import { fuzzyCompare, getResolvables, keysToLowercase, wrapData } from '@utils/utilities'; //most test cases for fuzzyCompare are done in Compare Datasets node tests describe('Test fuzzyCompare', () => { it('should do strict comparison', () => { const compareFunction = fuzzyCompare(false); expect(compareFunction(1, '1')).toEqual(false); }); it('should do fuzzy comparison', () => { const compareFunction = fuzzyCompare(true); expect(compareFunction(1, '1')).toEqual(true); }); it('should treat null, 0 and "0" as equal', () => { const compareFunction = fuzzyCompare(true, 2); expect(compareFunction(null, null)).toEqual(true); expect(compareFunction(null, 0)).toEqual(true); expect(compareFunction(null, '0')).toEqual(true); }); it('should not treat null, 0 and "0" as equal', () => { const compareFunction = fuzzyCompare(true); expect(compareFunction(null, 0)).toEqual(false); expect(compareFunction(null, '0')).toEqual(false); }); }); describe('Test wrapData', () => { it('should wrap object in json', () => { const data = { id: 1, name: 'Name', }; const wrappedData = wrapData(data); expect(wrappedData).toBeDefined(); expect(wrappedData).toEqual([{ json: data }]); }); it('should wrap each object in array in json', () => { const data = [ { id: 1, name: 'Name', }, { id: 2, name: 'Name 2', }, ]; const wrappedData = wrapData(data); expect(wrappedData).toBeDefined(); expect(wrappedData).toEqual([{ json: data[0] }, { json: data[1] }]); }); it('json key from source should be inside json', () => { const data = { json: { id: 1, name: 'Name', }, }; const wrappedData = wrapData(data); expect(wrappedData).toBeDefined(); expect(wrappedData).toEqual([{ json: data }]); expect(Object.keys(wrappedData[0].json)).toContain('json'); }); }); describe('Test keysToLowercase', () => { it('should convert keys to lowercase', () => { const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Test-Header': 'Test', Accept: 'application/json', }; const newHeaders = keysToLowercase(headers); expect(newHeaders).toEqual({ 'content-type': 'application/json', 'x-test-header': 'Test', accept: 'application/json', }); }); it('should return original value if it is not an object', () => { const test1 = keysToLowercase(['hello']); const test2 = keysToLowercase('test'); const test3 = keysToLowercase(1); const test4 = keysToLowercase(true); const test5 = keysToLowercase(null); const test6 = keysToLowercase(undefined); expect(test1).toEqual(['hello']); expect(test2).toEqual('test'); expect(test3).toEqual(1); expect(test4).toEqual(true); expect(test5).toEqual(null); expect(test6).toEqual(undefined); }); }); describe('Test getResolvables', () => { it('should return empty array when there are no resolvables', () => { expect(getResolvables('Plain String, no resolvables here.')).toEqual([]); }); it('should properly handle resovables in SQL query', () => { expect(getResolvables('SELECT * FROM {{ $json.db }}.{{ $json.table }};')).toEqual([ '{{ $json.db }}', '{{ $json.table }}', ]); }); it('should properly handle resovables in HTML string', () => { expect( getResolvables( ` {{ $json.pageTitle }}

{{ $json.heading }}

`, ), ).toEqual([ '{{ $json.pageTitle }}', '{{ $json.heading }}', '{{ $json.pageHeight }}', '{{ $json.welcomeMessage }}', ]); }); });