/* eslint-disable no-console */
/* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */
import * as convict from 'convict';
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as core from 'n8n-core';


const config = convict({
	database: {
		type: {
			doc: 'Type of database to use',
			format: ['sqlite', 'mariadb', 'mysqldb', 'postgresdb'],
			default: 'sqlite',
			env: 'DB_TYPE',
		tablePrefix: {
			doc: 'Prefix for table names',
			format: '*',
			default: '',
			env: 'DB_TABLE_PREFIX',
		postgresdb: {
			database: {
				doc: 'PostgresDB Database',
				format: String,
				default: 'n8n',
			host: {
				doc: 'PostgresDB Host',
				format: String,
				default: 'localhost',
			password: {
				doc: 'PostgresDB Password',
				format: String,
				default: '',
			port: {
				doc: 'PostgresDB Port',
				format: Number,
				default: 5432,
			user: {
				doc: 'PostgresDB User',
				format: String,
				default: 'root',
			schema: {
				doc: 'PostgresDB Schema',
				format: String,
				default: 'public',

			ssl: {
				ca: {
					doc: 'SSL certificate authority',
					format: String,
					default: '',
				cert: {
					doc: 'SSL certificate',
					format: String,
					default: '',
				key: {
					doc: 'SSL key',
					format: String,
					default: '',
				rejectUnauthorized: {
					doc: 'If unauthorized SSL connections should be rejected',
					format: 'Boolean',
					default: true,
		mysqldb: {
			database: {
				doc: 'MySQL Database',
				format: String,
				default: 'n8n',
			host: {
				doc: 'MySQL Host',
				format: String,
				default: 'localhost',
				env: 'DB_MYSQLDB_HOST',
			password: {
				doc: 'MySQL Password',
				format: String,
				default: '',
			port: {
				doc: 'MySQL Port',
				format: Number,
				default: 3306,
				env: 'DB_MYSQLDB_PORT',
			user: {
				doc: 'MySQL User',
				format: String,
				default: 'root',
				env: 'DB_MYSQLDB_USER',
		sqlite: {
			executeVacuumOnStartup: {
				doc: 'Runs VACUUM operation on startup to rebuild the database. Reduces filesize and optimizes indexes. WARNING: This is a long running blocking operation. Will increase start-up time.',
				format: Boolean,
				default: false,

	credentials: {
		overwrite: {
			data: {
				// Allows to set default values for credentials which
				// get automatically prefilled and the user does not get
				// displayed and can not change.
				doc: 'Overwrites for credentials',
				format: '*',
				default: '{}',
			endpoint: {
				doc: 'Fetch credentials from API',
				format: String,
				default: '',
		defaultName: {
			doc: 'Default name for credentials',
			format: String,
			default: 'My credentials',

	workflows: {
		defaultName: {
			doc: 'Default name for workflow',
			format: String,
			default: 'My workflow',

	executions: {
		// By default workflows get always executed in their own process.
		// If this option gets set to "main" it will run them in the
		// main-process instead.
		process: {
			doc: 'In what process workflows should be executed',
			format: ['main', 'own'],
			default: 'own',

		mode: {
			doc: 'If it should run executions directly or via queue',
			format: ['regular', 'queue'],
			default: 'regular',

		// A Workflow times out and gets canceled after this time (seconds).
		// If the workflow is executed in the main process a soft timeout
		// is executed (takes effect after the current node finishes).
		// If a workflow is running in its own process is a soft timeout
		// tried first, before killing the process after waiting for an
		// additional fifth of the given timeout duration.
		// To deactivate timeout set it to -1
		// Timeout is currently not activated by default which will change
		// in a future version.
		timeout: {
			doc: 'Max run time (seconds) before stopping the workflow execution',
			format: Number,
			default: -1,
		maxTimeout: {
			doc: 'Max execution time (seconds) that can be set for a workflow individually',
			format: Number,
			default: 3600,

