import { Container } from '@n8n/di'; import { mock } from 'jest-mock-extended'; import { ExecutionMetadataRepository } from '@/databases/repositories/execution-metadata.repository'; import { ExecutionRepository } from '@/databases/repositories/execution.repository'; import { WorkflowRepository } from '@/databases/repositories/workflow.repository'; import { ExecutionService } from '@/executions/execution.service'; import type { ExecutionSummaries } from '@/executions/execution.types'; import { createTeamProject } from '@test-integration/db/projects'; import { annotateExecution, createAnnotationTags, createExecution } from './shared/db/executions'; import { createWorkflow } from './shared/db/workflows'; import * as testDb from './shared/test-db'; describe('ExecutionService', () => { let executionService: ExecutionService; let executionRepository: ExecutionRepository; beforeAll(async () => { await testDb.init(); executionRepository = Container.get(ExecutionRepository); executionService = new ExecutionService( mock(), mock(), mock(), mock(), mock(), executionRepository, Container.get(WorkflowRepository), mock(), mock(), mock(), mock(), mock(), mock(), ); }); afterEach(async () => { await testDb.truncate(['Execution']); }); afterAll(async () => { await testDb.terminate(); }); describe('findRangeWithCount', () => { test('should return execution summaries', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow(); await Promise.all([ createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow), ]); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', status: ['success'], range: { limit: 20 }, accessibleWorkflowIds: [], }; const output = await executionService.findRangeWithCount(query); const summaryShape = { id: expect.any(String), workflowId: expect.any(String), mode: expect.any(String), retryOf: null, status: expect.any(String), createdAt: expect.any(String), startedAt: expect.any(String), stoppedAt: expect.any(String), waitTill: null, retrySuccessId: null, workflowName: expect.any(String), annotation: { tags: expect.arrayContaining([]), vote: null, }, }; expect(output.count).toBe(2); expect(output.estimated).toBe(false); expect(output.results).toEqual([summaryShape, summaryShape]); }); test('should limit executions', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow(); await Promise.all([ createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow), ]); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', status: ['success'], range: { limit: 2 }, accessibleWorkflowIds: [], }; const output = await executionService.findRangeWithCount(query); expect(output.count).toBe(3); expect(output.estimated).toBe(false); expect(output.results).toHaveLength(2); }); test('should retrieve executions before `lastId`, excluding it', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow(); await Promise.all([ createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow), ]); const [firstId, secondId] = await executionRepository.getAllIds(); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', range: { limit: 20, lastId: secondId }, accessibleWorkflowIds: [], }; const output = await executionService.findRangeWithCount(query); expect(output.count).toBe(4); expect(output.estimated).toBe(false); expect(output.results).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([expect.objectContaining({ id: firstId })]), ); }); test('should retrieve executions after `firstId`, excluding it', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow(); await Promise.all([ createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow), ]); const [firstId, secondId, thirdId, fourthId] = await executionRepository.getAllIds(); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', range: { limit: 20, firstId }, accessibleWorkflowIds: [], }; const output = await executionService.findRangeWithCount(query); expect(output.count).toBe(4); expect(output.estimated).toBe(false); expect(output.results).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ id: fourthId }), expect.objectContaining({ id: thirdId }), expect.objectContaining({ id: secondId }), ]), ); }); test('should filter executions by `status`', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow(); await Promise.all([ createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'waiting' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'waiting' }, workflow), ]); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', status: ['success'], range: { limit: 20 }, accessibleWorkflowIds: [], }; const output = await executionService.findRangeWithCount(query); expect(output.count).toBe(2); expect(output.estimated).toBe(false); expect(output.results).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ status: 'success' }), expect.objectContaining({ status: 'success' }), ]); }); test('should filter executions by `workflowId`', async () => { const firstWorkflow = await createWorkflow(); const secondWorkflow = await createWorkflow(); await Promise.all([ createExecution({ status: 'success' }, firstWorkflow), createExecution({ status: 'success' }, secondWorkflow), createExecution({ status: 'success' }, secondWorkflow), createExecution({ status: 'success' }, secondWorkflow), ]); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', range: { limit: 20 }, workflowId:, accessibleWorkflowIds: [,], }; const output = await executionService.findRangeWithCount(query); expect(output.count).toBe(1); expect(output.estimated).toBe(false); expect(output.results).