import type { IExecuteFunctions } from 'n8n-core'; import type { ICredentialsDecrypted, ICredentialTestFunctions, IDataObject, ILoadOptionsFunctions, INodeCredentialTestResult, INodeExecutionData, INodePropertyOptions, INodeType, INodeTypeBaseDescription, INodeTypeDescription, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { NodeOperationError } from 'n8n-workflow'; import type { ILookupValues, ISheetUpdateData, IToDelete, ValueInputOption, ValueRenderOption, } from './GoogleSheet'; import { GoogleSheet } from './GoogleSheet'; import type { IGoogleAuthCredentials } from './GenericFunctions'; import { getAccessToken, googleApiRequest, hexToRgb } from './GenericFunctions'; import { versionDescription } from './versionDescription'; export class GoogleSheetsV1 implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription; constructor(baseDescription: INodeTypeBaseDescription) { this.description = { ...baseDescription, ...versionDescription, }; } methods = { loadOptions: { // Get all the sheets in a Spreadsheet async getSheets(this: ILoadOptionsFunctions): Promise { const spreadsheetId = this.getCurrentNodeParameter('sheetId') as string; const sheet = new GoogleSheet(spreadsheetId, this); const responseData = await sheet.spreadsheetGetSheets(); if (responseData === undefined) { throw new NodeOperationError(this.getNode(), 'No data got returned'); } const returnData: INodePropertyOptions[] = []; for (const entry of responseData.sheets!) { if (!.sheetType !== 'GRID') { continue; } returnData.push({ name:!.title as string, value:!.sheetId as unknown as string, }); } return returnData; }, }, credentialTest: { async googleApiCredentialTest( this: ICredentialTestFunctions, credential: ICredentialsDecrypted, ): Promise { try { const tokenRequest = await this,! as unknown as IGoogleAuthCredentials, ); if (!tokenRequest.access_token) { return { status: 'Error', message: 'Could not generate a token from your private key.', }; } } catch (err) { return { status: 'Error', message: `Private key validation failed: ${err.message}`, }; } return { status: 'OK', message: 'Connection successful!', }; }, }, }; async execute(this: IExecuteFunctions): Promise { const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation', 0); const resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource', 0); if (resource === 'sheet') { const spreadsheetId = this.getNodeParameter('sheetId', 0) as string; const sheet = new GoogleSheet(spreadsheetId, this); let range = ''; if (!['create', 'delete', 'remove'].includes(operation)) { range = this.getNodeParameter('range', 0) as string; } const options = this.getNodeParameter('options', 0, {}); const valueInputMode = (options.valueInputMode || 'RAW') as ValueInputOption; const valueRenderMode = (options.valueRenderMode || 'UNFORMATTED_VALUE') as ValueRenderOption; if (operation === 'append') { // ---------------------------------- // append // ---------------------------------- try { const keyRow = parseInt(this.getNodeParameter('keyRow', 0) as string, 10); const items = this.getInputData(); const setData: IDataObject[] = []; items.forEach((item) => { setData.push(item.json); }); const usePathForKeyRow = (options.usePathForKeyRow || false) as boolean; // Convert data into array format const _data = await sheet.appendSheetData( setData, sheet.encodeRange(range), keyRow, valueInputMode, usePathForKeyRow, ); // TODO: Should add this data somewhere // TODO: Should have something like add metadata which does not get passed through return await this.prepareOutputData(items); } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { return this.prepareOutputData([{ json: { error: error.message } }]); } throw error; } } else if (operation === 'clear') { // ---------------------------------- // clear // ---------------------------------- try { await sheet.clearData(sheet.encodeRange(range)); const items = this.getInputData(); return await this.prepareOutputData(items); } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { return this.prepareOutputData([{ json: { error: error.message } }]); } throw error; } } else if (operation === 'create') { const returnData: IDataObject[] = []; let responseData; for (let i = 0; i < this.getInputData().length; i++) { try { const sheetId = this.getNodeParameter('sheetId', i) as string; const iterationOptions = this.getNodeParameter('options', i, {}); const simple = this.getNodeParameter('simple', 0) as boolean; const properties = { ...iterationOptions }; if (iterationOptions.tabColor) { const { red, green, blue } = hexToRgb(iterationOptions.tabColor as string)!; properties.tabColor = { red: red / 255, green: green / 255, blue: blue / 255 }; } const requests = [ { addSheet: { properties, }, }, ]; responseData = await this, 'POST', `/v4/spreadsheets/${sheetId}:batchUpdate`, { requests }, ); if (simple) { Object.assign(responseData, responseData.replies[0]; delete responseData.replies; } returnData.push(responseData); } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { returnData.push({ error: error.message }); continue; } throw error; } } return [this.helpers.returnJsonArray(returnData)]; } else if (operation === 'delete') { // ---------------------------------- // delete // ---------------------------------- try { const requests: IDataObject[] = []; const toDelete = this.getNodeParameter('toDelete', 0) as IToDelete; const deletePropertyToDimensions: IDataObject = { columns: 'COLUMNS', rows: 'ROWS', }; for (const propertyName of Object.keys(deletePropertyToDimensions)) { if (toDelete[propertyName] !