		// If a workflow executes all the data gets saved by default. This
		// could be a problem when a workflow gets executed a lot and processes
		// a lot of data. To not exceed the database's capacity it is possible to
		// prune the database regularly or to not save the execution at all.
		// Depending on if the execution did succeed or error a different
		// save behaviour can be set.
		saveDataOnError: {
			doc: 'What workflow execution data to save on error',
			format: ['all', 'none'],
			default: 'all',
		saveDataOnSuccess: {
			doc: 'What workflow execution data to save on success',
			format: ['all', 'none'],
			default: 'all',
		saveExecutionProgress: {
			doc: 'Wether or not to save progress for each node executed',
			format: 'Boolean',
			default: false,

		// If the executions of workflows which got started via the editor
		// should be saved. By default they will not be saved as this runs
		// are normally only for testing and debugging. This setting can
		// also be overwritten on a per workflow basis in the workflow settings
		// in the editor.
		saveDataManualExecutions: {
			doc: 'Save data of executions when started manually via editor',
			format: 'Boolean',
			default: false,

		// To not exceed the database's capacity and keep its size moderate
		// the execution data gets pruned regularly (default: 1 hour interval).
		// All saved execution data older than the max age will be deleted.
		// Pruning is currently not activated by default, which will change in
		// a future version.
		pruneData: {
			doc: 'Delete data of past executions on a rolling basis',
			format: 'Boolean',
			default: false,
		pruneDataMaxAge: {
			doc: 'How old (hours) the execution data has to be to get deleted',
			format: Number,
			default: 336,
		pruneDataTimeout: {
			doc: 'Timeout (seconds) after execution data has been pruned',
			format: Number,
			default: 3600,

	queue: {
		bull: {
			prefix: {
				doc: 'Prefix for all queue keys',
				format: String,
				default: '',
			redis: {
				db: {
					doc: 'Redis DB',
					format: Number,
					default: 0,
					env: 'QUEUE_BULL_REDIS_DB',
				host: {
					doc: 'Redis Host',
					format: String,
					default: 'localhost',
				password: {
					doc: 'Redis Password',
					format: String,
					default: '',
				port: {
					doc: 'Redis Port',
					format: Number,
					default: 6379,
				timeoutThreshold: {
					doc: 'Redis timeout threshold',
					format: Number,
					default: 10000,
			queueRecoveryInterval: {
				doc: 'If > 0 enables an active polling to the queue that can recover for Redis crashes. Given in seconds; 0 is disabled. May increase Redis traffic significantly.',
				format: Number,
				default: 60,
	generic: {
		// The timezone to use. Is important for nodes like "Cron" which start the
		// workflow automatically at a specified time. This setting can also be
		// overwritten on a per worfklow basis in the workflow settings in the
		// editor.
		timezone: {
			doc: 'The timezone to use',
			format: '*',
			default: 'America/New_York',

	// How n8n can be reached (Editor & REST-API)
	path: {
		format: String,
		default: '/',
		arg: 'path',
		env: 'N8N_PATH',
		doc: 'Path n8n is deployed to',
	host: {
		format: String,
		default: 'localhost',
		arg: 'host',
		env: 'N8N_HOST',
		doc: 'Host name n8n can be reached',
	port: {
		format: Number,
		default: 5678,
		arg: 'port',
		env: 'N8N_PORT',
		doc: 'HTTP port n8n can be reached',
	listen_address: {
		format: String,
		default: '',
		doc: 'IP address n8n should listen on',
	protocol: {
		format: ['http', 'https'],
		default: 'http',
		env: 'N8N_PROTOCOL',
		doc: 'HTTP Protocol via which n8n can be reached',
	ssl_key: {
		format: String,
		default: '',
		env: 'N8N_SSL_KEY',
		doc: 'SSL Key for HTTPS Protocol',
	ssl_cert: {
		format: String,
		default: '',
		env: 'N8N_SSL_CERT',
		doc: 'SSL Cert for HTTPS Protocol',

