import { IExecuteFunctions, } from 'n8n-core'; import { IDataObject, ILoadOptionsFunctions, INodePropertyOptions, INodeTypeDescription, INodeExecutionData, INodeType, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { asanaApiRequest, } from './GenericFunctions'; export class Asana implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'Asana', name: 'asana', icon: 'file:asana.png', group: ['input'], version: 1, subtitle: '={{$parameter["operation"] + ": " + $parameter["resource"]}}', description: 'Access and edit Asana tasks', defaults: { name: 'Asana', color: '#339922', }, inputs: ['main'], outputs: ['main'], credentials: [ { name: 'asanaApi', required: true, } ], properties: [ { displayName: 'Resource', name: 'resource', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Task', value: 'task', }, { name: 'User', value: 'user', }, ], default: 'task', description: 'The resource to operate on.', }, // ---------------------------------- // task // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Operation', name: 'operation', type: 'options', displayOptions: { show: { resource: [ 'task', ], }, }, options: [ { name: 'Create', value: 'create', description: 'Create a task', }, { name: 'Delete', value: 'delete', description: 'Delete a task', }, { name: 'Get', value: 'get', description: 'Get data of task', }, { name: 'Update', value: 'update', description: 'Update a task', }, { name: 'Search', value: 'search', description: 'Search for tasks', }, ], default: 'create', description: 'The operation to perform.', }, // ---------------------------------- // task:create // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Workspace', name: 'workspace', type: 'options', typeOptions: { loadOptionsMethod: 'getWorkspaces', }, options: [], default: '', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'create', ], resource: [ 'task', ], }, }, description: 'The workspace to create the task in', }, { displayName: 'Name', name: 'name', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'create', ], resource: [ 'task', ], }, }, description: 'The name of the task to create', }, // ---------------------------------- // delete // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Task ID', name: 'id', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'delete', ], resource: [ 'task', ], }, }, description: 'The ID of the task to delete.', }, // ---------------------------------- // get // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Task ID', name: 'id', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'get', ], resource: [ 'task', ], }, }, description: 'The ID of the task to get the data of.', }, // ---------------------------------- // update // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Task ID', name: 'id', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'update', ], resource: [ 'task', ], }, }, description: 'The ID of the task to update the data of.', }, // ---------------------------------- // search // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Workspace', name: 'workspace', type: 'options', typeOptions: { loadOptionsMethod: 'getWorkspaces', }, options: [], default: '', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'search', ], resource: [ 'task', ], }, }, description: 'The workspace to create the task in', }, { displayName: 'Search Properties', name: 'searchTaskProperties', type: 'collection', displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'search', ], resource: [ 'task', ], }, }, default: {}, description: 'Properties to search for', placeholder: 'Add Search Property', options: [ // TODO: Add "assignee" and "assignee_status" { displayName: 'Text', name: 'text', type: 'string', typeOptions: { alwaysOpenEditWindow: true, rows: 5, }, default: '', description: 'Text to search for in name or notes.', }, { displayName: 'Completed', name: 'completed', type: 'boolean', default: false, description: 'If the task is marked completed.', }, ], }, // ---------------------------------- // create/update // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Other Properties', name: 'otherProperties', type: 'collection', displayOptions: { show: { resource: [ 'task', ], operation: [ 'create', 'update', ], }, }, default: {}, description: 'Other properties to set', placeholder: 'Add Property', options: [ { displayName: 'Name', name: 'name', type: 'string', default: '', displayOptions: { show: { '/operation': [ 'update', ], }, }, description: 'The new name of the task', }, // TODO: Add "assignee" and "assignee_status" { displayName: 'Notes', name: 'notes', type: 'string', typeOptions: { alwaysOpenEditWindow: true, rows: 5, }, default: '', description: 'The task notes', }, { displayName: 'Completed', name: 'completed', type: 'boolean', default: false, description: 'If the task should be marked completed.', }, { displayName: 'Due On', name: 'due_on', type: 'dateTime', default: '', description: 'Date on which the time is due.', }, { displayName: 'Liked', name: 'liked', type: 'boolean', default: false, description: 'If the task is liked by the authorized user.', }, ], }, // ---------------------------------- // user // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Operation', name: 'operation', type: 'options', displayOptions: { show: { resource: [ 'user', ], }, }, options: [ { name: 'Get All', value: 'getAll', description: 'Data of all users', }, { name: 'Get', value: 'get', description: 'Get data of user', }, ], default: 'get', description: 'The operation to perform.', }, // ---------------------------------- // user:get // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Id', name: 'userId', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'get', ], resource: [ 'user', ], }, }, description: 'An identifier for the user to get data of. Can be one of an
