import { ensureError } from '@/errors/ensure-error'; import { ExpressionError } from '@/errors/expression.error'; import { NodeConnectionType, type IExecuteData, type INode, type IPinData, type IRun, type IWorkflowBase, type WorkflowExecuteMode, } from '@/Interfaces'; import { Workflow } from '@/Workflow'; import { WorkflowDataProxy } from '@/WorkflowDataProxy'; import * as Helpers from './Helpers'; const loadFixture = (fixture: string) => { const workflow = Helpers.readJsonFileSync( `test/fixtures/WorkflowDataProxy/${fixture}_workflow.json`, ); const run = Helpers.readJsonFileSync(`test/fixtures/WorkflowDataProxy/${fixture}_run.json`); return { workflow, run }; }; const getProxyFromFixture = ( workflow: IWorkflowBase, run: IRun | null, activeNode: string, mode?: WorkflowExecuteMode, opts?: { throwOnMissingExecutionData: boolean; connectionType?: NodeConnectionType; runIndex?: number; }, ) => { const taskData = run?.data.resultData.runData[activeNode]?.[opts?.runIndex ?? 0]; const lastNodeConnectionInputData = taskData?.data?.[opts?.connectionType ?? NodeConnectionType.Main]?.[0]; let executeData: IExecuteData | undefined; if (taskData) { executeData = { data:!, node: workflow.nodes.find((node) => === activeNode) as INode, source: { [opts?.connectionType ?? NodeConnectionType.Main]: taskData.source, }, }; } let pinData: IPinData = {}; if (workflow.pinData) { // json key is stored as part of workflow // but dropped when copy/pasting // so adding here to keep updating tests simple for (let nodeName in workflow.pinData) { pinData[nodeName] = workflow.pinData[nodeName].map((item) => ({ json: item })); } } const dataProxy = new WorkflowDataProxy( new Workflow({ id: '123', name: 'test workflow', nodes: workflow.nodes, connections: workflow.connections, active: false, nodeTypes: Helpers.NodeTypes(), pinData, }), run?.data ?? null, opts?.runIndex ?? 0, 0, activeNode, lastNodeConnectionInputData ?? [], {}, mode ?? 'integrated', {}, executeData, ); return dataProxy.getDataProxy(opts); }; describe('WorkflowDataProxy', () => { describe('$(If))', () => { const fixture = loadFixture('multiple_outputs'); const proxy = getProxyFromFixture(fixture.workflow,, 'Edit Fields'); test('last() should use the output the node is connected to by default', () => { expect(proxy.$('If').last().json.code).toEqual(2); }); test('last(0) should use the first output', () => { expect(proxy.$('If').last(0)).toBeUndefined(); }); test('last(1) should use the second output', () => { expect(proxy.$('If').last(1).json.code).toEqual(2); }); test('first() should use the output the node is connected to by default', () => { expect(proxy.$('If').first().json.code).toEqual(1); }); test('first(0) should use the output the node is connected to by default', () => { expect(proxy.$('If').first(0)).toBeUndefined(); }); test('first(1) should use the output the node is connected to by default', () => { expect(proxy.$('If').first(1).json.code).toEqual(1); }); test('all() should use the output the node is connected to by default', () => { expect(proxy.$('If').all()[0].json.code).toEqual(1); expect(proxy.$('If').all()[1].json.code).toEqual(2); }); test('all(0) should use the output the node is connected to by default', () => { expect(proxy.$('If').all(0)[0]).toBeUndefined(); expect(proxy.$('If').all(0)[1]).toBeUndefined(); }); test('all(1) should use the output the node is connected to by default', () => { expect(proxy.$('If').all(1)[0].json.code).toEqual(1); expect(proxy.$('If').all(1)[1].json.code).toEqual(2); }); }); describe('Base', () => { const fixture = loadFixture('base'); const proxy = getProxyFromFixture(fixture.workflow,, 'End'); test('$("NodeName").all()', () => { expect(proxy.$('Rename').all()[1]; }); test('$("NodeName").all() length', () => { expect(proxy.$('Rename').all().length).toEqual(5); }); test('$("NodeName").item', () => { expect(proxy.$('Rename').item).toEqual({ json: { data: 105 }, pairedItem: { item: 0 } }); }); test('$("NodeNameEarlier").item', () => { expect(proxy.$('Function').item).toEqual({ json: { initialName: 105 }, pairedItem: { item: 0 }, }); }); test('$("NodeName").itemMatching(2)', () => { expect(proxy.