	security: {
		excludeEndpoints: {
			doc: 'Additional endpoints to exclude auth checks. Multiple endpoints can be separated by colon (":")',
			format: String,
			default: '',
		basicAuth: {
			active: {
				format: 'Boolean',
				default: false,
				doc: 'If basic auth should be activated for editor and REST-API',
			user: {
				format: String,
				default: '',
				env: 'N8N_BASIC_AUTH_USER',
				doc: 'The name of the basic auth user',
			password: {
				format: String,
				default: '',
				doc: 'The password of the basic auth user',
			hash: {
				format: 'Boolean',
				default: false,
				env: 'N8N_BASIC_AUTH_HASH',
				doc: 'If password for basic auth is hashed',
		jwtAuth: {
			active: {
				format: 'Boolean',
				default: false,
				env: 'N8N_JWT_AUTH_ACTIVE',
				doc: 'If JWT auth should be activated for editor and REST-API',
			jwtHeader: {
				format: String,
				default: '',
				env: 'N8N_JWT_AUTH_HEADER',
				doc: 'The request header containing a signed JWT',
			jwtHeaderValuePrefix: {
				format: String,
				default: '',
				doc: 'The request header value prefix to strip (optional)',
			jwksUri: {
				format: String,
				default: '',
				env: 'N8N_JWKS_URI',
				doc: 'The URI to fetch JWK Set for JWT authentication',
			jwtIssuer: {
				format: String,
				default: '',
				env: 'N8N_JWT_ISSUER',
				doc: 'JWT issuer to expect (optional)',
			jwtNamespace: {
				format: String,
				default: '',
				env: 'N8N_JWT_NAMESPACE',
				doc: 'JWT namespace to expect (optional)',
			jwtAllowedTenantKey: {
				format: String,
				default: '',
				doc: 'JWT tenant key name to inspect within JWT namespace (optional)',
			jwtAllowedTenant: {
				format: String,
				default: '',
				doc: 'JWT tenant to allow (optional)',

	endpoints: {
		payloadSizeMax: {
			format: Number,
			default: 16,
			doc: 'Maximum payload size in MB.',
		metrics: {
			enable: {
				format: 'Boolean',
				default: false,
				env: 'N8N_METRICS',
				doc: 'Enable metrics endpoint',
			prefix: {
				format: String,
				default: 'n8n_',
				env: 'N8N_METRICS_PREFIX',
				doc: 'An optional prefix for metric names. Default: n8n_',
		rest: {
			format: String,
			default: 'rest',
			env: 'N8N_ENDPOINT_REST',
			doc: 'Path for rest endpoint',
		webhook: {
			format: String,
			default: 'webhook',
			doc: 'Path for webhook endpoint',
		webhookWaiting: {
			format: String,
			default: 'webhook-waiting',
			doc: 'Path for waiting-webhook endpoint',
		webhookTest: {
			format: String,
			default: 'webhook-test',
			doc: 'Path for test-webhook endpoint',
		disableProductionWebhooksOnMainProcess: {
			format: Boolean,
			default: false,
			doc: 'Disable production webhooks from main process. This helps ensures no http traffic load to main process when using webhook-specific processes.',
		skipWebhoooksDeregistrationOnShutdown: {
			 * Longer explanation: n8n deregisters webhooks on shutdown / deactivation
			 * and registers on startup / activation. If we skip
			 * deactivation on shutdown, webhooks will remain active on 3rd party services.
			 * We don't have to worry about startup as it always
			 * checks if webhooks already exist.
			 * If users want to upgrade n8n, it is possible to run
			 * two instances simultaneously without downtime, similar
			 * to blue/green deployment.
			 * WARNING: Trigger nodes (like Cron) will cause duplication
			 * of work, so be aware when using.
			doc: 'Deregister webhooks on external services only when workflows are deactivated.',
			format: Boolean,
			default: false,

