import { IExecuteFunctions } from 'n8n-core';

import {
} from 'n8n-workflow';

import {
} from './GenericFunctions';

export class Dropbox implements INodeType {
	description: INodeTypeDescription = {
		displayName: 'Dropbox',
		name: 'dropbox',
		icon: 'file:dropbox.svg',
		group: ['input'],
		version: 1,
		subtitle: '={{$parameter["operation"] + ": " + $parameter["resource"]}}',
		description: 'Access data on Dropbox',
		defaults: {
			name: 'Dropbox',
		inputs: ['main'],
		outputs: ['main'],
		credentials: [
				name: 'dropboxApi',
				required: true,
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						authentication: ['accessToken'],
				name: 'dropboxOAuth2Api',
				required: true,
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						authentication: ['oAuth2'],
		properties: [
				displayName: 'Authentication',
				name: 'authentication',
				type: 'options',
				options: [
						name: 'Access Token',
						value: 'accessToken',
						name: 'OAuth2',
						value: 'oAuth2',
				default: 'accessToken',
				description: 'Means of authenticating with the service',
				displayName: 'Resource',
				name: 'resource',
				type: 'options',
				noDataExpression: true,
				options: [
						name: 'File',
						value: 'file',
						name: 'Folder',
						value: 'folder',
						name: 'Search',
						value: 'search',
				default: 'file',

			// ----------------------------------
			//         operations
			// ----------------------------------
				displayName: 'Operation',
				name: 'operation',
				type: 'options',
				noDataExpression: true,
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						resource: ['file'],
				options: [
						name: 'Copy',
						value: 'copy',
						description: 'Copy a file',
						action: 'Copy a file',
						name: 'Delete',
						value: 'delete',
						description: 'Delete a file',
						action: 'Delete a file',
						name: 'Download',
						value: 'download',
						description: 'Download a file',
						action: 'Download a file',
						name: 'Move',
						value: 'move',
						description: 'Move a file',
						action: 'Move a file',
						name: 'Upload',
						value: 'upload',
						description: 'Upload a file',
						action: 'Upload a file',
				default: 'upload',

				displayName: 'Operation',
				name: 'operation',
				type: 'options',
				noDataExpression: true,
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						resource: ['folder'],
				options: [
						name: 'Copy',
						value: 'copy',
						description: 'Copy a folder',
						action: 'Copy a folder',
						name: 'Create',
						value: 'create',
						description: 'Create a folder',
						action: 'Create a folder',
						name: 'Delete',
						value: 'delete',
						description: 'Delete a folder',
						action: 'Delete a folder',
						name: 'List',
						value: 'list',
						description: 'Return the files and folders in a given folder',
						action: 'List a folder',
						name: 'Move',
						value: 'move',
						description: 'Move a folder',
						action: 'Move a folder',
				default: 'create',

				displayName: 'Operation',
				name: 'operation',
				type: 'options',
				noDataExpression: true,
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						resource: ['search'],
				options: [
						name: 'Query',
						value: 'query',
						action: 'Query',
				default: 'query',

			// ----------------------------------
			//         file
			// ----------------------------------

			// ----------------------------------
			//         file/folder:copy
			// ----------------------------------
				displayName: 'From Path',
				name: 'path',
				type: 'string',
				default: '',
				required: true,
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['copy'],
						resource: ['file', 'folder'],
				placeholder: '/invoices/original.txt',
				description: 'The path of file or folder to copy',
				displayName: 'To Path',
				name: 'toPath',
				type: 'string',
				default: '',
				required: true,
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['copy'],
						resource: ['file', 'folder'],
				placeholder: '/invoices/copy.txt',
				description: 'The destination path of file or folder',

			// ----------------------------------
			//         file/folder:delete
			// ----------------------------------
				displayName: 'Delete Path',
				name: 'path',
				type: 'string',
				default: '',
				required: true,
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['delete'],
						resource: ['file', 'folder'],
				placeholder: '/invoices/2019/invoice_1.pdf',
				description: 'The path to delete. Can be a single file or a whole folder.',

			// ----------------------------------
			//         file/folder:move
			// ----------------------------------
				displayName: 'From Path',
				name: 'path',
				type: 'string',
				default: '',
				required: true,
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['move'],
						resource: ['file', 'folder'],
				placeholder: '/invoices/old_name.txt',
				description: 'The path of file or folder to move',
				displayName: 'To Path',
				name: 'toPath',
				type: 'string',
				default: '',
				required: true,
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['move'],
						resource: ['file', 'folder'],
				placeholder: '/invoices/new_name.txt',
				description: 'The new path of file or folder',