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([expect.objectContaining({ workflowId: })]), ); }); test('should filter executions by `startedBefore`', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow(); await Promise.all([ createExecution({ startedAt: new Date('2020-06-01') }, workflow), createExecution({ startedAt: new Date('2020-12-31') }, workflow), ]); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', range: { limit: 20 }, startedBefore: '2020-07-01', accessibleWorkflowIds: [], }; const output = await executionService.findRangeWithCount(query); expect(output.count).toBe(1); expect(output.estimated).toBe(false); expect(output.results).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ startedAt: '2020-06-01T00:00:00.000Z' }), ]); }); test('should filter executions by `startedAfter`', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow(); await Promise.all([ createExecution({ startedAt: new Date('2020-06-01') }, workflow), createExecution({ startedAt: new Date('2020-12-31') }, workflow), ]); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', range: { limit: 20 }, startedAfter: '2020-07-01', accessibleWorkflowIds: [], }; const output = await executionService.findRangeWithCount(query); expect(output.count).toBe(1); expect(output.estimated).toBe(false); expect(output.results).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ startedAt: '2020-12-31T00:00:00.000Z' }), ]); }); test('should filter executions by `metadata`', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow(); const metadata = [{ key: 'myKey', value: 'myValue' }]; await Promise.all([ createExecution({ status: 'success', metadata }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'error' }, workflow), ]); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', range: { limit: 20 }, accessibleWorkflowIds: [], metadata, }; const output = await executionService.findRangeWithCount(query); expect(output).toEqual({ count: 1, estimated: false, results: [expect.objectContaining({ status: 'success' })], }); }); test('should filter executions by `projectId`', async () => { const firstProject = await createTeamProject(); const secondProject = await createTeamProject(); const firstWorkflow = await createWorkflow(undefined, firstProject); const secondWorkflow = await createWorkflow(undefined, secondProject); await createExecution({ status: 'success' }, firstWorkflow); await createExecution({ status: 'success' }, firstWorkflow); await createExecution({ status: 'success' }, secondWorkflow); // to filter out const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', range: { limit: 20 }, accessibleWorkflowIds: [], projectId:, }; const output = await executionService.findRangeWithCount(query); expect(output).toEqual({ count: 2, estimated: false, results: expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ workflowId: }), expect.objectContaining({ workflowId: }), // execution for workflow in second project was filtered out ]), }); }); test('should filter executions by `projectId` and expected `status`', async () => { const firstProject = await createTeamProject(); const secondProject = await createTeamProject(); const firstWorkflow = await createWorkflow(undefined, firstProject); const secondWorkflow = await createWorkflow(undefined, secondProject); await createExecution({ status: 'success' }, firstWorkflow); await createExecution({ status: 'error' }, firstWorkflow); await createExecution({ status: 'success' }, secondWorkflow); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', range: { limit: 20 }, accessibleWorkflowIds: [], projectId:, status: ['error'], }; const output = await executionService.findRangeWithCount(query); expect(output).toEqual({ count: 1, estimated: false, results: expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ workflowId:, status: 'error' }), ]), }); }); test.each([ { name: 'waitTill', filter: { waitTill: true }, matchingParams: { waitTill: new Date() }, nonMatchingParams: { waitTill: undefined }, }, { name: 'metadata', filter: { metadata: [{ key: 'testKey', value: 'testValue' }] }, matchingParams: { metadata: [{ key: 'testKey', value: 'testValue' }] }, nonMatchingParams: { metadata: [{ key: 'otherKey', value: 'otherValue' }] }, }, { name: 'startedAfter', filter: { startedAfter: '2023-01-01' }, matchingParams: { startedAt: new Date('2023-06-01') }, nonMatchingParams: { startedAt: new Date('2022-01-01') }, }, { name: 'startedBefore', filter: { startedBefore: '2023-12-31' }, matchingParams: { startedAt: new Date('2023-06-01') }, nonMatchingParams: { startedAt: new Date('2024-01-01') }, }, ])( 'should filter executions by `projectId` and expected `$name`', async ({ filter, matchingParams, nonMatchingParams }) => { const firstProject = await createTeamProject(); const