import type { ICredentialsDecrypted, ICredentialTestFunctions, IExecuteFunctions, ILoadOptionsFunctions, IHookFunctions, INodeCredentialTestResult, INodePropertyOptions, JsonObject, IRequestOptions, IHttpRequestMethods, IDataObject, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { NodeApiError } from 'n8n-workflow'; /** * Make an authenticated REST API request to Emelia, used for trigger node. */ export async function emeliaApiRequest( this: IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions | IHookFunctions, method: IHttpRequestMethods, endpoint: string, body: object = {}, qs: IDataObject = {}, ) { const { apiKey } = await this.getCredentials<{ apiKey: string }>('emeliaApi'); const options: IRequestOptions = { headers: { Authorization: apiKey, }, method, body, qs, uri: `${endpoint}`, json: true, }; try { return await, options); } catch (error) { throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), error as JsonObject); } } /** * Make an authenticated GraphQL request to Emelia. */ export async function emeliaGraphqlRequest( this: IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions, body: object = {}, ) { const response = await, 'POST', '/graphql', body); if (response.errors) { throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), response as JsonObject); } return response; } /** * Load resources so that the user can select them easily. */ export async function loadResource( this: ILoadOptionsFunctions, resource: 'campaign' | 'contactList', ): Promise<INodePropertyOptions[]> { const mapping: { [key in 'campaign' | 'contactList']: { query: string; key: string } } = { campaign: { query: ` query GetCampaigns { campaigns { _id name } }`, key: 'campaigns', }, contactList: { query: ` query GetContactLists { contact_lists { _id name } }`, key: 'contact_lists', }, }; const responseData = await, { query: mapping[resource].query }); return[mapping[resource].key].map( (campaign: { name: string; _id: string }) => ({ name:, value: campaign._id, }), ); } export async function emeliaApiTest( this: ICredentialTestFunctions, credential: ICredentialsDecrypted, ): Promise<INodeCredentialTestResult> { const credentials =; const body = { query: ` query all_campaigns { all_campaigns { _id name status createdAt stats { mailsSent } } }`, operationName: 'all_campaigns', }; const options = { headers: { Authorization: credentials?.apiKey, }, method: 'POST', body, uri: '', json: true, }; try { await this.helpers.request(options); } catch (error) { return { status: 'Error', message: `Connection details not valid: ${(error as JsonObject).message}`, }; } return { status: 'OK', message: 'Authentication successful!', }; }