# n8n-node-dev ![n8n.io - Workflow Automation](https://n8n.io/n8n-logo.png) Currently very simple and not very sophisticated CLI which makes it easier to create credentials and nodes in TypeScript for n8n. ``` npm install n8n-node-dev -g ``` ## Usage The commandline tool can be started with `n8n-node-dev ` ## Commands The following commands exist: ### build Builds credentials and nodes in the current folder and copies them into the n8n custom extension folder (`~/.n8n/custom/`) unless destination path is overwritten with `--destination ` When "--watch" gets set it starts in watch mode and automatically builds and copies files whenever they change. To stop press "ctrl + c". ### new Creates new basic credentials or node of the selected type to have a first starting point. ## License [Apache 2.0 with Commons Clause](LICENSE.md)