import { PasswordUtility } from '@/services/password.utility'; import Container from 'typedi'; function toComponents(hash: string) { const BCRYPT_HASH_REGEX = /^\$(?.{2})\$(?\d{2})\$(?.{22})(?.{31})$/; const match = hash.match(BCRYPT_HASH_REGEX); if (!match?.groups) throw new Error('Invalid bcrypt hash format'); return match.groups; } describe('PasswordUtility', () => { const passwordUtility = Container.get(PasswordUtility); describe('hash()', () => { test('should hash a plaintext password', async () => { const plaintext = 'abcd1234X'; const hashed = await passwordUtility.hash(plaintext); const { version, costFactor, salt, hashedPassword } = toComponents(hashed); expect(version).toBe('2a'); expect(costFactor).toBe('10'); expect(salt).toHaveLength(22); expect(hashedPassword).toHaveLength(31); }); }); describe('compare()', () => { test('should return true on match', async () => { const plaintext = 'abcd1234X'; const hashed = await passwordUtility.hash(plaintext); const isMatch = await, hashed); expect(isMatch).toBe(true); }); test('should return false on mismatch', async () => { const secondPlaintext = 'abcd1234Y'; const hashed = await passwordUtility.hash('abcd1234X'); const isMatch = await, hashed); expect(isMatch).toBe(false); }); }); describe('validate()', () => { test('should throw on empty password', () => { const check = () => passwordUtility.validate(); expect(check).toThrowError('Password is mandatory'); }); test('should return same password if valid', () => { const validPassword = 'abcd1234X'; const validated = passwordUtility.validate(validPassword); expect(validated).toBe(validPassword); }); test('should require at least one uppercase letter', () => { const invalidPassword = 'abcd1234'; const failingCheck = () => passwordUtility.validate(invalidPassword); expect(failingCheck).toThrowError('Password must contain at least 1 uppercase letter.'); }); test('should require at least one number', () => { const validPassword = 'abcd1234X'; const invalidPassword = 'abcdEFGH'; const validated = passwordUtility.validate(validPassword); expect(validated).toBe(validPassword); const check = () => passwordUtility.validate(invalidPassword); expect(check).toThrowError('Password must contain at least 1 number.'); }); test('should require a minimum length of 8 characters', () => { const invalidPassword = 'a'.repeat(7); const check = () => passwordUtility.validate(invalidPassword); expect(check).toThrowError('Password must be 8 to 64 characters long.'); }); test('should require a maximum length of 64 characters', () => { const invalidPassword = 'a'.repeat(65); const check = () => passwordUtility.validate(invalidPassword); expect(check).toThrowError('Password must be 8 to 64 characters long.'); }); }); });