			// ----------------------------------
			//         file:download
			// ----------------------------------
				displayName: 'File Path',
				name: 'path',
				type: 'string',
				default: '',
				required: true,
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['download'],
						resource: ['file'],
				placeholder: '/invoices/2019/invoice_1.pdf',
				description: 'The file path of the file to download. Has to contain the full path.',
				displayName: 'Binary Property',
				name: 'binaryPropertyName',
				type: 'string',
				required: true,
				default: 'data',
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['download'],
						resource: ['file'],
				description: 'Name of the binary property to which to write the data of the read file',

			// ----------------------------------
			//         file:upload
			// ----------------------------------
				displayName: 'File Path',
				name: 'path',
				type: 'string',
				default: '',
				required: true,
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['upload'],
						resource: ['file'],
				placeholder: '/invoices/2019/invoice_1.pdf',
					'The file path of the file to upload. Has to contain the full path. The parent folder has to exist. Existing files get overwritten.',
				displayName: 'Binary Data',
				name: 'binaryData',
				type: 'boolean',
				default: false,
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['upload'],
						resource: ['file'],
				description: 'Whether the data to upload should be taken from binary field',
				displayName: 'File Content',
				name: 'fileContent',
				type: 'string',
				default: '',
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['upload'],
						resource: ['file'],
						binaryData: [false],
				placeholder: '',
				description: 'The text content of the file to upload',
				displayName: 'Binary Property',
				name: 'binaryPropertyName',
				type: 'string',
				default: 'data',
				required: true,
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['upload'],
						resource: ['file'],
						binaryData: [true],
				placeholder: '',
					'Name of the binary property which contains the data for the file to be uploaded',

			// ----------------------------------
			//         search:query
			// ----------------------------------
				displayName: 'Query',
				name: 'query',
				type: 'string',
				default: '',
				required: true,
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['query'],
						resource: ['search'],
					'The string to search for. May match across multiple fields based on the request arguments.',
				displayName: 'File Status',
				name: 'fileStatus',
				type: 'options',
				options: [
						name: 'Active',
						value: 'active',
						name: 'Deleted',
						value: 'deleted',
				default: 'active',
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['query'],
						resource: ['search'],
					'The string to search for. May match across multiple fields based on the request arguments.',
				displayName: 'Return All',
				name: 'returnAll',
				type: 'boolean',
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['query'],
						resource: ['search'],
				default: false,
				description: 'Whether to return all results or only up to a given limit',
				displayName: 'Limit',
				name: 'limit',
				type: 'number',
				typeOptions: {
					minValue: 1,
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						resource: ['search'],
						operation: ['query'],
						returnAll: [false],
				default: 100,
				description: 'Max number of results to return',
				displayName: 'Simplify',
				name: 'simple',
				type: 'boolean',
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['query'],
						resource: ['search'],
				default: true,
					'Whether to return a simplified version of the response instead of the raw data',
				displayName: 'Filters',
				name: 'filters',
				type: 'collection',
				placeholder: 'Add Filter',
				default: {},
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						resource: ['search'],
						operation: ['query'],
				options: [
						displayName: 'File Categories',
						name: 'file_categories',
						type: 'multiOptions',
						options: [
								// eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-param-display-name-miscased
								name: 'Audio (mp3, qav, mid, etc.)',
								value: 'audio',
								// eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-param-display-name-miscased
								name: 'Document (doc, docx, txt, etc.)',
								value: 'document',
								name: 'Dropbox Paper',
								value: 'paper',
								name: 'Folder',
								value: 'folder',
								// eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-param-display-name-miscased
								name: 'Image (jpg, png, gif, etc.)',
								value: 'image',
								name: 'Other',
								value: 'other',
								name: 'PDF',
								value: 'pdf',
								// eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-param-display-name-miscased
								name: 'Presentation (ppt, pptx, key, etc.)',
								value: 'presentation',
								// eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-param-display-name-miscased
								name: 'Spreadsheet (xlsx, xls, csv, etc.)',
								value: 'spreadsheet',
								// eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-param-display-name-miscased
								name: 'Video (avi, wmv, mp4, etc.)',
								value: 'video',
						default: [],
						displayName: 'File Extensions',
						name: 'file_extensions',
						type: 'string',
						default: '',
							'Multiple file extensions can be set separated by comma. Example: jpg,pdf.',
						displayName: 'Folder',
						name: 'path',
						type: 'string',
						default: '',
						description: 'If this field is not specified, this module searches the entire Dropbox',

			// ----------------------------------
			//         folder
			// ----------------------------------

			// ----------------------------------
			//         folder:create
			// ----------------------------------
				displayName: 'Folder',
				name: 'path',
				type: 'string',
				default: '',
				required: true,
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['create'],
						resource: ['folder'],
				placeholder: '/invoices/2019',
				description: 'The folder to create. The parent folder has to exist.',