$('Rename').itemMatching(2); }); test('$("NodeName").first()', () => { expect(proxy.$('Rename').first(); }); test('$("NodeName").last()', () => { expect(proxy.$('Rename').last(); }); test('$("NodeName").params', () => { expect(proxy.$('Rename').params).toEqual({ value1: 'data', value2: 'initialName' }); }); test('$("NodeName") not in workflow should throw', () => { expect(() => proxy.$('doNotExist')).toThrowError(ExpressionError); }); test('$("NodeName").item on Node that has not executed', () => { expect(() => proxy.$('Set').item).toThrowError(ExpressionError); }); test('$("NodeName").isExecuted', () => { expect(proxy.$('Function').isExecuted).toEqual(true); expect(proxy.$('Set').isExecuted).toEqual(false); }); test('$input.all()', () => { expect(proxy.$input.all()[1]; }); test('$input.all() length', () => { expect(proxy.$input.all().length).toEqual(5); }); test('$input.first()', () => { expect(proxy.$input.first()?.json?.data).toEqual(105); }); test('$input.last()', () => { expect(proxy.$input.last()?.json?.data).toEqual(950); }); test('$input.item', () => { expect(proxy.$input.item?.json?.data).toEqual(105); }); test('$thisItem', () => { expect(proxy.$; }); test('$binary', () => { expect(proxy.$binary).toEqual({}); }); test('$json', () => { expect(proxy.$json).toEqual({ data: 105 }); }); test('$itemIndex', () => { expect(proxy.$itemIndex).toEqual(0); }); test('$prevNode', () => { expect(proxy.$prevNode).toEqual({ name: 'Rename', outputIndex: 0, runIndex: 0 }); }); test('$runIndex', () => { expect(proxy.$runIndex).toEqual(0); }); test('$workflow', () => { expect(proxy.$workflow).toEqual({ active: false, id: '123', name: 'test workflow', }); }); }); describe('Errors', () => { const fixture = loadFixture('errors'); test('$("NodeName").item, Node does not exist', (done) => { const proxy = getProxyFromFixture( fixture.workflow,, 'Reference non-existent node', ); try { proxy.$('does not exist').item; done('should throw'); } catch (error) { expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(ExpressionError); const exprError = error as ExpressionError; expect(exprError.message).toEqual("Referenced node doesn't exist"); done(); } }); test('$("NodeName").item, node has no connection to referenced node', (done) => { const proxy = getProxyFromFixture(fixture.workflow,, 'NoPathBack'); try { proxy.$('Customer Datastore (n8n training)').item; done('should throw'); } catch (error) { expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(ExpressionError); const exprError = error as ExpressionError; expect(exprError.message).toEqual('Invalid expression'); expect(exprError.context.type).toEqual('paired_item_no_connection'); done(); } }); test('$("NodeName").first(), node has no connection to referenced node', (done) => { const proxy = getProxyFromFixture( fixture.workflow,, 'Reference impossible with .first()', ); try { proxy.$('Impossible').first(); done('should throw'); } catch (error) { expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(ExpressionError); const exprError = error as ExpressionError; expect(exprError.message).toEqual('Referenced node is unexecuted'); expect(exprError.context.type).toEqual('no_node_execution_data'); done(); } }); test('$json, Node has no connections', (done) => { const proxy = getProxyFromFixture(fixture.workflow,, 'NoInputConnection'); try { proxy.$; done('should throw'); } catch (error) { expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(ExpressionError); const exprError = error as ExpressionError; expect(exprError.message).toEqual('No execution data available'); expect(exprError.context.type).toEqual('no_input_connection'); done(); } }); test('$("NodeName").item, Node has not run', (done) => { const proxy = getProxyFromFixture(fixture.workflow,, 'Impossible'); try { proxy.$('Impossible if').item; done('should throw'); } catch (error) { expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(ExpressionError); const exprError = error as ExpressionError; expect(exprError.message).toEqual('Referenced node is unexecuted'); expect(exprError.context.type).toEqual('no_node_execution_data'); done(); } }); test('$json, Node has not run', (done) => { const proxy = getProxyFromFixture(fixture.workflow,, 'Impossible'); try { proxy.