secondProject = await createTeamProject(); const firstWorkflow = await createWorkflow(undefined, firstProject); const secondWorkflow = await createWorkflow(undefined, secondProject); await Promise.all([ createExecution(matchingParams, firstWorkflow), createExecution(nonMatchingParams, secondWorkflow), ]); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', range: { limit: 20 }, accessibleWorkflowIds: [], projectId:, ...filter, }; const output = await executionService.findRangeWithCount(query); expect(output).toEqual({ count: 1, estimated: false, results: expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ workflowId: }), ]), }); }, ); test('should exclude executions by inaccessible `workflowId`', async () => { const accessibleWorkflow = await createWorkflow(); const inaccessibleWorkflow = await createWorkflow(); await Promise.all([ createExecution({ status: 'success' }, accessibleWorkflow), createExecution({ status: 'success' }, inaccessibleWorkflow), createExecution({ status: 'success' }, inaccessibleWorkflow), createExecution({ status: 'success' }, inaccessibleWorkflow), ]); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', range: { limit: 20 }, workflowId:, accessibleWorkflowIds: [], }; const output = await executionService.findRangeWithCount(query); expect(output.count).toBe(0); expect(output.estimated).toBe(false); expect(output.results).toEqual([]); }); test('should support advanced filters', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow(); await Promise.all([createExecution({}, workflow), createExecution({}, workflow)]); const [firstId, secondId] = await executionRepository.getAllIds(); const executionMetadataRepository = Container.get(ExecutionMetadataRepository); await{ key: 'key1', value: 'value1', execution: { id: firstId }, }); await{ key: 'key2', value: 'value2', execution: { id: secondId }, }); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', range: { limit: 20 }, metadata: [{ key: 'key1', value: 'value1' }], accessibleWorkflowIds: [], }; const output = await executionService.findRangeWithCount(query); expect(output.count).toBe(1); expect(output.estimated).toBe(false); expect(output.results).toEqual([expect.objectContaining({ id: firstId })]); }); }); describe('findLatestCurrentAndCompleted', () => { test('should return latest current and completed executions', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow(); const totalCompleted = 21; await Promise.all([ createExecution({ status: 'running' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'running' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'running' }, workflow), Array(totalCompleted) .fill(null) .map(async () => await createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow)), ]); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', range: { limit: 20 }, accessibleWorkflowIds: [], }; const output = await executionService.findLatestCurrentAndCompleted(query); expect(output.results).toHaveLength(23); // 3 current + 20 completed (excludes 21st) expect(output.count).toBe(totalCompleted); // 21 finished, excludes current expect(output.estimated).toBe(false); }); test('should handle zero current executions', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow(); const totalFinished = 5; await Promise.all( new Array(totalFinished) .fill(null) .map(async () => await createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow)), ); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', range: { limit: 20 }, accessibleWorkflowIds: [], }; const output = await executionService.findLatestCurrentAndCompleted(query); expect(output.results).toHaveLength(totalFinished); // 5 finished expect(output.count).toBe(totalFinished); // 5 finished, excludes active expect(output.estimated).toBe(false); }); test('should handle zero completed executions', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow(); await Promise.all([ createExecution({ status: 'running' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'running' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'running' }, workflow), ]); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', range: { limit: 20 }, accessibleWorkflowIds: [], }; const output = await executionService.findLatestCurrentAndCompleted(query); expect(output.results).toHaveLength(3); // 3 finished expect(output.count).toBe(0); // 0 finished, excludes active expect(output.estimated).toBe(false); }); test('should handle zero executions', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow(); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', range: { limit: 20 }, accessibleWorkflowIds: [], }; const output = await executionService.findLatestCurrentAndCompleted(query); expect(output.results).toHaveLength(0); expect(output.count).toBe(0); expect(output.estimated).toBe(false); }); test('should prioritize `running` over `new` executions', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow(); await Promise.all([ createExecution({ status: 