import { IExecuteFunctions, } from 'n8n-core'; import { IDataObject, INodeTypeDescription, INodeExecutionData, INodeType, ILoadOptionsFunctions, INodePropertyOptions, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { hubspotApiRequest, hubspotApiRequestAllItems, validateJSON, } from './GenericFunctions'; import { dealOperations, dealFields, } from '../Hubspot/DealDescription'; export class Hubspot implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'Hubspot', name: 'hubspot', icon: 'file:hubspot.png', group: ['output'], version: 1, subtitle: '={{$parameter["operation"] + ": " + $parameter["resource"]}}', description: 'Consume Hubspot API', defaults: { name: 'Hubspot', color: '#356ae6', }, inputs: ['main'], outputs: ['main'], credentials: [ { name: 'hubspotApi', required: true, } ], properties: [ { displayName: 'Resource', name: 'resource', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Deal', value: 'deal', }, ], default: 'deal', description: 'Resource to consume.', }, // Deal ...dealOperations, ...dealFields, ], }; methods = { loadOptions: { // Get all the groups to display them to user so that he can // select them easily async getDealStages(this: ILoadOptionsFunctions): Promise { const returnData: INodePropertyOptions[] = []; let stages; try { const endpoint = '/crm-pipelines/v1/pipelines/deals'; stages = await, 'GET', endpoint, {}); stages = stages.results[0].stages; console.log(stages) } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Hubspot Error: ${err}`); } for (const stage of stages) { const stageName = stage.label; const stageId = stage.stageId; returnData.push({ name: stageName, value: stageId, }); } return returnData; }, // Get all the companies to display them to user so that he can // select them easily async getCompanies(this: ILoadOptionsFunctions): Promise { const returnData: INodePropertyOptions[] = []; let companies; try { const endpoint = '/companies/v2/companies/paged'; companies = await, 'results', 'GET', endpoint); } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Hubspot Error: ${err}`); } for (const company of companies) { const companyName =; const companyId = company.companyId; returnData.push({ name: companyName, value: companyId, }); } return returnData; }, // Get all the companies to display them to user so that he can // select them easily async getContacts(this: ILoadOptionsFunctions): Promise { const returnData: INodePropertyOptions[] = []; let contacts; try { const endpoint = '/contacts/v1/lists/all/contacts/all'; contacts = await, 'contacts', 'GET', endpoint); } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Hubspot Error: ${err}`); } for (const contact of contacts) { const contactName = `${} ${}` ; const contactId = contact.vid; returnData.push({ name: contactName, value: contactId, }); } return returnData; } } }; async execute(this: IExecuteFunctions): Promise { // const items = this.getInputData(); // const returnData: IDataObject[] = []; // const length = items.length as unknown as number; // let responseData; // const qs: IDataObject = {}; // const resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource', 0) as string; // const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation', 0) as string; // for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { // if (resource === 'payout') { // if (operation === 'create') { // const body: IPaymentBatch = {}; // const header: ISenderBatchHeader = {}; // const jsonActive = this.getNodeParameter('jsonParameters', i) as boolean; // const senderBatchId = this.getNodeParameter('senderBatchId', i) as string; // const additionalFields = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields', i) as IDataObject; // header.sender_batch_id = senderBatchId; // if (additionalFields.emailSubject) { // header.email_subject = additionalFields.emailSubject as string; // } // if (additionalFields.emailMessage) { // header.email_message = additionalFields.emailMessage as string; // } // if (additionalFields.note) { // header.note = additionalFields.note as string; // } // body.sender_batch_header = header; // if (!jsonActive) { // const payoutItems: IItem[] = []; // const itemsValues = (this.getNodeParameter('itemsUi', i) as IDataObject).itemsValues as IDataObject[]; // if (itemsValues && itemsValues.length > 0) { // itemsValues.forEach(o => { // const payoutItem: IItem = {}; // const amount: IAmount = {}; // amount.currency = o.currency as string; // amount.value = parseFloat(o.amount as string); // payoutItem.amount = amount; // payoutItem.note = o.note as string || ''; // payoutItem.receiver = o.receiverValue as string; // payoutItem.recipient_type = o.recipientType as RecipientType; // payoutItem.recipient_wallet = o.recipientWallet as RecipientWallet; // payoutItem.sender_item_id = o.senderItemId as string || ''; // payoutItems.push(payoutItem); // }); // body.items = payoutItems; // } else { // throw new Error('You must have at least one item.'); // } // } else { // const itemsJson = validateJSON(this.getNodeParameter('itemsJson', i) as string); // body.items = itemsJson; // } // try { // responseData = await, '/payments/payouts', 'POST', body); // } catch (err) { // throw new Error(`PayPal Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); // } // } // if (operation === 'get') { // const payoutBatchId = this.getNodeParameter('payoutBatchId', i) as string; // const returnAll = this.getNodeParameter('returnAll', 0) as boolean; // try { // if (returnAll === true) { // responseData = await, 'items', `/payments/payouts/${payoutBatchId}`, 'GET', {}, qs); // } else { // qs.page_size = this.getNodeParameter('limit', i) as number; // responseData = await, `/payments/payouts/${payoutBatchId}`, 'GET', {}, qs); // responseData = responseData.items; // } // } catch (err) { // throw new Error(`PayPal Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); // } // } // } else if (resource === 'payoutItem') { // if (operation === 'get') { // const payoutItemId = this.getNodeParameter('payoutItemId', i) as string; // try { // responseData = await,`/payments/payouts-item/${payoutItemId}`, 'GET', {}, qs); // } catch (err) { // throw new Error(`PayPal Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); // } // } // if (operation === 'cancel') { // const payoutItemId = this.getNodeParameter('payoutItemId', i) as string; // try { // responseData = await,`/payments/payouts-item/${payoutItemId}/cancel`, 'POST', {}, qs); // } catch (err) { // throw new Error(`PayPal Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); // } // } // } // if (Array.isArray(responseData)) { // returnData.push.apply(returnData, responseData as IDataObject[]); // } else { // returnData.push(responseData as IDataObject); // } // } return [this.helpers.returnJsonArray({})]; } }