$; done('should throw'); } catch (error) { expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(ExpressionError); const exprError = error as ExpressionError; expect(exprError.message).toEqual('No execution data available'); expect(exprError.context.type).toEqual('no_execution_data'); done(); } }); test('$("NodeName").item, paired item error: more than 1 matching item', (done) => { const proxy = getProxyFromFixture(fixture.workflow,, 'PairedItemMultipleMatches'); try { proxy.$('Edit Fields').item; done('should throw'); } catch (error) { expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(ExpressionError); const exprError = error as ExpressionError; expect(exprError.message).toEqual('Invalid expression'); expect(exprError.context.type).toEqual('paired_item_multiple_matches'); done(); } }); test('$("NodeName").item, paired item error: missing paired item', (done) => { const proxy = getProxyFromFixture(fixture.workflow,, 'PairedItemInfoMissing'); try { proxy.$('Edit Fields').item; done('should throw'); } catch (error) { expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(ExpressionError); const exprError = error as ExpressionError; expect(exprError.message).toEqual( "Using the item method doesn't work with pinned data in this scenario. Please unpin 'Break pairedItem chain' and try again.", ); expect(exprError.context.type).toEqual('paired_item_no_info'); done(); } }); test('$("NodeName").item, paired item error: invalid paired item', (done) => { const proxy = getProxyFromFixture(fixture.workflow,, 'IncorrectPairedItem'); try { proxy.$('Edit Fields').item; done('should throw'); } catch (error) { expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(ExpressionError); const exprError = error as ExpressionError; expect(exprError.message).toEqual("Can't get data for expression"); expect(exprError.context.type).toEqual('paired_item_invalid_info'); done(); } }); }); describe('Pinned data with manual execution', () => { const fixture = loadFixture('pindata'); const proxy = getProxyFromFixture(fixture.workflow, null, 'NotPinnedSet1', 'manual'); test('$(PinnedSet).item.json', () => { expect(proxy.$('PinnedSet').item.json).toEqual({ firstName: 'Joe', lastName: 'Smith' }); }); test('$(PinnedSet).item.json.firstName', () => { expect(proxy.$('PinnedSet').item.json.firstName).toBe('Joe'); }); test('$(PinnedSet).pairedItem().json.firstName', () => { expect(proxy.$('PinnedSet').pairedItem().json.firstName).toBe('Joe'); }); test('$(PinnedSet).first().json.firstName', () => { expect(proxy.$('PinnedSet').first().json.firstName).toBe('Joe'); }); test('$(PinnedSet).first().json.firstName', () => { expect(proxy.$('PinnedSet').first().json.firstName).toBe('Joe'); }); test('$(PinnedSet).last().json.firstName', () => { expect(proxy.$('PinnedSet').last().json.firstName).toBe('Joan'); }); test('$(PinnedSet).all()[0].json.firstName', () => { expect(proxy.$('PinnedSet').all()[0].json.firstName).toBe('Joe'); }); test('$(PinnedSet).all()[1].json.firstName', () => { expect(proxy.$('PinnedSet').all()[1].json.firstName).toBe('Joan'); }); test('$(PinnedSet).all()[2]', () => { expect(proxy.$('PinnedSet').all()[2]).toBeUndefined(); }); test('$(PinnedSet).itemMatching(0).json.firstName', () => { expect(proxy.$('PinnedSet').itemMatching(0).json.firstName).toBe('Joe'); }); test('$(PinnedSet).itemMatching(1).json.firstName', () => { expect(proxy.$('PinnedSet').itemMatching(1).json.firstName).toBe('Joan'); }); test('$(PinnedSet).itemMatching(2)', () => { expect(proxy.$('PinnedSet').itemMatching(2)).toBeUndefined(); }); test('$node[PinnedSet].json.firstName', () => { expect(proxy.$node.PinnedSet.json.firstName).toBe('Joe'); }); }); describe('Pinned data with paired items', () => { const fixture = loadFixture('pindata_paireditem'); const proxy = getProxyFromFixture(fixture.workflow,, 'Set', 'manual', { runIndex: 0, throwOnMissingExecutionData: false, }); test.each([{ methodName: 'itemMatching' }, { methodName: 'pairedItem' }])( '$methodName should throw when it cannot find a paired item', async ({ methodName }) => { try { proxy.$('DebugHelper')[methodName](0); fail('should throw'); } catch (e) { const error = ensureError(e); expect(error.message).toEqual( `Using the ${methodName} method doesn't work with pinned data in this scenario. Please unpin 'Edit Fields' and try again.