'new' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'new' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'running' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'running' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'new' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'new' }, workflow), ]); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', range: { limit: 2 }, accessibleWorkflowIds: [], }; const { results } = await executionService.findLatestCurrentAndCompleted(query); expect(results).toHaveLength(2); expect(results[0].status).toBe('running'); expect(results[1].status).toBe('running'); }); }); describe('annotation', () => { const summaryShape = { id: expect.any(String), workflowId: expect.any(String), mode: expect.any(String), retryOf: null, status: expect.any(String), createdAt: expect.any(String), startedAt: expect.any(String), stoppedAt: expect.any(String), waitTill: null, retrySuccessId: null, workflowName: expect.any(String), }; afterEach(async () => { await testDb.truncate(['AnnotationTag', 'ExecutionAnnotation']); }); test('should add and retrieve annotation', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow(); const execution1 = await createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow); const execution2 = await createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow); const annotationTags = await createAnnotationTags(['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3']); await annotateExecution(, { vote: 'up', tags: [annotationTags[0].id, annotationTags[1].id] }, [], ); await annotateExecution(, { vote: 'down', tags: [annotationTags[2].id] }, [, ]); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', status: ['success'], range: { limit: 20 }, accessibleWorkflowIds: [], }; const output = await executionService.findRangeWithCount(query); expect(output.count).toBe(2); expect(output.estimated).toBe(false); expect(output.results).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ { ...summaryShape, annotation: { tags: [expect.objectContaining({ name: 'tag3' })], vote: 'down', }, }, { ...summaryShape, annotation: { tags: expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ name: 'tag1' }), expect.objectContaining({ name: 'tag2' }), ]), vote: 'up', }, }, ]), ); }); test('should update annotation', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow(); const execution = await createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow); const annotationTags = await createAnnotationTags(['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3']); await annotateExecution(, { vote: 'up', tags: [annotationTags[0].id] }, [, ]); await annotateExecution(, { vote: 'down', tags: [annotationTags[1].id] }, [, ]); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', status: ['success'], range: { limit: 20 }, accessibleWorkflowIds: [], }; const output = await executionService.findRangeWithCount(query); expect(output.count).toBe(1); expect(output.estimated).toBe(false); expect(output.results).toEqual([ { ...summaryShape, annotation: { tags: [expect.objectContaining({ name: 'tag2' })], vote: 'down', }, }, ]); }); test('should filter by annotation tags', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow(); const executions = await Promise.all([ createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow), ]); const annotationTags = await createAnnotationTags(['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3']); await annotateExecution( executions[0].id, { vote: 'up', tags: [annotationTags[0].id, annotationTags[1].id] }, [], ); await annotateExecution(executions[1].id, { vote: 'down', tags: [annotationTags[2].id] }, [, ]); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', status: ['success'], range: { limit: 20 }, accessibleWorkflowIds: [], annotationTags: [annotationTags[0].id], }; const output = await executionService.findRangeWithCount(query); expect(output.count).toBe(1); expect(output.estimated).toBe(false); expect(output.results).toEqual([ { ...summaryShape, annotation: { tags: expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ name: 'tag1' }), expect.objectContaining({ name: 'tag2' }), ]), vote: 'up', }, }, ]); }); test('should filter by annotation vote', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow(); const executions = await Promise.all([ createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow), createExecution({ status: 'success' }, workflow), ]); const annotationTags = await createAnnotationTags(['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3']); await annotateExecution( executions[0].id, { vote: 'up', tags: [annotationTags[0].id, annotationTags[1].id] }, [], ); await annotateExecution(executions[1].id, { vote: 'down', tags: [annotationTags[2].id] }, [, ]); const query: ExecutionSummaries.RangeQuery = { kind: 'range', status: ['success'], range: { limit: 20 }, accessibleWorkflowIds: [], vote: 'up', }; const output = await executionService.findRangeWithCount(query); expect(output.count).toBe(1); expect(output.estimated).toBe(false); expect(output.results).toEqual([ { ...summaryShape, annotation: { tags: expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ name: 'tag1' }), expect.objectContaining({ name: 'tag2' }), ]), vote: 'up', }, }, ]); }); }); });