const { compilerOptions } = require('./tsconfig.json'); /** @type {import('ts-jest').TsJestGlobalOptions} */ const tsJestOptions = { isolatedModules: true, tsconfig: { ...compilerOptions, declaration: false, sourceMap: true, }, }; const { baseUrl, paths } = require('get-tsconfig').getTsconfig().config?.compilerOptions; /** @type {import('jest').Config} */ const config = { verbose: true, testEnvironment: 'node', testRegex: '\\.(test|spec)\\.(js|ts)$', testPathIgnorePatterns: ['/dist/', '/node_modules/'], transform: { '^.+\\.ts$': ['ts-jest', tsJestOptions], }, // This resolve the path mappings from the tsconfig relative to each jest.config.js moduleNameMapper: Object.entries(paths || {}).reduce((acc, [path, [mapping]]) => { path = `^${path.replace(/\/\*$/, '/(.*)$')}`; mapping = mapping.replace(/^\.?\.\/(?:(.*)\/)?\*$/, '$1'); mapping = mapping ? `/${mapping}` : ''; acc[path] = mapping.startsWith('/test') ? '<rootDir>' + mapping + '/$1' : '<rootDir>' + (baseUrl ? `/${baseUrl.replace(/^\.\//, '')}` : '') + mapping + '/$1'; return acc; }, {}), setupFilesAfterEnv: ['jest-expect-message'], collectCoverage: process.env.COVERAGE_ENABLED === 'true', coverageReporters: ['text-summary'], collectCoverageFrom: ['src/**/*.ts'], }; if (process.env.CI === 'true') { config.workerIdleMemoryLimit = 1024; config.coverageReporters = ['cobertura']; } module.exports = config;