/* eslint-disable n8n-local-rules/no-skipped-tests */ import type { JSONSchema7 } from 'json-schema'; import { z, ZodError } from 'zod'; import { parseObject } from '../../src/parsers/parse-object'; describe('parseObject', () => { test('should handle with missing properties', () => { expect( parseObject( { type: 'object', }, { path: [], seen: new Map() }, ), ).toMatchZod(z.record(z.any())); }); test('should handle with empty properties', () => { expect( parseObject( { type: 'object', properties: {}, }, { path: [], seen: new Map() }, ), ).toMatchZod(z.object({})); }); test('With properties - should handle optional and required properties', () => { expect( parseObject( { type: 'object', required: ['myRequiredString'], properties: { myOptionalString: { type: 'string', }, myRequiredString: { type: 'string', }, }, }, { path: [], seen: new Map() }, ), ).toMatchZod( z.object({ myOptionalString: z.string().optional(), myRequiredString: z.string() }), ); }); test('With properties - should handle additionalProperties when set to false', () => { expect( parseObject( { type: 'object', required: ['myString'], properties: { myString: { type: 'string', }, }, additionalProperties: false, }, { path: [], seen: new Map() }, ), ).toMatchZod(z.object({ myString: z.string() }).strict()); }); test('With properties - should handle additionalProperties when set to true', () => { expect( parseObject( { type: 'object', required: ['myString'], properties: { myString: { type: 'string', }, }, additionalProperties: true, }, { path: [], seen: new Map() }, ), ).toMatchZod(z.object({ myString: z.string() }).catchall(z.any())); }); test('With properties - should handle additionalProperties when provided a schema', () => { expect( parseObject( { type: 'object', required: ['myString'], properties: { myString: { type: 'string', }, }, additionalProperties: { type: 'number' }, }, { path: [], seen: new Map() }, ), ).toMatchZod(z.object({ myString: z.string() }).catchall(z.number())); }); test('Without properties - should handle additionalProperties when set to false', () => { expect( parseObject( { type: 'object', additionalProperties: false, }, { path: [], seen: new Map() }, ), ).toMatchZod(z.record(z.never())); }); test('Without properties - should handle additionalProperties when set to true', () => { expect( parseObject( { type: 'object', additionalProperties: true, }, { path: [], seen: new Map() }, ), ).toMatchZod(z.record(z.any())); }); test('Without properties - should handle additionalProperties when provided a schema', () => { expect( parseObject( { type: 'object', additionalProperties: { type: 'number' }, }, { path: [], seen: new Map() }, ), ).toMatchZod(z.record(z.number())); }); test('Without properties - should include falsy defaults', () => { expect( parseObject( { type: 'object', properties: { s: { type: 'string', default: '', }, }, }, { path: [], seen: new Map() }, ), ).toMatchZod(z.object({ s: z.string().default('') })); }); test('eh', () => { expect( parseObject( { type: 'object', required: ['a'], properties: { a: { type: 'string', }, }, anyOf: [ { required: ['b'], properties: { b: { type: 'string', }, }, }, { required: ['c'], properties: { c: { type: 'string', }, }, }, ], }, { path: [], seen: new Map() }, ), ).toMatchZod( z .object({ a: z.string() }) .and(z.union([z.object({ b: z.string() }), z.object({ c: z.string() })])), ); expect( parseObject( { type: 'object', required: ['a'], properties: { a: { type: 'string', }, }, anyOf: [ { required: ['b'], properties: { b: { type: 'string', }, }, }, {}, ], }, { path: [], seen: new Map() }, ), ).toMatchZod(z.object({ a: z.string() }).and(z.union([z.object({ b: z.string() }), z.any()]))); expect( parseObject( { type: 'object', required: ['a'], properties: { a: { type: 'string', }, }, oneOf: [ { required: ['b'], properties: { b: { type: 'string', }, }, }, { required: ['c'], properties: { c: { type: 'string', }, }, }, ], }, { path: [], seen: new Map() }, ), ).toMatchZod( z.object({ a: z.string() }).and( z.any().superRefine((x, ctx) => { const schemas = [z.object({ b: z.string() }), z.object({ c: z.string() })]; const errors = schemas.reduce<z.ZodError[]>( (errors, schema) => ((result) => (result.error ? [...errors, result.error] : errors))( schema.safeParse(x), ), [], ); if (schemas.length - errors.length !