== undefined) { toDelete[propertyName]!.forEach((entry) => { requests.push({ deleteDimension: { range: { sheetId: entry.sheetId, dimension: deletePropertyToDimensions[propertyName] as string, startIndex: entry.startIndex, endIndex: parseInt(entry.startIndex.toString(), 10) + parseInt(entry.amount.toString(), 10), }, }, }); }); } } const _data = await sheet.spreadsheetBatchUpdate(requests); const items = this.getInputData(); return await this.prepareOutputData(items); } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { return this.prepareOutputData([{ json: { error: error.message } }]); } throw error; } } else if (operation === 'lookup') { // ---------------------------------- // lookup // ---------------------------------- try { const sheetData = await sheet.getData(sheet.encodeRange(range), valueRenderMode); if (sheetData === undefined) { return []; } const dataStartRow = parseInt(this.getNodeParameter('dataStartRow', 0) as string, 10); const keyRow = parseInt(this.getNodeParameter('keyRow', 0) as string, 10); const items = this.getInputData(); const lookupValues: ILookupValues[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { lookupValues.push({ lookupColumn: this.getNodeParameter('lookupColumn', i) as string, lookupValue: this.getNodeParameter('lookupValue', i) as string, }); } let returnData = await sheet.lookupValues( sheetData, keyRow, dataStartRow, lookupValues, options.returnAllMatches as boolean | undefined, ); if (returnData.length === 0 && options.continue && options.returnAllMatches) { returnData = [{}]; } else if ( returnData.length === 1 && Object.keys(returnData[0]).length === 0 && !options.continue && !options.returnAllMatches ) { returnData = []; } return [this.helpers.returnJsonArray(returnData)]; } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { return [this.helpers.returnJsonArray({ error: error.message })]; } throw error; } } else if (operation === 'read') { // ---------------------------------- // read // ---------------------------------- try { const rawData = this.getNodeParameter('rawData', 0); const sheetData = await sheet.getData(sheet.encodeRange(range), valueRenderMode); let returnData: IDataObject[]; if (!sheetData) { returnData = []; } else if (rawData) { const dataProperty = this.getNodeParameter('dataProperty', 0) as string; returnData = [ { [dataProperty]: sheetData, }, ]; } else { const dataStartRow = parseInt(this.getNodeParameter('dataStartRow', 0) as string, 10); const keyRow = parseInt(this.getNodeParameter('keyRow', 0) as string, 10); returnData = sheet.structureArrayDataByColumn(sheetData, keyRow, dataStartRow); } if (returnData.length === 0 && options.continue) { returnData = [{}]; } return [this.helpers.returnJsonArray(returnData)]; } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { return [this.helpers.returnJsonArray({ error: error.message })]; } throw error; } } else if (operation === 'remove') { const returnData: IDataObject[] = []; let responseData; for (let i = 0; i < this.getInputData().length; i++) { try { const id = this.getNodeParameter('id', i) as string; const sheetId = this.getNodeParameter('sheetId', i) as string; const requests = [ { deleteSheet: { sheetId: id, }, }, ]; responseData = await this, 'POST', `/v4/spreadsheets/${sheetId}:batchUpdate`, { requests }, ); delete responseData.replies; returnData.push(responseData); } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { returnData.push({ error: error.message }); continue; } throw error; } } return [this.helpers.returnJsonArray(returnData)]; } else if (operation === 'update' || operation === 'upsert') { // ---------------------------------- // update/upsert // ---------------------------------- const upsert = operation === 'upsert' ? true : false; try { const rawData = this.getNodeParameter('rawData', 0); const items = this.getInputData(); if (rawData) { const dataProperty = this.getNodeParameter('dataProperty', 0) as string; const updateData: ISheetUpdateData[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { updateData.push({ range, values: items[i].json[dataProperty] as string[][], }); } const _data = await sheet.batchUpdate(updateData, valueInputMode); } else { const keyName = this.getNodeParameter('key', 0) as string; const keyRow = parseInt(this.getNodeParameter('keyRow', 0) as string, 10); const dataStartRow = parseInt(this.getNodeParameter('dataStartRow', 0) as string, 10); const setData: IDataObject[] = []; items.forEach((item) => { setData.push(item.json); }); const _data = await sheet.updateSheetData( setData, keyName, range, keyRow, dataStartRow, valueInputMode, valueRenderMode, upsert, ); } // TODO: Should add this data somewhere // TODO: Should have something like add metadata which does not get passed through return await this.prepareOutputData(items); } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { return this.prepareOutputData([{ json: { error: error.message } }]); } throw error; } } } if (resource === 'spreadsheet') { const returnData: IDataObject[] = []; let responseData; if (operation === 'create') { // ---------------------------------- // create // ---------------------------------- // for (let i = 0; i < this.getInputData().length; i++) { try { const title = this.getNodeParameter('title', i) as string; const sheetsUi = this.getNodeParameter('sheetsUi', i, {}) as IDataObject; const body = { properties: { title, autoRecalc: undefined as undefined | string, locale: undefined as undefined | string, }, sheets: [] as IDataObject[], }; const options = this.getNodeParameter('options', i, {}); if (Object.keys(sheetsUi).length) { const data = []; const sheets = sheetsUi.sheetValues as IDataObject[]; for (const sheet of sheets) { const properties = sheet.propertiesUi as IDataObject; if (properties) { data.push({ properties }); } } body.sheets = data; } = options.autoRecalc ? (options.autoRecalc as string) : undefined; = options.locale ? (options.locale as string) : undefined; responseData = await, 'POST', '/v4/spreadsheets', body); returnData.push(responseData); } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { returnData.push({ error: error.message }); continue; } throw error; } } } return [this.helpers.returnJsonArray(returnData)]; } return []; } }