	externalHookFiles: {
		doc: 'Files containing external hooks. Multiple files can be separated by colon (":")',
		format: String,
		default: '',

	nodes: {
		include: {
			doc: 'Nodes to load',
			format: function check(rawValue) {
				if (rawValue === '') {
				try {
					const values = JSON.parse(rawValue);
					if (!Array.isArray(values)) {
						throw new Error();

					for (const value of values) {
						if (typeof value !== 'string') {
							throw new Error();
				} catch (error) {
					throw new TypeError(`The Nodes to include is not a valid Array of strings.`);
			default: undefined,
			env: 'NODES_INCLUDE',
		exclude: {
			doc: 'Nodes not to load',
			format: function check(rawValue) {
				try {
					const values = JSON.parse(rawValue);
					if (!Array.isArray(values)) {
						throw new Error();

					for (const value of values) {
						if (typeof value !== 'string') {
							throw new Error();
				} catch (error) {
					throw new TypeError(`The Nodes to exclude is not a valid Array of strings.`);
			default: '[]',
			env: 'NODES_EXCLUDE',
		errorTriggerType: {
			doc: 'Node Type to use as Error Trigger',
			format: String,
			default: 'n8n-nodes-base.errorTrigger',

	logs: {
		level: {
			doc: 'Log output level. Options are error, warn, info, verbose and debug.',
			format: String,
			default: 'info',
			env: 'N8N_LOG_LEVEL',
		output: {
			doc: 'Where to output logs. Options are: console, file. Multiple can be separated by comma (",")',
			format: String,
			default: 'console',
			env: 'N8N_LOG_OUTPUT',
		file: {
			fileCountMax: {
				doc: 'Maximum number of files to keep.',
				format: Number,
				default: 100,
				env: 'N8N_LOG_FILE_COUNT_MAX',
			fileSizeMax: {
				doc: 'Maximum size for each log file in MB.',
				format: Number,
				default: 16,
				env: 'N8N_LOG_FILE_SIZE_MAX',
			location: {
				doc: 'Log file location; only used if log output is set to file.',
				format: String,
				default: path.join(core.UserSettings.getUserN8nFolderPath(), 'logs/n8n.log'),

	versionNotifications: {
		enabled: {
			doc: 'Whether feature is enabled to request notifications about new versions and security updates.',
			format: Boolean,
			default: true,
		endpoint: {
			doc: 'Endpoint to retrieve version information from.',
			format: String,
			default: 'https://api.n8n.io/versions/',
		infoUrl: {
			doc: `Url in New Versions Panel with more information on updating one's instance.`,
			format: String,
			default: 'https://docs.n8n.io/getting-started/installation/updating.html',

	deployment: {
		type: {
			format: String,
			default: 'default',

	personalization: {
		enabled: {
			doc: 'Whether personalization is enabled.',
			format: Boolean,
			default: true,

	diagnostics: {
		enabled: {
			doc: 'Whether diagnostic mode is enabled.',
			format: Boolean,
			default: true,
		config: {
			frontend: {
				doc: 'Diagnostics config for frontend.',
				format: String,
				default: '1zPn9bgWPzlQc0p8Gj1uiK6DOTn;https://telemetry.n8n.io',
			backend: {
				doc: 'Diagnostics config for backend.',
				format: String,
				default: '1zPn7YoGC3ZXE9zLeTKLuQCB4F6;https://telemetry.n8n.io/v1/batch',

// Overwrite default configuration with settings which got defined in
// optional configuration files
if (process.env.N8N_CONFIG_FILES !== undefined) {
	const configFiles = process.env.N8N_CONFIG_FILES.split(',');
	console.log(`\nLoading configuration overwrites from:\n - ${configFiles.join('\n - ')}\n`);


	allowed: 'strict',

export = config;