`, ); expect(error).toMatchObject({ functionality: 'pairedItem', context: { runIndex: 0, itemIndex: 0, type: 'paired_item_no_info', descriptionKey: 'pairedItemNoInfo', nodeCause: 'Edit Fields', causeDetailed: "Missing pairedItem data (node 'Edit Fields' probably didn't supply it)", }, }); } }, ); test('item should throw when it cannot find a paired item', async () => { try { proxy.$('DebugHelper').item; fail('should throw'); } catch (e) { const error = ensureError(e); expect(error.message).toEqual( "Using the item method doesn't work with pinned data in this scenario. Please unpin 'Edit Fields' and try again.", ); expect(error).toMatchObject({ functionality: 'pairedItem', context: { runIndex: 0, itemIndex: 0, type: 'paired_item_no_info', descriptionKey: 'pairedItemNoInfo', nodeCause: 'Edit Fields', causeDetailed: "Missing pairedItem data (node 'Edit Fields' probably didn't supply it)", }, }); } }); }); describe('Partial data', () => { const fixture = loadFixture('partial_data'); describe('Default behaviour (throw on missing execution data)', () => { const proxy = getProxyFromFixture(fixture.workflow,, 'End'); test('$binary', () => { expect(() => proxy.$binary).toThrowError(ExpressionError); }); test('$json', () => { expect(() => proxy.$json).toThrowError(ExpressionError); }); test('$data', () => { expect(() => proxy.$data).toThrowError(ExpressionError); }); }); describe("Don't throw on missing execution data)", () => { const proxy = getProxyFromFixture(fixture.workflow,, 'End', undefined, { throwOnMissingExecutionData: false, }); test('$binary', () => { expect(proxy.$binary).toBeUndefined(); }); test('$json', () => { expect(proxy.$json).toBeUndefined(); }); test('$data', () => { expect(proxy.$data).toBeUndefined(); }); }); }); describe('$fromAI', () => { const fixture = loadFixture('from_ai_multiple_items'); const getFromAIProxy = (runIndex = 0) => getProxyFromFixture(fixture.workflow,, 'Google Sheets1', 'manual', { connectionType: NodeConnectionType.AiTool, throwOnMissingExecutionData: false, runIndex, }); test('Retrieves values for first item', () => { expect(getFromAIProxy().$fromAI('full_name')).toEqual('Mr. Input 1'); expect(getFromAIProxy().$fromAI('email')).toEqual(''); }); test('Retrieves values for second item', () => { expect(getFromAIProxy(1).$fromAI('full_name')).toEqual('Mr. Input 2'); expect(getFromAIProxy(1).$fromAI('email')).toEqual(''); }); test('Case variants: $fromAi and $fromai', () => { expect(getFromAIProxy().$fromAi('full_name')).toEqual('Mr. Input 1'); expect(getFromAIProxy().$fromai('email')).toEqual(''); }); test('Returns default value when key not found', () => { expect( getFromAIProxy().$fromAI('non_existent_key', 'description', 'string', 'default_value'), ).toEqual('default_value'); }); test('Throws an error when a key is invalid (e.g. empty string)', () => { expect(() => getFromAIProxy().$fromAI('')).toThrow(ExpressionError); expect(() => getFromAIProxy().$fromAI('invalid key')).toThrow(ExpressionError); expect(() => getFromAIProxy().$fromAI('invalid!')).toThrow(ExpressionError); }); }); describe('$rawParameter', () => { const fixture = loadFixture('rawParameter'); const proxy = getProxyFromFixture(fixture.workflow,, 'Execute Workflow', 'manual', { connectionType: NodeConnectionType.Main, throwOnMissingExecutionData: false, runIndex: 0, }); test('returns simple raw parameter value', () => { expect(proxy.$rawParameter.options).toEqual({ waitForSubWorkflow: '={{ true }}', }); }); test('returns raw parameter value for resource locator values', () => { expect(proxy.$rawParameter.workflowId).toEqual('={{ $ }}'); }); test('returns raw parameter value when there is no run data', () => { const noRunDataProxy = getProxyFromFixture( fixture.workflow, { data: { resultData: { runData: {} } }, mode: 'manual', startedAt: new Date(), status: 'success', }, 'Execute Workflow', 'manual', { connectionType: NodeConnectionType.Main, throwOnMissingExecutionData: false, runIndex: 0, }, ); expect(noRunDataProxy.$rawParameter.options).toEqual({ waitForSubWorkflow: '={{ true }}', }); }); }); });