import fs from 'fs'; import assert from 'node:assert/strict'; import path from 'path'; import { $, which, tmpfile } from 'zx'; import { buildTestReport, type K6Tag } from '@/test-execution/test-report'; import type { Scenario } from '@/types/scenario'; export type { K6Tag }; export type K6ExecutorOpts = { k6ExecutablePath: string; /** How many concurrent requests to make */ vus: number; /** Test duration, e.g. 1m or 30s */ duration: string; k6ApiToken?: string; n8nApiBaseUrl: string; tags?: K6Tag[]; resultsWebhook?: { url: string; authHeader: string; }; }; export type K6RunOpts = { /** Name of the scenario run. Used e.g. when the run is reported to k6 cloud */ scenarioRunName: string; }; /** * Flag for the k6 CLI. * @example ['--duration', '1m'] * @example ['--quiet'] */ type K6CliFlag = [string | number] | [string, string | number]; /** * Executes test scenarios using k6 */ export class K6Executor { /** * This script is dynamically injected into the k6 test script to generate * a summary report of the test execution. */ private readonly handleSummaryScript = ` import { textSummary } from ''; export function handleSummary(data) { return { stdout: textSummary(data), '{{scenarioName}}.summary.json': JSON.stringify(data), }; } `; constructor(private readonly opts: K6ExecutorOpts) {} async executeTestScenario(scenario: Scenario, { scenarioRunName }: K6RunOpts) { const augmentedTestScriptPath = this.augmentSummaryScript(scenario, scenarioRunName); const runDirPath = path.dirname(augmentedTestScriptPath); const flags: K6CliFlag[] = [ ['--quiet'], ['--duration', this.opts.duration], ['--vus', this.opts.vus], ]; if (!this.opts.resultsWebhook && this.opts.k6ApiToken) { flags.push(['--out', 'cloud']); } const flattedFlags = flags.flat(2); const k6ExecutablePath = await this.resolveK6ExecutablePath(); await $({ cwd: runDirPath, env: { API_BASE_URL: this.opts.n8nApiBaseUrl, K6_CLOUD_TOKEN: this.opts.k6ApiToken, }, stdio: 'inherit', })`${k6ExecutablePath} run ${flattedFlags} ${augmentedTestScriptPath}`; console.log('\n'); if (this.opts.resultsWebhook) { const endOfTestSummary = this.loadEndOfTestSummary(runDirPath, scenarioRunName); const testReport = buildTestReport(scenario, endOfTestSummary, [ ...(this.opts.tags ?? []), { name: 'Vus', value: this.opts.vus.toString() }, { name: 'Duration', value: this.opts.duration.toString() }, ]); await this.sendTestReport(testReport); } } async sendTestReport(testReport: unknown) { assert(this.opts.resultsWebhook); const response = await fetch(this.opts.resultsWebhook.url, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(testReport), headers: { Authorization: this.opts.resultsWebhook.authHeader, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }); if (!response.ok) { console.warn(`Failed to send test summary: ${response.status} ${await response.text()}`); } } /** * Augments the test script with a summary script * * @returns Absolute path to the augmented test script */ private augmentSummaryScript(scenario: Scenario, scenarioRunName: string) { const fullTestScriptPath = path.join(scenario.scenarioDirPath, scenario.scriptPath); const testScript = fs.readFileSync(fullTestScriptPath, 'utf8'); const summaryScript = this.handleSummaryScript.replace('{{scenarioName}}', scenarioRunName); const augmentedTestScript = `${testScript}\n\n${summaryScript}`; const tempFilePath = tmpfile(`${scenarioRunName}.js`, augmentedTestScript); return tempFilePath; } private loadEndOfTestSummary(dir: string, scenarioRunName: string): K6EndOfTestSummary { const summaryReportPath = path.join(dir, `${scenarioRunName}.summary.json`); const summaryReport = fs.readFileSync(summaryReportPath, 'utf8'); try { return JSON.parse(summaryReport) as K6EndOfTestSummary; } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to parse the summary report at ${summaryReportPath}`); } } /** * @returns Resolved path to the k6 executable */ private async resolveK6ExecutablePath(): Promise { const k6ExecutablePath = await which(this.opts.k6ExecutablePath, { nothrow: true }); if (!k6ExecutablePath) { throw new Error( 'Could not find k6 executable based on your `PATH`. Please ensure k6 is available in your system and add it to your `PATH` or specify the path to the k6 executable using the `K6_PATH` environment variable.', ); } return k6ExecutablePath; } }