			// ----------------------------------
			//         folder:list
			// ----------------------------------
				displayName: 'Folder Path',
				name: 'path',
				type: 'string',
				default: '',
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['list'],
						resource: ['folder'],
				placeholder: '/invoices/2019/',
				description: 'The path of which to list the content',
				displayName: 'Return All',
				name: 'returnAll',
				type: 'boolean',
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['list'],
						resource: ['folder'],
				default: false,
				description: 'Whether to return all results or only up to a given limit',
				displayName: 'Limit',
				name: 'limit',
				type: 'number',
				typeOptions: {
					minValue: 1,
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						resource: ['folder'],
						operation: ['list'],
						returnAll: [false],
				default: 100,
				description: 'Max number of results to return',
				displayName: 'Filters',
				name: 'filters',
				type: 'collection',
				placeholder: 'Add Filter',
				default: {},
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						resource: ['folder'],
						operation: ['list'],
				options: [
						displayName: 'Include Deleted',
						name: 'include_deleted',
						type: 'boolean',
						default: false,
							'Whether the results will include entries for files and folders that used to exist but were deleted. The default for this field is False.',
						displayName: 'Include Shared Members',
						name: 'include_has_explicit_shared_members',
						type: 'boolean',
						default: false,
							'Whether the results will include a flag for each file indicating whether or not that file has any explicit members. The default for this field is False.',
						displayName: 'Include Mounted Folders',
						name: 'include_mounted_folders',
						type: 'boolean',
						default: true,
							'Whether the results will include entries under mounted folders which includes app folder, shared folder and team folder. The default for this field is True.',
						displayName: 'Include Non Downloadable Files',
						name: 'include_non_downloadable_files',
						type: 'boolean',
						default: true,
							'Whether to include files that are not downloadable, i.e. Google Docs. The default for this field is True.',
						displayName: 'Recursive',
						name: 'recursive',
						type: 'boolean',
						default: false,
							'Whether the list folder operation will be applied recursively to all subfolders and the response will contain contents of all subfolders. The default for this field is False.',

	async execute(this: IExecuteFunctions): Promise<INodeExecutionData[][]> {
		const items = this.getInputData();
		const returnData: INodeExecutionData[] = [];

		const resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource', 0) as string;
		const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation', 0) as string;

		let endpoint = '';
		let requestMethod = '';
		let returnAll = false;
		let property = '';
		let body: IDataObject | Buffer;
		let options;
		const query: IDataObject = {};

		let headers: IDataObject = {};
		let simple = false;

		const { accessType } = await;

		if (accessType === 'full') {
			// get the root directory to set it as the default for all operations
			const {
				root_info: { root_namespace_id },
			} = await;

			headers = {
				'dropbox-api-path-root': JSON.stringify({
					'.tag': 'root',
					root: root_namespace_id,

		for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
			try {
				body = {};

				if (resource === 'file') {
					if (operation === 'download') {
						// ----------------------------------
						//         download
						// ----------------------------------

						requestMethod = 'POST';

						query.arg = JSON.stringify({
							path: this.getNodeParameter('path', i) as string,

						endpoint = '';
					} else if (operation === 'upload') {
						// ----------------------------------
						//         upload
						// ----------------------------------

						requestMethod = 'POST';
						headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream';

						query.arg = JSON.stringify({
							mode: 'overwrite',
							path: this.getNodeParameter('path', i) as string,

						endpoint = '';

						options = { json: false };

						if (this.getNodeParameter('binaryData', i) === true) {
							// Is binary file to upload
							const item = items[i];

							if (item.binary === undefined) {
								throw new NodeOperationError(this.getNode(), 'No binary data exists on item!', {
									itemIndex: i,

							const propertyNameUpload = this.getNodeParameter('binaryPropertyName', i) as string;

							if (item.binary[propertyNameUpload] === undefined) {
								throw new NodeOperationError(
									`No binary data property "${propertyNameUpload}" does not exists on item!`,
									{ itemIndex: i },

							body = await this.helpers.getBinaryDataBuffer(i, propertyNameUpload);
						} else {
							// Is text file
							body = Buffer.from(this.getNodeParameter('fileContent', i) as string, 'utf8');
				} else if (resource === 'folder') {
					if (operation === 'create') {
						// ----------------------------------
						//         create
						// ----------------------------------

						requestMethod = 'POST';
						body = {
							path: this.getNodeParameter('path', i) as string,

						endpoint = '';
					} else if (operation === 'list') {
						// ----------------------------------
						//         list
						// ----------------------------------

						returnAll = this.getNodeParameter('returnAll', 0) as boolean;

						const filters = this.getNodeParameter('filters', i) as IDataObject;

						property = 'entries';

						requestMethod = 'POST';
						body = {
							path: this.getNodeParameter('path', i) as string,
							limit: 1000,

						if (returnAll === false) {
							const limit = this.getNodeParameter('limit', 0) as number;
							body.limit = limit;