email address,the globally unique identifier for the user,
or the keyword me to indicate the current user making the request.', }, // ---------------------------------- // user:getAll // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Workspace', name: 'workspace', type: 'options', typeOptions: { loadOptionsMethod: 'getWorkspaces', }, options: [], default: '', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'getAll', ], resource: [ 'user', ], }, }, description: 'The workspace in which to get users.', }, ], }; methods = { loadOptions: { // Get all the available workspaces to display them to user so that he can // select them easily async getWorkspaces(this: ILoadOptionsFunctions): Promise { const endpoint = 'workspaces'; const responseData = await, 'GET', endpoint, {}); if ( === undefined) { throw new Error('No data got returned'); } const returnData: INodePropertyOptions[] = []; for (const workspaceData of { if (workspaceData.resource_type !== 'workspace') { // Not sure if for some reason also ever other resources // get returned but just in case filter them out continue; } returnData.push({ name:, value: workspaceData.gid, }); } return returnData; } }, }; async execute(this: IExecuteFunctions): Promise { const items = this.getInputData(); const returnData: IDataObject[] = []; const credentials = this.getCredentials('asanaApi'); if (credentials === undefined) { throw new Error('No credentials got returned!'); } const resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource', 0) as string; const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation', 0) as string; let endpoint = ''; let requestMethod = ''; let body: IDataObject; let qs: IDataObject; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { body = {}; qs = {}; if (resource === 'task') { if (operation === 'create') { // ---------------------------------- // create // ---------------------------------- requestMethod = 'POST'; endpoint = 'tasks'; = this.getNodeParameter('name', i) as string; // body.notes = this.getNodeParameter('taskNotes', 0) as string; body.workspace = this.getNodeParameter('workspace', i) as string; const otherProperties = this.getNodeParameter('otherProperties', i) as IDataObject; Object.assign(body, otherProperties); } else if (operation === 'delete') { // ---------------------------------- // delete // ---------------------------------- requestMethod = 'DELETE'; endpoint = 'tasks/' + this.getNodeParameter('id', i) as string; } else if (operation === 'get') { // ---------------------------------- // get // ---------------------------------- requestMethod = 'GET'; endpoint = 'tasks/' + this.getNodeParameter('id', i) as string; } else if (operation === 'update') { // ---------------------------------- // update // ---------------------------------- requestMethod = 'PUT'; endpoint = 'tasks/' + this.getNodeParameter('id', i) as string; const otherProperties = this.getNodeParameter('otherProperties', i) as IDataObject; Object.assign(body, otherProperties); } else if (operation === 'search') { // ---------------------------------- // search // ---------------------------------- const workspaceId = this.getNodeParameter('workspace', i) as string; requestMethod = 'GET'; endpoint = `workspaces/${workspaceId}/tasks/search`; const searchTaskProperties = this.getNodeParameter('searchTaskProperties', i) as IDataObject; Object.assign(qs, searchTaskProperties); } else { throw new Error(`The operation "${operation}" is not known!`); } } else if (resource === 'user') { if (operation === 'get') { // ---------------------------------- // get // ---------------------------------- const userId = this.getNodeParameter('userId', i) as string; requestMethod = 'GET'; endpoint = `users/${userId}`; } else if (operation === 'getAll') { // ---------------------------------- // getAll // ---------------------------------- const workspaceId = this.getNodeParameter('workspace', i) as string; requestMethod = 'GET'; endpoint = `workspaces/${workspaceId}/users`; } else { throw new Error(`The operation "${operation}" is not known!`); } } else { throw new Error(`The resource "${resource}" is not known!`); } const responseData = await, requestMethod, endpoint, body); returnData.push( as IDataObject); } return [this.helpers.returnJsonArray(returnData)]; } }