import EventSource from 'eventsource'; import type { IDataObject, ITriggerFunctions, INodeType, INodeTypeDescription, ITriggerResponse, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { NodeConnectionType, jsonParse } from 'n8n-workflow'; export class SseTrigger implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'SSE Trigger', name: 'sseTrigger', icon: 'fa:cloud-download-alt', iconColor: 'dark-blue', group: ['trigger'], version: 1, description: 'Triggers the workflow when Server-Sent Events occur', eventTriggerDescription: '', activationMessage: 'You can now make calls to your SSE URL to trigger executions.', defaults: { name: 'SSE Trigger', color: '#225577', }, triggerPanel: { header: '', executionsHelp: { inactive: "<b>While building your workflow</b>, click the 'listen' button, then trigger an SSE event. This will trigger an execution, which will show up in this editor.<br /> <br /><b>Once you're happy with your workflow</b>, <a data-key='activate'>activate</a> it. Then every time a change is detected, the workflow will execute. These executions will show up in the <a data-key='executions'>executions list</a>, but not in the editor.", active: "<b>While building your workflow</b>, click the 'listen' button, then trigger an SSE event. This will trigger an execution, which will show up in this editor.<br /> <br /><b>Your workflow will also execute automatically</b>, since it's activated. Every time a change is detected, this node will trigger an execution. These executions will show up in the <a data-key='executions'>executions list</a>, but not in the editor.", }, activationHint: "Once you’ve finished building your workflow, <a data-key='activate'>activate</a> it to have it also listen continuously (you just won’t see those executions here).", }, inputs: [], outputs: [NodeConnectionType.Main], properties: [ { displayName: 'URL', name: 'url', type: 'string', default: '', placeholder: '', description: 'The URL to receive the SSE from', required: true, }, ], }; async trigger(this: ITriggerFunctions): Promise<ITriggerResponse> { const url = this.getNodeParameter('url') as string; const eventSource = new EventSource(url); eventSource.onmessage = (event) => { const eventData = jsonParse<IDataObject>( as string, { errorMessage: 'Invalid JSON for event data', }); this.emit([this.helpers.returnJsonArray([eventData])]); }; async function closeFunction() { eventSource.close(); } return { closeFunction, }; } }