						Object.assign(body, filters);

						endpoint = '';
				} else if (resource === 'search') {
					if (operation === 'query') {
						// ----------------------------------
						//         query
						// ----------------------------------

						returnAll = this.getNodeParameter('returnAll', 0) as boolean;

						simple = this.getNodeParameter('simple', 0) as boolean;

						const filters = this.getNodeParameter('filters', i) as IDataObject;

						property = 'matches';

						requestMethod = 'POST';
						body = {
							query: this.getNodeParameter('query', i) as string,
							options: {
								filename_only: true,

						if (filters.file_extensions) {
							filters.file_extensions = (filters.file_extensions as string).split(',');

						Object.assign(body.options!, filters);

						if (returnAll === false) {
							const limit = this.getNodeParameter('limit', i) as number;
							Object.assign(body.options!, { max_results: limit });

						endpoint = '';
				if (['file', 'folder', 'search'].includes(resource)) {
					if (operation === 'copy') {
						// ----------------------------------
						//         copy
						// ----------------------------------

						requestMethod = 'POST';
						body = {
							from_path: this.getNodeParameter('path', i) as string,
							to_path: this.getNodeParameter('toPath', i) as string,

						endpoint = '';
					} else if (operation === 'delete') {
						// ----------------------------------
						//         delete
						// ----------------------------------

						requestMethod = 'POST';
						body = {
							path: this.getNodeParameter('path', i) as string,

						endpoint = '';
					} else if (operation === 'move') {
						// ----------------------------------
						//         move
						// ----------------------------------

						requestMethod = 'POST';
						body = {
							from_path: this.getNodeParameter('path', i) as string,
							to_path: this.getNodeParameter('toPath', i) as string,

						endpoint = '';
				} else {
					throw new NodeOperationError(this.getNode(), `The resource "${resource}" is not known!`, {
						itemIndex: i,

				if (resource === 'file' && operation === 'download') {
					// Return the data as a buffer
					options = { encoding: null };

				let responseData;

				if (returnAll === true) {
					responseData = await
				} else {
					responseData = await

				if (resource === 'file' && operation === 'upload') {
					const data = JSON.parse(responseData);
					const executionData = this.helpers.constructExecutionMetaData(
						{ itemData: { item: i } },
				} else if (resource === 'file' && operation === 'download') {
					const newItem: INodeExecutionData = {
						json: items[i].json,
						binary: {},
						pairedItem: {item: i},

					if (items[i].binary !== undefined) {
						// Create a shallow copy of the binary data so that the old
						// data references which do not get changed still stay behind
						// but the incoming data does not get changed.
						Object.assign(newItem.binary!, items[i].binary);

					items[i] = newItem;

					const dataPropertyNameDownload = this.getNodeParameter('binaryPropertyName', i) as string;

					const filePathDownload = this.getNodeParameter('path', i) as string;
					items[i].binary![dataPropertyNameDownload] = await this.helpers.prepareBinaryData(
				} else if (resource === 'folder' && operation === 'list') {
					const propNames: { [key: string]: string } = {
						id: 'id',
						name: 'name',
						client_modified: 'lastModifiedClient',
						server_modified: 'lastModifiedServer',
						rev: 'rev',
						size: 'contentSize',
						'.tag': 'type',
						content_hash: 'contentHash',
						path_lower: 'pathLower',
						path_display: 'pathDisplay',
						has_explicit_shared_members: 'hasExplicitSharedMembers',
						is_downloadable: 'isDownloadable',

					if (returnAll === false) {
						responseData = responseData.entries;

					for (const item of responseData) {
						const newItem: IDataObject = {};

						// Get the props and save them under a proper name
						for (const propName of Object.keys(propNames)) {
							if (item[propName] !== undefined) {
								newItem[propNames[propName]] = item[propName];

						const executionData = this.helpers.constructExecutionMetaData(
							{ itemData: { item: i } },
				} else if (resource === 'search' && operation === 'query') {
					let data = responseData;
					if (returnAll === true) {
							data = (simple === true) ? simplify(responseData) : responseData;
					} else {
							data = (simple === true) ? simplify(responseData[property]) : responseData[property];

					const executionData = this.helpers.constructExecutionMetaData(
						{ itemData: { item: i } },

				} else {
					const executionData = this.helpers.constructExecutionMetaData(
						{ itemData: { item: i } },
			} catch (error) {
				if (this.continueOnFail()) {
					if (resource === 'file' && operation === 'download') {
						items[i].json = { error: error.message };
					} else {
						returnData.push({json: { error: error.message }});
				throw error;

		if (resource === 'file' && operation === 'download') {
			// For file downloads the files get attached to the existing items
			return this.prepareOutputData(items);
		} else {
			// For all other ones does the output items get replaced
			return this.prepareOutputData(returnData);