplicateInputItems': { return removeDuplicateInputItems(this, items); } case 'removeItemsSeenInPreviousExecutions': { const logic = this.getNodeParameter('logic', 0); const scope = this.getNodeParameter('options.scope', 0, 'node') as DeduplicationScope; if (logic === 'removeItemsWithAlreadySeenKeyValues') { if (!['node', 'workflow'].includes(scope)) { throw new NodeOperationError( this.getNode(), `The scope '${scope}' is not supported. Please select either "node" or "workflow".`, ); } let checkValue: string; const itemMapping: { [key: string]: INodeExecutionData[]; } = {}; for (let itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < items.length; itemIndex++) { checkValue = this.getNodeParameter('dedupeValue', itemIndex, '')?.toString() ?? ''; if (itemMapping[checkValue]) { itemMapping[checkValue].push(items[itemIndex]); } else { itemMapping[checkValue] = [items[itemIndex]]; } } const maxEntries = this.getNodeParameter( 'options.historySize', 0, DEFAULT_MAX_ENTRIES, ) as number; const maxEntriesNum = Number(maxEntries); const currentProcessedDataCount = await this.helpers.getProcessedDataCount(scope, { mode: 'entries', maxEntries, }); if (currentProcessedDataCount + items.length > maxEntriesNum) { throw new NodeOperationError( this.getNode(), 'The number of items to be processed exceeds the maximum history size. Please increase the history size or reduce the number of items to be processed.', ); } const itemsProcessed = await this.helpers.checkProcessedAndRecord( Object.keys(itemMapping), scope, { mode: 'entries', maxEntries }, ); const processedDataCount = await this.helpers.getProcessedDataCount(scope, { mode: 'entries', maxEntries, }); returnData.push( .map((key) => { return itemMapping[key]; }) .flat(), itemsProcessed.processed .map((key) => { return itemMapping[key]; }) .flat(), ); if (maxEntriesNum > 0 && processedDataCount / maxEntriesNum > 0.5) { return new NodeExecutionOutput(returnData, [ { message: `Some duplicates may be not be removed since you're approaching the maximum history size (${maxEntriesNum} items). You can raise this limit using the ‘history size’ option.`, location: 'outputPane', }, ]); } else return returnData; } else if (logic === 'removeItemsUpToStoredIncrementalKey') { if (!['node', 'workflow'].includes(scope)) { throw new NodeOperationError( this.getNode(), `The scope '${scope}' is not supported. Please select either "node" or "workflow".`, ); } let parsedIncrementalKey: number; const itemMapping: { [key: string]: INodeExecutionData[]; } = {}; for (let itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < items.length; itemIndex++) { const incrementalKey = this.getNodeParameter('incrementalDedupeValue', itemIndex, ''); if (!incrementalKey?.toString()) { throw new NodeOperationError( this.getNode(), 'The `Value to Dedupe` On is empty. Please provide a value.', ); } parsedIncrementalKey = Number(incrementalKey); if (isNaN(parsedIncrementalKey)) { throw new NodeOperationError( this.getNode(), `The value '${incrementalKey}' is not a number. Please provide a number.`, ); } if (itemMapping[parsedIncrementalKey]) { itemMapping[parsedIncrementalKey].push(items[itemIndex]); } else { itemMapping[parsedIncrementalKey] = [items[itemIndex]]; } } const itemsProcessed = await this.helpers.checkProcessedAndRecord( Object.keys(itemMapping), scope, { mode: 'latestIncrementalKey' }, ); returnData.push( .map((key) => { return itemMapping[key]; }) .flat(), itemsProcessed.processed .map((key) => { return itemMapping[key]; }) .flat(), ); return returnData; } else if (logic === 'removeItemsUpToStoredDate') { if (!['node', 'workflow'].includes(scope)) { throw new NodeOperationError( this.getNode(), `The scope '${scope}' is not supported. Please select either "node" or "workflow".`, ); } let checkValue: string; const itemMapping: { [key: string]: INodeExecutionData[]; } = {}; for (let itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < items.length; itemIndex++) { checkValue = this.getNodeParameter('dateDedupeValue', itemIndex, '')?.toString() ?? ''; if (!checkValue) { throw new NodeOperationError( this.getNode(), 'The `Value to Dedupe` On is empty. Please provide a value.', ); } try { tryToParseDateTime(checkValue); } catch (error) { throw new NodeOperationError( this.getNode(), `The value '${checkValue}' is not a valid date. Please provide a valid date.`, ); } if (itemMapping[checkValue]) { itemMapping[checkValue].push(items[itemIndex]); } else { itemMapping[checkValue] = [items[itemIndex]]; } } const itemsProcessed = await this.helpers.checkProcessedAndRecord( Object.keys(itemMapping), scope, { mode: 'latestDate' }, ); returnData.push( .map((key) => { return itemMapping[key]; }) .flat(), itemsProcessed.processed .map((key) => { return itemMapping[key]; }) .flat(), ); return returnData; } else { return [items]; } } case 'clearDeduplicationHistory': { const mode = this.getNodeParameter('mode', 0) as string; if (mode === 'updateKeyValuesInDatabase') { } else if (mode === 'deleteKeyValuesFromDatabase') { } else if (mode === 'cleanDatabase') { const scope = this.getNodeParameter('options.scope', 0, 'node') as DeduplicationScope; await this.helpers.clearAllProcessedItems(scope, { mode: 'entries', }); } return [items]; } default: { return [items]; } } } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { returnData.push([{ json: this.getInputData(0)[0].json, error }]); } else { throw error; } } return returnData; } }