== 1) { ctx.addIssue({ path: ctx.path, code: 'invalid_union', unionErrors: errors, message: 'Invalid input: Should pass single schema', }); } }), ), ); expect( parseObject( { type: 'object', required: ['a'], properties: { a: { type: 'string', }, }, oneOf: [ { required: ['b'], properties: { b: { type: 'string', }, }, }, {}, ], }, { path: [], seen: new Map() }, ), ).toMatchZod( z.object({ a: z.string() }).and( z.any().superRefine((x, ctx) => { const schemas = [z.object({ b: z.string() }), z.any()]; const errors = schemas.reduce<z.ZodError[]>( (errors, schema) => ((result) => (result.error ? [...errors, result.error] : errors))( schema.safeParse(x), ), [], ); if (schemas.length - errors.length !== 1) { ctx.addIssue({ path: ctx.path, code: 'invalid_union', unionErrors: errors, message: 'Invalid input: Should pass single schema', }); } }), ), ); expect( parseObject( { type: 'object', required: ['a'], properties: { a: { type: 'string', }, }, allOf: [ { required: ['b'], properties: { b: { type: 'string', }, }, }, { required: ['c'], properties: { c: { type: 'string', }, }, }, ], }, { path: [], seen: new Map() }, ), ).toMatchZod( z .object({ a: z.string() }) .and(z.intersection(z.object({ b: z.string() }), z.object({ c: z.string() }))), ); expect( parseObject( { type: 'object', required: ['a'], properties: { a: { type: 'string', }, }, allOf: [ { required: ['b'], properties: { b: { type: 'string', }, }, }, {}, ], }, { path: [], seen: new Map() }, ), ).toMatchZod( z.object({ a: z.string() }).and(z.intersection(z.object({ b: z.string() }), z.any())), ); }); const run = (zodSchema: z.ZodTypeAny, data: unknown) => zodSchema.safeParse(data); test('Functional tests - run', () => { expect(run(z.string(), 'hello')).toEqual({ success: true, data: 'hello', }); }); test('Functional tests - properties', () => { const schema: JSONSchema7 & { type: 'object' } = { type: 'object', required: ['a'], properties: { a: { type: 'string', }, b: { type: 'number', }, }, }; const expected = z.object({ a: z.string(), b: z.number().optional() }); const result = parseObject(schema, { path: [], seen: new Map() }); expect(result).toMatchZod(expected); expect(run(result, { a: 'hello' })).toEqual({ success: true, data: { a: 'hello', }, }); expect(run(result, { a: 'hello', b: 123 })).toEqual({ success: true, data: { a: 'hello', b: 123, }, }); expect(run(result, { b: 'hello', x: true })).toEqual({ success: false, error: new ZodError([ { code: 'invalid_type', expected: 'string', received: 'undefined', path: ['a'], message: 'Required', }, { code: 'invalid_type', expected: 'number', received: 'string', path: ['b'], message: 'Expected number, received string', }, ]), }); }); test('Functional tests - properties and additionalProperties', () => { const schema: JSONSchema7 & { type: 'object' } = { type: 'object', required: ['a'], properties: { a: { type: 'string', }, b: { type: 'number', }, }, additionalProperties: { type: 'boolean' }, }; const expected = z.object({ a: z.string(), b: z.number().optional() }).catchall(z.boolean()); const result = parseObject(schema, { path: [], seen: new Map() }); expect(result).toMatchZod(expected); expect(run(result, { b: 'hello', x: 'true' })).toEqual({ success: false, error: new ZodError([ { code: 'invalid_type', expected: 'string', received: 'undefined', path: ['a'], message: 'Required', }, { code: 'invalid_type', expected: 'number', received: 'string', path: ['b'], message: 'Expected number, received string', }, { code: 'invalid_type', expected: 'boolean', received: 'string', path: ['x'], message: 'Expected boolean, received string', }, ]), }); }); test('Functional tests - properties and single-item patternProperties', () => { const schema: JSONSchema7 & { type: 'object' } = { type: 'object', required: ['a'], properties: { a: { type: 'string', }, b: { type: 'number', }, }, patternProperties: { '\\.': { type: 'array' }, }, }; const expected = z .object({ a: z.string(), b: z.number().optional() }) .catchall(z.array(z.any())) .superRefine((value, ctx) => { for (const key in value) { if (key.match(new RegExp('\\\\.'))) { const result = z.array(z.any()).safeParse(value[key]); if (!result.success) { ctx.addIssue({ path: [...ctx.path, key], code: 'custom', message: `Invalid input: Key matching regex /${key}/ must match schema`, params: { issues: result.error.issues, }, }); } } } }); const result = parseObject(schema, { path: [], seen: new Map() }); expect(result).toMatchZod(expected); expect(run(result, { a: 'a', b: 2, '.': [] })).toEqual({ success: true, data: { a: 'a', b: 2, '.': [] }, }); expect(run(result, { a: 'a', b: 2, '.': '[]' })).toEqual({ success: false, error: new ZodError([ { code: 'invalid_type', expected: 'array', received: 'string', path: ['.'], message: 'Expected array, received string', }, ]), }); }); test('Functional tests - properties, additionalProperties and patternProperties', () => { const schema: JSONSchema7 & { type: 'object' } = { type: 'object', required: ['a'], properties: { a: { type: 'string', }, b: { type: 'number', }, }, additionalProperties: { type: 'boolean' }, patternProperties: { '\\.': { type: 'array' }, '\\,': { type: 'array', minItems: 1 }, }, }; const expected = z .object({ a: z.string(), b: z.number().optional() }) .catchall(z.union([z.array(z.any()), z.array(z.any()).min(1), z.boolean()])) .superRefine((value, ctx) => { for (const key in value) { let evaluated = ['a', 'b'].includes(key); if (key.match(new RegExp('\\\\.'))) { evaluated = true; const result = z.array(z.any()).safeParse(value[key]); if (!result.success) { ctx.addIssue({ path: [...ctx.path, key], code: 'custom', message: `Invalid input: Key matching regex /${key}/ must match schema`, params: { issues: result.error.issues, }, }); } } if (key.match(new RegExp('\\\\,'))) { evaluated = true; const result = z.array(z.any()).min(1).safeParse(value[key]); if (!result.success) { ctx.addIssue({ path: [...ctx.path, key], code: 'custom', message: `Invalid input: Key matching regex /${key}/ must match schema`, params: { issues: result.error.issues, }, }); } } if (!evaluated) { const result = z.boolean().safeParse(value[key]); if (!result.success) { ctx.addIssue({ path: [...ctx.path, key], code: 'custom', message: 'Invalid input: must match catchall schema', params: { issues: result.error.issues, }, }); } } } }); const result = parseObject(schema, { path: [], seen: new Map() }); expect(result).toMatchZod(expected); }); test('Functional tests - additionalProperties', () => { const schema: JSONSchema7 & { type: 'object' } = { type: 'object', additionalProperties: { type: 'boolean' }, }; const expected = z.record(z.boolean()); const result = parseObject(schema, { path: [], seen: new Map() }); expect(result).toMatchZod(expected); }); test('Functional tests - additionalProperties and patternProperties', () => { const schema: JSONSchema7 & { type: 'object' } = { type: 'object', additionalProperties: { type: 'boolean' }, patternProperties: { '\\.': { type: 'array' }, '\\,': { type: 'array', minItems: 1 }, }, }; const expected = z .record(z.union([z.array(z.any()), z.array(z.any()).min(1), z.boolean()])) .superRefine((value, ctx) => { for (const key in value) { let evaluated = false; if (key.match(new RegExp('\\\\.'))) { evaluated = true; const result = z.array(z.any()).safeParse(value[key]); if (!result.success) { ctx.addIssue({ path: [...ctx.path, key], code: 'custom', message: `Invalid input: Key matching regex /${key}/ must match schema`, params: { issues: result.error.issues, }, }); } } if (key.match(new RegExp('\\\\,'))) { evaluated = true; const result = z.array(z.any()).min(1).safeParse(value[key]); if (!result.success) { ctx.addIssue({ path: [...ctx.path, key], code: 'custom', message: `Invalid input: Key matching regex /${key}/ must match schema`, params: { issues: result.error.issues, }, }); } } if (!evaluated) { const result = z.boolean().safeParse(value[key]); if (!result.success) { ctx.addIssue({ path: [...ctx.path, key], code: 'custom', message: 'Invalid input: must match catchall schema', params: { issues: result.error.issues, }, }); } } } }); const result = parseObject(schema, { path: [], seen: new Map() }); expect(result).toMatchZod(expected); expect(run(result, { x: true, '.': [], ',': [] })).toEqual({ success: false, error: new ZodError([ { path: [','], code: 'custom', message: 'Invalid input: Key matching regex /,/ must match schema', params: { issues: [ { code: 'too_small', minimum: 1, type: 'array', inclusive: true, exact: false, message: 'Array must contain at least 1 element(s)', path: [], }, ], }, }, ]), }); }); test('Functional tests - single-item patternProperties', () => { const schema: JSONSchema7 & { type: 'object' } = { type: 'object', patternProperties: { '\\.': { type: 'array' }, }, }; const expected = z.record(z.array(z.any())).superRefine((value, ctx) => { for (const key in value) { if (key.match(new RegExp('\\\\.'))) { const result = z.array(z.any()).safeParse(value[key]); if (!result.success) { ctx.addIssue({ path: [...ctx.path, key], code: 'custom', message: `Invalid input: Key matching regex /${key}/ must match schema`, params: { issues: result.error.issues, }, }); } } } }); const result = parseObject(schema, { path: [], seen: new Map() }); expect(result).toMatchZod(expected); }); test('Functional tests - patternProperties', () => { const schema: JSONSchema7 & { type: 'object' } = { type: 'object', patternProperties: { '\\.': { type: 'array' }, '\\,': { type: 'array', minItems: 1 }, }, }; const expected = z .record(z.union([z.array(z.any()), z.array(z.any()).min(1)])) .superRefine((value, ctx) => { for (const key in value) { if (key.match(new RegExp('\\.'))) { const result = z.array(z.any()).safeParse(value[key]); if (!result.success) { ctx.addIssue({ path: [...ctx.path, key], code: 'custom', message: `Invalid input: Key matching regex /${key}/ must match schema`, params: { issues: result.error.issues, }, }); } } if (key.match(new RegExp('\\,'))) { const result = z.array(z.any()).min(1).safeParse(value[key]); if (!result.success) { ctx.addIssue({ path: [...ctx.path, key], code: 'custom', message: `Invalid input: Key matching regex /${key}/ must match schema`, params: { issues: result.error.issues, }, }); } } } }); const result = parseObject(schema, { path: [], seen: new Map() }); expect(run(result, { '.': [] })).toEqual({ success: true, data: { '.': [] }, }); expect(run(result, { ',': [] })).toEqual({ success: false, error: new ZodError([ { path: [','], code: 'custom', message: 'Invalid input: Key matching regex /,/ must match schema', params: { issues: [ { code: 'too_small', minimum: 1, type: 'array', inclusive: true, exact: false, message: 'Array must contain at least 1 element(s)', path: [], }, ], }, }, ]), }); expect(result).toMatchZod(expected); }); test('Functional tests - patternProperties and properties', () => { const schema: JSONSchema7 & { type: 'object' } = { type: 'object', required: ['a'], properties: { a: { type: 'string', }, b: { type: 'number', }, }, patternProperties: { '\\.': { type: 'array' }, '\\,': { type: 'array', minItems: 1 }, }, }; const expected = z .object({ a: z.string(), b: z.number().optional() }) .catchall(z.union([z.array(z.any()), z.array(z.any()).min(1)])) .superRefine((value, ctx) => { for (const key in value) { if (key.match(new RegExp('\\.'))) { const result = z.array(z.any()).safeParse(value[key]); if (!result.success) { ctx.addIssue({ path: [...ctx.path, key], code: 'custom', message: `Invalid input: Key matching regex /${key}/ must match schema`, params: { issues: result.error.issues, }, }); } } if (key.match(new RegExp('\\,'))) { const result = z.array(z.any()).min(1).safeParse(value[key]); if (!result.success) { ctx.addIssue({ path: [...ctx.path, key], code: 'custom', message: `Invalid input: Key matching regex /${key}/ must match schema`, params: { issues: result.error.issues, }, }); } } } }); const result = parseObject(schema, { path: [], seen: new Map() }); expect(result).toMatchZod(expected); }); });